[Top 10] R6 Best Stealthy Operators

R6 Siege Top 10 Best Stealthy Operators That Are Great
25 Jan 2024

Among all the mainstream multiplayer shooters out there, Siege is perhaps the most tactical. Sure, having great reflexes and aim is a huge bonus, but unlike most fps games around, it’s not the end all and be all in Siege. Often, those who are smarter when it comes to gameplay trumps over those who just have great reflexes and aim.

And one of the best ways to win over players with superior aim and reflexes is to use stealth. Stealth is a major part of Siege because it allows you to catch enemies by surprise and disrupt their whole strategy or momentum. In this article, we will be discussing the best operators that you can use for a stealthy approach.


10. Maverick

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Maverick might not be one of the first operators that will pop into players’ minds when they think of stealthy operators, but if you think about it more deeply, he definitely deserves to be in this list. His special gadget, the Breaching Torch, allows him to melt large portions of reinforced walls, and its breaching action is relatively quiet. That’s why you could see some amazing clips of a Maverick surprise rush where the player melts the bottom part of the reinforced wall on the bomb site just enough for Maverick to crawl in and that’s enough to surprise the enemies inside.

That’s largely why he’s on this list. With his Breaching Torch, he can create entry points in relative silence, and that’s great for surprising enemies. It’s also great for silently creating murder holes on reinforced walls on the objective spot. With murder holes that defenders aren’t aware of, there’s a big chance that Maverick will be able to get some kills. Another thing that adds to Maverick’s stealthiness is his 3-speed rating. He’s one of the lightest operators around, and that means he doesn’t create as much noise as the other, heavier armored ones.

What Makes Maverick Great for Stealth:

  • His Breaching Torch special gadget melts reinforced walls in relative silence, which is great for quietly creating an entry point on or near the objective spot, which usually surprises defenders.
  • Because the Breaching Torch’s breaching action is silent, Maverick can also use it to silently create murder holes, and that’s great for fragging defenders who are unaware that a murder hole has been created on a certain spot
  • Maverick sports a 3-speed 1-health rating, making him a light armored operator, and as a light armored operator, he doesn’t make as much noise when moving compared to other heavier armored ones

Best Loadout for Maverick:



9. Valkyrie

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Like Maverick above, Valkyrie may not be one of the first operators that players think of when the term “stealthy operator” is mentioned, however, if you want to play a more stealthy and tactical approach to the game when you’re defending, she’s definitely an operator that you should consider. That’s because when it comes to intel, she’s one of the best operators that one could play, and having a good handle on where the enemies are plays a huge role when it comes to a stealthy approach.

Valkyrie has three Black Eye cameras that she can attach to most surfaces. Once deployed, they provide a 180-degree view of the surroundings. They’re quite small, and they won’t emit their usual light-blue light when they’re not actively being used, so they can be very hard to spot. With these three Black Eye cameras, Valkyrie can know where the enemies are, and she can use that information for outmaneuvering her enemies with stealth, and that’s one of the best ways to perform her dreaded c4-under-the-floor attack.

What Makes Valkyrie Great for Stealth:

  • Because Valkyrie has three Black Eye cameras and each of them provide a wide view of the surroundings, Valkyrie always has good intel on enemy locations, and she can use that to stealthily outmaneuver them.
  • Being a 2-speed 2-health operator, she may not be as light as Maverick above, but is certainly lighter than a heavy armored one, so she still makes a relatively less noise when moving
  • When she’s successful in outmaneuvering her enemies using the intel she can get through her Black Eye cameras, she can effectively perform a c4-under-the-floor trick which can take out more than a few enemies

Best Loadout for Valkyrie:



8. Smoke

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Smoke is very unique as an operator because he’s one of the very rare area denial operators that can step into the effects of his area denial device without getting harmed by it. His area denial device is his Remote Gas Grenade special gadget, which, as its name implies, releases a cloud of chemical gas in an area when it’s detonated. Now that’s important as to why Smoke is in this list because he can use that cloud of chemicals for a stealthy approach.

