[Top 15] EVE Online Best Ships

EVE Online, MMORPG, Space Simulator, Open World,
29 Feb 2020

[Top 15] EVE Online Best Ships

What are the best ships in their role?


15. Loki (Best for exploration)

Tech III Cruisers can fill a variety of roles due to their modular nature. The Loki is no different, with an emergent locus analyzer in your electronics slot, covert reconfiguration, and interdiction nullifier, you will be able to explore null sec and even wormhole space in relative safety, but bare in mind you lack any offensive capability so be sure not to pick any fights! Ensure you have all your subsystem skills to at least  IV before using an exploration Loki.

  • Why the Loki is a great exploration ship:
  • Fast Warp Speed & Scan Times
  • Covert Ops Cloak Capable 
  • Interdiction nullified

Loki Details: 

  • Tech 3 Cruiser
  • High Scan Speeds
  • Difficult to be caught in if used skillfully

How to get a Loki:

  • Train Minmatar Cruiser to V, inject strategic cruiser
  • Train Subsystem skills to at least IV
  • Train Covert ops and other requisite skills.
  • Skills = Survivability with Tech III’s, don’t skimp out on getting them to V

14. Orthrus (Best Solo-PvP Ship)

Picks like this are inherently subjective, the best Solo-PvP ship really depends on your playstyle and what sort of prey you’re after, but I think the Orthrus is an all-around good pick. Its strength is in its speed and the range of its missiles, so training your missile and propulsion skills are imperative to winning engagements. Picking up some High-Grade Snake implants to give you some extra speed also might not be a bad idea.


Why the Orthrus is a great solo-pvp ship:

  • Fast & Maneuverable 
  • Good range with proper skills
  • Decent tank for a kiting platform

Orthrus Details:

  • Kiting missile boat
  • Great top speed
  • Difficult to catch if kiting is done properly

How to get an Orthrus:

  • Train Caldari & Gallente Cruiser to V
  • Train Primary Missile skills to V
  • Train Propulsion skills to V

13. Rorqual (Best Mining Ship)

This pick might seem a bit unorthodox at first, given how many skills have to be trained just to sit in a Rorqual, but ultimately it is the most overpowered mining vessel in the game with the introduction of excavator drones. The good news is if you don’t want to use the clone vat bay, or only want to make minimal use of the jump-drive you can save yourself some training time, and still fly the ship relatively safely. However, I would recommend that if you plan on flying a Rorqual you should join a prominent null-sec alliance with sov-space and a standing fleet.


Why the Rorqual is a great mining ship:

  • Fastest mining in EVE (Yield)
  • High survivability
  • Decent Ore Hold

Rorqual Details:

  • Highest mining yields in the game if using excavator drones
  • Jump-drive Capable
  •  Slow & Cumbersome but very tanky, especially with a cyno fitted

How to get a Rorqual:

  • Max out your mining drone skills
  • Max out your shield tanking skills
  • Train for cynosural field generator
  • Purchase from within your nullsec alliance if possible

12. Sabre (Best Fleet Utility Ship)

Most of the fleet PvP in EVE takes place in null-sec space and no null-sec combat fleet is complete without their interdictor pilot. Whether you’re in a small gang of 4-5 people or a large fleet of 1000+ Space Nerds your Sabre is the heart and soul of every engagement. You are both the vanguard and the rearguard, trapping enemy ships in your interdiction sphere forcing the fight, as well as placing bubbles strategically on the grid to protect your fleet while they attempt to disengage. Everyone is counting on you, no pressure. All jokes aside though, there’s nothing quite like flying an Interdictor, especially if it’s the only ship you’re flying.

Why the Sabre is the best F.U.S.

