[Top 10] Smash Ultimate Best Final Smash

04 Sep 2020

Final smashes have become flashier and flashier as smash has gone on, and with the inclusion of the smash meter, they appear even more frequently in games. This list details the very best final smashes that this game has to offer.

10. Simon and Richter: Grand Cross

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Simon and Richter lead off this list with their excellently cinematic final smash. Grand Cross traps opponents in a large coffin before the Belmont whips it into the air and summons the power of the moon to damage opponents, possibly insta-killing them.

Why Grand Cross is Great:

  • The move does a whopping 57% damage in a one on one
  • If the opponent is over 100% they are automatic K.O.ed
  • Most of their kit leads into it, including down air, holy cross, and holy water

9. Pokemon Trainer: Triple Finish

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Triple Finish, making its triumphant return from Super Smash Bros. Brawl, is back and even better. This flashy move comes with pokemon text boxes and all three pokemon teaming up to take out your opponents.

Why Triple Finish is Great:

  • With a huge area of effect, its easy to get multiple opponents in it
  • Does 58% damage if the opponent is hit with the move from beginning to end
  • Easily covers almost the whole stage if used facing inward, allowing you to take out all of the competition

8. Ridley: Plasma Scream

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Ridley’s debut appearance in Smash has him equipt with one of the coolest visual smash attacks in the entire game. After slamming into his opponent, they attach to Samuses ship and are fired on by a mega laser that may even kill them instantly.

Reasons Why Plasm Scream is Great:

  • At 100% your opponent automatically loses their stock
  • At 45% your opponent is guaranteed to lose their stock
  • If your opponent isn’t automatically killed, they take 76% of damage

7. Wario: Wario-Man

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Wario’s final smash takes a different form than usual, rather than being a suped-up version of himself, he goes into a shoulder bash position before dawning his Wario man costume and unleashing a flurry of attacks and flatulence on his opponents

Why Wario-Man is Great:

  • The extravagant final smash does a whopping 51% of damage
  • With a massive horizontal hitbox, he can shoulder bash multiple opponents into the smash
  • This final smash can easily be comboed into with almost all of his grabs, making this a deadly kill tool

6. Pac-Man: Super Pac-Man

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Pac-Man’s final smash is one that can be activated anywhere and still kill your opponents, giving him a huge advantage over the opponents that require them to be close to opponents to hit them. Pac-Man becomes huge and pixilated as he gobbles up opponents for K.O.s (and points!).

Reasons Why Super Pac-Man is Great

  • This move thrives on small stages, as opponents have fewer places to flee to
  • Each hit of the attack does 20% and can hit opponents multiple times
  • This final smash pulls opponents to the edge of the stage, netting you easy kills on multiple opponents

5. Dark Pit: Dark Pit Staff

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Dark Pit marks number 5 on this list with a final smash that is similar to a few others, but it has some minor tweaks that give it a huge advantage. Using his staff, Dark Pit lets out an infinitely horizontal arrow that hits any opponent in line with Dark Pit’s aim.

Reasons Why Dark Pit Staff is Great:

  • This lightning-quick move does 40% to each opponent hit by it
  • With its infinite horizontal range, you can hit opponents clear across the stage from you with ease
  • His down throw, forward throw, and back throw all combo into it, allowing you to add up damage before nailing your opponent with the attack

4. Marth and Lucina: Critical Hit

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Marth and Lucina dawn the same smash attack and it’s a killer. They both hoist their swords in the air before lunging forward, killing any opponent that gets in their way. After it hits a graphic from Fire Emblem appears.

Reasons Why Critical Hit is Great:

  • Does an insane 72% damage on any opponent you hit with it
  • Kills opponents instantly, unless the stage is massive or has walls for them to bounce off
  • With a huge range and sword swipe, they can hit and K.O. multiple opponents with one

3. Zero Suit Samus: Zero Laser

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With one of the coolest looking final smashes, Zero Suit Samus lands the number 3 spot on this list. Zero Laser is a massive attack that can be activated from anywhere, putting a reticle on the screen and allowing ZSS to decimate any unlucky opponent in its radius.

Why Zero Laser is Great:

  • Zero Laser can be activated without being near an opponent, so you won’t lose risking it
  • The Laser does a whopping 74% of damage and can kill your opponent from 0% if they are near the ledge
  • If you miss the initial attack, you can keep moving the laser, giving you a second chance

2. Peach and Daisy: Peach/Daisy Blossom

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Peach and Daisy nearly make it to the top of this list with their unconventional but great final smash.  After a dance, their opponents are miraculously asleep and food has appeared on stage, healing the user and damaging the opponents, giving you the best of both worlds.

Why Peach/Daisy Blossom is Great

  • You can heal 60% from the turnips while doing 24% damage to the opponents just by using the attack
  • If you use it while the opponent is off stage, they die no matter their percentage
  • You get the opportunity to follow up with an attack on your opponent while they sleep, often leading to a combo or K.O.

1. Zelda: Triforce of Wisdom

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Zelda’s final smash has her unleashing her Triforce piece to absorb opponents, damage them, and either release and launch or K.O. them based on their opponents. This smash is great in one on one, teams, free for all, and will destroy any opponent.

Why the Triforce of Wisdom is Great:

  • With a massive vacuum range, she can pull opponents fully across the stage into her smash
  • This move deals a whopping 74% of damage
  • If your opponent is over 100% by the end they are killed, gaining you a stock lead

With so many final smashes, this list was very hard to narrow down, but I am confident with these being the best of the best in Ultimate. Agree, disagree? Let me know!


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