[Top 15] Total War: Warhammer 3 Best Legendary Lords (Ranked)

[Top 15] Total War: Warhammer 3 Best Legendary Lords (Ranked)
01 Dec 2023

After you pick your desired race you will be presented with 1-3 lords to choose from. Beginners might think that lords don’t matter that much and they just pick on the one that looks the coolest. That’s not a good idea and before picking you should read what each lord has to offer. 

The lords also have different buffs and abilities that they can use in battle and a skill tree that's special to that lord. Some lords are stronger than others then there are those who are weak. Each lord has a unique campaign and objective they need to complete to win the game. In this article, I’ll list you the top 15 lords for the game and I’ll explain them in detail for what they’re good for.


15. N’Kari

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Pleasure is pain and pain is pleasure!

The first legendary lord I'll be talking about is N'Kari for the Slaanesh faction. Due to it being a legendary lord for Slaanesh, you're also able to seduce other units and add them to your roster. When it comes to N'Kari, she is incredibly fast, and has a ton of melee damage and melee defense, but doesn't have a lot of armor. 

She only has 5 armor in total. But that's alright, just don't charge into a unit that specializes in anti-large damage. Also, N'Kari gains health every time an entity dies near her, which makes her versatile in battle. Due to the huge size of Nkari, try dodging projectiles that are aimed at her, because if she dies, the leadership will go down altogether. 

What N'Kari Excels In:

  • She is great at dealing with high amounts of melee damage.
  • She can regenerate HP when an entity dies near her.
  • Has a ton of movement speed to move in and out of battle.
  • Has a lot of magical abilities in her kit.

N'Kari Details:



14. Ku'gath Plaguefather

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My diseases will cure you!

This lord belongs to the Nurgle faction, and his lore is pretty much just about spreading the most deadly diseases. His ambition is to create such a deadly disease that it will infect the Chaos Gods themselves. He has 3 active abilities and 4 passive abilities, and he is considered a ranged lord. He can throw explosive nurglings that deal damage to an areae. 

He is also good in melee combat, as he has 14,000 health. The downside is that he has low movement speed, so if he gets in range of enemy artillery, he can get shredded. If, by some chance, he gets overwhelmed, he can simply summon a swarm of explosive nurglings that will even the chances in battle. He also has a rough start in the game in both normal and immortal empire campaigns and he has a cauldron to create disease that either buffs his armies or debuffs his enemies.

What Ku'gath Plaguefather Excels In:

  • He excels in ranged combat, as he can chuck explosive nurglings at enemies.
  • If he gets overwhelmed in melee combat, he can simply summon a swarm of nuglings to aid him in combat.
  • He has 14,000 health.
  • Good at sieging cities.

Ku'gath Plaguefather Details:



13. Boris Ursus

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Your Red Tzar is back!

Here's a legendary lord from Kislev that you have to unlock by playing as Katarin or Kostatlyn. Hold 3 major Kislev settlements and complete the ”Frozen Falls” quest. If you do that, you'll unlock him. Now onto Boris; he is specifically melee and excels in it. He is anti-large, deals 300 armor-piercing damage, is armored, and has 85 armor. 

Alongside that, he has a -50% upkeep cost to war bear riders units, a leadership of +7 when fighting against demons of chaos, and a +9 to melee damage when fighting against them. The best strategy when playing as Boris is to get him quickly to level 6 and unlock the ability “Resettler" to be able to colonize ruins without cost and by doing that, you’ll increase your economy.

What Boris Ursus Excels In:

  • Excels at expanding his faction and colonizing without cost.
  • Excels at melee combat.
  • Gains extra leadership and melee damage when fighting against demons.

Boris Ursus Details:



12. Kairos Fateweaver

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I see the past, I see the future but we can’t see the present.

This creature has two heads, one head can see into the future while the other can see the past. Now you might think this is OP, but both heads are blind to the present. His starting position is quite peaceful, and the only issue is Khorne to the south. He comes with a few abilities under his belt, and they are quite deadly. 

