[Top 25] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Weapons That Are Powerful

Top 25 Best Weapons That Are Powerful In Rainbow 6 Siege
30 Nov 2023

25. 9mm C1 Submachine Gun

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Frost’s unique gun and one of the reasons why players really shouldn’t sleep on Frost. This submachine gun features high damage output with a very stable recoil due to its slow rate of fire, making it very effective for medium to long range encounters. Though its slow rate of fire can be detrimental during close quarters engagements, its stock angled grip will help the user to go into aim-down-sights (ADS) position quicker than normal.

The weaknesses of this weapon are its slow rate of fire, lack of recoil benefit-providing attachments, and lack of scopes that can provide higher zoom levels. The first two drawbacks don’t weigh heavily on the weapon though because its slow rate of fire is what makes its recoil very controllable and since its default recoil is already low, it doesn’t really need attachments that provide recoil benefits. Another thing that makes it such a great weapon is its above-average magazine capacity.

What The 9mm C1 Excels In:

  • Above-average magazine capacity supplements its medium to long range capabilities. Meaning the user can shoot it in long bursts more.
  • Its high damage and high stopping power can make quick work of enemies despite its slow rate of fire
  • Its low recoil allows the user to strafe enemies at medium to long range with great accuracy
  • For close-range engagements, it has a stock angled grip which will help the user get into ADS stance quicker and aim at enemies.

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 45
  • Fire rate - 575
  • Capacity - 34

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24. BOSG.12.2 Shotgun

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A lot of players treat the BOSG.12.2 shotgun as a joke, probably because it only has two shots before it needs to reload, and is actually quite hard to use, even for experienced players. But the BOSG.12.2, available for Dokkaebi and Vigil, is a serious weapon with serious damage and stopping power. It’s one of the very few weapons in the game that can take down an opponent with just one shot even if that shot doesn’t go to the head.

It has a really strong recoil per shot, but if you attach a vertical grip to it, the user will be able to manage its recoil so as to quickly make the second shot while maintaining accuracy. And yes, the BOSG.12.2’s two shots can be fired rapidly. It is a single-slug shooting shotgun that functions a lot like a marksman rifle because it was modeled after the single-slug shotguns that are used for big game hunting. This long-range shotgun also has a high destructive profile per shot, and that also means high penetration power

What The BOSG.12.2 Excels In:

  • High penetration per shot making it perfect for wall bangs
  • Very high damage output per shot. Able to take down an enemy even with just one shot at the proper range.
  • Its two shots can be fired rapidly in succession. Accurately too if you attach a vertical grip to it.
  • Its high ammo reserve means that it's unlikely for the user to run out of ammo during the entire round

Weapon stats:

  • Damage – 125
  • Fire rate – Single shot
  • Capacity – 2

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23. Keratos .357 Handgun

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This handgun deserves a place in this list because it’s the best handgun in the game right now. Not only does it have high stopping power and damage, each of its shot also has a lot of destructive force with them, making it a great utility tool as well for creating murder holes. And with its high destructive profile per shot comes great penetration power. This powerful handgun is available for Alibi, Maestro, and Wamai.

Despite its high damage output per shot, its recoil remains very manageable, even if the user opts for a suppressor than the recoil-benefit providing muzzle brake barrel attachment. This makes it a great secondary weapon when the primary one needs to reload in the middle of a gunfight. Its iron sight is also one of the best iron sights in the game, which is great for users attempting to hit targets at medium to long range.

What The Keratos .357 Excels In:

  • High destruction profile per shot makes it a great utility tool and for damaging enemies behind unreinforced walls
  • Manageable stock recoil makes it easier for the user to hit enemies when switching to it when the primary weapon is unavailable
  • Its high damage can make quick work of enemies from close to medium range

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 78
  • Fire rate – Single shot
  • Capacity - 6

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22. T-95 LSW Light Machine Gun

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Ying’s unique primary weapon and one of the most powerful light machine guns in the game. It is unique compared to most light machine guns because of its quick reload time due to its detachable magazine. Aside from that, it has all the qualities that make LMGs great, which are their high damage, huge magazine capacity, low recoil, and the availability of a variety of attachments. The T-95 LSW doesn’t even really need any recoil-benefit providing attachment for its recoil to be manageable.

