[Top 10] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Visibility Settings That Give You An Advantage

Best Visibility Settings in R6S to date!
06 Nov 2021

Settings are often the most overlooked part of a game, it is the one big mistake even the best of the best players make. Even the tiniest bits and bobs worth of changes can change the outcome of one’s match. For instance, a simple outline of your own teammate could make you ignore the enemy if he’s standing collaterally to him. Things as small as these are often ignored and could cause a lot of havoc.

10. Show Teammate Names

One of the more simpler settings on this list, highly preferred to be turned off by the high rank players as the longer names could easily block one’s vision. Even the normal names have a high probability of distracting you and likely blocking your vision at certain distances.

‘Show Teammate Name’ (Off) Advantages:

  • Less probability of getting your vision blocked
  • No more distractions by the unnecessarily long usernames 

How to turn off ‘Show Teammate Names’

  • Go to options
  • Select ‘Interface Settings’
  • Slide to ‘Off’ on ‘Show Player Names’

9. Show Battleye Bans

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One of the good parts of Rainbow Six Siege is it’s good surveillance system which keeps the game free of hackers. Though this can be a huge distraction when a really big ban wave goes through. Hence it could be a better choice to turn the ability to see the individual names completely off.

‘Show Battleye Bans’ (Off) Advantages: 

  • No more list of huge banwaves will appear on your screen
  • Much better experience this way

How to turn off ‘Show Battleye Bans’

  • Go to options
  • Select ‘Interface Settings’
  • Slide to ‘Off’ on ‘Show Battleye Bans’

8. Show Teammate Outlines 

Solely depending on one’s preference, people often either turn the outlines off or keep them on. Personally, I and tons of other really good players prefer to keep it off. One could often completely ignore the enemy if their teammate is collaterally present with the enemy. This could often result in delayed reactions which basically makes you lose the firefight as a whole.

‘Show Teammate Outlines’ (Off) Advantages: 

  • Lower probability of losing the firefights in certain situations as stated above 
  • Lower amount of distractions overall on the screen

How to turn off ‘Show Teammate Outlines’

  • Go to options
  • Select ‘Interface Settings’
  • Slide to ‘Off’ on ‘Show Teammate Outlines’

7. Show Scoring

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This setting would only be suggested to be turned off once a player has gained a lot of experience, until then everyone should play with scoring on only. This is often done by the competitive players to minimise all the distractions, having a lot of experience themselves, they are able to tell all the things by nature ultimately having no need of the scoring system. 

‘Show Scoring’ (Off) Advantages: 

  • Removes the unnecessary information regarding every point scored
  • Much cleaner gameplay

How to turn off ‘Show Scoring’

  • Go to options
  • Select ‘Interface Settings’
  • Slide to ‘Off’ on ‘Show Scoring’

6. Show Health

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Coming in the trend only a little while back, health is preferred not to be shown by many of the players these days as it can often ruin one’s confidence in a firefight. Solely for the purpose of improving one’s aggression, it is preferred to be kept off.

‘Show Health’ (Off) Advantages: 

  • Improves morale and aggression
  • Much more likely to win firefights even at low health

How to turn off ‘Show Health’

  • Go to options
  • Select ‘Interface Settings’
  • Slide to ‘Off’ on ‘Show Health’

5. FOV

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Often preferred to be kept around the 80’s, FOV is an essential part of Siege on PC. The field of view should never be too high nor too low too. It should be at a really sweet spot just in the middle. Commonly it is preferred to be kept at 85.

‘FOV’ (around 80) Advantages: 

  • Improves the limit of your view greatly
  • One can see much more at once on their screen as compared to someone on 60 FOV for instance 

How to change ‘FOV’

  • Go to options
  • Select ‘Display’
  • Slide to your desired number on ‘FOV’ 

4. Graphics

Depending on one’s hardware, this can often vary a lot from player to player. Though Siege being 6 years, even the lower end hardware could run it way smoother than you can think. Mainly even by the pros, everyone prefers medium to low settings for the best possible results. Obviously one could also enjoy the game at Ultra settings on 100 FPS but it really ends up to the player. Either he can go for the quality or better performance.

‘Graphics’ (Low - Medium) Advantages: 

  • Really good frame rates, depending on the hardware
  • Low probability of stutters and better response time on one’s keyboard and mouse 

How to change ‘Graphics’

  • Go to options
  • Select ‘Graphics’
  • Slide to your desired option on the kinds of textures

3. Brightness 

Brightness is really low by default according to the majority of players, hence it is sensible to turn it up according to your preference. Sometimes those dark corners can quite literally be impossible to check for the new players. Hence it is commonly considered really good at around 60. 

‘Brightness’ (On Increasing) Advantages: 

  • Better gameplay overall, much better visibility 
  • Dark corners aren't a problem anymore

How to change ‘Brightness’

  • Go to options
  • Select ‘Display’
  • Select brightness and change it as you desire

2. Optic Colour 

Being added as part of Siege’s new season, the option to change your optic colour was only added recently. It isn’t anything super game-changing but could be greatly beneficial in some situations.

‘Optic Colour’ Advantages: 

  • Colour could be greatly visible in some areas, initiating easier firefights 
  • There are many colours available  

How to change ‘Optic Colour’

  • Go to options
  • Select ‘Accessibility
  • Select your desired colour

1. Optic Opacity 

 Recently being added with the colour change only, opacity could have some minor changes every once in a while. Depending on the people mostly, some keep it at 60 whereas some keep it at 100, there is a lot to choose from. 

‘Optic Opacity’ Advantages: 

  • Better visibility 
  • Lower chance of missing pixel peaks 

How to change ‘Optic Opacity’

  • Go to options
  • Select ‘Accessibility
  • Select your desired opacity

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