  • Fast and Maneuverable 
  • Decent Tank if flown correctly
  • Highest native stats of any Dictor

Sabre Details:

  • Light Interdictor Ship - Places warp inhibiting bubbles on the grid
  • Fast & Light - Lives fast and dies hard, easy to use difficult to master
  • This ship is all about the thrills, your fleet is counting on you, your actions in this ship can directly affect the outcome of the engagement

How to get a Sabre:

  • Train Minmatar Destroyer to V
  • Train Light Interdictors
  • Max out propulsion and shield tank skills, as well as warp interdiction  

11. Damnation (Best Fleet Command Ship)

This is another highly subjective pick, as the best ship to lead a fleet with depends on the composition of the fleet itself. However, the damnation is a fantastic choice for most large scale engagements when using an armor composition. It boasts an impressive armor tank, which is an important quality in a command ship as it is imperative that your ship survives so your command links stay online. That said, the primary role of this ship is to provide command links to the fleet, but you can fit a target painter if you would like to have some offensive capability.

Why the Damnation is the best FC Ship:

  • Fantastic Tank
  • Can fit command links
  • Room in mid-slots for offensive modules

Ship Details:

  • Command Ship, perfect for FC’s and links pilots
  • Extremely Tanky
  • Can fit command links

How to get a Damnation:

  • Train Amarr Battlecruiser to V
  • Train Command Ship to at least IV
  • Max out your passive armor tanking skills

10. Scimitar (Best Sub-Cap Shield Logistics)

Tried and true, the Scimitar has been the bread and butter of every shield composition fleet since it’s inception. The beauty of the Scimitar, and other Logistics like it, is their capacitor independencet. Meaning you don’t have to worry about maintaining a cap-chain as well as repairing. That said, there are situations where having a cap-chain might be a better option.


Why the Scimitar is the best Sub-Cap Shield Logistics Ship:

  • Easy to fly
  • Not reliant on a capacitor chain
  • Great repair rates with level V skills

Ship Details:

  • Shield Logistics (Repair Ship)
  • Minmatar Cruiser
  • Tech II Cruiser

How to get a Scimitar:

  • Train Minmatar Cruiser V
  • Train Logistics Ships to at least V
  • Train Remote Shield & Capacitor skills to at least IV

9. Bhaalgorn (Best Energy Neutralizing Ship)

If you see a Bhaalgorn on the field, nine times out of ten you’re about to find yourself in a sticky situation within a few moments. Bhaalgorn pilots most commonly specialize in remotely neutralizing the capacitor of enemy ships, disallowing those ships to activate any of their modules. These ships can be the difference between victory or defeat in any engagement.

Why the Bhaalgorn is the best energy neutralizing ship:

  • Highest Sub-capital neutralizing rates
  • Can fit a decent tank, as it is a battleship

Ship Details:

  • Blood Raider’s Faction Battleship
  • Energy Neutralization Platform
  • Amarr-Minmatar Hybrid

How to get a Bhaalgorn:

  • Ideally, train Minmatar & Amarr Battleship to V
  • Train energy neutralizing skills to V
  • Train Capacitor skills to V

8. Apostle (Best Armor Force Auxillary Ship)

Force Auxillary’s are still relatively new to the game, but it’s really only the Apostle that has become standard for every alliance worth its salt. If you’re going to be a member of an alliance with a super-fleet, you had best be able to fly an Apostle on one of your alts.

Why the Apostle is the best armor Force Auxillary Ship:

  • Extremely Tanky
  • High Armor Repair Rates
  • Great for large fleet engagements

Ship Details:

  • Force Auxillary (Capital repair ship)
  • Can fit a Triage Module
  • Amarr Capital Ship

How to get an Apostle:

  • Ideally, Train Amarr Carrier to V
  • Train Capital Remote Repair Skills
  • Train Jump Drive Skills

7. Thanatos (Best Combat Carrier)

In recent years, combat carriers have come back into the meta. These days, it’s not uncommon to see a squad of combat carriers jump onto the field to decimate a sub-capital force. Rest assured, that squad will be made up of almost entirely Thanatos’s, as they pack the most punch.


Why the Thanatos is the best Combat Carrier:

  • Highest DPS in it’s class
  • Decent Tank, but not the best
  • Extremely deadly in groups 

Ship Details:

  • Carrier
  • Uses Fighters
  • Can also repair other ships and fighters

How to get a Thanatos:

  • Ideally, Train Gallente Carrier to V
  • Train Fighter skills to at least IV
  • Train Jump skills to V

6. Moros (Best Dreadnaught)

Now, to be honest, the jury is out on what the best dreadnaught is, it’s a stiff competition between the Naglfar and the Moros, but the Moros has the higher DPS, and dreadnaughts are all about DPS. Like the Bhaalgorn, if you’re in a capital ship, and you see Moros’s jump on to the field, you’re probably about to have a bad day.