That means that the user can freely equip the suppressor as its barrel attachment and would still enjoy the gun’s low recoil as well as its heavy damage. And using the suppressor for the T-95 LSW is ideal because Ying’s Candelas may be excellent at robbing enemies of their vision but unlike the normal stun grenades, they don’t create an ear-ringing effect when they go off, so Ying using the T-95 LSW with a suppressor makes sense because it will lessen the sound cues that the opponents can use for an effective counter strike.

What The T-95 LSW Excels In:

  • Has a huge magazine capacity making it ideal for long bursts and finishing off 3-armor operators
  • Its detachable magazine makes its reload speed a lot faster compared to most light machine guns
  • Its high damage and low recoil more than make up for its slow rate of fire drawback
  • Capable of taking down light armored operators in just three shots depending on the range

Weapon stats:

  • Damage – 39
  • Fire rate – 650
  • Capacity - 80

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21. Para-308 Assault Rifle

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Capitao’s unique weapon, the Para-308, is one of the assault rifles with the highest damage in the game, which is one of the reasons why Capitao is such an underrated operator. Its high stopping power more than makes up for its slow rate of fire which is practically its only weakness. But that same slow rate of fire allows it to have its other strength, which is its very manageable recoil.

The best thing about the Para-308 is the amount of attachment choices the user has for it. It has all the barrel attachments which is great because the user can attach the extended barrel to it and ensure that it’ll inflict high damage regardless of range. And because of the gun’s stock recoil being inherently low, the user won’t really need a recoil-benefit providing barrel attachment. Its 1.5x scope is also perfect for Capitao’s role which is providing backline support while not being so far away from the frontline.

What The Para-308 Excels In:

  • Its tight recoil diamond means it’s not prone to random horizontal recoil, making it a very stable weapon for long burst firing.
  • The wide variety of attachment options available to it allows the user to customize it according to his or her own playstyle
  • Inflicts heavy damage and stopping power per shot. This, accompanied by its average rate of fire, means that the player can easily take enemies down with just a few shots.

Weapon stats:

  • Damage – 48
  • Fire rate – 650
  • Capacity - 30

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20. C8-SFW Assault Rifle

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A variant of Jackal’s C7 Assault Rifle, the C8-SFW is an exclusive gun for Buck and has a fast rate of fire accompanied with high damage. This makes it perfect for Buck’s gameplay which involves a lot of soft breaching and being in the front line of assault. The C8-SFW has a strong vertical weapon kick, so it’s advisable for users to fire it in short bursts and it’ll be mostly effective in short to medium range.

Because its recoil pattern mostly only goes upwards and it's not prone to horizontal recoil, it’s advisable to use the flash hider as its barrel attachment for maintaining a manageable vertical recoil with longer bursts, or the muzzle brake for stabilizing its earlier shots, making it great for short burst shooting. The C8-SFW also has the Scope 1.5x which is one of the best sights in the game and is perfect for Buck’s gameplay of mostly having to deal with enemies at close to medium range.

What The C8-SFW Excels In:

  • Its recoil pattern which mostly only goes in a straight vertical line is quite easy to control
  • Fast reload speed makes it great for close quarters engagements
  • High damage output combined with its fast rate of fire makes this weapon capable of taking out enemies fast

Weapon stats:

  • Damage – 40
  • Fire rate – 837
  • Capacity – 30

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19. 417 Marksman Rifle

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The 417 designated marksman rifle, available to Twitch, Lion, and Sens, has incredible stopping power per shot, accompanied with low recoil, and comes in with a variety of attachments. It’s one of the best marksman rifles in the game, and has high destructive profile per shot, which means it can destroy unreinforced hatches in just a few shot and puncture walls on unreinforced walls to create murder holes.

It also comes with a very tight hip fire, especially if the user attaches a laser sight on it. This makes it viable not just for long range sniping, but also for sudden close-range encounters. This marksman rifle is great for the operators it’s available with because Twitch, Lion, and Sens can play the role of backline support really well, especially with their special gadgets and utilities. Add the high damage 417 marksman rifle to that, and they’ll be really deadly.

