[Top 10] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Operators For Each Map

Top 10 Best Operators For Each Map in R6 Siege
18 Jul 2022

21. Yacht

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5 Best Defenders for Yacht

  • Frost – Yacht has a lot of windows and stairs, and that’s perfect for Frost’s Welcome Mats. The map is also quite big which is good for Frost who is also a good operator for roaming.
  • Mute – The problem with Yacht is that it has so many walls and windows leading from the outside, that’s probably why it’s not included in Ranked. And it would benefit your team a lot if Mute can prevent a hard breach or two, as well as prevent some drones from gathering intel.
  • Jager – It's always good to have at least one anti-grenade operator every time you’re defending, and for Yacht, Jager is the best anti-grenade operator because the map is great for roaming, and Jager can just leave his three ADS in the objective area before he goes out to roam.
  • Kaid – Except for the top floor, it would always be better to have a Kaid in your team in Yacht because its objective spots also have some hatches. If you can prevent them from being breached, your team can just concentrate on attackers that are attacking horizontally.
  • Caveira – Because Yacht is quite big and there are many pathways, Caveira would excel in hunting down roaming Attackers. She could also create more pathways for attacking and escaping with her shotgun or impact grenades.

5 Best Attackers for Yacht

  • Ace – For the Attacker side, it would always be good to take advantage of the many windows and walls that will expose the Defenders’ objective spot from the outside. And Ace would really excel in doing that, because he can deploy his breaching devices from a distance.
  • Iana – The narrow corridors of this map are perfect for ambush, and Iana would be a great operator to use in this map because she can prevent that with her Gemini Replicator which she can use to safely scout ahead and confuse enemies.
  • Zofia – Zofia is one of the best Attacking operators when it comes to quick entry and room clearing, and that’s perfect for this map which has a lot of rooms and entry ways. She’s also great at hunting roamers, and because of the size of this map, you can expect that there will be enemy roamers.
  • Dokkaebi – Speaking of roamers, Dokkaebi is one of the best Attackers for hunting them because of her special gadget that forcefully rings Defender mobile phones. With that, she and her team will be able to know if there are enemies around.
  • Osa – The tight spaces and narrow pathways of this map is great for Osa’s Clear Shield. She can use it for her and her team to keep pushing forward. She can also deploy it on the many windows of this map, allowing her and her team to get some kills by quick leaning from her Clear Shields.

20. Villa

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5 Best Defenders for Villa

  • Mira – Mira can make life very difficult for Attackers when she’s defending the second-floor areas, especially the aviator and games room. Her Black Mirrors allows Defenders to virtually make the study area almost impossible to push.
  • Mute – Just Mira alone wouldn’t be alone to fortify the defenses facing the study area of the second floor, because her Black Mirrors can be destroyed by Hibana or Ace’s special gadgets, therefore, a Mute would be ideal to support Mira, and prevent hard breaching.
  • Jager – Going off from Mira and Mute, just the two of them still wouldn’t be enough, because other enemy projectiles like the Gonne-6 can destroy Mira’s Black Mirrors, but with Jager’s ADS, that can be prevented.
  • Vigil – With Mira’s Black Mirrors and Mute and Jager supporting her, chances are, the Attackers will try other avenues of attack. That is why it’s also important for the Defending team to have a roamer, and Vigil is as good as you can get when it comes to roamers.
  • Kapkan – Villa is one of the best maps to play Kapkan in because there are so many entryways and many of those entry ways are visible from Defender spots, so it’ll be easier for Defenders to frag enemies who are checking for Kapkan’s EDDs.

5 Best Attackers for Villa

  • Dokkaebi – There are many ambush spots in Villa because there are many rooms and 90-degree angles, so it’ll be great for Attackers to have Dokkaebi who can easily check if there are enemies nearby.
  • Ace – Ace is a great operator to have in this map even if he can’t destroy Mira’s Black Mirrors due to Mute’s Signal Jammers or anti-projectile devices, because if he can’t breach from the study area, he can still try breaching the wall on the Vault, and that will give the Defenders a lot of trouble.
  • Twitch – Twitch is the best alternative to Thatcher when it comes to hard breaching in this map because the walls that you'll need to breach in this map aren’t exposed from the outside, so Maverick won’t cut it.
  • Buck – Buck is a really great Attacker to have in this map because of the existence of many wooden floors. With that, Buck can do a vertical attack effectively, whether it's from the top or bottom.
  • Flores – If Twitch’s drones fail to enable a hard breach from Ace, surely, Flores’ exploding drones will. Not only they can destroy gadgets that are preventing hard breaching, but they can also instill a lot of panic to Defenders and that could lead them to make mistakes, like leaving themselves vulnerable to Attacker fire.

19. Skyscraper

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5 Best Defenders for Skyscraper

  • Kaid – Kaid the best at preventing a hard breach right now and in all defending areas in Skyscraper, there are spots that are important for Defenders to not get breached, and that’s why Kaid is an important operator for this map.
  • Wamai - Wamai plays an important role in this map, not just for countering enemy projectiles, but also for making rotation holes. He’s one of the best anchors for this map.
  • Lesion – Speaking of anchors, Lesion is one of the best when it comes to playing that role, and he can break the enemies’ rhythm as well as warn his whole team about enemies through his Gu Mines.
  • Frost – There's a lot of windows and stairs in Skyscraper, and that is perfect for Frost’s traps. And Frost is a great roamer, so she can perform that role after deploying her traps and make life harder for Attackers.
  • Aruni – Aruni's Surya Gates would be very helpful in this map because of the abundance of entryways. They will also serve as another layer of defense against enemy grenades.

5 Best Attackers for Skyscraper

  • Dokkaebi – Penetrating the objective area in Skyscraper can be very dangerous when you don’t have enough intel on the enemy, and when it comes to intel, Dokkaebi is the queen. With her Logic Bomb, she can let her team know whether an enemy is nearby or not.
  • Maverick – There are walls connecting to the outside in this map. Walls that would benefit the Attackers greatly if breached, and that’s why Maverick is an important operator for this map. With him, there’s a good chance that Attackers will be able to perform a full hard breach.
  • Ace – Once Maverick has disabled the hard breach preventing gadgets inside, it’ll be time for Ace to play his role, which is to make some huge effin’ holes. The hard breaches will expose the Defenders, allowing Attackers to have an easier time targeting them and pushing.
  • Gridlock – Most of the spaces in Skyscraper are narrow, and the whole map itself is quite big, so, the Defenders would think that it’ll be great for roaming. But it’s also great for Gridlock’s Trax Stingers, because she can litter a hallway full of them and prevent roamers from getting her and her team from the back.
  • Finka – For all the hard breaching and roamer prevention to really work, it has to be accompanied by defense and firepower. And that’s what Finka brings. With her Adrenal Surge, she gives a lot of buffs to her teammates, most notably the added health points. She also brings a lot of firepower with her 6P41 LMG.

