[Top 10] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Weapons

Best Rainbow 6 siege best guns
11 Apr 2022

Have you ever asked yourself, What are the best guns in Rainbow 6 siege?

Well, in this article I will be covering the top ten best guns that the game has, so you can decide what gun fits you the best and so you can hit those nasty headshots and let your teammates be amazed by your skills!


10. MP7

The MP7 has been one of the most reliable smgs in the game for the longest time. The amazing rate of fire and decent recoil makes this gun very reliable to kill your enemies and make huge plays.

If you feel like roaming with Bandit or attacking with Zero this is definitely the weapon you want in your loadout every time, and trust me, you will have so much fun with this gun. It works best on medium and short ranges.

What makes the MP7 awesome

  • Fast rate of fire
  • Good recoil, easy to control
  • Fast time to kill
  • One of the best defense weapons

MP7 Stats


  • 32 (0-18m)
  • 20 (28+m)

Rate of Fire

  • 900 RPM


  • 50

Magazine Size

  • 30+1



9. K1A

The K1A is one of the most underrated yet most powerful guns from the defense, it has a great rate of fire with decent damage and no recoil whatsoever, so this is a gun for a proper roamer like vigil so you will absolutely love this gun if you are a roamer, you are going to win a lot more 1v1s than you thought!

The only downside is that we only have this gun for vigil and defense side only because a lot of people would love to see this gun in the attack, but for now while you can use this gun and win every gunfight!

What makes the K1A awesome

  • Good rate of fire
  • Little to no recoil
  • Good damage

K1A Stats


  • 36 (0-18m)
  • 24 (28+m)

Rate of Fire

  • 720 RPM


  • 50

Magazine Size

  • 30+1



8. F2

The rifle that was once the best AR in the game, until it got severely nerfed, but still the F2 has been a very reliable gun, with one of the best rates of fire the game offers, very powerful gun but it has a lot of recoil.

Despite that, if you have the skill to control this gun, you will be gunning like nobody else, and trust me, you will enjoy melting people with this gun.

What makes the F2 a great weapon

  • One of the fastest rates of fire
  • Great damage
  • Amazing time to kill

F2 Stats


  • 37 (0-18m)
  • 22 (28+m)

Rate of Fire

  • 980 RPM


  • 50

Magazine Size

  • 25+1



7. ALDA 5.56

The best LMG in the game so far, it used to be broken when it had no spread while hip firing, and it had an ACOG, but it got nerfed for the good, and now is a balanced, yet powerful LMG that it can be only used by Maestro, in the defensive side.

With its rate of fire, damage, and magazine size, you can make a 1v5 become a 1v0 in seconds.

It has moderate recoil, but it’s not hard to control, and if you are a support player, the ALDA can become your best friend when stopping the attackers from getting into the site.

Why is the ALDA an amazing gun

  • The amazing rate of fire
  • Magazine size

ALDA stats


  • 35 (0-18m)
  • 24 (28+m)

Rate of Fire

  • 900 RPM


  • 50

Magazine Size

  • 80+1


6. 416-C

The big old 416-C, this gun was the best defensive side weapon of the game by far, but since the developers wanted to nerf Jager, they didn’t have more options than nerf his gun, receiving a lot more recoil and fewer bullets per mag.

Despite this, the carbine keeps being one of the hardest hitting guns available to the defense, if your skill can handle the recoil you will get your enemies in an eye blink.

What makes the 416-C a great gun

  • Great damage
  • Good rate of fire
  • If you control recoil it’s a beast of a gun

416-C stats


  • 38 (0-18m)
  • 21 (28+m)

Rate of Fire

  • 740 RPM


  • 50

Magazine Size

  • 25+1


5. SMG-11

The best secondary SMG in the game right now, it recently got a mini buff, so it has better recoil than before, so every smoke player is going to be happier than ever.

It has the best rate of fire of the game, good damage, and decent recoil, the only downside is its magazine, but if you have trigger discipline you can be able to do awesome kills with this SMG, don’t get me wrong, it requires some skill but once you know to get it, you are going to be unstoppable.

What makes the SMG-11 a great gun

  • Great damage
  • Best rate of fire on the game
  • If you control recoil it’s a beast of a gun

SMG-11 Stats


  • 35 (0-18m)
  • 23 (28+m)

Rate of Fire

  • 1270 RPM


  • 50

Magazine Size

  • 16+1


4. G8A1


The G8 is a very reliable weapon with a great rate of fire, recoil control, and a lot of bullets in case you miss some, so don’t worry about doing some spray and pray, it is going to work most of the time.

It is available for IQ and Aamaru and it is the best option for a primary gun with both operators, it is an LMG so make sure to make ADS more often than other guns so you can win those 1v1 more often.

What makes the G8A1 a great gun

  • Great damage
  • Great rate of fire
  • Easy recoil control

G8A1 Stats


  • 37 (0-18m)
  • 28 (28+m)

Rate of Fire

  • 850 RPM


  • 50

Magazine Size

  • 50+1


3. R4-C

We enter the top 3 guns in the game and we start with non-other than the R4-C, once the best guns in the game, until its recent huge recoil nerf that affected ash and her pick rate.

Despite that, the gun is still one of the best in the game with high damage and high fire rate, making it one of the best guns in the game as of right now, so if you are still an Ash main, don’t give up on the R4-C, if you practice enough and you learn how to control the recoil, you will still destroy your enemies like the good old days.

What makes the R4-C a great gun

  • Great damage
  • Great rate of fire
  • Overall an amazing gun if you manage to control its recoil

R4-C Stats


  • 39 (0-18m)
  • 25 (28+m)

Rate of Fire

  • 860 RPM


  • 50

Magazine Size

  • 30+1



2. M762

After Ash’s R4-C nerf, the M762 used by Zofia has become one of the best guns right now, with great damage, good rate of fire, really good recoil, plus it has that awesome 2.0x scope if you want to hold pixel angles better.

This gun is why Zofia is so good as an entry frag because her gun is so good and you just normally out frag your opponents with ease, so if you are struggling with killing your opponents, you should give this gun a try and you won’t be disappointed.

What makes the M762 a great gun

  • Great damage
  • Great rate of fire
  • Good recoil control and easy to use

M762 Stats


  • 45 (0-18m)
  • 23 (28+m)

Rate of Fire

  • 730 RPM


  • 50

Magazine Size

  • 30+1


1. AK-12

Arguably the best gun in the game, the AK-12 has everything you wish for, great damage, amazing rate of fire, and good recoil control, the only downside this gun had before was the fact that it was with a below-average operator such as Fuze, but this changed when Ace came to the siege team since he also got the AK-12 for his loadout, and that what’s makes him a good operator.

This gun will give you the confidence you want to take any 1v1 and win it most of the time as long as you are hitting your shots, you should be more than fine, after all this is the best gun in the game.

What makes the AK-12 a great gun:

  • An amazing
  • Great rate of fire
  • Good recoil control and easy to use

AK-12 Stats


  • 45 (0-18m)
  • 24 (28+m)

Rate of Fire

  • 850 RPM


  • 50

Magazine Size

  • 30+1

Now you know what are the best guns in the game, now it’s up to you which one to use to carry your team!


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