What The 417 Excels In:

  • High destructive profile per shot making it capable of destroying hatches and creating murder holes with just a few shots
  • Tight hip fire spread makes it effective in close range as well, especially with the availability of the 1.5x scope.
  • High damage and stopping power allow the user to inflict fatalities with just a few shots of this designated marksman rifle
  • Its low recoil especially with a vertical grip and muzzle brake provides the user with great accuracy

Weapon stats:

  • Damage – 69
  • Fire rate – Single shot
  • Capacity - 20

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18. G36C Assault Rifle

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The G36C is one of the most popular weapons in Ubisoft’s world of shooting games. It’s also one of my favorite weapons in The Division and Ghost Recon: Wildlands. In Siege, it has become the best primary weapon for Ash especially when her R4-C lost its acog. It inflicts a good amount of damage, with good magazine capacity, and has a variety of attachments available to it, making it one of the most versatile weapons in the game.

It’s available for Ash and Iana. Its 1.5x scope is only available for Ash though, and is one of the reasons why the G36C is the best weapon for Ash right now. Its recoil is very manageable with low vertical weapon kick. It has a wide recoil diamond after its first few shots though so it’s advisable to attach a compensator to it to reduce its random horizontal recoil. For Iana, the G36C remains a good choice instead of the ARX200 because it has a bigger magazine capacity.

What The G36C Excels In:

  • Inflicts a good amount of damage which comes with fast rate of fire
  • Comes with the excellent 1.5x scope for Ash which allows her to perform her role as an entry fragger more effectively
  • Decent magazine capacity allows the user to fire long bursts and have the advantage in medium to long range

Weapon stats:

  • Damage – 38
  • Fire rate – 780
  • Capacity - 30

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17. M4 Assault Rifle

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Even just its badass and cool design, especially with a suppressor, is enough to get it a place on this list. The M4, Maverick’s exclusive assault rifle, is truly a magnificent gun, not just in looks but in its above-average damage and manageable recoil as well. It has all the barrel attachments available to it which is one of its strengths, but I strongly recommend the suppressor when using Maverick and his M4. And that is because of Maverick’s role and gameplay.

Maverick’s special gadget is the Breaching Torch which allows him to melt portions of reinforced walls, and that means he can make kill holes which will allow him to shoot Defenders on the other side of the wall. And with a suppressor on the M4, chances are, the Defender, especially at medium range, wouldn’t even know he’s being shot at from the hole on the reinforced wall, because the suppressor dampens the weapon’s gunshot sound and removes the directional threat indicator that shots make.

What The M4 Excels In:

  • Its manageable recoil especially when aided by the vertical grip allows the user to fire it with great stability
  • Its 1.5x scope is perfect for Maverick’s role of engaging enemies at close to medium range
  • The wide variety of attachments available to it allows the player to customize its according to his own playstyle
  • Good rate of fire accompanied with its high damage will allow the player to kill enemies quickly

 Weapon stats:

  • Damage – 44
  • Fire rate – 750
  • Capacity - 30

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16. UZK50GI Submachine Gun

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The second newest gun in the game. The UZK50GI came along with Thorn during Operation High Calibre. This submachine gun features high stopping power per shot with medium rate of fire and low recoil. Its main weakness really is its small magazine capacity which can be a problem so users are advised to fire this in short bursts accompanied with good cursor placement. Despite that weakness however, this remains one of the most powerful guns in Siege.

That is because of its high damage output and high destruction profile per shot. That means it’s not only great for killing enemies, but it can also be used as a utility tool for creating murder holes on unreinforced walls or wooden floors. It also has a good variety of attachments available to it except for its lack of scopes that provide higher zoom levels. Because of its manageable stock recoil, the user can attach an angled grip to it and make it quicker to go into aim-down-sights (ADS) position with.

What The UZK50GI Excels In:

  • Its very manageable stock recoil allows the user to fire this weapon more accurately and with good stability
  • Its high stopping power can put enemies down fast
  • High destruction profile per shot means it can be used as a utility tool as well for creating murder holes on wooden floors or unreinforced floors

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 44
  • Fire rate - 700
  • Capacity - 22

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15. SPSMG9 Machine Pistol

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Exclusive to Kali and Clash, the SPSMG9 is the main reason why Clash can surprise anyone with her killing capabilities. Because of the SPSMG9 machine pistol’s very fast rate of fire, Clash and Kali can quickly down their enemies. And accompanying that fast rate of fire is a very decent amount of damage. The best thing about it is that despite it being a machine pistol that has a very fast firing rate, its recoil remains to be very manageable, even if the user chooses the suppressor over the recoil-benefit providing flash hider.