18. Theme Park

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5 Best Defenders for Theme Park

  • Mira – Mira's Black Mirrors would make it really tough for Attackers to penetrate the Defenders’ objective spot, especially when they’re on the second floor. With the Black Mirrors, Defenders will be able to have a good visual of Attackers straight ahead, and that usually results in a quick lean and a headshot.
  • Kaid – Hard breach prevention is really important in this map, especially when you’re defending the throne room. Kaid’s Rtillas would be hard for Mav, Kali, and even Twitch to shut down. And that’s why Kaid’s a very important operator for this map.
  • Castle – Castle can really fortify the Defenders’ objective spot, especially the windows in the break room. He also has a great utility tool in his secondary shotgun which he can use to make rotation holes on walls. If the objective spot is daycare and bunk, Castle can open up a wall to connect the initiation room to the bunk and make the area where Defenders can move, much larger.
  • Wamai – Defense against grenades is always important. Without an anti-grenade operator like Wamai, it’ll be easy for Attackers to score kills with their frag grenades. And Wamai is the best anti-grenade operator in this map, especially because he can create rotation holes with his impact grenades.
  • Alibi – Theme Park is quite a wide map, with a lot of avenues of attack. That means a lot of avenues for counter attack as well, and a roamer like Alibi will give Attackers a lot of trouble, especially since her default uniform blends well against most backdrops in this map.

5 Best Attackers for Theme Park

  • Dokkaebi – Because of the wideness of the map, Attackers can expect that there would be roamers, and one of the best ways to counter roamers is through Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb.
  • Iana – Another way to deal with roamers is to scout ahead and confuse them, and the best way to safely case an area is through Iana’s Gemini Replicator. With it, not only can Iana scout an area, enemies can make the mistake of shooting it too, which will compromise their location.
  • Ace – In all of the Defender spots available in this map, hard breaching is important. To be able to perform a hard breach will make it a lot easier to penetrate the objective area and clear it of enemies.
  • Finka – Finka is just a great operator overall, pretty much OP at this point. Not only can she boost the team’s defenses with the buffs from her Adrenal buffs, she also brings a lot of firepower with her 6P41 LMG.
  • Fuze – When the opponents are defending throne room and armory, which is one of the most favorite spot picks in Ranked, it is best to bombard them with Fuze’s Cluster Charges from above. That way, you’ll be instilling panic on them and would probably destroy a lot of their gadgets in the process.


17. Tower

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5 Best Defenders for Tower

  • Vigil – This map is pretty big, and there are a lot of rooms, especially on the lower floor, so it’s a roamer’s haven. Plus, it’s a quick match-only map, so just enjoy the thrill of roaming, and for that, Vigil is one of the best roamers.
  • Caveira – Speaking of roamers, Cav will allow the user to move fast from one point to another without alerting the opponents because Cav has her Silent Step, and that is great for this map which has a lot of avenues of attack.
  • Frost – Since there are many windows and entryways in Tower, it’s perfect for Frost’s Welcome Mats. The inside of the map is also pretty dark, at least darker than most maps, so Frost can put her Welcome Mats on the sides of entrances and they’ll still be hard to notice.
  • Alibi – There are many corners, and rooms in this map, and as I’ve said above, it’s a map where roamers would excel, and Alibi is one of the best roamers for this map. Not only is she capable of moving fast from one point to another, she’ll also be able to confuse the enemies a lot with her Prismas.
  • Aruni – Aruni is one of the best anchors you can have for this map, because she’ll be able to protect entrances with her Surya Gates. The Surya gates are also great for obstructing vision from the outside, so, it’ll be harder for enemies to see Defenders inside, especially since Tower has darker backdrops.

5 Best Attackers for Tower

  • Dokkaebi – When in Korea, it’s better to have a Korean to help you find your way, right? Since one could expect that this will be a roamer infested map, Dokkaebi is almost an essential Attacker for it. Through her Logic Bomb, she’ll be able to warn herself and her whole team if there are enemies around.
  • Maverick – Most Defender objective spots in this map have wide walls. Walls that Maverick can capitalize on using his Breaching Torch. He also has two claymores in his arsenal, so he’ll have good protection from roamers who will try to get him from behind.
  • Ace – As mentioned above, the objective areas of Defenders in this map have a lot of walls, walls that the Attackers can exploit. That’s why it’s really great to have Ace in this map, because when one or two of those walls are breached, it’ll make life very hard for Defenders.
  • Gridlock – Tower is full of narrow corridors and pathways. That is perfect for Gridlock’s Trax Stingers. With it, Gridlock can effectively block a hallway so that roamers can’t get behind her and her team.
  • Sens – Sens will be a great Attacker to have in this map because the objective areas are quite big, but full of small rooms. Those rooms can make it easier for Sens to provide cover for their team using their special gadget, which will make it a lot easier for the Attackers to plant the defuser or simply penetrate the Defender’s objective spot.


16. Kafe Dostoyevsky

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5 Best Defenders for Kafe Dostoyevsky

  • Wamai – Trust me, you don’t wanna defend any spot in this map without any anti-grenade operator, and Wamai is perfect for that role. Not only can he defend the objective area from grenades and other projectiles using his Mag-Nets, he can also create rotation holes which is very important in Ranked.
  • Mira – Mira's Black Mirrors will make it very hard for Attackers to push the objective spot, especially the first-floor spot. That is because her Black Mirrors will be able to give the Defenders inside a good visual of the enemies and that will allow them to quick lean from her Black Mirrors and frag the Attackers.
  • Mute – Because Mira is an important operator for this map, it is also important to support her. And Mute’s Signal Jammers are great for preventing Mira’s Black Mirrors from getting destroyed by Ace’s or Hibana’s special gadgets. They can also block Twitch’s attack drones from destroying Mira’s Black Mirrors.
  • Kaid – Kaid is a very important operator to have, especially when defending the basement area, because it is essential for Defenders to prevent a hard breach on the hatch. He can also use his remaining Rtilla to prevent a hard breach on a wall, so that Mute can use his other Signal Jammers for blocking drones.
  • Alibi – Countering a vertical attack is very important in this map, because it is almost sure that the Attackers will go for it when they know that the Defenders are defending the first-floor area. And for countering a vertical attack in this map, Alibi is the best. She can confuse the Attackers really well and gather intel on them using her Prismas, and it’ll be very hard to catch her because she can make escape holes with her impact grenades, as well as her Bailiff 410.

5 Best Attackers for Kafe Dostoyevsky

  • Lion – Lion is a great Attacker to have for this map, especially when attacking the top floor area. With his two claymores, he can protect himself and his team from roamers by planting them on top of stairs. His Gonne-6 can destroy pesky bulletproof Defender gadgets, and his special gadget will aid his whole team a lot when it comes to pushing the objective area.
  • Dokkaebi – Dokkaebi is a great partner to Lion when it comes to countering roamers, as well as pushing the objective area. With Lion’s scan followed by Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb, it’ll be harder for Defenders to hear the sound cues that Attackers make. Those two special gadgets also effectively halt their movements, allowing the Attackers to advance, while Defenders aren’t moving.
  • Capitao – Pushing and planting on the objective area is very important in this map, and Capitao can provide a lot of cover for his team through his smoke grenades, and while attempting a plant behind the smoke, he can deny area to the Defenders with his fire grenades which he can shoot through his Tactical Crossbow. He can also use his smoke grenades to practically block Mira’s vision from her Black Mirrors, allowing Capitao and his team to approach and destroy the mirror with a Melee attack.
  • Ace – Performing a hard breach is almost essential in this map when attacking the first-floor area. It’ll make life hell for Defenders if some of their walls are breached and they’re also worried about a vertical attack. That’s why Ace is a great operator to have in this map. He can breach some of the Defenders’ walls, as well as the hatch. 
  • Fuze – A vertical attack, when done well, can really make it easier for Attackers to win the round when attacking the first-floor area. And Fuze’s Cluster Charges will really soften up the Defenders’ objective spot a lot. They will destroy a lot of their gadgets, as well as instill a lot of panic on them. Potentially leaving them vulnerable to Attacker fire while running away.


