[Top 10] Starfield Best Planets for Titanium

30 Jan 2024

But why is it important? Titanium is a resource used commonly in building structures, after doing enough research, you’ll be able to unlock more and more interesting blueprints for your outpost. Besides structures, you need plenty of titanium to finish research projects, and weapon modifications to name a few. 

Titanium can be acquired by using extractors or mining veins manually - with a cutter, like at the beginning of the game. The most common way of gathering resources is via the extractors, as they can produce tons of titanium within a few days.

Planets with the most titanium vary - there are so many that it’s hard to keep track of them but I’ll mention some of the ones that I’ve encountered. The most important ones are with the least amount of wildlife and a friendly environment. Anyway, without further ado, let’s start with the first planet!

10. Heilo 

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This is a moon with an exceptionally low gravity pull, no fauna to kill you, and a pretty dull landscape. Seems perfect for mining titanium, although the climate is pretty harsh in terms of temperature. Finding titanium is pretty easy as you can easily fly around with your backpack thanks to the low gravity pull.

Why this planet is awesome for mining titanium:

  • No annoying wildlife to bite your ass
  • This moon barely has any gravity pull, which makes it easy to find titanium
  • Flat landscapes are always better than mountainous regions

9. Bardeen V-e

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Colder than Siberia!

Bardeen is an extremely cold planet that makes it impossible for any life to thrive, the only creature that’s going to thrive is you - why? Because the only resources on this planet are water, lead, and most importantly, titanium. The resource itself is not hard to find, scanning the planet always helps!

Why this planet is awesome for mining titanium:

  • Only 3 resources - lead, water, titanium
  • No dangers except remote outposts with bandits nearby
  • 0.05 gravity pull - that allows you to jump very high, which makes scanning a lot easier

8. Alpha Andraste IV

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Chad planet.

A level 30 planet with rocks scattered everywhere and a chilly climate. You can get occasional shakes, as this planet tends to have random earthquakes here and there. This kinda disrupts your farming potential for titanium but hey, no dangerous animals are roaming around, unless you have a bounty on your head and are about to get visited by some pricks!

Why this planet is awesome for mining titanium:

  • Every once in a while you can encounter an earthquake, which motivates you to set up an extractor and a storage for titanium
  • No rabid space chihuahuas roaming around, since there is no breathable air

7. Bara V-a

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Barra, barra…

Bara is a pretty desolate place with little to no resources except for water, lead, and titanium. It’s easy to find once you scan the planet, just keep your scanner out and look for resources in the top left corner of your screen.

No fauna but the weather can be harsh - this can cause illnesses such as Hypothermia so make sure to stack up on some medicine or invest in resistances in the skills menu.

Why this planet is awesome for mining titanium:

  • Planet with easy access to titanium
  • Nothing lives on that planet that can endanger you
  • 0.19 gravity pull, which makes jumping a lot higher and makes looking for resources easier with the scanner

6. Copernicus II

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Was he from Germany or Poland?

If you’re gonna mine titanium on Copernicus II, you have to be careful about some of its wildlife - Herding Windbag Grazers, Cricket Stalkers, Anglers, and Grabber Scavengers, while not hostile, they can still bite you in the ass if you’re provoking them or being near them for too long(i.e. mining a node, creating an outpost, etc).

The atmosphere and climate on the other hand is temperate, so you don’t have to worry about catching some weird diseases again.

Why this planet is awesome for mining titanium:

  • The planet has docile wildlife that will attack only if provoked
  • No harsh environments can endanger you while mining
  • Resources such as copper, nickel, lead, fluorine, benzene that you can combine with titanium to make new research projects or equipment

5. Charybdis V

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The name itself sounds hostile…

But it’s just a frozen wasteland, filled with nothing but sand and rocks. Is there any dangerous fauna lurking around? Not really, which makes this a pretty decent place to look around for titanium. Get the ingredients needed for extractors and start your outpost - I didn’t have any issues looking for titanium deposits.

Why this planet is awesome for mining titanium:

  • 0.45 gravity pull, again, useful for exploration/finding titanium
  • No fauna to endanger your life
  • Besides titanium, you also have other resources that you can use for research and other purposes

4. Ternion VI 

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Welcome to nothing.

Yet another planet that’s not exactly warm but it’s still better than being chased by Terrormorphs. This planet doesn’t have any wildlife matter of fact, which makes it more than fitting to mine titanium. 

This planet has more than just titanium, so make sure to scan the planet before landing, then select a landing point on the spot that’s rich in titanium. Good luck!

Why this planet is awesome for mining titanium:

  • Low gravity pull makes it easy to find titanium and other resources
  • Lack of breathable oxygen makes it impossible for life to thrive, which makes it easy for you to mine titanium
  • No dangerous creatures roaming around due to nonexistent living conditions

3. Gamma Vulpes IV-a

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Finally some normal weather…

The weather here is temperate and the gravitational pull is low enough for you to semi-float, which makes you slightly faster than if you were walking on foot - this makes it easier to find titanium sooner and other resources if you’re lucky.

There is also no fauna here or any life for that matter. Feel free to start an outpost and start mining titanium on this beautiful moon!

Why this planet is awesome for mining titanium:

  • Temperate climate, no harsh weathers that ruin your titanium farming
  • Low gravity pull, makes it easier to fly around with your backpack and find titanium
  • Titanium is pretty common on this planet so finding it won’t be an issue

2. Bradbury III 

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Legends say that the forgotten meme is wandering the plains of Bradbury III, making sure that you can’t mine your titanium. On a serious note, the wildlife is docile and won’t attack you unless you don’t attack them first. 

Titanium is not hard to find, there are plentiful resources, depending on where you land - the same manual as before: scan, land, mine, or build an extractor and reap the benefits of being an AFK farmer!

Why this planet is awesome for mining titanium:

  • Non-aggressive animals, won’t disturb your precious titanium farm
  • You can find plenty of veins of titanium on various biomes
  • You can find flat landscapes which are perfect for setting up outposts

1. Tirna VIII-c

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A planet with life…

If you were bored of previous planets being lifeless and cold, this one is entirely different - it looks like a paradise, and not only it’s filled with lush vegetation, but you can also find titanium with 7 other resources in 1 spot! 

You can make many recipes from titanium, including massive structures, and combining them with other rare resources, such as tungsten, tantalum, and dysprosium can help you with research, as well as weapon modifications.

Why this planet is awesome for mining titanium:

  • You can also make a profit from selling titanium
  • If you find the spot you can farm titanium and the other resources available on this planet
  • Can craft titanium or use it for research

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