He doesn't have a lot of melee damage, only 125, so your primary goal should be leveling him towards spells. You should level infernal gateway ability, as that is a powerful vortex. You can pull the enemy units together and just blast them with magic. Additionally the whole Tzeentch faction has a shield that regenerates and that also applies to Kairos. So going in and out of battle is the key strategy. 

What Kairos Fateweacer excels in:

  • His whole faction has a shield that applies to him as well so going in and out of battle is the key.
  • His spells deal devastating damage.
  • He has an easy start in the game.
  • His magic allows him to pull enemies close together and then blast them with magic.

Kairos Fateweaver Details:



11. Tzarina Katarin

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Kislev will not fall under my rule!

Katarin is the leader of Kislev, and the quest for her campaign is to rescue Ursun. She is a spellcaster, but she's also able to hold her own in melee combat because her base damage is 260 and armor-piercing damage is 140. She has a ton of unique active and passive abilities. And once you level her up enough, she gets to ride on a huge war bear. 

She has a -50% gold upkeep for ice guard units and lowers corruption by 6 while in a province. You'll also need to focus on politics, as another lord of Kislev wants to overthrow Katarin. Her magic abilities will help out melee units in battle and give them an advantage. She is also good against other lords in the early game, and you shouldn’t expand too quickly.

What Tzarina Katarin Excels In:

  • She is a spellcaster and great in melee combat.
  • Excellent at keeping peace in a province because she can lower the corruption by 6.
  • Has a -50% gold upkeep cost for Ice Guard units.
  • Her magic abilities massively help her armies.

Tzarina Katarin Details:



10. Kostaltyn

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Katarin can’t lead Kislev, she is not ready.

The point of Kostatlynt’s campaign is to overthrow Katarin and rule the Motherland all by himself, and rescue Ursun along the way. Additionally, he is a patriarch, deals armor-piercing damage, can pray during a battle, buffs his units with frenzy, and deals flaming attacks. The great thing is the battle prayer that he can learn and give different bonuses to his units. 

He has four active abilities and five passive abilities, and the only spell he has is fireball, which is the most basic of spells and isn't that great. The best strategy for playing Kostatlyn is to recruit low and mid tier units and try to expand as much as possible. The reason for that is because of the leadership bonuses and attack bonuses, as well as he can give his armies the frenzy buff when they are above 50% HP.

What Kostalytn Excels In:

  • He can give leadership and attack bonuses to his armies, which is great in battle.
  • Units under his rule gain frenzy ability when above 50% HP. 
  • He has four active and five passive abilities, which help out his armies and himself.
  • He can pray during battle to give bonuses to his armies.
  • He excels at expanding in the early game.

Kostalytn Details:



9. Zhao Ming The Iron Dragon

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Bow down to your dragon!

This guy is a master alchemist, and he can transform into a huge iron dragon. He is an expert in melee combat and can hold his own in battle against other units. His size isn't big, so being targeted by missile units isn't an issue as he can easily dodge them. He is also armored, which means he can block damage except for armor-piercing damage. His weapon strength is 430 in human form, while in dragon form it goes up to 580.

But the coolest part about all of this is that he can change into a dragon and just burn anyone who dares to stand in his way. Also, he has 8,424 health, 70 armor, and 60 melee defense. Additionally, he has an AoE melee attack, which is amazing at dispersing enemies when he is overwhelmed. We can’t forget that Cathay has some great tanky gear that makes people almost unkillable.

What Zhao Ming excels in:

  • He is tanky and has great melee damage.
  • He can turn into a dragon that enhances his overall stats.
  • He is able to deal AoE damage if he gets overwhelmed in combat.
  • Due to his small size, he can easily dodge missiles.

Zhao Ming Details:



8. Festus The Leechlord

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From a normal doctor to a plague doctor. What a promotion.

Speaking of Festus, he especially deals poison damage, and he's a spellcaster. Also, the poison applied to enemies lowers their speed and damage and deals damage over time. Moreover, this lord has 6,220 health and a base damage of 260. He also has two characteristic traits, which are that plague duration lasts 3 turns for local armies and the battle healing cap is +25% for the army under him. 