15. Kanal

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5 Best Defenders for Kanal

  • Kaid – Kaid is an essential Defender for this map because preventing a hard breach on the renovation area will make it much easier for Defenders to win the round, and Kaid’s Rtillas are the best gadget for that. It’ll also be much easier for Defenders to win the round if Kaid can prevent the hatch from being breached when the objective area is one the basement.
  • Jager – Jager's ADS are the best support for Kaid when it comes to preventing a hard breach on the renovation area. That is of course assuming that Thatcher is banned, which is always. With two ADS in the renovation area, Maverick’s grenade won’t be able to destroy Kaid’s Rtillas. And Jager can place his remaining ADS on the 90 in order to prevent Attacker projectiles coming from the windows.
  • Aruni – Aruni is a great operator to have when defending the basement area. She can put a Surya gate on the entrance of the bathroom. That’ll make it harder for Attackers to go straight to the bathroom from the trench and basement hall. That’s important because that’ll prevent Attackers from flanking through the bathroom and showers area.
  • Melusi – If Aruni’s Surya laser can make it harder for Attackers to flank, imagine if they’re supplemented by Melusi’s Banshees as well. With Melusi’s Banshees, it’ll be so much harder for Attackers to penetrate the objective spot, especially the one in the basement since it has a lot of narrow corridors and entryways.
  • Alibi – It's always good to have at least one roamer in your defending team, and for this map, Alibi is the best roamer that you can get. This map has a lot of corners and narrow corridors as mentioned above, perfect for Alibi to station her Prismas in and confuse the enemies. She also has great utility tools for creating rotation holes or escape holes.

5 Best Attackers for Kanal

  • Ace – On the Attacker side, it is important to perform a hard breach if they want to win, especially when attacking the top floor. If the Attacker side can breach the renovation area, it’ll give the Defenders a lot of trouble, and Ace is the best hard breacher in the game right now.
  • Maverick – Since Thatcher is always banned, it has fallen to Mav and other operators to enable a hard breach. With Maverick’s Breaching Torch, he can open up holes on reinforced walls. If the gadgets preventing a hard breach are Bandit or Mute’s special gadgets, it’ll be much easier, because he can just destroy them directly with his breaching torch. If it’s an Rtilla, then it’ll be trickier, fortunately, Maverick has frag grenades which can destroy a lot of gadgets in its blast radius.
  • Twitch – When the renovation area is being protected by Kaid’s Rtilla and Jager’s ADS, it might be very hard for Maverick alone to enable a hard breach. In that case, Twitch will be a great addition to the team, because her attack drone can neutralize Jager’s ADS or Kaid’s Rtilla itself, if she can find it fast. With Maverick and Twitch working together, the chances of Attackers being able to perform a hard breach will greatly increase.
  • Zofia – With the three operators focusing on hard breaching and gadget disabling, it’ll also be great for the Attacking team to have a straight up offensive operator. And when it comes to offense, Zofia brings a lot of firepower. She’s great at hunting roamers, and she can prevent them from getting her from behind using her claymores. She’s also very effective at entry fragging and room clearing, so, once that hard breach is done, it’ll be Zofia’s turn to frag enemies inside.
  • Fuze – Fuze will be a great operator to have when attacking the basement area. A vertical attack with Fuze’s Cluster Charges will really create panic on the Defenders inside the objective spot and destroy a lot of their gadgets. 


14. Oregon

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5 Best Defenders for Oregon

  • Wamai – Most experienced players in Siege know the common Defender angles, and those are common angles because they’re important to guard. That’s why smart Attackers will attempt to kill the Defender guarding that angle with a frag grenade. And on the Defender side, it’s very important to neutralize those frag grenades, and for that Wamai is the best operator to have.
  • Kaid – I can’t stress enough how important it is to prevent a hard breach in the game room. When it is breached it’ll be very hard to defend the objective spot, and that’s why it’s important for Kaid to prevent that from happening.
  • Mira – Mira's Black Mirrors can effectively prevent Attackers from pushing and penetrating the blue bunker area, the freezer, or the laundry storage. 
  • Melusi – Melusi's Banshees will greatly supplement the defense that Mira’s Black Mirrors offer when they are placed along the corners of the entrances on the blue bunker, laundry storage, and freezer.
  • Smoke – Smokes' gas grenades are great at denying area to the enemy, and it’ll complete the defense of the basement area, especially if the Attackers will keep trying to push the blue bunker and laundry storage room.

5 Best Attackers for Oregon

  • Lion – Lion is a great Attacker to have in this map, because his scans, combined with his three stun grenades, will allow him to push the bridge and attic area. He’ll also be able to destroy bulletproof gadgets with his gonne-6 hand cannon.
  • Iana – When it comes to penetrating the objective area, Iana is one of the best, because she can safely scout ahead using her Gemini Replicator, allowing her to gather intel on enemy positions. And using that intel, she can score some easy kills with her frag grenades and her ARX200 assault rifle.
  • Finka – Finka brings in a lot of heavy firepower and buffs that can make her whole team tougher. And that’s very important when pushing the objective areas in Oregon, because one could safely assume that the Attacking team will face a lot of Defender fire and gadgets while doing it. 
  • Ace – Being able to perform a hard breach on the objective spots in this map will bring the Attackers closer to victory. If Attackers can breach the game room, and the hatches on the basement objective area, life will be so much harder for Defenders.
  • Flores – Flores will be a great hard breach enabler in this map, especially since his exploding drones can’t be neutralized by Wamai or Jager’s ADS. With Flores’ exploding drones, he can destroy Mira’s Black Mirrors, Melusi’s Banshees, and other Defender gadgets. That will really soften up the objective spot, and will make it ripe for the taking.


