[Top 10] Starfield Best Early Skills To Get

19 Dec 2023

Choosing a build or a skill path early in the game isn’t recommended, especially if you’re a new player who doesn’t know much about the game yet. If you’re someone who’s doing a third run of the game then you might know what skill to go with but if you’re just starting and you have no clue then I’ll help you out. 

There are a total of 82 skills in Starfield and each of these skills can be upgraded individually. Some skills are better than others to get in early and that’s what I’ll be talking to you about today. Furthermore, these skills are a must-have no matter what build you’re trying to go because they will help you out. 

10. Lasers

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Imma chargin mah lazor!

Time to go full sci-fi and into the future by using laser weapons. If you’re someone who will use laser weapons pretty early on in the game then you should get the skill that ups your damage by 10% for each rank. 

On the last rank of this skill, you have a 5% chance to set your enemies on fire by shooting at them. Additionally, this skill can be easily maxed out pretty early in the game if you continue using the laser weapons.  

Why get this early:

You’ll want to get this skill pretty early if you’re planning on using laser weapons and you can easily reach max rank fairly early in the game.


Personal laser weapons are in widespread use across the Settled Systems and specialized training can greatly increase their effectiveness.

  • Rank 1 - Laser weapons do 10% more damage
  • Rank 2 - Laser weapons do 20% more damage
  • Rank 3 - Laser weapons do 30% more damage 
  • Rank 4 - Laser weapons have a 5% chance to set a target on fire

9. Ballistics

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Going ballistic!

If you don’t like using laser weapons or you’re someone who prefers the good ol’ bullets then you need to have this skill unlocked. Furthermore, this skill improves the damage of all guns that use bullets such as shotguns, pistols, assault rifles, and so on. 

Additionally, the skill will increase the damage by 10% for each rank, and on the last rank it will increase the range of your weapons by 30%. Also, it’s really easy to unlock, you just have to use the weapons.

Why get this early:

Because this skill will increase the damage of multiple types of weapons that use bullets as their ammo. Additionally, on the last rank, it will increase the range of those weapons by 30% and it’s not that hard to unlock.


Centuries of conflict have proven that when it comes to threat elimination, few things stack up to the reliable power of high-speed projectiles.

  • Rank 1 - Ballistic weapons do 10% more damage
  • Rank 2 - Ballistic weapons do 20% more damage
  • Rank 3 - Ballistic weapons do 30% more damage
  • Rank 4 - Ballistic weapons range is increased by 30% 

8. Persuasion

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She’s persuading someone right now.

Sometimes you don’t have to use violence to resolve a conflict, you can use your words. That’s why you need to get the persuasion skill so you can avoid those situations and this skill is pretty useful if you’re playing on harder difficulties. 

Plus you save up ammunition for the time when you actually can’t use your words to avoid the fight. Additionally, this skill is good for players who aren’t that good in combat and would much rather talk their way through the game.

Why get this early:

Having this skill early in the game can help you save ammunition and resolve situations without wasting your bullets. Furthermore, the skill is good when playing on harder difficulties where enemies have much more HP and deal a lot more damage.


In the Settled Systems, the nuanced ability to listen and discuss can often accomplish far more than simply shooting first and asking questions later.

  • Rank 1 - 10% increased chance of success when persuading someone.
  • Rank 2 - 20% increased chance of success when persuading someone.
  • Rank 3 - 30% increased chance of success when persuading someone.
  • Rank 4 - 50% increased chance of success when persuading someone.

7. Scavenging

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Moar loot!

The great thing about Bethesda games is that you can loot anything. Any movable object can be lootable in any RPG made by Bethesda and that’s a great thing and it’s one of their staples. 

Now the scavenging skill will give you extra credits, ammo, med packs, or resources depending on the rank. Also, the skill is useful at any level and extra resources are always handy no matter what they are.

Why get this early:

Since it’s an RPG game you’ll be looting and scavenging every single nook and cranny you can get your hands on. Especially in the early game when you won’t have a lot of ammo, credits, or medpacks so getting this skill will prove useful to you as extra resources never hurt anyone.


Some can find just about anything and their success is usually dependent on knowing how and where to look. 

  • Rank 1 - There’s a chance you’ll find extra credits when searching containers.
  • Rank 2 - There’s a chance you’ll find extra ammo when searching containers.
  • Rank 3 - There’s a chance you’ll find extra aid items, like Med Packs or chems when searching containers. 
  • Rank 4 - Tracked resources will get highlighted when using the hand scanner.

6. Targeting Control Systems

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Locked on.

So you want to become a space pirate and hunt down ships and strip them of their goods? Well, you should know that those ships won’t give up without a fight so knowing where to hit them to deal the most damage is very useful. Which is what this skill will help you with. 

Specifically, it will help you with targeting specific parts which in return will make the dog fights much easier. You also need this skill if you want to board enemy ships as you need to disable their engines first to be able to board them.

Why get this early:

If you want to have the ability to board ships then you need to have this skill. Plus, this skill will allow you to deal more damage to enemy ships as you can target specific parts.


Missile weapons are favored because they can lock onto an enemy ship but an intimate knowledge of tracking systems can make them even more effective. 

