[Top 10] WWE 2k19 Best Finishers

WWE 2K19 Best Finishers
30 Jan 2020

The Good, The Great and The Phenomenal

Being a kid from the early 2000s, there was nothing like staying up on a school night to play some awesome, over the top wrestling games. The idea was simple, 2 larger than life characters duking it out in the ring and seeing who would reign supreme at the end.. It was awesome!

Every wrestler had their own iconic and unique special move to end off the match and flash forward nearly 2 decades later we have WWE 2K19 where we are counting down the Top 10 Best WWE 2K19 Finishers!

10. Pop Up Powerbomb

WWE 2K19 - Kevin Owens (Entrance, Signature, Finisher)

We start off the list with one of the most destructive moves in the history of the WWE. The Pop Up Powerbomb done by Kevin Owens (AKA KO) starts off with KO getting his opponent to the center of the ring and he proceeds to throw his opponent into the ropes, then throwing him up high in the clouds, catching him and destroying his opponent’s back by smashing him to the ground. This move seems like it came straight out of the Incredible Hulk’s arsenal.

What Makes This A Good Finisher:

  • This move is one of a kind and because of its variation from the generic powerbomb, it makes watching wrestling even more exciting.
  • Overall It’s just a badass move that is perfect for KO’s character


9. Bitter End

WWE 2K19 - Pete Dunne (Entrance, Signature, Finisher)

British Wrestling is absolutely amazing! And one of the greatest wrestlers from the UK is named Pete Dunne. The move is called Bitter End.. for obvious reasons. He basically just gets behind his opponent, locks their hands with his legs (yes that’s somehow possible), he flips them around and nails them face flat to the mat. Yeah..  you’re not getting up from that anytime soon.

What Makes This A Good Finisher:

  • It’s creative and really shows off Pete Dunne’s strong style.
  • It is also a great move because it’s PETE.. FREAKING..DUNNE


8. Coup De Grace

WWE 2K19 - Finn Balor (Entrance, Signature, Finisher)

Making its way to the 8th spot is Finn Balor’s Coup De Grace! You ever wake up one day and have a really bad stomach ache? Well that’s pretty much how Balor’s opponents feel times 1000 once he executes the move. Once he grounds his opponent, Finn climbs to the top rope, jumps to the heavens and descends to the ground with both of his feet right on his opponent’s chest. Simple but Deadly.

What Makes This A Good Finisher:

  • It’s one of those moves that genuinely gives off a devastating finishing feel.
  • It is so simple but so wonderfully executed by Finn Balor, so it deserves a spot on this list.

7. Eclipse

WWE 2K19 - Ember Moon (Entrance, Signature, Finisher)

Definitely one of the more underrated finishers on this list. It is done by the gifted Ember Moon and it is nothing but amazing. She goes to the top rope, jumps off and almost cartwheels in the air before hitting her opponent with a stunner. Steve Austin would be proud of this one.

 What Makes This A Good Finisher:

  • It showcases Ember Moon’s brilliant athleticism
  • ​It is one of those moves where you are sitting in your living room and just see a glimpse of what is on TV but then it catches your eye and it is nothing but pure amazement


6. Phenomenal Forearm  

WWE 2K19 - AJ Styles (Entrance, Signature, Finisher)

 A.J. Styles is one phenomenal dude (pun intended), he has been in the wrestling industry for over 20 years and he isn’t showing any signs of quitting. The man has a unique moveset and the Phenomenal Forearm is probably one of the best moves from his arsenal. This move has a unique setup where he actually stands outside the ring and on the apron. He slowly waits for the poor soul to get back up to his feet and then he suddenly springs off the top rope and nails them with a forearm smash. 

What Makes This A Good Finisher:

  • It is such an exciting move and the audience’s reaction after watching A.J. pull it off is priceless
  • This move is like something straight out of a comic book  


5. Claymore Kick

WWE 2K19 - Drew McIntyre (Entrance, Signature, Finisher)

If there is one guy I wouldn’t want to pick a fight with it’s Drew McIntyre. The dude is a titan and he is a promising main eventer in the company. McIntyre stands in the corner viciously looking at his opponent as if they were prey and waits for them to get back on their feet, once they do...they wish they didn’t. Finally McIntyre hits a single leg boot knocking himself and his opponent down full force. 