That is because its recoil pattern mainly only goes on a straight vertical path, so the user really just needs to hold down its vertical recoil and not worry much about random horizontal recoil. All 1.0x sights can be attached to it as well, making it easier for the user to target opponents with good accuracy. Despite its very manageable recoil however, it is still advisable to use it for short burst firing in order to maintain accuracy.

What The SPSMG9 Excels In:

  • Very controllable recoil allows the user to fire it with good stability
  • Availability of all 1.0x sights as its attachment helps the user target opponents with pinpoint accuracy
  • Its good damage and fast rate of fire can make quick work of enemies

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 33
  • Fire rate - 980
  • Capacity – 20

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14. FO-12 Shotgun

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Considered by many in the Siege community as the most powerful standard shotgun in the game; standard in a sense that it fires a spread of pellets and not single slugs like the TCSG12 or ACS12. The FO-12 is exclusive to Ela and makes her one of the most feared roamers in the game, because this shotgun brings a lot of destruction in close range due to its high damage output and fast rate of fire.

On top of that, this shotgun can also reload fast compared to most standard shotguns. And perhaps the scariest thing about it is that it can be equipped with an extended barrel as its barrel attachment, making it effective at hurting opponents even at medium range. It has a wide variety of attachments and good magazine capacity. Perfect for Ela’s gameplay of quickly coming in and finishing off enemies that are maimed by her Grzmot Mines.

What The FO-12 Excels In:

  • High damage output per shot means Ela can put enemies down really fast
  • Availability of a wide variety of attachments allows the user to customize it according to his or her own playstyle
  • Extended barrel makes this shotgun deadly even at medium range
  • Its very fast rate of fire compared to most shotguns means the user will be able to finish off enemies quickly

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 25
  • Fire rate - Single shot
  • Capacity - 10

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13. DP27 LMG

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One of the most destructive guns in Siege, able to make quick work out of Tachanka’s enemies and capable of being used as a great utility tool for creating rotation holes and murder holes. Each shot from this imposing weapon deals heavy damage and is capable of taking down opponents with just three shots depending on the range. What really holds it back is the lack of ways for the player to customize it due to the absence of most attachments for it.

Aside from that, its slow rate of fire is also considered a drawback, but because of that slow rate of fire, its recoil is very manageable even though each shot deals heavy damage and is fully automatic. It's even more powerful now that all 1.0x sights are available to it. That means players can attach their favorite 1.0x sight on it and get rid of its horrible default sight.

What The DP27 Excels In:

  • Heavy damage per shot makes it capable of taking down enemies with just a few shots
  • Its high destruction profile per shot makes it a great utility tool for creating rotation holes or murder holes
  • Its huge magazine capacity allows the user to harass enemies with long burst firing and provide cover fire to teammates

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 49
  • Fire rate – 550
  • Capacity - 70

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12. OTs-03 Marksman Rifle

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Glaz’s designated marksman rifle and is exclusive to him, is one of the most feared weapons in the game because of its heavy damage per shot accompanied by Glaz’s pinpoint accuracy, aided by the weapon’s thermal scope, which provides 4.0x zoom and highlights enemies in a yellow hue. This special feature allows Glaz to easily distinguish enemies from all the clutter and hiding spots in the maps.

The OTs-03's thermal scope’s most deadly ability is that it allows the user to see enemies through smoke grenades and now through Sens’ R.O.U. Projector Systems. This weapon makes Glaz such a dangerous operator especially when Defenders aren’t aware that Glaz is on the Attacking team, because they might try to swing the smoke cover or the R.O.U. Projector Systems without knowing that Glaz is waiting with the OTs-03's thermal scope ready.

What The OTs-03 Excels In:

  • High damage output and stopping power per shot allowing the user to take enemies down with just a few shots
  • Thermal scope allows the user to see through smoke and differentiate the enemy among all the clutter in the maps
  • Above average magazine capacity compared to most marksman rifles
  • High destruction profile per shot allows the user to destroy hatches and puncture holes on unreinforced walls with just a few shots

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 71
  • Fire rate – Single shot
  • Capacity - 15

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11. Luison Handgun

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An absolute monster in close range, the Luison is capable of taking down enemies with just a couple of shots at close range, and that applies to all enemies regardless of armor rating. What makes this handgun unique is that it will always put an enemy in a down-but-not-out (dbno) state first before killing them. This allows Caveira, who’s the exclusive owner of this handgun, to perform her interrogation special ability easier on opponents, because of course, she can’t interrogate opponents if they’re dead.