  • Rank 1 - Unlocks ship targeting functionality.
  • Rank 2 - Time to lock onto enemy ships is reduced by 15%. Target-locked ships fire at you 25% slower.
  • Rank 3 -  Time to lock onto enemy ships is reduced by 30%. You have a 10% increased chance of critically hitting a target-locked ship.
  • Rank 4 - Time to lock onto enemy ships is reduced by 60%. Deal 20% increased system damage in targeting mode.

5. Weight Lifting

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Training to beat up the Adoring Fan.

Come on, it's a Bethesda game. Do you expect not to loot everything and carry as many useless things as possible? Think of all the potatoes you can carry on your guy and put them in your cabin. 

For you to do something like that you need the weight lifting skill that will increase the carry capacity of your character. Additionally, at rank IV, your carry capacity will increase by 100 kilograms and you will gain a 50% resistance to being staggered which is neat.

Why get this early: 

Simply put, getting this skill early will mean that you can carry more items on your character and once it’s at rank 4 you will gain a 50% resistance to being staggered. 


Weight training can significantly increase one’s ability to carry weapons and equipment both in space and on the ground.

  • Rank 1 - Increase total carrying capacity by 10 kilograms.
  • Rank 2 - Increase total carrying capacity by 25 kilograms.
  • Rank 3 - Increase total carrying capacity by 50 kilograms.
  • Rank 4 - Increase total carrying capacity by 100 kilograms. Gain 50% resistance to stagger

4. Piloting

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Can you do a gangsta drive-by in this thing?

Most of your time will be spent flying in the ship since that’s kind of the main point of the game. Exploring planets, finding new things, dog fights in space, and so on. To have the best success in dog fights in space first, you’ll need some skills. 

The piloting skill will give your character a brand new ability which is being able to use the ship’s thrusters. Furthermore, on ranks 3 and 4, you’ll unlock the ability to pilot class B and C ships. 

Why get this early:

On ranks 1 and 2, you’ll be able to use the ship's thrusters and have a much easier time controlling the ships. It’s quite useful as most of the game you’ll spend in your ship exploring space and planets and dog fighting in space.


As more people journey into space the number of those certified to effectively pilot various types of spacecraft has increased dramatically.

  • Rank 1 - You can now utilize the ship’s thrusters.
  • Rank 2 - Increased ship turning rate and maneuverability.
  • Rank 3 - Unlock the ability to pilot class B ships.
  • Rank 4 - Unlock the ability to pilot class C ships.

3. Fitness

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If you want to explore those planets where there isn’t a lot of breathable air then you’ll need to increase your fitness. By doing that you’ll increase the amount of oxygen or stamina you have. 

Yes, the oxygen and stamina bar share the same thing; it's kind of similar to the radiation mechanic from Fallout 4. Also, if your carbon dioxide levels get too high you will start to take damage. The only way to avoid that is by increasing your overall fitness.

Why get this early:

By increasing your fitness skill you will have a much larger stamina or oxygen bar that can be useful for exploring toxic planets and you will prevent yourself from taking carbon dioxide damage.


In space the greatest commodity is oxygen, and the increased lung capacity gained by a regular physical fitness regimen is essential to survival.

  • Rank 1 - You have 10% more oxygen available.
  • Rank 2 - You have 20% more oxygen available.
  • Rank 3 - You have 30% more oxygen available.
  • Rank 4 - Sprinting and power attacks use significantly less oxygen.

2. Wellness

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To stay in combat for longer.

This is a straightforward skill and it increases the total amount of health your character can have. This is a great skill to have no matter what build you’re going for and extra HP can never hurt you, especially in the early game.

Furthermore, it’s useful to get if you’re not sure what build you’re going for. Ranking up the skill is easy as you just need to be healing up which you will be doing throughout the game.

Why get this early:

Having extra HP is always good no matter what your build is and leveling up this skill is easy as you just have to be healing which you will be doing throughout the game.


By embracing an active lifestyle and good nutrition habits one may improve their overall sense of health and even gain prolonged life expectancy. 

  • Rank 1 - Increase your maximum health by 10%.
  • Rank 2 - Increase your maximum health by 20%.
  • Rank 3 - Increase your maximum health by 30%.
  • Rank 4 - Increase your maximum health by 40%.

1. Boost Pack Training

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Very useful!

For the skill that is a must-have on every single playthrough of the game and that’s the ability for you to use a jetpack or a boost pack. Man, when was the last time you could use a jetpack in a game? I remember using one in GTA: San Andreas long ago. 

To be able to use a jetpack or a boost pack in Starfield first you have to get it from a quest from Sarah. After that level up the required skill and you can now use it. The boost pack will allow you to quickly travel across the planet and to have more movement during combat.

Why get this early:

You will receive the boost pack or jetpack from a quest quite early in the game but to be able to use it you’ll have to unlock the skill first. The boost pack will allow you to travel across planets quickly and give you more maneuverability during combat.


Specialized training and innovations in personal mobility systems have allowed for unfettered exploration of alien worlds.

  • Rank 1 -  You can now utilize boost packs.
  • Rank 2 - Using a boost pack expends less fuel.
  • Rank 3 - Boost pack fuel regenerates more quickly.
  • Rank 4 - Doubles previous bonuses.

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