What Makes This A Good Finisher:

  • It’s impressive to see someone with McIntyre’s size and pull off the move. This is just one of the many amazing moves in McIntyre’s arsenal.
  • It’s so simple, yet so brutal. Definitely one of the best finishers at the moment.


4. Tombstone Piledriver

WWE 2K19 - The Undertaker (Entrance, Signature, Finisher)

Undertaker, one of the greatest if not the greatest wrestler of all time. This man needs no introduction and we all know how the tombstone goes down. Taker lifts his opponent upside down in a standing piledriver position but then drops them on their head and crosses their arms to pin them and get the win. One of the most creative moves in all of pro wrestling and nothing short of legendary.

What Makes This A Good Finisher:

  • It is incredibly creative and although Undertaker didn’t  originally create it, he popularized it but nonetheless a fantastic move used by The Dead Man
  • Everytime this move is executed, it is pretty much guaranteed the crowd will pop for it. Although we think this is one of the best.. There were a few more finishers on the list that also deserve some royalty.


3. F-5

WWE 2K19 - Brock Lesnar (Entrance, Signature, Finisher)

You are probably wondering WHO IN THE WORLD HAS A BETTER FINISHER THAN THE UNDERTAKER?!? Well here’s my answer folks, Brock Lesnar. The former WWE, NJPW, NCAA and UFC Champion, the only person to ever win a championship in all of those companies. The Beast lifts his opponents up to his shoulders then flungs them around and drops them to the ground face flat.

What Makes This A Good Finisher:

  • It’s literally like watching someone being flung around in a tornado.
  • The best part is trying to see someone reverse it and then it creates a great sequence for the match.


2. 619

WWE 2K19 - Rey Mysterio (Entrance, Signature, Finisher)

Arguably the most creative move in the history of the WWE is the 619. Done by one of the most popular luchadores on this planet Rey Mysterio. He somehow gets his opponent stunned in the middle rope, he then runs the rope, swings using the top and middle rope kicking his opponent in the face and lastly goes up to the top to deliver a splash to his opponent.

What Makes This A Great Finisher:

  • Although all the other moves on these list were great, there were none like the 619
  • It utilizes multiple parts of the ring. From the middle rope to the top rope and the top rope once again to dive off and hit a splash. Everything is synchronized perfectly and fits really well with Rey’s luchador style. 

The only thing stopping the 619 from taking the number one spot is the fact that the finisher itself isn’t actually already in the game. It is a DLC move that you have to purchase rather than it being in the original game which makes sense because Rey Mysterio has finally returned to the 2k Franchise after 3 years and it would only be fair to make it feel special somehow. But now you are probably wondering what is the number one finisher in the game. What could possibly be better than all of the moves I listed today. 3 letters…


1. RKO

WWE 2K19 - Randy Orton (Entrance, Signature, Finisher)

The 3 most dangerous letters of all of sports entertainment. R..K..O.. The greatest finisher in WWE 2K19 and in all of pro wrestling. Now Randy Orton did adopt it from DDP ( Diamond Dallas Page who named the move “Diamond Cutter”) but we all can agree no one does it as well and as smooth as Orton. Orton simply waits for the opponent to get back up and then he grabs their neck with both of his hands standing with his back behind them and finally jumps up to drop them to the ground viciously. 

What Makes This A Good Finisher:

  • It fits Orton’s despicable character so well and when Orton silently waits for his prey to get back up it’s lights out.
  • The Absolute best thing about this finisher is that it can happen anytime and any place. Whenever you are watching an Orton match you know for a fact it’s going to happen but you don’t know when and that’s the exciting part about it. 

Now we all have our favorite moves and these were mine. Feel free to comment about your favorite wrestling finishers in video games down below and if you like this article please check out other wrestling related articles down below.

Have a great day and Happy Gaming!

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