Another scary thing about the Luison is its gunshot sounds are subsonic, making it very hard to hear unless you’re close to it. This allows Caveira to perform her role as a stealth operator and an effective roamer. This gun however, has a steep damage drop-off so users are advised to not use it for strafing enemies from long range.

What The Luison Excels In:

  • Capable of taking enemies down, regardless of armor rating, with just two shots at optimal range.
  • Subsonic gunshots make it very hard to hear, perfect for Caveira’s role as a roamer and a stealth operator.
  • Non-lethal shots aid Caveira in performing her interrogation ability. However, shooting opponents that are in a dbno state with it will kill them.

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 65
  • Fire rate – Single shot
  • Capacity - 12

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10. CSRX 300 Marksman Rifle

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One of the most imposing and scary looking weapons in the game. Just one look at it and you know that it deals heavy damage per shot, and you would be right, because it’s one of the very few weapons in game that are capable of taking down opponents with one non-headshot shot. Aside from its heavy damage, each of its shots has a very high destruction profile, so one shot from this is capable of puncturing a large hole on an unreinforced wall.

The fact that each shot from the CSRX can sway Clash’s shield means it’s no exaggeration when I say that it's one of the most OP weapons in the game. On top of its heavy damage and highly destructive shot profile, it comes equipped with a scope that provides the user with 5.0x and 12x zoom which the user can use interchangeably however he or she wants. The 12x zoom means that its user will really be able to target his or her opponents well even from an extremely long distance.

What The CSRX 300 Excels In:

  • Very destructive profile per shot means it's capable of puncturing large holes on unreinforced walls per shot. Of course, it can also destroy hatches.
  • Each of its shots are so heavy that they can sway Clash’s shield, making it a great support for taking down Clash.
  • Capable of instantly killing light armored operators even with a torso shot, and it also only takes one shot to down medium and heavy operators at optimal range.
  • Variable 5x or 12x scope allows the user to clearly see their targets even at very long distances. The choice between 5x or 12x is also great for certain situations.

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 127
  • Fire rate – Single shot
  • Capacity - 5

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9. M870 Shotgun

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One of the most powerful shotguns in the game and until now there are still debates within the Siege community whether this or Ela’s FO-12 is the best standard shotgun. My vote goes for the M870 though because of its good damage even at medium range. Its recoil is very manageable as well, so the user won’t have to hold on to dear life when continuously shooting it.

This pump action shotgun exemplifies the meaning of close-range superiority because at optimal range, it can take enemies out with just one shot. It can also shoot while reloading which can be great for luring enemies who think it’s safe to push because you’re reloading, not knowing that you’re using this pump action shotgun.

What The M870 Excels In:

  • Has great stopping power and is capable of taking down enemies with just one shot at close range as long as all its pellets connect
  • Even more powerful now that all 1.0x sights can be attached to it
  • High destruction profile per shot makes it a great utility tool for rotation holes and murder hole creation
  • Fast pump cycle and rate of fire makes it very viable for dealing with multiple enemies coming at your direction

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 60
  • Fire rate – Single shot
  • Capacity - 7

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8. LMG-E

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Exclusive to Zofia, the LMG-E is one of the reasons why Zofia is known to bring a lot of firepower to the match, because that’s what the LMG-E brings. Straight up firepower. The LMG-E is one of the most oppressive guns in the game with its huge magazine capacity, low recoil, heavy damage, and the wide variety of attachments available to it. Its main drawback is its slow reload speed, but with its huge magazine capacity, the user wouldn’t be reloading much anyway.

With 150 bullets per magazine, the user can apply long bursts of fire in order to suppress enemies. This can be done to support your teammates or to straight up take enemies down. And because it can be equipped with scopes that provide high zoom levels like the 2.5x scope or the 2.0x one, the user will be able to target opponents accurately, in addition to its inherently manageable recoil.

What The LMG-E Excels In:

  • High damage output per shot capable of making quick work of enemies with just a few shots
  • Very high magazine capacity allows the user to oppress the enemies with long barrage of shots
  • Wide variety of attachments available to it allows the user to customize it according to his playstyle

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 41
  • Fire rate – 720
  • Capacity - 150

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7. TCSG12 Shotgun

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Exclusive to Goyo and Kaid and makes them essentially the snipers on the Defender side. This single slug shooting shotgun basically functions as a marksman rifle because it’s capable of dealing high damage at long range and unlike standard shotguns, this one can score headshots. It also has a very manageable recoil as long as the user paces its shots really well. It has a beautiful looking suppressor and its damage remains great even with the suppressor’s damage penalty.