13. Outback

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5 Best Defenders for Outback

  • Mira – Mira's Black Mirrors will greatly fortify the defenses on the top floor. With Mira, it’ll be much harder for the Attackers to push the two objective spots on Outback’s top floor. It will make Attackers a lot more hesitant, because they know that they can be seen from the inside, and anytime, Mira or other defenders can quick lean and frag from the Black Mirrors.
  • Kaid – Both the two objective spots on the top floor have walls leading to the outside, and it is in the Defenders’ best interest to prevent those walls from being breached, and to make sure that doesn’t happen, you should have a Kaid in your team.
  • Wamai – Wamai’s Mag-NETS would be a great support for Kaid when it comes to preventing a hard breach. Wamai’s Mag-NETS could prevent frag grenades from reaching Kaid’s Rtillas. Wamai can also prevent other grenades from going off inside the objective area, and it is very important to create rotation holes, especially on the party room area, and Wamai has two impact grenades for that.
  • Mute – Mute’s Signal Jammers would be a great addition to have in this map because they’ll be able to prevent Twitch’s attack drones from destroying anti-grenade and anti-hard breach devices.
  • Smoke – Sometimes, no matter how hard you prevent a hard breach, Attackers still find a way, so, if the Attackers are able to breach the walls leading to the outside, you’ll be grateful to have a smoke as another layer of defense. With his gas grenades, he’ll be able to prevent Attackers from coming in from the breach area.

5 Best Attackers for Outback

  • Finka – Finka, with her Adrenal Surge, can provide a lot of buffs to the whole Attacking team. Buffs that can make them tougher, faster to reload, faster to walk over barbed wires, and be more tolerant to stun grenade effects. She can also revive herself and her allies, so she is just generally a great Attacker to have, regardless of the map.
  • Dokkaebi – Outback is one of those maps where roamers excel, so, in order to counter them, it’ll be better to have a Dokkaebi in your team. With her Logic Bomb, you’ll be able to know if a roamer is around or not. Of course, it can also greatly disturb the defenders anchoring the objective spot.
  • Ace – As mentioned above, the two objective spots on the top floor have walls leading to the outside, and it is in the best interest of the Attackers to have those walls breached. If those walls are breached, there will be more avenues of attack for the Attacking team, and that will make it so much harder for Defenders to defend.
  • Maverick – Because hard breaching is very important in this map, it is better to have a Maverick in your team, in order to support Ace’s hard breaching. Mav will also be able to frag the defenders on the other side of the wall with the murder holes he can create with his Breaching Torch.
  • Kali – Kali would excel on this map because there are some good sniping spots from the outside. Her special gadget could also greatly aid Ace in hard breaching, because the shock from her LV Explosive Lance can destroy defender gadgets on the other side.

12. Favela

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5 Best Defenders for Favela

  • Vigil – Favela is the only map with a night time mode now, and as a result of the night time mode, many areas of the map can appear dark, and that’s great for Vigil as a roamer, especially with his default dark uniform. Someone performing the role of roamer is very important in this map because it will upset a lot of push attempts by the Attackers.
  • Smoke – Area denial is very important in this map especially when denying a defuser plant attempt, and Smoke, with his special gadget, will be able to deny many defuser plant attempts.
  • Lesion – There are many tight angles and narrow corridors in this map. There are also many entrances, so Lesion's Gu Mines would really benefit the Defenders as they could act as early warning devices while also breaking the rhythm of the Attackers.
  • Melusi – Speaking of breaking the rhythm of Attackers, Melusi is one of the best. With her Banshees, she can greatly slow down Attackers, and because they emit a distinct sound when activated, they can serve as early warning devices as well.
  • Wamai – Neutralizing stun grenades, smoke grenades, and especially frag grenades is very important, especially in this map where there are many corners and tight spaces. And for that, Wamai is the best, especially since with his utility tools, he can make rotation holes and murder holes as well.

5 Best Attackers for Favela

  • Dokkaebi – It’s safe to assume that there would be roamers in this map because of the size and many pathways it has, so it’s best to have a Dokkaebi in your team. With Dokkaebi, your team will have good intel while pushing.
  • Ace – There are many walls and hatches in this map, and right now, Ace is the best hard breach operator in the game, because he has three breach charges which he can deploy from a distance. He also has two claymores in his arsenal which will be great for countering roamers.
  • Capitao – Not only is this map in his home country, it also provides some good spots for his smoke and fire grenades to be effective. Because of the narrow spaces in this map, the cover that the smoke grenades will be more effective, and the same goes for Capitao’s fire grenades.
  • Nokk – As mentioned above, this map is great for roamers, especially the ones with dark default uniforms, and Nokk is like the Attacker version of Vigil. Nokk would be great for this map for hunting roamers, as well as approaching the objective area without the Attackers noticing, allowing Nokk to get some easy kills.
  • Buck – There are many wooden floors in this map which is great for Buck’s vertical attack, whether it’s from above or below. There are also many soft walls, so Buck can use his under-barrel shotgun to quickly create rotation holes on them.


11. Fortress

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5 Best Defenders for Fortress

  • Mute – It would be in the best interest of Defenders to neutralize attacker drones in this map, because there are a lot of areas, angles, as well as drone holes, where they can keep gathering intel and bother Defenders. Mute can also let some of his signal jammers to prevent a hard breach on some of the walls of the objective spot.
  • Caveira – This map is quite big, wide, and has many pathways, so having a roamer would benefit the defending team a lot, and for this map, Caveira would be really great. Her silent step would allow her to approach enemies without them noticing, and because of the size of the map, chances are, she would be able to catch an Attacker away from his teammates, and that will present an opportunity for an interrogation.
  • Azami – Because of the many windows and some walls leading to the outside, there are a lot of angles where Defenders can be exposed to the Attackers outside. But Azami’s Kiba Barriers can fortify those angles and make them strong points instead.
  • Jager – It’s always important to have anti-grenade gadgets in the objective area, and Jager can deploy all three of his during the prep phase. After that, he’s free to roam, and as mentioned above, this map is great for roamers. With this, Jager can perform the role of an anti-grenade operator, as well as a roamer.
  • Melusi – The narrow corridors of this map are perfect for Melusi’s Banshees. Once they activate, they will emit a loud sound, signaling to the Defenders that an Attacker is caught in their slow effects, and that would be a great opportunity for the Defenders to engage the Attacker that is being slowed.

5 Best Attackers for Fortress

  • Ace – There are many walls that would be great to breach in this map in order to expose the defenders inside, and with Ace being able to deploy his hard breach charges from a distance, your team will be safer while doing it. Plus, Ace can protect the whole team with his claymores.
  • Maverick – As mentioned above, there are many walls on defender spots in this map, and Maverick can exploit those walls with his Breaching Torch. With it, he can make murder holes which he can use to frag defenders inside. Of course, he can also use it to enable hard breaching by destroying gadgets that are preventing it.
  • Ash – Ash would excel in this map because of its wide angles, allowing her to take advantage of her speed, as well as her heavy firepower. Her claymores are great for countering roamers as well.
  • Gridlock – Because it’s safe to assume that there would be some roamers in this map, it would be good to have some countermeasures against them. And Gridlock’s Trax Stingers is one of the best gadgets in the game for countering roamers.
  • Dokkaebi – Speaking of countering roamers, few do it better than Dokkaebi. With her Logic Bomb, the Attackers will be able to penetrate the objective area while having a good idea of enemy positioning. She can also hack into dead Defenders mobile phones, allowing her access to all their cameras.

