[Top 5] Smash Ultimate Best Dojos

Smash Ultimate Best Dojos
12 Oct 2020

[Top 5] Smash Ultimate Best Dojos

The best teachers can come from the most unexpected ones. Some are greater than others, but their enhancements should make the gameplay more interesting.

5) Cap'N Cuttlefish's Dojo

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Not the best Dojo, but better than Doc’s and Copper’s.

The Land Style of training is only good in a few circumstances, or should I say a few stages. I see smash as a 60% air game and 40% land. Playing in this style only allows you to use one tactic, finish an opponent quickly. Training in this Dojo hinders the main aspect of a fight, the air game. Sure, you gain a boost in movement speed and ground power, but without having access to some of the greater parts of a fighter’s arsenal, then we are all forced to play like Little Mac. The last time I checked he was low tier.

Why Land Style is Great

·      Added Speed

·      Added Attack on Land

4) Zangief's Dojo

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If you wish to become a grappler fighter, Zangief is your teacher.

The Overthrow Style of training can be useful is some instances such as zoning from an opponent and when they get close enough you can grab them since the fighter who has trained with Zangief gains extended grab range. The grabs are also more powerful which means opponents will have a harder time getting out of them.

Why Overthrow Style is Great

·      Easy Grabs

·      Harder Throws

·      Extended Grab Reach

3) Wii Balance Board's Dojo

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This style should enhance the slower characters, making them a balanced fighter.

The Lightweight Style of training provides additional movement speed and a heightened jump. You can easily dodge attacks, which is good because while you are hard to catch you are also more prone to be knocked out of the stage due to playing a lighter and less defensive fighter. To add insult to injury, your offense game is lowered as well. All you can do it play it safe and find a way to slowly add to your opponent’s percentage then throw them out. I say this could be added to big and slow characters like Ganon or Dedede. It could even out Little Mac to an average fighter as well since his jump will be approved on.

Why Lightweight Style is Great

·      Added Speed

·      Added Jump Height

·      Easy Dodge

2) Darunia's Dojo

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This fighting style should help with smaller and lighter characters. 

The Boulder Style of training creates a fast and tanky fighter. It will take a while before any opponent knocks you out of the stage. Although attack and jump power are decreased, a fighter is still able to hold their own way after the opponent’s stocks are gone. The name of the game is to not get grabbed by the opponent because it will be harder to recover.

Why Boulder Style is Great

·       Added Defense

·       Easy Dodge

·       Added Speed

1) Honey Queen's Dojo

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The bee gives the most benefits while taking away so little. 

The Big-Bee Style of training creates the ultimate tank fighter. Fighters have gained defense, heightened jump, and weight. Making it harder for them to be knocked out, more so than Darunia's Dojo. The drawbacks are that offense is hindered as well as the movement speed. At least fighters won’t have to worry about being thrown out since knockback of other opponents won’t be a problem plus the recoveries would be excellent. Again, useful for the heavy and bad recovery characters.

Why Big-Bee Style is Great

·      Great Recovery

·      Hard to Knock Off 

·      Added Defense

·      Survivor

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