[Top 9] Total War: Warhammer 3 Best Lores Of Magic

[Top 9] Total War: Warhammer 3 Best Lores Of Magic
01 Dec 2023

Ah yes, magic. It is an integral part of the game. The type of magic that you will be using depends on the lore of magic. As an example, only Kislev can use Lore of Ice. There are multiple types of magic, such as regeneration, hex, augment, magic missiles, direct damage, explosions, bombardment, and so on. 

Each lore of magic has six spells and a lore attribute attached to it. The type of spells that you can use in battle depends on the faction and race you’re currently playing, as some factions and races have mainly support spells while others mainly have offensive ones. In this article, I’ll be ranking and reviewing the loss of magic in Total War: Warhammer 3, so with that, let’s get into it!


9. Lore of the Great Maw

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The big hole in the ground requires sustenance.

This lore of magic isn’t anything special or great, it's meh at best. The only two spells that can be decent are “Trollguts" and “The Maw”. “Trollguts” is a healing spell that has a range of 200 meters and lasts 35 seconds. Each second, it will heal 0.80% of everyone who got hit by the ability from your army. 

This spell is great to use on units that are on the frontline fighting the enemy. The second great ability from them is “The Maw”. It’s an explosion ability that deals damage in a 20 meter radius, and it will deal 48 damage. The other spells aren’t anything that special and aren’t that great.

Lore of the Great Maw Strengths:

  • The lore attribute ability is great for healing up your legendary lord if he has taken a lot of damage.
  • The “Trollguts” ability is great for regenerating your armies on the frontline.
  • If the enemy has gathered up and is grouped up, the ability “The Maw” is great for killing them.
  • If the ability “Bullgorger” is timed correctly, your units will deal increased armor piercing damage.

8. Lore of Tempest

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The ice wind blows in our favor!

Kislev as a faction has two types of lore magic, which are the Lore of Ice and the Lore of Tempest. If you’re not sure which one to bring with you, simply bring both into battle as you can combine them to buff up your units or deal damage to the enemy. 

The lore attribute called “Freezings Winds” is a passive ability that lowers the movement speed of all enemies by 25%. Their spells mostly consist of 3 decent ones and 3 mediocre ones. This lore of magic excels at dealing with huge blobs of infantry units, as you can deal damage in an AoE area with “Blizzard” and “Hawks of Miska''.

Lore of Tempest Strengths:

  • It’s amazing against infantry units.
  • The lord attribute is a passive ability which slows enemies down for 25%.
  • It counters flanking units and ambushes.
  • The spells “Blizzard” and “Hawks of Miska” deal damage over time which is good against infantry units.
  • With the spell “Swifting” you can buff your chariots so they do bonus charge damage.

7. Lore of Slaanesh

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Flank them my minions and they won’t know what hit them!

This lore of magic can be pretty good if your playstyle revolves around flanking enemies and ambushing them, as each spell has something to do with that. The lore attribute “Blissful Rapture” will increase the melee attack and leadership of every single unit on your map, as the effect range is global. Additionally, the effect lasts for 10 seconds. 

When it comes to other spells, a notable one is the “Acquiescence” which will lower the overall movement speed and damage of the enemy army. Additionally, once you use “Acquiescence” make sure to charge at them and buff your units with “Hysterical Frenzy” as that will increase the melee attack and armor piercing damage of your units.

Lore of Slaanesh Strengths:

  • Works extremely well with the flanking and ambushing playstyle.
  • It can lower the damage output from the enemy army.
  • The lore attribute “Blissful Rapture” is map wide and lasts for 10 seconds affecting every unit in your army.
  • The spells revolve around increasing the damage and leadership of your units.
  • The spell “Hysterical Frenzy” will increase the armor piercing and base damage of your units.
  • If you combine “Hysterical Frenzy” and “Acquiescence” you can demolish the enemy frontline.


6. Lore of Ice

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May the ice guide you to victory.

Now, the “Lore of Ice” itself is decent. It has 3 spells that are okay and 3 spells that are amazing. The lore attribute “Frost Shield,” as the name implies, gives a shield to your units. Specifically, it gives 15 armor and 12 missile block. The effect range of this spell is map wide. 

You can also spam a spell called “Ice Sheet,” which lowers the movement and charge speed of the enemy. Additionally, the cooldown is 27 seconds, but its duration is 17 seconds. The best ability that this lore has to offer is the “Heart of Winter,” which can be upgraded four times. The spell when upgraded to the max can deal from 150-200 damage. 

Lore of Ice Strengths:

  • Some abilities can be spammed.
  • They don’t require a lot of magic to cast.
  • The lore attribute improves the defensive capabilities of your units.
  • The “Crystal Sanctuary” improves damage resistance by 80%.
  • The “Ice Sheet” spell is great if you want to slow down an enemy charge.

5. Lore of Yin

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I belong to the dragon family!

This lore of magic revolves around supporting your units, unlike the counterpart, Yang. If you have a more defensive playstyle than an offensive one then this lore of magic will suit you more while playing Grand Cathay, or if you can’t pick one specifically just take both. 

The lore attribute “Power of Yin” is a passive and lowers the armor and speed of enemies in a 55 meter radius. Along with “Storm of Shadow,” which is a spell that slows enemies down by a whopping 45%.