10. Hereford Base

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5 Best Defenders for Hereford Base

  • Mira – Mira would be a really great operator to have when defending kids and the master bedroom. With Mira’s Black Mirrors, it would be very hard for Attackers to push the bathroom area. Since the bathroom area is connected to the outside, it is very important to defend it, because if the Attackers take control of it, it’ll be very hard to stop them from advancing to the objective spot. Mira would also be great in defending the basement area.
  • Mute - Mute’s jammers would be able to prevent Mira’s Black Mirrors from getting destroyed by Ace or Hibana from the outside. They could also be very helpful in preventing intel gathering by the enemy because they’ll be able to block attacker drones on the entrances.
  • Jager – Apart from Mute’s signal jammers, Jager’s ADS could also support Mira’s Black Mirrors and prevent them from being destroyed by other projectiles like the Gonne-6. The ADS would also help prevent defenders from dying from frag grenades. 
  • Wamai – Having both Wamai and Jager in your defending team will make sure that virtually no grenades from the attackers would be effective. They won’t be able to get kills through their frag grenades, blind enemies with stun grenades, or do a smoke + defuser plant using smoke grenades.
  • Melusi – Melusi's Banshees will greatly disrupt the rhythm of enemies because any Attacker that gets near them will be slowed down, and the slow effects are even stronger than the barbed wires’ slow effects. They could also serve as early warning devices for the defenders because they emit a very distinct sound when activated by enemy presence.

5 Best Attackers for Hereford Base

  • Ace – Ace would be a great operator to have in your team because there are walls in defender areas in this map that when breached, would make it much easier for Attackers to penetrate the objective area. Especially when the objective spot is in the basement.
  • Nokk – Nokk is perfect for this map because there are many avenues of attack, so she can silently make her way towards the defender area from an unexpected entrance. That way, she can catch the Defenders off guard and score some easy kills.
  • Flores – Flores could send his exploding drones inside the objective spot, and make the Defenders anchoring it flee in panic. This could leave them vulnerable to your teammates’ fire, and you could also destroy a lot of Defender gadgets in the process.
  • Dokkaebi – Dokkaebi is a great intel gatherer and denier, and it’ll be great to have Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb while you’re pushing the objective area. With it, you’ll be able to know if there are enemies nearby that are waiting in ambush. You’ll also be able to hunt roamers better with it as well.
  • Finka – She will be able to provide a lot of buffs to the whole Attacking team. With her Adrenal Surge’s added hp, they will be tougher. Anyone of them who’s in a down-but-not-out (dbno) state would also be revived. They’d be able to walk faster over barbed wires. Experience less ear ringing effects from explosions, faster reloads, and the removal of concussion effects from Defender gadgets. Overall, Finka would be a great operator to have as an Attacker, not just on this map.

9. House

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5 Best Defenders for House

  • Mute – For this map, it’ll be great if you can prevent Attackers from intel gathering, and that will be Mute’s primary goal. On the top floor, he can prevent hard breaching from on the walls connected to the outside, and of course, it works the same in the garage as well.
  • Smoke – If the attackers manage to perform a hard breach, it will be up to Smoke to prevent them from pushing inside. And with his gas grenade, it will be very difficult for Attackers to push inside and attempt a defuser plant.
  • Wamai – It will even be harder for the Attackers to push when their stun, frag, and smoke grenades are rendered useless because of Wamai’s Mag-NETS. Wamai can prevent a defuser behind the cover of a smoke, and he can prevent Defenders from dying due to being blinded or catching frag grenades.
  • Valkyrie – The wide angles in this map are perfect for Valkyrie’s Black Eyes. They will be able to provide a good view of the areas of the map, allowing Valk to gather intel and advise her teammates.
  • Azami – House isn’t in Ranked because it isn’t the most balanced map in the game. It has many angles that can expose defenders from the outside. And that is why Azami would be a great operator for this map. With her Kiba Barriers, she can fortify those weak angles. And since there are many windows in this map and is great for spawn peeking, Azami can fortify the window that she’s going to use for spawn killing with a Kiba Barrier and make it so that she’s more protected while attempting a spawn kill.

5 Best Attackers for House

  • Sens – Their R.O.U. Projector would be a really great special gadget to have for cover after breaching the garage area and attempting a defuser plant. Their assault rifle also has a huge magazine capacity, so Sens is a perfect backline support for this map.
  • Capitao – Why not go hardcore even though it’s on quick match? With Sens obstructing Defender vision with their R.O.U. Projector, Capitao can add more cover with his smoke grenades. He can also victimize attackers who will attempt to cross Sens’ R.O.U. Projector by covering the area with fire using his asphyxiating bolts.
  • Ace – It’ll be much easier for Attackers to win the round when they’re able to perform a hard breach. And hard breaching in this map is very important, because the defender area on the top floor and the basement have walls connecting to the outside.
  • Thatcher – Since this will be in quick-match, you’ll be able to use Thatcher, and with Thatcher, it will be so easy to enable a hard breach with Ace. Thatcher’s EMP grenades can also neutralize a lot of other defender gadgets, as well as, of course, their effin’ laser sights.
  • Iana – Even though this is only a quick match map, it would still be challenging to penetrate its objective area. But Iana can safely scout ahead using her Gemini Replicator and gather intel. With it, Iana can know if the area ahead will have an enemy guarding it or not. She can also use it to ascertain Defender angles, and score easy kills with her frag grenades.

8. Chalet

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5 Best Defenders for Chalet

  • Kaid – Be it on the top floor objective spot or in the basement, it will be very important to prevent a hard breach. And right now, Kaid is the best defensive operator when it comes to preventing a hard breach.
  • Alibi – If Defenders are successful in preventing a hard breach, the Attackers will have to use other paths of attack, and what better way to counter that than with a roamer? And Alibi is one of the best roamers around. Her Prismas can confuse enemies and gather intel on them. She can also move very quickly from one place to another using her speed and impact grenades.
  • Jager – Placing two Jager ADS to protect Kaid’s Rtilla will make sure that no grenades will be able to destroy it. And that’s one of the best ways to prevent a hard breach in this map. The remaining ADS can be used by Jager to neutralize grenades on another spot. 
  • Mira – Mira could really make it hard for Attackers to push and plant the defuser in the basement area even if they’re able to breach it, because she can put her Black Mirror on a wall facing the jetski, and that will allow Defenders inside to have a good visual on the attackers if they’re going for the plant.
  • Azami – If Mira puts her Black Mirror on the wall facing the jet ski while it remains unreinforced, Azami can fortify its bottom part. And that will allow Mira to use the upper part for throwing over her nitro cell towards the enemies if they decide to plant. Azami and Mira’s synergy is really one of the best synergies in Siege.