The TCSG12 shotgun also has high penetration power and a highly destructive shot profile, so it’s capable of making rotation holes with just a few shots. Another great thing about this long-range shotgun is that it can be equipped with a 2.0x scope which is one of the best sights in the game right now. It provides the TCSG12 with high zoom levels and its main frame doesn’t take up a lot of screen space, making it perfect for reacting to enemies at close range as well.

What The TCSG12 Excels In:

  • High destruction profile per shot makes it capable of being a good utility tool for murder hole or rotation hole creation
  • Availability of the 2.0x scope makes it a great long-range weapon that is comparable to a real marksman rifle
  • High stopping power allows the user to take enemies down with just a few shots
  • Unlike the typical shotguns in the game, the TCSG12 is capable of headshots.

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 63
  • Fire rate – Single shot
  • Capacity - 10

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6. UMP45 Submachine Gun

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The UMP45 is one of the most underrated weapons in the game, and in truth, it’s really powerful and I hope Ubisoft doesn’t nerf it in the future. Exclusive to Castle and Pulse, this submachine gun features good damage, and good magazine capacity, with an average rate of fire. Reading that, one would think that this is just an average weapon, but its real strength lies on its inherently low recoil and the wide variety of attachments available to it.

Because of its very manageable stock recoil, the user can choose to equip it with attachments that provide something else than recoil benefits. Like the extended barrel which provides the weapon with much less range damage drop-off, which is great for strafing enemies at medium to long range. The user can also choose the angled grip instead of the vertical one so that he or she can go into ADS stance much quicker than normal. Its 1.5x scope also provides a good amount of zoom while maintaining a good amount of peripheral view.

What The UMP45 Excels In:

  • Has a wide variety of great attachments so the user can customize the weapon according to his or her own playstyle
  • Because of its low stock recoil, the user can opt for attachments that provide damage and speed benefits instead.
  • Has the 1.5x scope available to it which is perfect for dealing with enemies at close to medium range

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 38
  • Fire rate - 600
  • Capacity - 25

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5. Mk 14 EBR

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This marksman rifle is devastating at any range, which is just perfect for the operators it’s exclusive for, which are Dokkaebi and Aruni. Both of them, because of their roles, have to deal with enemies at close to medium range, so having this marksman rifle is a blessing to those who main them. The Mk 14 EBR’s recoil is also very manageable, even with a suppressor instead of a muzzle brake as its barrel attachment. That, combined with its high damage and stopping power, allows Dokkaebi and Aruni to take enemies down with just a few shots.

What makes the Mk 14 EBR unique compared to most marksman rifles is that it is a lot more customizable, the user can even attach an angled grip to it, increasing its capability in short-range because the angled grip will allow the user to go into ADS stance faster. This weapon also has a high destruction profile per shot and can destroy hatches with just a few shots.

What The Mk 14 EBR Excels In:

  • High damage and stopping power make it capable of taking down light armored operators with just a couple of shots and heavier armored operators with three.
  • Availability of the angled grip makes it viable for close quarters combat
  • Fast rate of fire and low range damage drop-off makes it perfect for medium to long range shooting

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 60
  • Fire rate – Single shot
  • Capacity - 20

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4. V308 Assault Rifle

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The V308, exclusive to Lion, is honestly one of the most OP guns in the game. It literally has no weakness. It has great damage, good fire rate, huge magazine capacity, inherently low recoil, and a bunch of attachment options are available to it. One could argue that its rate of fire is on the slow site, but at 700rpm, I disagree. Its rate of fire is very decent, and with a damage of 44, this gun really makes quick work of enemies.

Capable of taking down enemies with three shots regardless of armor rating, as long as it's within the optimal range, the V308 assault rifle is one of the reasons Lion is so powerful. Not to mention that it has a fast reload speed as well. And because of its low stock recoil, the user can equip it with an angled grip so that he can go into ADS stance faster, and the suppressor for removing the muzzle flash and hiding the weapon’s directional threat indicator. All while retaining good control of the weapon’s recoil.

