[Top 10] Smash Ultimate Piranha Plant Combos

Smash Ultimate Piranha Plant Combos
25 Feb 2021

Super Smash Ultimate is no stranger to surprise reveals. From the hype reveal of FF7’s Sephiroth to the Wii Fit Trainer trailer, Smash has kept its fans on their toes. But let’s be honest, no one could have prepared for the incredibly hilarious reveal of Piranha Plant. The character may not warrant much fear in the Mario series, but in Smash, it’s a force to be reckoned with. With decent air game and an arsenal of projectiles, there’s much fun to be had with Plant. Read on to learn exactly what it can do!

The Best Moves

10. Nair > Grab

You’re not getting away.

There are a few grab setups that Plant can use to get the upper hand- er, leaf. Nair to Grab is a pretty safe bet at low percent, so take the opportunity to take your opponent down. Don’t forget a good pummel or two!

9. Bair > F-Tilt

Bair to Dream! (0:47)

Compared to other fighters, Piranha Plant’s Bair isn’t too much to brag about on the surface. Iy doesn’t have too much knockback, for one. But honestly, that’s to Plant’s advantage. The combo ability of Bair into moves like F-Tilt is essential to Plant’s viability.

8. D-Tilt > Fair

All’s Fair in Smash (1:11)

This is a pretty good way to catch your opponent off guard since D-Tilt comes out relatively quickly. If you can get your opponent offstage, you should try going for a spike. If not, Fair can combo into itself, so lay on the damage.

7. U-Tilt > Flurry Jab

Flurry Jabs don’t see lots of combo action. (0:28)

Many characters have two versions of their jabs: the basic three-hit combo and a more wild flurry attack. Plant can make use of his flurry to rack up damage in this true combo.

6. D-Throw > Nair

Throws are a plant’s best friend. (0:17)

There’s a lot that Piranha Plant can do with throw in Smash. His down throw is perfect for comboing. Nair is probably the easiest attack to follow up with since it comes out so fast.

5. U-Tilt > Short Hop Nair

Try not to jump too high.​ (0:23)

In most of Plant’s low percent combos, it’ll be necessary to short hop. This is because you’ll want to connect with as many hits as possible. Jumping too high leaves you wide open for punishment.

4. U-Tilt > Up Special

Take them up with you! (0:29)

While this isn’t a true combo, it can catch opponents by surprise if you’re lucky. It may not do a whole bunch on its own, but the extra damage it lays on will be well worth it.

3. SIde Special > Flurry Jab

The damage never ends! (0:54)

If you’ve ever wanted to get your opponent to 90% from 0%, this is one way to do it. Trapping your opponent in the cloud of poison racks up damage one way, and the Flurry Jab adds to the onslaught. This gives you the perfect opportunity to strike a finishing blow!

2. Neutral Special > Dash Attack

Those spikes look sharp! (1:37)

Neutral Special is one of Piranha Plant’s most versatile moves, so it makes sense that it can combo as well. I use this one a bunch in my own Smash endeavors, and I can attest to how useful it is. That hit stun gives you a decent amount of time to dash attack, even from somewhat far away.

1. U-Tilt > Up Special > Up Smash

Up, up, and away! (2:13)

This one takes some skill to pull off, but if you can do it, you’ll be sure to turn some heads. The Up Smash at the end requires you to watch where your opponent is trying to land. Pay close attention.

More than a Minion

When Plant was announced as a DLC fighter, many people doubted it’d be viable, but there’s absolutely a mindset shift happening. More and more people are playing and learning the character, and it wouldn’t be a bad idea if you did too.




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