[Top 10] Smash Ultimate Best Doubles Characters

Smash Ultimate Best Doubles Characters
07 May 2020

We’ve seen the tournaments for SSBU, but doubles aren’t usually the focus. When doubles are the ‘main’ event, it’s a  treat to see our favorite players use elitist teamwork. That’s why we had to make a list of the best doubles characters/pairings.

At #10, we have Wolf & Ness.

 #10. Wolf 

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Wolf, swiping as usual

Wolf doesn’t have too many losing matchups and is one of the most rewarding top tier characters to play. He has strong, quick aerials and a damaging blaster as a projectile. Not to mention, Fire Wolf is a great recovery move.

What makes Wolf great at doubles:

·      Acts as cleanup when opponents are a high percentage

·      Can be used as a tank

·      Laser assists are god-like


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Ness, the unlikely killing machine

This tiny kid is actually deadly. Any of his aerials can send his opponents into a blast off stage. He has incredible potential to drop stocks in a flash and can use that effectively with Wolf.

·      If paired with Wolf, acts as crowd control

·      Fun KO setups with PK fire

·      Can PK thunder Wolf back up to recovery range

#9. Rosalina & Luma

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Rosalina, commanding Luma

Rosalina & her cute star sidekick can actually kick butt in doubles. Sometimes, Luma serves as a damage sponge to protect Rosalina from incoming attacks. She can rack up damage really fast with Luma.

·      Absorbs all projectiles with ease

·      Floatiness allows for more aerial combos

·      Attacks enemies from affar and also synchronises with Luma


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Both Robins

Rosalina & Luma’s aerial game combined with Robin’s is a challenge to face. These two are ranged fighters and opponents will be knocked around like rag dolls. Robin is a solid range character with limited mobility. Not only that, but his air acceleration also surpasses most characters in the game

·      Excels in the range game like Rosalina & Luma

·      Levin’s high knockback allows for strong edgeguard

·      Arcfire is the ultimate combo tool, setting up Rosalina to spike

#8. Snake

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Snake, ready to pummel

All Snake needs is one of his bombs to send an opponent flying. This will set his teammate- Pikachu- up for a perfect aerial combo and KO. Snake’s weight and kill power make him one of the strongest projectile characters in the game.

·      Uses bombs to approach and break combos

·      Regular smashes and tilts are strong and dependable

·      Can KO at low percentages more easily than most characters


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Not even a monkey can scare Pikachu

This deadly mouse makes the perfect partner for Snake. While Snake’s explosives send the opponent flying, Pikachu can rack up aerial combos to finish them off. With these two, you can either choose to be blown-up or be shocked into the sky.

·      Short hops & air dodges make Pikachu elite in the air

·      Amazing recovery allows him to survive off-stage longer than most

·      Able to ignore the edge game

#7. Marth 


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Marth, poised to strike

Marth is an exceptional swordfighter with long reach. With the tip of his sword, he will deal the most damage. He can kill early with double edge dance, which allows him to punish much sooner than other sword fighters.

·      Something about his attacks have an extra finesse

·      Shield breaker easy to angle

·      Dash attack deals better damage, aerials have landing lag reduced

Zero Suit Samus

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Zero Suit Samus, gliding like a natural

ZSS probably has the most potential for combos in Ultimate due to how lightweight she is. Her speed is exceptional and her paralyzer can not only stun the enemy, but also turn into a lethal whip. Did I mention she can wall jump like a natural?

·      Dash grab has longest range in game

·      Down special gives her more movement options

·      Racks up combos and can either send opponent to demise, or toss them off to Marth

#6. Fox

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Fox, ready to take on the master hands

Throughout the Smash games, Fox has remained one of the fastest characters on the roster. For Fox, it’s best to play around his speed and you’ll be dealing massive damage in no time. He’s great at spacing to gain distance from opponents.

·      Lasers are solid tool for offstage damage dealing

·      Illusion forces opponent to play around him

·      Recovery options are various and dependable

Wii Fit Trainer

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Wii Fit Trainer, preparing for battle

What makes Wii Fit Trainer great with Fox is that she also doesn’t have lag. Her movements are precise like his. She breathes to gain energy and then becomes a wrecking ball while powered up. Her strong buttons make her great at holding the center stage while Fox can cover her blind spots.

·      Most of his/her attacks hit from 2 sides

·      Can KO enemies with last hit of Neutral Attack combo

·      Solid crouching ability

#5. Lucina

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Lucina, taking caution before striking

Some players dub Lucina as the jack of all trades. She basically excels at being an ordinary sword fighter. She’s a basic sword fighter, yet exceptional. She can cover top tier characters and help counter other character’s bad matchups.

·      Forward smash is unbeatable

·      Strong edgeguard abilities

·      Doesn’t have any bad matchups


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Sheik, kicking butt

Like Lucina, Sheik has incredible ground and aerial speed. Because of how Sheik moves, it’s easy for her to rack up combos. With Lucina as her partner, Sheik and her can deal massive overall damage.

·      Vanishes and reappears with an explosion

·      Racks up damage, but can’t KO as well as Lucina

·      One of the easiest, straight-forward characters to play

#4. R.O.B.

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R.O.B., curious as always

R.O.B. has very unpredictable moves. There’s very little windup to judge him, and suddenly you’re being tossed off stage. On top of that, he’s good at edgeguarding and easier to combo than most characters.

·      Down air is a good offstage spike

·      Down smash is quicker than ever

·      Ground game is very good


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Sonic, almost too fast to dodge

This fast and small character paired with the killing machine R.O.B. makes an interesting team. Sonic can set up for R.O.B. to finish off an opponent. With his speed, he can cover more ground than his counterpart, making up for his weakness.

·      Kill options workable, but not great like teammate’s

·      Neutral heavy about using mobility to bait

·      Good homing attacks and ground moves are ledgetraps

  #3. Lucas

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Lucas, keeping calm

Yet another tiny kid steals the show. While Lucas might have trouble KOing, he takes his sweet time dealing most of the damage. He’s viable, with his moves easily punishable. Lucas is the definition of a high risk, high reward character.

·      Upward smash has excellent range, does good damage, and can hit multiple times

·      Very much a zoner

·      PSI magnet is an amazing absorber and not much lag


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  •  If Ness is paired with Lucas, they can constantly heal each other
  • Combine these characters and they’ll have insane knockback
  • Recoveries will make it hard for them to fly off stage

#2. Lucario

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Lucario, in the midst of an attack

Sure, it’s known that Lucario is average. But as time goes on, he becomes stronger. He’s risky with high potential pay-off. Pair him with Lucas and you have an intimidating team that might be unstoppable.

·      Lucas can get healed by Lucario’s aura, making Lucas a tank

·      Lucario will get stronger with every stock lost, giving Lucas more HP every time healed

·      Smart use of aura will reap the rewards


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Lucas with the master sword

·      With his healing, he can make Lucario a monster

·      Recovery means both characters won’t have trouble finding their way back to the stage

·      Strong combo game with down tilt and aerials

  #1. Cloud

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Cloud, almost ready for destruction

It’s a meme with how good Cloud is in doubles. He can be paired with any character and dominate. If he’s paired with Pikachu, you’re practically guaranteed to win. They make up for each other’s strengths and weaknesses perfectly.

·      Fast speed allows him to move across map easily

·      Juggles opponents in the air and makes it hard to land

·      Large hitboxes make it hard to approach him and easy to stay safe


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Pikachu is too shocking for opponents

·      Focuses on combos

·      When percentages are higher, Pikachu sets Cloud up with throws

·      When Cloud is in danger off stage, Pikachu’s quick movement and incredible  recovery will save hi

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