5 Best Attackers for Hereford Base

  • Fuze – Being able to bombard the defenders below with his Cluster Chargers when they’re defending the basement area is one of the reasons why Fuze is one of the best picks for this map. With Fuze attacking from above, even Mira will have to abandon her Black Mirror. This will really soften up the defenses inside and allow Fuze’s teammates to clear the area or go for the defuser plant.
  • Maverick – With his Breaching Torch and frag grenades, Maverick has a great chance of destroying the Defender gadgets that can prevent a hard breach. And even if that fails, there is no way to stop Maverick from creating murder holes with his Breaching Torch, and those murder holes alone can give the Defenders a lot of problems.
  • Zofia – Zofia brings a lot of firepower which the Attacking team needs. She’s a great flanker and roamer hunter, so she could perform those roles while the rest of her team worries about breaching. With this tactic, Zofia can catch Defenders off guard and score some kills while they’re trying to prevent a hard breach from Zofia’s teammates.
  • Ace – Once the Defender gadgets preventing a hard breach are destroyed, of course, you will need a hard breacher, and Ace is the best you could have in the game right now. Not only can he make huge holes on reinforced walls, he can also protect the team from runouts while doing so with his two claymores.
  • Hibana – With Ace breaching walls, Hibana could perform the role of vertical breacher by destroying the two hatches leading to the basement area. This would really give the Defenders a hard time since they won’t only have to worry about the Attackers strafing them horizontally, they would have to worry about the enemy above them as well.

7. Clubhouse

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5 Best Defenders for Clubhouse

  • Mira – Mira is actually pretty OP in Clubhouse, especially to those players who have great aim. If you leave the right side of the server wall unreinforced and put a Black Mirror there, you would have a very clear and clean view of the Attackers who are spawning from the dogs area. That means you can spawn peek at them through Mira’s Black Mirror, and chances are, they won’t expect it.
  • Azami – Azami and Mira’s is a deadly combination of operators. With Azami, Mira doesn't have to put her Black Mirrors on reinforced walls anymore. She can just attach them on unreinforced walls and have Azami make the bottom part bulletproof with her Kiba Barriers. That means, Mira would be able to use the upper portion of the wall for strafing enemies or for throwing a nitro cell at them.
  • Kaid – There are walls and hatches in this map that are very important for Defenders to not get breached, and for that to be prevented, Kaid is the best operator to pick. His Rtillas wouldn’t be so easily destroyed by Maverick’s Breaching Torn or Kali’s Explosive Lance. He can also prevent the hatches from being destroyed when the Defender’s objective spot is in the basement.
  • Mute – If Kali and Maverick can’t neutralize Kaid’s Rtillas, chances are, they would try Twitch instead. And for Defenders to prevent that, one of them should really pick Mute. With Mute, attacker drones, including Twitch’s drones, wouldn’t be able to get past stairs and drone holes.
  • Jager – Without an anti-grenade operator, it’ll be easy for Kaid and Mute’s special gadgets to be destroyed by frag grenades, and for this map, Jager would be the best anti-grenade operator because Wamai’s Mag-NETS only pull grenades towards them, but they will still detonate, and in this map, that detonation could still sometimes affect Kaid or Mute’s special gadgets.

5 Best Attackers for Hereford Base

  • Maverick – With the absence of Thatcher in most Ranked games, Maverick is the second-best alternative for enabling a hard breach. With his Breaching Torch, he can make holes on reinforced walls, allowing him to throw his frag grenades to the other side and destroy the anti-breach devices.
  • Ace – Once Maverick is done destroying the anti-breach devices on the other side of the wall, it would be Ace’s turn to deploy his hard breach charges. Once successful, the breach on the Defenders’ wall will give them a lot of trouble, because there would be another huge angle where they could be fragged.
  • Fuze – Fuze's Cluster Charges are great for softening up the objective area and scoring some kills when the Defenders are defending the basement area. All the explosions from Fuze’s Cluster Charges also often mask the audio cues that Attackers make, allowing them to penetrate the objective area with a better chance of Defenders not noticing them.
  • Twitch – Twitch is a great support for enabling a hard breach, because oftentimes, Maverick is not enough. His frag grenades are usually neutralized by Jager or Wamai’s special gadgets, that is why it would be great to have a Twitch in this map. With her Shock Drones, she can neutralize the anti-grenade gadgets inside and if she’s lucky, she would also be able to shoot down Kaid’s Rtilla.
  • Finka – After all the hard breaching and softening up the objective area is done, it would be time to push, and what better way to push the objective area and clear the room of Defenders than with Finka’s Adrenal Surge which gives the Attackers plenty of buffs, essentially making them tougher and more effective.

6. Coastline

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5 Best Defenders for Coastline

  • Wamai – Defuser plant attempts under the cover of smoke are prevalent in this map, and one of the best ways to counter that is through Wamai’s Mag-NETS. Not only will Wamai make the objective area safer from smoke + plant attempts, he’ll also prevent Defenders from dying from of frag grenades.
  • Azami – The billiards area in this map is one of its biggest weak spots, because there’s a big window there that when destroyed, offers Attackers a good view of the inside, especially from snipers on the ruins. But with Azami, this wouldn’t be a problem, because her Kiba Barriers can provide cover and make this weak spot a strong spot instead.
  • Melusi – One of the best ways to effectively stop Attackers from pushing the hookah lounge and the stairs on cool vibes is by placing Melusi Banshees there. The Banshees will greatly slow them down and it’ll be hard for them to destroy it when placed on a good angle. A Banshee on the cool vibe's stairs would also warn the Defender that is guarding hookah when an Attacker is trying to climb the stairs.
  • Alibi – Despite the small size of this map, it’s still the best to have a roamer around, especially when defending the kitchen. That is because the kitchen is weak against vertical attacks and it will be safe to assume that the Attackers will pick a Fuze and other vertical attackers to harass the defenders in the kitchen from above, and the best way to stop them is with Alibi who, with her impact grenades and Bailiff 410, and create rotation holes on the second floor, allowing her to move from one spot to the next very quickly.
  • Mira – Mira is a great Defender for this map. With Mira’s Black Mirrors, the Attackers will be really hesitant to push hookah, delivery, and penthouse. Because they know that the defenders inside have a good visual on them and they can be fragged anytime.

5 Best Attackers for Coastline

  • Fuze – As mentioned above, when the Defenders are in the kitchen, it’ll be in the Attackers’ best interest to harass them with repeated vertical attacks. And Fuze’s Cluster Charges are perfect for that. This can instill panic on defenders, making them vulnerable to Fuze’s teammates’ fire when running from the Cluster Chargers. They’re great for destroying gadgets too.
  • Glaz – This is one of the remaining maps where being a sniper really pays off. With a lot of good sniping spots from the outside, Glaz will really thrive in this map. He can provide recon and good fire support from long range while his teammates are penetrating the objective area.
  • Dokkaebi – Speaking of penetrating the objective area, it’s best to do it with Dokkaebi. With her Logic Bomb which forcefully rings Defenders’ mobile phones, you’ll be able to know if an enemy roamer is in the vicinity or not.
  • Osa – Since there are a lot of good angles from the outside, and also long angles on the inside, this map is perfect for Osa’s Clear Shield. For example, she can deploy it right on the entrance of the delivery area and it will allow her to have a good view of the inside. She also has claymores which can protect her from run outs from the lobby and penthouse.
  • Finka – Finka would be able to provide the heavy firepower that the Attacker needs with her 6P41 LMG. She could also make them tougher to take down because of the buffs from her Adrenal Surge. Finka would greatly increase the chances of the Attackers to successfully push and take control of the objective area.