If he is defeated in battle, the replenishment rate is +5% higher than standard. He also gains the cauldron to concoct diseases, same as Kugath, and they can be instantly applied to his armies as buffs and debuffs to enemies. His armies are tanky and can take quite some damage before falling; the only issue is getting close to the enemy. If you are going up against someone who has a majority of ranged units, you will have a problem on your hands.

What Festus The Leechlord Excels In:

  • The diseases he creates with the cauldron can apply huge buffs to his armies or debuffs to enemies. 
  • He deals poison damage, which can reduce the enemy’s speed and damage.
  • He is a spellcaster who specializes in dealing damage or healing his armies.

Festus The Leechlord Details:



7. Miao Ying

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Who dares to wake the storm dragon?

Like Zhao Ming, she's also a melee expert, great in melee combat, and can turn into a dragon. The great part about Miao is that she's also a spellcaster. Additionally, she is armored and deals 290 armor-piercing damage. She has 6 spells in her kit that are amazing for decimating demons and humans alike. She also has a -50% gold upkeep for all infantry units and a harmony of 3 yin. 

Once defeated in battle, she gains 3 melee defenses for her whole army under her. During her campaign, you have to balance out the Yin and Yang. If both Yin and Yang are at a zero, you gain bonuses for your armies. She starts near the great bastion, and it's up to her to defend the west from demons while fighting rebel factions from the east. She can also heal during battle, which is important if you want to keep your units alive and well during battle.

What Miao Ying Excels In:

  • She has a -50% gold upkeep to missile units.
  • She has great abilities for battles.
  • She is good at melee combat and can hold her own during battle.
  • Has a unique campaign in which you have to defend the great bastion from demons.

Miao Ying Details:



6. Azazel

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The time of reckoning has come!

It is said that Azazel's beauty is second only to Slaanesh herself. But before he became a daemon, Azazel was a normal man who betrayed his tribe. After that act, Slaanesh saw him and recruited him; later, he slew the champion of Khorne, rose through the ranks, and achieved daemonhood. A special thing about Azazel is that he can fly, cause terror to nearby units, and deal armor-piercing damage, but his main damage comes from spells.

Additionally, Azazel receives a -20% gold seduction cost for human factions such as Bretonnia, Empire, Cathay, and Kislev units. He also gives +4 leadership to his armies and +3% weapon strength to his armies and embedded heroes. His main focus is on speed and seduction on the battlefield, and Slaanesh units main damage output is from their devastating flanks.

What Azazel excels in:

  • He has incredible movement speed, which is great for flanks.
  • Gives +3 weapon strength to his armies and embedded heroes.
  • Gives +4 leadership to his armies.
  • He can fly which allows him to flank enemy artillery and ranged units easily.

Azazel Details:



5. Vilitch The Curseling

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My brother does all the hard work for me!

This guy isn't anything more than a parasite who leeches off of his stronger brother, Thomin, who is nothing more than an automaton that follows every command. Vilitch is mainly a wizard who is able to cast spells. He is also armored, and like every Tzeentch unit, he has a barrier. So going in and out of combat and micromanaging units is the key strategy to winning.

Additionally, when it comes to his character traits, he is able to steal +15% experience from other lords, has a passive ability called the “twisted twin,” and can teleport around, which costs him -25% less mana. Like Kairos, he can also influence the map, break alliances, see the intentions of other factions, and so on. His start isn't hard, and if you know what you're doing, you'll do just fine.

What Vilitch The Curseling Excels In:

  • He can influence other factions and break up alliances.
  • He can steal 15% experience from other lords.
  • He can teleport around the map, and it costs him 25% less mana.
  • He is excellent at diplomacy.

Vilitch The Curseling Details:



4. Be’Lakor

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I shall shape the world in my vision!

He is the first Daemon Prince and the first ever human to give his soul to the Gods of Chaos, who reshaped him in their image. Now that Ursun is weak and dying, he intends to slay the God of the Kislevites and take place as the fifth Chaos God. That is his whole campaign. Be’Lakor specializes in melee combat and has spells he can use to buff his armies or himself. 