Because he can enter the effects of his gas grenade without being harmed by it, he can use it to push back enemies and quickly retake the area even before the chemical cloud dissipates. Since the chemical cloud is also quite thick, it can be hard to see past it, and that’s why Smoke can use it for stealth. He can use it to obscure himself from enemies’ sights and surprise them with an attack coming off that chemical cloud. This is important for Smoke players to keep in mind because the best loadout for him has his shotgun as his primary weapon, and for it to be effective, he has to be close to his enemies.

What Makes Smoke Great for Stealth:

  • He can use the effects of his gas grenade to hide himself because he can enter its effects without being harmed by it, and he can use that to outmaneuver his enemies and get close to them for his shotgun to be effective.
  • Most of his skins have him wear a mask and that’s actually very helpful for stealth, because the more human features of the operator you hide, the better it is for camouflage
  • He has a 2-speed 2-health rating and that means he’s a medium armor operator. Medium armor operators, while not as light as the 3-speed rating ones, are still quite light and won’t make as much noise as 1-speed operators.

Best Loadout for Smoke:



7. Warden

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Warden’s stealth abilities are kind of similar to Smoke’s above, and that’s why he deserves to be in this list. When it comes to smoke grenades, nobody, not even the one who threw it, will be able to see through it or inside it, unless of course you’re Warden. That’s because Warden’s special gadget, the Glance Smart Glasses, allows him to see through smoke and remove the blind effects from stun grenades when it’s active. This also applies to Sens’ R.O.U. Projector System and other similar devices that obstruct vision, and Warden can use that for a stealthy approach.

Since he can clearly see through smoke grenades, when an enemy uses one, he can simply activate his Glance Smart Glasses, enter the effects of the smoke grenade, and stealthily frag the unsuspecting attackers from the shadows. This is a great way of killing enemies who think they’re so safe behind the effects of smoke grenades and Sens’ R.O.U. Projector Systems. And unlike most of the operators in this list, Warden is a heavy armored operator, but even if he makes more noise than lighter armored ones, it doesn’t matter much because he uses stealth and the element of surprise to deal with his enemies.

What Makes Warden Great for Stealth:

  • He can easily navigate his way around the effects of a smoke grenade of Sens’ R.O.U. Projector Systems because of his Glance Smart Glasses and he can frag unsuspecting enemies from within those effects
  • Warden is a master of using both stealth and the element of surprise against his enemies because they’d usually think they’re so safe behind the effects of smoke grenades, stun grenades, or Sens’ R.O.U. Projector Systems without knowing Warden can see them clearly

Best Loadout for Warden:



6. Jackal

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Jackal is great at stealth mostly because he has to be. His main role is to hunt down roamers, and to do that, he’ll have to use stealth to his advantage. The great thing about Jackal is that he has his special gadget, the Eyenox Model III, which allows him to clearly see the footprints that enemies left behind since when active, the Eyenox Model III will highlight their footprints in bright colors, and each set of footprints from different enemies will have a different color.

This intel will allow Jackal to track defenders that went out of the objective spot to roam, and it will also allow him to hunt them down stealthily. Another thing about Jackal that actually is borderline OP is that he can perform a scan on a set of enemy footprints and once that scan is successful, it will ping that enemy for the entire attacking team to see for twenty seconds. So Jackal isn’t only great for stealthily hunting enemy roamers alone, he’s also great at informing the whole attacking team on where the enemy roamers are.

What Makes Jackal Great for Stealth:

  • His Eyenox Model III allows him to see footprints that enemies left behind in different bright colors, and with knowing where they went, Jackal will know how to hunt and avoid them, and that’s great for stealth.
  • Jackal is a 2-speed 2-health operator and being a medium armored operator means that he won’t be making that much noise when he’s moving around, at least when compared to operators with a 3-health rating
  • Most of Jackal’s skins have him wear a helmet which is great for camouflage, and he has a lot of skin packs with camouflage patterns. Those irregular patterns can help him blend with the surroundings and be harder to see.

