[Top 15] WWE 2K19 Best Movesets

WWE 2K19 Best Movesets
30 Jan 2020

What a vicious combo by Drew and Dolph!

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Pro Wrestlers are extraordinary people. Every wrestler has his or her gimmick which the crowd either hates or loves. Every wrestler also has a specific moves that present what signature moves they are known for. That is very important for any wrestler. And in wrestling video games we see a lot of the movesets in matches. So folks, today we are counting down our picks for the best WWE 2k19 movesets!

15. Kofi Kingston 

Kofi Kingston moveset - WWE 2K19

We start off the list with Kofi, he is one athletic dude. He can do dives from literally anywhere and isn’t afraid to put his body on the line with these daring moves. Kicks and Flips at its finest. Not only that but he is a great character to play as in a Royal Rumble match.


14. Apollo Crews

Definitely one of the more underrated people on this list comes Apollo Crews. He doesn’t get much screen time on TV but once he does get his time to shine he proves why he has a promising future in the WWE with his insane moves such as his moonsaults.


13. Killian Dain

WWE 2K19 Entrance/Signatures/Finishers: Killian Dain

If you told me a guy his size can do leaps from the middle rope but I would have certainly not believed you. After playing one match with this guy I was sorely mistaken..


12. Dean Ambrose

Top 20 moves of Dean Ambrose - WWE 2K19

Now Dean may not be in the company anymore but he sure cemented himself in the books. Dean Ambrose uses a vicious and brutal style of wrestling as you can see in the game. From jumping off ladders to elbow dropping guys like Seth Rollins through a table, you never know what he’s going to do next.


11. Samoa Joe

WWE 2K19 - Samoa Joe (Entrance, Signature, Finisher)

JOE! JOE! JOE! Nothing like hearing those chants when the samoan submission machine makes his way to the ring. Joe is a striker and you quickly find that out in a match with him when he’s kicking and punching his way to victory.


10. Dolph Ziggler

WWE 2k19 Dolph Ziggler Top 10 Moves

When you think of Dolph Ziggler, you automatically start thinking of a guy who never reached his full potential in WWE or  budget Shawn Michaels. From his look to his finisher, it’s like old HBK had a long lost identical twin. But I kid you not, Dolph is something else. He is definitely one of the best technical wrestlers to walk through the doors of WWE and his moveset has to do a lot with that.


9. The New Day

Ok..Ok.. this seems unfair since this is the only tag team on the list and everyone else is a single wrestler but here me out. The New Day’s moves present extreme levels of creativity and almost every match they have is gold. Their sequences, their charisma and their finisher Midnight Hour.. rightfully places them in this list.


8. Oney Lorcan

WWE 2K19 Oney Lorcan entrance, sig, finisher

If you ever used Oney in a match you know he isn’t playing around. This badass has some of the best moves in the game and shows a great deal of resilience when in a tight spot during a match. He uppercuts his opponents through the damn screen and reigns victorious.


7. Lince Dorado

WWE 2K19 Lince Dorado Moves! Signature & Finisher

Making his way through the 7th spot is the Golden Link Lince Dorado! His killer moves provide nothing but excitement for us wrestling fans and we all can agree he has one of the best springboard moves in all of wrestling. He is currently one of the best luchadors WWE has to offer and you will quickly realize that when choosing to play as him in 2K19

6. Seth Rollins

The Insane MOVESET of Seth Rollins in WWE 2K19

The Architect, King Slayer and The Man is one of the greatest wrestlers on our planet. He showcases technical wrestling and lucha libre into one. Although he doesn’t do many moonsaults or dives anymore, they are still in the game and boy are we so grateful for that. From the Curb Stomp to the Pedigree, Seth Rollins has some of the most iconic finishers in all of WWE and he rightfully claims his spot in this list.


5. Mustafa Ali

One of the fastest rising babyfaces in the industry is known as Mustafa Ali. He is the light in a dark world and he is also a spectacular wrestler in the world of wrestling. He does some unbelievable things such as a reverse 450 splash from the top rope. Not only that but he delivers wicked superkicks, tope can hilos and way more. Rightfully taking the 5th spot


4. Shinsuke Nakamura

WWE 2K19 Shinsuke Nakamura Moveset

Nakamura...just like his rival Samoa Joe, is a striker. Where do I begin with him. From the knees, kicks, reverse exploders to the suplexes it’s hard to argue that Nakamura doesn’t belong on this list. Although many things in pro wrestling are scripted, Shinsuke makes it look legit. With his charismatic style he Kinshasas  his way through the number 4 spot.


3. Kassius Ohno

WWE 2K19 Kassius Ohno Ultimate Moveset

Ohno is considered one of the greatest to walk into the business. He is a living  wrestling encyclopedia perfecting each and every one of his moves that he uses in matches. The cyclone kick and the rolling elbow are devastating moves that take the life of his opponents. He may not have a high overall in the game but he sure does have a fantastic moveset which puts him in the same class as guys like Cesaro or Samoa Joe.


2. Johnny Gargano

Johnny Wrestling has some of the most unique moves in pro wrestling. The best part about him is his moveset and how it has a little mix of everything. It showcases technical old school wrestling, British Strong Style wrestling, lucha libre and more. And we can all agree that is one sick looking springboard DDT. 


1. Aleister Black

WWE 2K19 Top 10 Moves of Aleister Black

Bicycle kicking the numero uno spot is Aleister Black AKA a man I wouldn’t ever want to try to fight. Black has a large arsenal of striking moves like knee strikes, kicks and more. He also has brutal diving moves like his moonsault. If you play with Black in the game, you better be ready for the fight of your life!

Today we looked at amazing movesets in WWE 2K19. Did we miss anything good? Let us know in the comments below and happy gaming!

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