House Party Simulator Game Removed From Steam for Porno Content

House Party Simulater photo
31 Jul 2017

According to Eek! Games, Steam (a digital distribution platform developed by Valve Corporation) contacted them about receiving a number of complaints because of pornographic content featuring in the game, as a result House Party was removed from Steam so Eek! Games could fix the issue.

One of the workers at Eek! Games wrote on one of their pages “I didn’t get much detail about the nature of the complaints other than that the game includes “pornography”, and Steam told me that they will re-enable the game once the pornography has been removed. They didn’t specify anything in particular or define what they consider pornographic.” He then went on to say “I explained to them that I don’t consider the game pornographic as it’s not intended to titillate, but rather is intended to be a humorous and quirky game. Most of the game-play revolves around solving puzzles and humorous dialogues.”

It has been confirmed on the Eek! Games page Steam agreed to let the game back on the site after some modifications which have now been made so House Party is now back on Steam. Anyone who has already bought the game will still own it, be able to play it and will receive updates through Steam.

Although some bigger title games feature what some would call “Pornographic content” Eek! Games also wrote the following explaining why House party may have been put on the radar rather than other games. “The game has been a target for a certain group of people since the day it launched, people were posting very aggressive, distasteful and hateful comments directed toward the game and its community of players. I suspect the complaints about the game that Steam received were originating from the same groups.”

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