Best Loadout for Jackal:



5. Amaru

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Because Amaru is usually used as an operator for rushing, she’s probably not one of the operators that come to mind when Siege players think of stealthy operators. However, when used right, Amaru can be very stealthy. With her special gadget, the Garra Hook, he has both speed and stealth capabilities. For example, if the objective spot is on the second floor, Amaru can use his Garra Hook to very quickly go to the floor above it, and unsuspecting enemies will be surprised that she’s already inside the mission building.

This is one of the best ways to use Amaru because a lot of players, especially experienced ones, already expect a Garra Hook through one of the windows of the objective spot. So when Amaru uses it to get inside another floor that is not on the same level as the objective spot, the defenders can be really surprised. Amaru can also stealthily use her Garra hook to climb a broken hatch which is great for outmaneuvering enemies or surprising them.

What Makes Amaru Great for Stealth:

  • Her Garra Hook allows her to get to a floor that’s on a different level from the objective spot, and that’s great for a fast and stealthy approach because most enemies won’t expect that move.
  • Amaru can also use her Garra Hook to climb up a broken hatch and most enemies will not expect that because only her and Oryx can do that in the entire game. She can use this for outmaneuvering enemies or sneaking behind them.
  • Amaru is quite quick on her feet and doesn’t make a lot of noise when she’s moving around and that’s because she’s a medium armored operator, and they don’t make as much noise as heavy armored ones.

Best Loadout for Amaru:



4. Capitao

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Capitao is usually used as a front-liner or a second entry operator so he’s also an operator that wouldn’t first come to mind of players when they think of stealth operators. However, he’s actually one of the most stealthy ones. That’s because with his Tactical Crossbow, he can fire off two micro smoke grenades and two asphyxiating bolts which covers a large area in fire. For stealth however, let’s focus on his micro smoke grenades. These very handy utilities are great for a stealthy approach and they’re different from your normal smoke grenades.

That’s because the micro smoke grenades that Capitao can fire from his Tactical Crossbow will immediately pop off smoke as soon as they’re shot. That means Capitao can obstruct the vision of enemies immediately and without any warning. That’s obviously great for stealth, and is very useful for when Capitao wants to block out an angle so that he or his teammates can pass an area safely. Capitao’s claymores are also great for stealth because it allows him to counter enemies that will try to hit him from behind while he’s hunting for roamers.

What Makes Capitao Great for Stealth:

  • He can fire off two micro smoke grenades from his Tactical Crossbow and they immediately release smoke when they hit a surface, and that’s great for obstructing the vision of enemies
  • Capitao’s claymores are also great for stealth because with them, Capitao can focus more on hunting roamers without being so worried about his back, because claymores are great for countering roamers and flankers
  • Capitao is also a 2-speed 2-health operator so he won’t be making as much noise as heavy armored ones. The sound that comes from medium armored operators like Capitao is almost identical to light armored ones.

Best Loadout for Capitao:



3. Nokk

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There’s a reason why Nokk became popular in the Siege community as an operator straight out of a horror movie. There are even clips in Youtube where players get very spooked by suddenly seeing Nokk in front of their face. That’s because Nokk excels so much in stealth that in so many cases, you won’t notice her until she’s right up your face or behind you. She’s able to do that because of her special gadget, the HEL Presence Reduction which turns her invisible to all enemy cameras when she’s not sprinting or using her weapons.

But there’s more to it. When the HEL Presence Reduction is active, it’ll also silence her footsteps, much like how Caveira’s Silent Step works. That’s why there are a lot of surprise moments with Nokk. It’s hard to gather intel on her position, and it’s also hard to hear her. This makes her easily one of the best stealth operators around. She’s great at slow, tactical approaches, but she’s also great at rushing at the start of the round, because she can really surprise enemies with her stealth capabilities.