What The V308 Excels In:

  • Availability of a wide variety of attachments allows the user to customize it according to his or her own playstyle
  • Its inherently low recoil makes it okay for the user to opt for attachments that doesn’t provide recoil benefits
  • Its huge magazine capacity allows the user to apply continuous suppressive fire while inflicting heavy damage

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 44
  • Fire rate - 700
  • Capacity - 50

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3. M249 Saw Light Machine Gun

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The M249 Saw variant, not to be confused with Capitao’s M249, is an exclusive LMG for Gridlock, and is one of the reasons why people really shouldn’t sleep on her. What sets this LMG apart from the typical LMGs is that it can be reloaded quite fast due to its detachable magazine. Apart from that, it has the qualities that makes LMGs so powerful; it has a huge magazine capacity, high damage, and manageable recoil.

Its main drawback is its lack of barrel and grip attachments. For those parts of the weapon, it only has its default flash hider and vertical grip. The wide variety of the scopes available to it more than make up for that drawback though. The M249 Saw can be attached with all 1.0x scopes, as well as all the scopes from 1.5x to 2.5x. That allows the user to customize the weapon according to his preferred range, especially as the user can just think of it as an assault rifle due to its fast reload speed.

What The M249 Saw Excels In:

  • Its fast reload speed sets it apart from most light machine guns and makes it effective at close quarters combat
  • High damage output per shot makes it capable of downing enemies with just a few shots
  • Low vertical recoil and huge magazine capacity allows the user to apply long suppressive fire
  • Has a wide variety of scope attachments available to it

Weapon stats:

  • Damage - 48
  • Fire rate - 650
  • Capacity - 60

Watch The Weapon In Action:


2. ACS12 Shotgun

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The best shotgun in the game hands down. It’s one of the reasons why Alibi, Azami, and Maestro are so dangerous. This single-slug firing shotgun is capable of headshots and inflicting heavy damage to enemies at medium to long range. And unlike most shotguns, even including other single-slug shotguns like the TCSG12 and BOSG.12.2, this shotgun is fully automatic and has a huge magazine capacity of 30. And because it is a drum-fed shotgun, it reloads fast as well, making it viable for close quarters combat.

Its 2.0x scope provides the perfect balance between zoom levels and peripheral range, especially as its main frame doesn’t take up a lot of screen space. Which means the user will not be so disadvantaged with reduced peripheral view while aiming down sights. The ACS12 shotgun also has great penetration power and has a high destructive profile per shot, making it capable of being used as a utility tool for destroying hatches, and creating rotation holes or murder holes.

What The ACS12 Excels In:

  • High damage accompanied by its fully automatic firing system allows the user to take down enemies fast
  • Very tight and compact recoil allows the user to keep shooting it with great stability
  • Because it is drum fed, it can be reloaded quickly, which is great for close quarters combat.
  • High destruction profile per shot makes it capable of being used as a utility tool for creating murder holes, rotation holes, or destroying hatches.

Weapon stats:

  • Damage – 69
  • Fire rate – 300
  • Capacity - 30

Watch The Weapon In Action:


1. 6P41 Light Machine Gun

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One of the most oppressive weapons in the game right now, if not the most oppressive. Especially in the hands of Finka that can toughen herself up with her Adrenal Surge and increase its reload speed. That is why there are a lot of calls to nerf this weapon, and also the reason why it’s so high up in this list. Exclusive to Finka and Fuze, this light machine gun is very powerful by itself even without Finka’s Adrenal Surge.

The 6P41 has a huge magazine capacity of 100 shots before having to reload, very manageable recoil especially when aided by attachments, high damage per shot, and the damage penalty of its suppressor is negligible. The last part makes this weapon perfect for providing your team a long cover fire and raining down bullets on your enemies with less chance of them seeing where it's coming from because the suppressor hides the directional threat indicator of the weapon’s shots. This makes it perfect for Finka who is a great support and frontline operator.

What The 6P41 Excels In:

  • Huge magazine capacity makes it perfect for long bursts of suppressive fire
  • Negligible damage penalty of its suppressor makes it perfect for wall bangs and continuous spray of bullets on enemies
  • Has a very manageable recoil especially when the recoil benefits from attachments are added
  • Availability of scopes that provide higher zoom levels allows the user to target enemies with great accuracy

Weapon stats:

  • Damage – 46
  • Fire rate – 680
  • Capacity - 100

Watch The Weapon In Action:


Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:

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