If you combine two of these together, enemies will have a really hard time getting close to you which then allows the artillery and ranged units to do their jobs. Additionally, there is a spell called “Missile Mirror,” which redirects all fired projectiles at your army toward the enemy, great against ranged focused factions.

Lore of Yin Strengths:

  • It is great against armies that have a lot of ranged units due to the spell “Missile Mirror”.
  • The lore attribute slows enemies down and lowers their armor.
  • This lore of magic is amazing at supporting your units.
  • The spell “Storm of Shadow” slows enemies down by 45%, which allows your ranged units to kill them and hit them more easily.
  • It’s great at stopping the enemy from closing the distance between yourself and them.


4. Lore of Nurgle

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Go my minions spread the decay!

This lore of magic doesn’t have anything wrong with it. It has six spells, two of which are for regeneration, and the other spells are settled around dealing damage in an AoE area. If you take into consideration the playstyle that Nurgle offers which is mostly tanky, the regeneration spells do come in handy. 

The best spells to support your team are “Curse of the Leper,” which gives them 30 armor, and “Fleshy Abundance,” which heals them for 1.6% each second. If some enemies pop up that are hard to kill, just cast the spells that deal damage such as “Blight Boil” and “Rancid Visitations,” and you’ll clear them out. 

Lore of Nurgle Strengths:

  • The healing spell can help out your frontline.
  • You can buff the armor of your units by 30.
  • The lore works well alongside the run in and tanky playstyle of Nurgle.
  • The damaging spells can target multiple units at once.
  • There’s a spell that lowers the melee attack damage of the enemy by 24, which is great against mainly infantry units.

3. Lore of Yang

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There will be peace.

Yang revolves around dealing damage and giving buffs to your units. The lore attribute of this one is called “Strength of Yang,” and it’s a passive ability that increases base weapon and armor piercing damage of your units in a 55 meter radius. This spell alone is great on the frontline to buff your units. 

There is also a spell called “Jade Shield,” which reduces damage resistance by 44% and has a duration of 11 seconds. Another spell that I need to mention because it’s simply amazing is “Might of Heaven & Earth” as this spell buffs your units base damage, armor piercing damage, and melee attack by 24. 

When combined with the lore attribute, your units will be simply unstoppable on the frontlines. If you see that the enemy is preparing to charge at you, use the “Stone Ground Stance,” which increases their mass by 100% and they gain 8 leadership. It's a perfect counter.

Lore of Yang Strengths:

  • This lore of magic revolves around buffing your units.
  • The passive lore attribute “Strength of Yang” increases your units melee damage output in a 55 meter radius.
  • You can also shield the units with a spell called “Jade Shield”.
  • The spell “Stone Ground Stance” increases their mass by 100% and gives them 8 leadership which is amazing to counter a charge attack or a flank.
  • If you combine all of these spells your units can withstand a lot of damage without losing a lot.


2. Lord of Tzeentch

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My magic will lead us to victory!

This race is all about magic, so of course they’d have a strong lore of magic. When it comes to “Lore of Tzeentch", it has 4 damaging spells. Those damaging spells are the “Infernal Gateway”, “Tzeentch Firestorm”, “Pink Fire of Tzeentch”, and “Blue Fire of Tzeentch”. Their cooldown ranges from 20-40 seconds and if you time it correctly, you can constantly spam the spells. 

Just keep a lookout on your magic reserve. Additionally, he can steal magic from enemy casters which is annoying to deal with if you find yourself playing against him. Moreover, the faction playstyle revolves around charging at the enemy team and he has a spell called “Glean Magic” that increases his power charge by 80%. 

Lore of Tzeentch Strengths:

  • He has 4 damaging spells.
  • Their cooldown isn’t high, and if you time it correctly you can spam them.
  • It has the ability to steal magic from the enemy team.
  • You can increase the power of a charge by 80% with a spell called “Glean Magic”.
  • The lore of magic works extremely well with the faction, especially when you take into consideration the passive shield that every unit in this faction has.


1. Lore of Hashut

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The great drill will save us all!

Their lore of magic is amazing at dealing damage only. Unlike the other ones, they don’t have any spells that support their units or buff them in battle. Their lore attribute, “Killing Fire,” deals damage in an area and lasts for 5 seconds. Additionally, they have a spell called “Ash Storm,” which increases the amount of damage they take by fire for a whopping 20%. 

If you combine this spell with others or with units that deal fire damage, you will simply melt your opponents. But even before you cast any spells, you should also cast “Dark Subjugation,” as that lowers their leadership and melee defense. This lore of magic is simply amazing at dealing with small infantry units and large beats or single lord targets if you combine the spells correctly, that is. 

Lore of Hashut Strengths:

  • Their lore of magic revolves around a full offensive playstyle.
  • With the spell “Ash Storm,” you can increase the amount of damage the enemy army will take by fire by 20%.
  • Three of their spells deal fire damage and when combined with “Ash Storm,” can completely melt away the enemy army.
  • There are some units that deal fire damage, and combined with “Ash Storm” can increase their power.
  • “Dark Subjugation” spell lowers enemy leadership and melee defense, which can make the enemy army flee.
  • The spells under “Direct Damage” are great against huge monsters and legendary lords.


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