[Top 10] EVE Online Best Implants

Eve Online, spaceships, implant, clone, upgrade, new eden
29 Feb 2020

Loaded to the gills with a valuable cargo of isotopes, you realize that losing your jump freighter, implants, and cargo will cost you over ten billion ISK; meanwhile, light years away, your fleet mate makes one last check on D-scan before lighting up his cyno beacon.

Choosing the best implants for your jump freighter is an important task. You’ll be putting about 2 billion ISK at risk just by undocking your ship and clone. The cargo in your hold commonly adds multiple billions to the pot. Balancing speed, agility, and other factors is critical to survival. These ten implants are the best for a Nomad class jump freighter, which is optimized for speed and agility.

Pilots in New Eden have ten slots into which they can plug implants. These implants are permanent and can only be removed by destroying them. Using multiple clones, each fitted with carefully selected implant sets, is the best way to optimize the benefits of implants.

High-grade Ascendancy Alpha

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The Fenrir - a Minmatar jump freighter - sacrifices cargo hold space to claim first place with regards to speed and agility, making it a popular choice for smaller cargos or dangerous hot zones.

High-grade implants provide the best individual benefits. The first five implants boost skillpoint production in corresponding attributes. Each high-grade Ascendancy implant offers a +4 bonus, which can save weeks of training time.

  • Adds +4 skillpoint bonus in the Perception attribute
  • Secondary benefit adds 1% bonus to warp speed
  • Warp speed buff decreases overall travel time
  • The best choice for Slot 1

High-grade Ascendancy Beta

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Some capusleers take pains to conceal their implants, but this pair flaunts them proudly; as if to dare fools and mortals who might consider challenging their augmented abilities.

Ascendancy implants impact the warp speed of a ship through space. As the saying goes, time is money. For serious haulers, time saved means more trips made, and therefore greater profits.

  • Adds +4 skillpoint bonus in the Memory attribute
  • Secondary benefit adds 2% increase in warp speed
  • Increases chances of beating a competitor to the next destination
  • The best choice for Slot 2

High-grade Ascendancy Gamma

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An Anshar - the Gallente jump freighter - is about as wide as it is tall, and takes advantage of limited surface area to significantly improve its armor.

Although high-grade implants are incredibly expensive they are well worth the hit to your wallet. Unlike low- or mid-grade implants, the secondary bonuses of high-grade implants receive a set effect. The set effect is applied to the individual secondary benefits.

  • Adds +4 skillpoint bonus in the Willpower attribute
  • Secondary benefit adds 3% increase in warp speed
  • Set bonus adds 15% to Ascendancy secondary strengths
  • The best choice for Slot 3

High-grade Ascendancy Delta

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New Eden scientists have made incredible advances in the fields of neuro-science - allowing them to transfer consciousnesses, improve learning capabilities, and even extract useless knowledge.

Implants increase their effectiveness as they are implanted. Note how the secondary effect is up to 4% with the Delta implant. Every moment in space is dangerous, and these implants minimize your risk. 

  • Adds +4 skillpoint bonus in the Intelligence attribute
  • Secondary benefit adds 4% increase in warp speed
  • By this point, even without the set bonus, you’ve achieved 1+2+3+4 = 10% bonus
  • The best choice for Slot 4

High-grade Ascendancy Epsilon

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The Rhea - a Caldari jump freighter - is the slowest and consumes the most fuel among New Eden freighters, but it makes up for it by having the largest cargo holds.

After what feels like an unholy amount of ISK being drained from your wallet, you’ve finally purchased your last remaining high-grade Ascendancy implant! But the set brings your warp speed bonus up to 62.17%, which means you’re making three trips to your competition’s two. Alternatively, you’re cutting your risk on any one trip by more than half. 

  • Adds +4 skillpoint bonus in the Charisma attribute
  • Secondary benefit adds 5% increase in warp speed
  • Whopping overall warp speed bonus = 62.17%
  • The best choice for Slot 5

Eifyr and Co. ‘Rogue’ Warp Drive Speed WS-615

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The pirate factions of New Eden have not neglected their R&D budgets, often with excellent results that pilots who have ISK to spare find difficult to resist.

Space is big. Really really really big. This implant allows you to warp faster across the vast expanse.

  • Adds an impressive 15% to your ship’s speed in warp
  • Cuts down on the time spent warping from one side of system to the other
  • For long journeys this results in a significant boost to profitability
  • The best choice for Slot 6

Eifyr and Co. ‘Rouge’ Evasive Maneuvering EM-705

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An Ark - the Amarran jump freighter - is considered by many to be the best general purpose choice; being the second fastest, second largest, and second toughest.

At best, your jump freighter is a big, fat, slow, VERY valuable target. Practically every ship in local space is certain to be faster and more dangerous than you. This implant helps you warp out sooner, reducing heartburn and indigestion.

  • Adds 5% to the agility of your ship so that it can align faster
  • Before you can warp out, your ship needs to be pointed in the right direction
  • Particularly good choice for the nimble Nomad, further emphasizes existing strength
  • The best choice for Slot 7

Inherent Implants ‘Noble’ Mechanic MC-805

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The intelligence dossier on this pilot reveals that his current clone has four +5 implants, and a podkill would likely be valued over a half billion ISK in losses.

Maintaining the structural integrity of a ship is a trainable skill in New Eden. Knowing your ship lets you get the best from every part of the hull. This implant buffs your engineering skills, which adds hitpoints to your ship’s hull.

  • Adds 5% bonus to structure hitpoints
  • Anything that adds hitpoints without adding mass is helpful for ships that are slow to align
  • If attacked, additional structure hitpoints are the final defence against destruction
  • The best choice for Slot 8

Eifyr and Co. “Alchemist’ Neurotoxin Control NC-905

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This Fenrir was spotted in Minmatar regional space, and local agents believe it to be fully loaded for a run to the Jita trade hub - estimated value based on cargo scanners: twelve billion.

Drugs and boosters act like temporary implants, and are able to buff certain skills for a limited time. Many include a harmful side effect that nerfs a different skill area. Using this implant minimizes the negative impact.

  • Modifies negative side effects by -5%
  • Boosters are used in specific situations for temporary ability buffs
  • Freighters must rely upon evasion in combat situations
  • The best choice for Slot 9

Inherent Implants ‘Noble’ Hull Upgrades HG-1005

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Weeks of intelligence work have paid off, and pirate forces are closing in for the kill; only luck and careful preparation can save this jump freighter from immanent destruction.

No matter how careful you are as a pilot, there is always that fateful day when your enemy succeeds in getting a lock on your ship. When that moment comes, even a few extra hit points might let you live long enough to escape. This implant buffs your armor stats.

  • Adds 5% to Armor hit points
  • More armor increases jump freighter’s chances of surviving an attack
  • Armor hit point buff doesn’t add mass, therefore doesn’t nerf maneuverability
  • The best choice for Slot 10

Now that you have nothing left in your ISK wallet:

There you have them, the top 10 implants for a Nomad Jump Freighter pilot. Getting your valuable ship and cargo to the next station is the lifeblood of trade. Safety is never assured in EVE, but these implants will help you survive the odds and hopefully make back all the ISK that you just spent!

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