What Makes Nokk Great for Stealth:

  • Her special gadget, the HEL Presence Reduction, turns her invisible to all enemy cameras while she’s not sprinting or using her weapons, and that’s why it can be very hard to gather intel on her current position.
  • Her HEL Presence Reduction also silences her footsteps while she’s not sprinting, and Siege players rely heavily on sound when trying to detect enemies, so to take that away from them is a really powerful stealth capability.
  • Her default skin as well as many of the skins available to her are perfect for camouflage because it covers her entire body, so in many cases, she can perfectly blend with the surrounding backdrops.

Best Loadout for Nokk:



2. Vigil

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Vigil has always been a powerful stealth operator but the relatively recent rework on his special gadget, the ERC-7, made him even more powerful. The ERC-7 turns him invisible to all enemy cameras and it used to be that it would automatically deactivate when he shoots his weapon. However, with the rework, it will remain active even while he’s shooting, and instead, it will only create a glitch effect on the camera. Yes, he won’t really be invisible anymore while he’s shooting, but it can still be harder to perceive him.

This applies to when he’s sprinting, vaulting, or being detected by Lion’s EE-ONE-D or Grim’s Kawan Hives. Of course, it’s better for stealth when he’s not shooting or sprinting, but the good news for Vigil fans is that he still has some stealth capabilities even while he’s doing those things. Because of Vigil’s ERC-7, it can be very hard to gather intel on his current position even when the attackers know that he’s present in the enemy team. This can really unsettle them and disrupt their push.

What Makes Vigil Great for Stealth:

  • Vigil’s special gadget, the ERC-7, turns him invisible to all enemy cameras especially when he’s not shooting or sprinting. But even if he does, because of the rework, it won’t deactivate anymore, and will now only create a glitch effect.
  • Vigil is now a 3-speed 1-health operator, and since he’s now a light armored operator, he’s among the operators that make the least amount of noise when they’re moving around, and that’s perfect for stealth.
  • Vigil’s unique weapon, the K1A submachine gun is great with a suppressor because of its low stock recoil, and suppressors are great for stealth because it silences the weapon’s gunshots and removes its directional threat indicator as well as muzzle flash

Best Loadout for Vigil:



1. Caveira

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Caveira is at number one because she combines stealth and speed so effectively and with deadly effect. That’s because with her special ability, the Silent Step, she can silence her footsteps even while she’s sprinting. This makes her such a dangerous roamer because it can be very hard to detect her using sound cues. So she can hit you from behind very unexpectedly, and even when she’s being hunted, she can escape silently due to her Silent Step special ability.

What makes her such a dangerous opponent is her Interrogation special ability which reveals all the remaining attackers’ positions in real time. But to perform this, she has to put an attacker in a down-but-not-out state first, and to help her with that, she has her unique weapon, the Luison handgun which is such a great tool for stealth. That’s because among all the handguns in the game, it has the most silent gunshots, so it can be very hard to know where exactly Caveira is shooting from even when she’s not that far from you. The Luison also puts attackers in a down-but-not-out state first before killing them, which helps a lot with in performing Caveira’s Interrogation special ability.

What Makes Caveira Great for Stealth:

  • Her Silent Step special ability allows her to silence her footsteps, even while sprinting, and that’s a very powerful stealth ability because it allows her to hit enemies from behind unexpectedly as well as escape from them effectively
  • Her Luison handgun has a custom made suppressor and it’s the most silent handgun in the game, and that’s great for stealth because even while shooting with it, it can be very hard to determine Caveira’s exact location
  • Caveira’s other special ability, the Interrogation, allows her to reveal the real time position of enemies, and that intel is very handy for stealth because it allows Caveira to know how and where to approach the detected enemies

Best Loadout for Caveira:



Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:

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