Why the Moros is the best Dreadnaught:

  • Highest DPS in it’s class
  • Decent tank for a dreadnaught

Ship Details:

  • Dreadnaught (Glass-Cannon Capital Ship)
  • Uses Unique Heavy Weapons
  • Fits a siege module

How to get a Moros:

  • Ideally, Train Gallente Dreadnaught V
  • Train Jump skills to V
  • Train Capital Guns to at least IV

5. Rhea (Best Jump Freighter)

Jump freighters are pretty cut and dried. You’re either interested in fuel consumption amounts or cargo capacity. Most people are only interested in the latter, making the Rhea the top choice.


What makes the Rhea the best Jump Freighter:

  • Highest Cargo Capacity
  • Caldari Supremecy
  • Decent Fuel Consumption Rates

Ship Details:

  • Caldari Jump Freighter
  • Transportation Ship
  • JumpDrive Capable

How to get a Rhea:

  • Train Caldari Freighter V
  • Train Jump Drive Calibration to V
  • Train Fuel Consumption Compensation to V

4. Machariel (Best Bumping Ship)

Bumping isn’t something that most players have to do on a regular basis, but for those who do bump, you absolutely need the best ship. The Machariel is hands down the best bumping ship in the game, and it always has been. It’s also just a pretty dope Battleship.


Why the Machariel is the Best Bumping Ship:

  • High Mass 
  • Can Achieve High Speeds
  • Fairly maneuverable for a battleship

Ship Details:

  • Faction Battleship
  • Minmatar-Gallente Hybrid

How to get a Machariel:

  • Train Gallente Battleship I
  • Train Minmatar Battleship I
  • Train Propulsion skills to V

3. Marshal (Best BlackOps Ship)

Black Ops Battleships are always fun, and no matter which one you fly you’re bound to either have a blast, or a very expensive EVEning (pun intended). That said, Black Ops are all about DPS, and the Marshal is the best in the business when it comes to DPS. 

Why the Marshal is the best Black Ops Battleship

  • Highest DPS in it’s class
  • You need to .5 sec to fly it
  • Decent Tank

Ship Details:

  • Black Ops Battleship
  • Jumpdrive capable
  • Gank Ship

How to get a Marshal:

  • Train Galente and Minimatar Battleship to V
  • Train Jump skills to V
  • Maintain .5 Security Status

2. Nyx (Best Supercarrier)

As you’re no doubt beginning to gather, Gallente ships are all about damage, and supercarriers are no exception. Little needs to be said about this beast, it’s damage and price tag speak for themselves. These ships are not for the faint of heart.


Why the Nyx is the best Supercarrier:

  • Highest DPS in class
  • Great Tank
  • Great bonuses

Ship details:

  • Supercarrier class space vessel
  • Uses fighter bombers and fighters
  • Armor tank ship
  • 30+ Billion ISK Ship

How to get a Nyx:

  • Train Gallente Carrier V
  • Train Fighter Bombers V
  • Train ALL relevant jump, fighter, capacitor, and armor tank skills to V

1. Erebus (Best Titan)

It has been said that Titans are ultimately a stylistic choice, whichever one you choose you’re still going to be able to perform the essential functions that titan must perform. However, most super fleets are of an armor composition, meaning that most of the repair ships on the field will be armor repair ships, so if it hits the fan, you’re going want to be in an armor Titan and the Erebus is the tankiest one.


Why the Erebus is the best titan:

  • Has the best armor tank in it’s class

Ship Details:

  • Gallente Titan
  • Can fit a jump bridge
  • Can fit a Doomsday Weapon

How to get an Erebus:

  • Train Gallente Titan V
  • Train all relevant skills to V (You need them all)
  • Purchase from a builder, move under safe conditions

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