He comes with 10,296 HP, base damage of 150, and armor-piercing damage of 350. Additionally, he can fly, cause terror and fear, encourage and increase leadership in his units, and have physical resistance. The best strategy for playing Be’Lakor is to expand and conquer as many dark fortresses as possible. 

Make as many vassals as you can, and then lay destruction in your path. His characteristic traits give him +2 authority and an ability called “Shroud of Shadow,” which increases damage resistance by 60%. He can be quite a tank in battle, but you still have to make sure that anti-large units don’t overwhelm him.

What Be’Lakor Excels In:

  • He excels at expanding his territories.
  • Excels at creating vassals that do his bidding.
  • Excels in melee combat due to the huge physical resistance he gains.
  • He can easily convert others to his side.

Be’Lakor Details:



3, Drazhoath The Ashen

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I shall create the strongest units with my forge!

If you're thinking of playing the newest faction that was added to the game by a DLC then you have to go with Drazhoath. He's armored and a decent melee combatant and he’s also a wizard. He has 7 spells in total and they are centered around dealing AoE damage and last for a long time when cast. He also has a passive ability "dark renown" which increases damage by +8. 

He also comes with a -25% gold upkeep to K'daai units and has increased campaign map movement range by 10%. But if he gets defeated in battle he gains +15% resistance to missiles and his income is increased by 10% throughout the whole faction for a few turns. Additionally he gains the hell forge so you can upgrade your existing units which makes them stronger in return.

What Drazhoath Excels In:

  • He has one of the strongest units in the game that are excellent in melee and ranged combat.
  • With the hell forge you can upgrade your units making them stronger.
  • Since he's a spellcaster he decimates the battlefield with 7 unique spells.
  • Excels in battles due to having strong units.
  • Excels at economy due to having a -25% gold upkeep for K’daai units.

Drazhoath The Ashen Details:



2. Valkia The Bloody

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My wrath knows no bounds!

I'm not gonna lie, but Valkia is my favorite legendary lord to play. The whole point is to dominate the map and slaughter as many people as possible. She can fly, which allows her to flank and roam the map however she wishes. Additionally, she is great against large targets. Valkia is armored and shielded, which means that she is able to block melee and ranged attacks. She also deals 300 armor-piercing damage, and her weapon strength is 400. 

For her character traits, she has the passive ability “Gaze of Khorne,” and she can move 35% more if the enemy retreats from battle. The “Gaze of Khorne” gives her and anyone who is 35 meters around her +4 to leadership, +5% base weapon damage, and +5 armor-piercing damage. The best strategy for playing Valkia is to run around and slaughter people, destroy cities, and demolish anyone who stands in your way.

What Valkia The Bloody Excels In:

  • She excels in melee combat as she’s a master at it.
  • She is shielded and armored.
  • Excels at taking down large targets.
  • If an enemy retreats from battle she gains 35% more campaign movement and excels at moving around the campaign map.

Valkia The Bloody Details:



1. Skarbrand 

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The best part about Skarbrand is that he doesn't even need an army with him; he is that strong. He can take out a whole army by himself and still be alive and wanting to spill more blood. Skarbrand is armored which blocks any damage from the source except armor-piercing. He causes terror on the battlefield and anyone who is up against him will reroute. He also can't be feared and will never back down from a fight. For the damage it is completely insane. 

He deals 435 armor-piercing damage, deals flaming attacks, and his weapon strength is 620. For his characteristic traits he has increased campaign movement range by 25% after winning a battle. As well if he is found in enemy territory or razed territory the cost to recruit is -35% gold for all units. Best strategy when playing Skarbrand is to expand as much as possible and to fight as much as possible. Think of his campaign as Valkia’s but on crack and way more blood.

What Skarbrand Excels In:

  • He deals an insane amount of damage in melee combat and excels at it.
  • He can take out an army alone.
  • He is great at expanding and razing enemy territories.
  • If he is defeated in battle his weapon strength and charge bonus is enhanced.
  • He excels at terrorizing the enemies on the battlefield.

Skarbrand Details:



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