5. Consulate

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5 Best Defenders for Consulate

  • Kaid – it is very important to prevent a hard breach in this map, especially when defending the basement. On the basement, there are also hatches that when breached will give the Defenders a lot of hard time, so it’s in the best interest of the Defenders to have a Kaid when defending the basement.
  • Vigil – This map is pretty big and there’s a lot of hiding spots for a roamer, and having a roamer on the defending team will be great for countering the Attackers’ attempt to push and plant the defuser.
  • Azami – Azami would be able to fortify weak angles with her Kiba Barriers, and through them, she can also patch up a breached wall. Another thing that is great about Azami is her ACS12 shotgun which allows her to make quick work of her enemies because of its high damage and range.
  • Wamai – It's almost impossible to effectively defend against a good Attacker team if you don’t have an anti-grenade operator, and in this case, because it’s very important in this map to create rotation holes, Wamai will be the best when it comes to that role because of his Mag-NETS and impact grenades.
  • Mute – His Signal Jammers would be great for preventing hard breaching in the basement. Mute will also allow Kaid to use his Rtillas on the hatches. Making most walls and hatches protected from a hard breach. Mute’s Signal Jammers are also great for denying intel to the enemies.

5 Best Attackers for Consulate

  • Fuze – Fuze would be great to have when the Defenders are defending the top floor and the basement. On the top floor, Fuze can destroy a lot of Defender gadgets on the CEO area. And there are wooden floors above the basement, so when the Defenders are in the basement, it will be great to harass them with Fuze’s Cluster Charges, as well as destroy their gadgets.
  • Maverick – Even if you can’t breach the walls on the basement area it won’t matter much for Maverick because through his Breaching Torch, he can make murder holes on the walls and have a really good view on the inside. Allowing him to strafe Defenders that will come to his line of sight. He can also protect himself and his team from roamers who will attempt to run out.
  • Thermite – Hard breaching in this map will make it much easier for Attackers to win the round, especially in the basement area. And for this map, Thermite is the best hard breacher, because he can completely destroy reinforced walls. That means, Attackers won’t have to vault or crouch in order to enter, unlike in Ace or Hibana’s case.
  • Capitao – With Capitao on the Attacker side, planting the defuser will be easier. Once Thermite successfully performs a hard breach, Capitao can quickly make smoke covers so that the Defenders won’t have a good visual on the one who’s planting. He also has fire grenades which he can use to deny area to the Defenders. That will allow him to stop Defenders from approaching an angle where they can frag the one who’s planting the defuser.
  • Ace – Ace would be another great hard breacher to have in this map especially when the objective area is in the basement. Thermite can perform the horizontal hard breach, while Ace can focus on destroying the hatches. If both of them are successful, it’ll be very hard for the Defenders in the basement to win.


4. Presidential Plane

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5 Best Defenders for Presidential Plane

  • Alibi – Even though this map is quite small, it has so many hiding spots. Perfect for Alibi’s Prismas when it comes to confusing the Attackers and gathering intel on their position. It’ll also be great for Alibi to roam in this map and she has good utility tools for that.
  • Vigil – Precisely because the map is small that you don’t want your whole team to just be inside the objective area. That will just make it easier for Attackers to frag you if all of you are in one place, that’s why it’ll be great to have roamers in your team, and Vigil is one of the best roamers for this map.
  • Azami – This is a map where Attackers have the advantage, they have a lot of good view from the outside too because of windows. And that’s why Azami is great for this map. With her Kiba Barriers, she will be able to cover up those exposed angles, and fortify the Defenders’ position.
  • Melusi – There are a lot of tight angles and corridors in this map, and that’s perfect for Melusi’s Banshees. The narrow corridors will make sure that the Attackers that will attempt to take that path will be slowed, and when they’re slowed, they’ll be a lot more vulnerable to Defender fire.
  • Thorn - Thorn and Melusi are a dangerous combination. With a Thorn Razorbloom Shell near Melusi’s Banshees, Attackers who are slowed down will most likely be killed by Thorn’s Razorbloom unless they’re able to shoot it first before it detonates. And this is a perfect combination on the tight spaces of this map.

5 Best Attackers for Presidential Plane

  • Glaz – The bullets of Glaz’s OTs-03 can penetrate the windows of this plane, allowing him to harass the defenders inside, and from one of the plane’s wings, Glaz will have a wide view of the inside through the windows. And he’ll be able to see opponents inside well despite all the hiding spots, because of his thermal scope.
  • Kali – All it takes is for Kali to land a hit on a defender and it's either he will be killed or be in a dbno state. And that’s a really scary ability to have on this map which offers a good view for snipers outside, and just like Glaz’s OTs-03, the bullets of Kali’s CSRX 300 can also penetrate the plane’s windows.
  • Iana – Because one could expect that there would be roamers in this map, the best way to win is to hunt them down in order to prevent a counter attack. And one of the best roamer hunters is Iana.
  • Ace – Even though this is only a quick match/casual map, it won’t hurt to try hard to win and rack up those renown points. And a hard breach on the Defenders’ walls or hatches is a great step to winning the round.
  • Jackal – Speaking of hunting roamers, Iana and Jackal’s combo is very deadly. These are two of the best intel gatherers in the Attacker side and it will be almost impossible to escape them in this map which doesn’t really have a lot of escape routes.

3. Emerald Plains

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5 Best Defenders for Emerald Plains

  • Azami – There are a lot of angles in this map that Attackers can exploit when it comes to fragging the Defenders inside, that’s why it would be great to have an Azami if you’re a defender. Her Kiba Barriers can fortify those exposed areas of the objective area and provide cover for Defenders.
  • Castle – Because this map has a lot of entryways, it’ll be best to block some of them. That could potentially redirect enemy movement into a smaller spot, and when enemies are gathered in generally the same direction, it’ll be easier to defend against them.
  • Mute – There are many walls leading to the outside area in this map, and it’s in the best interest of the Defenders to prevent those walls from being breached. That’s why it’ll be best to have a Mute in your team. Mute’s signal jammers would also be able to prevent the enemies’ intel gathering through their drones.
  • Wamai – In case the walls that are connected to the outside are breached, the best way to defend against the assault from the outside is by preventing the Attackers’ grenades from being effective, and Wamai’s Mag-NETS will be perfect for that. They can also serve as early warning devices.
  • Vigil – This map is pretty big and there are a lot of ways to go down from the upper floor, so it’s perfect for roamers like Vigil. Vigil will be able to harass the Attackers from many directions, preventing them from effectively pushing towards the objective area.

5 Best Attackers for Emerald Plains

  • Dokkaebi – Because of the sheer size of the map, it’ll be too dangerous to penetrate the objective area without killing the roamers first, and for that, Dokkaebi is a great operator to have. With her Logic Bomb, she and her teammates can approach the area while having a good idea on enemy whereabouts due to the sound cues that the Logic Bomb will provide.
  • Nokk – When it comes to hunting roamers, Nokk is a great partner for Dokkaebi. She can basically counter stealth with stealth, and while the opponents don’t hear her approaching beause of her silent steps, Nokk would be able to hear them very well because of Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb.
  • Zofia – Zofia has some of the heaviest firepower in the game with her LMG-E and special gadget which can shoot two concussion grenades and two impact grenades. This is great for entry fragging and room clearing. Which will be perfect when penetrating the objective area.
  • Finka – Finka and Zofia are a very dangerous combination to have. With these two, the Attackers will definitely have superior firepower, and not just that, toughness too, because Finka’s Adrenal Surge will make her whole team tougher, faster to reload, more tolerant of the effects of stun grenades, and more. And like Zofia with an LMG-E, Finka also brings a lot of oppressive firepower with her 6P41 LMG.
  • Gridlock – Gridlock is a great area denial operator. Her Trax Stingers can cause a lot of panic on Defenders, especially when she’s littering the objective area full of her Trax Stingers. This will limit Defender movement by a lot. Gridlock’s Trax Stingers is also great for rendering roamers useless.


2. Bank

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5 Best Defenders for Bank

  • Kaid - It is very important for the walls of the CEO office on the top floor and the walls from the servers to not get breached. If those walls are breached, it will make it much easier for Attackers to push inside the objective area and they’ll have more angles to frag the Defenders with, that’s why It’s important for Kaid to be picked in this map.
  • Mira – Mira would make it very hard for the Attackers to push from the servers area and garage because her Black Mirrors will be able to provide defenders a safe and good view of those areas.
  • Mute – Mute would be especially great to have when the objective area is in the basement. He can prevent a hard breach from the servers, and Kaid can use his Rtillas on the hatches instead. With this lineup, the Defenders would be able to prevent a horizontal and vertical hard breach.
  • Castle – Castle would be a really great Defender to have especially when the objective area is on the top floor, because the CEO area has windows that when opened, can expose the Defenders from the outside. Castle can fortify those windows, as well as other entrances, potentially redirecting enemy movement to a more defensible position.
  • Jager – With Jager’s ADS neutralizing grenades, it will be hard for the Attackers to destroy Kaid or Mute’s special gadgets. And if they cannot destroy those special gadgets, they won’t be able to perform a hard breach, that is why Jager is an important partner for Mute and Kaid. And he can just deploy his ADS during the prep phase. After that, he’s free to roam, and it would be good to have a roamer in this map as well.

5 Best Attackers for Bank

  • Thermite – Hard breaching in this map makes a whole lot of difference, because it gives the Attackers more avenues of attack and angles to frag Defenders with. And when Thermite can breach the walls from the servers in the basement, it’ll be much easier to plant the defuser.
  • Ace – Another hard breacher will be great to have in this map. While Thermite performs hard breaching horizontally, Ace can attack vertically by destroying three hatches when the Defenders are in the basement. When the walls from the serves are breached, and the hatches are breached as well, it will be very difficult for the Defenders to win.
  • Twitch – Any smart defending team would have anti-breach operators, and Twitch would be great for destroying those antibreach gadgets, such as Kaid’s Rtilla or Mute’s signal jammers. With Twitch, there’s a big chance that the Attackers will be able to perform a hard breach.
  • Maverick – Having two hard breach enablers will increase the chances of a hard breach being performed, and Maverick is one of the best hard breach enablers in the game right now. Even if he’s not destroying anti-breach gadgets, he can just also just make murder wholes on the walls of the CEO area and he’ll be able to give the Defenders inside a lot of trouble.
  • Dokkaebi – Before performing a hard breach, it’ll be much better to take out the roamers first. And Dokkaebi will make life very hard for roamers. Through her Logic Bomb which forcefully calls up Defenders’ mobile phones, she can compromise their locations.


1. Border

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5 Best Defenders for Border

  • Mira – Mira is a great Defender for this map, especially when the objective area is on the armory and archive, as well as on the bathroom and tellers. With her Black Mirrors, she and her teammates will have a good visual on the usual pathways that Attackers take when pushing.
  • Kaid – Preventing a hard breach on the armory walls and the hatches when the objective area is on the first floor, is a very important step in winning the round for Defenders, and Kaid is the best anti-breach operator on the game right now. His Rtillas can be put on very awkward angles, preventing them from being destroyed by frag grenades, Mav’s breaching torch, or Kali’s LV Explosive Lance.
  • Jager – Jager will be able to make sure that no frag grenades will be able to destroy Kaid’s Rtillas. Put two of Jager’s ADS for neutralizing frag grenades on the armory walls, and put the remaining one on the cement area. After that, Jager can just focus on fragging enemies, be it by anchoring or roaming.
  • Azami – Azami would be a very deadly combination to Mira because of the synergy of their special gadgets. With Azami on the team, Mira doesn't have to reinforce a wall before attaching her Black Mirror. She can put it up on a soft wall and allow Azami’s Kiba Barriers to fortify its bottom part. That way, Mira can frag enemies on the sides of her Black Mirror, as well as above with her nitro cell.
  • Mute – Another thing that the Defenders need to worry about are Twitch’s drones, which can also enable a hard breach. With Jager or Wamai neutralizing frag grenades, Twitch’s Shock Drones would be the best for Attackers when it comes to destroying Kaid’s Rtilla and allowing a hard breach. But Mute can render Twitch’s drones useless with his signal jammers.

5 Best Attackers for Border

  • Fuze – Fuze would be a really great operator to have in this map when the objective area is on the vent and workshop. The full area of the vent and workshop have wooden floors above. That means Fuze can keep bombarding the defenders below with his Cluster Charges. And even if he doesn’t get kills from that, it’s pretty sure that he’ll be able to destroy a lot of their gadgets. This is the best way to soften up the objective area before pushing it.
  • Sledge – As mentioned above, everything above the vent and workshop are made of wood, so, aside from Fuze’s Cluster Charges, one of the best ways to harass the Defenders below is by destroying the wooden floors again and again, exposing them from above. That will allow Sledge to have a good view of the workshop and vent from above. This can instill a lot of panic on the Defenders, and many of them will choose to go out of the objective area, making them more vulnerable to Attacker fire.
  • Ace – It is in the best interest of the Attackers to perform a hard breach on the walls of the armory, as well as destroy the reinforced hatches when the objective area is on the first floor. And Ace is a great operator for that role. With three hard breach charges, he’ll be able to open up many walls and hatches.
  • Twitch – It's safe to assume that the Defenders will have anti-breach operators, especially in Ranked, and to allow Ace to perform a hard breach, it is necessary to destroy the Defenders’ antibreach devices, and Twitch is one of the best operators for that role. With her Shock Drones, as long as they don’t get shot first, Twitch will be able to neutralize Kaid’s Rtillas, as well as the anti-grenade devices from Jager or Wamai.
  • Maverick – Having both Twitch and Maverick working to enable a hard breach will increase the chances of it happening. And even if it fails, Maverick’s Breaching Torch will be able to make murder holes on the reinforced walls, allowing him and his team to strafe at enemies on the other side. And of course, when push comes to shove, Maverick can also melt a portion of the wall, big enough for him and his teammates to enter when crouching or crawling.


Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:

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