Total War: Warhammer 3 Most Fun Factions To Play

Total War: Warhammer 3 Most Fun Factions To Play
01 Dec 2023

Do you want to have fun? Of course you do, who doesn't? So in this article, I'll be talking about the most fun factions you can play in Warhammer 3. Some factions are more enjoyable to play through while others are tiring and boring.

I'll be going over the factions campaign, gameplay mechanics, units, and most importantly, how enjoyable it is to play them. So without wasting any more time, let's see who is the most fun faction to play!


10. Poxmakers of Nurgle

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Brother these guys stink…literally.

This faction's play style is highly defensive, and they also don't have any great ranged units to help them out in battle. So you'll have to charge at the enemy and hope, to God, their artillery doesn't hit. Also, even if you suffer major losses in battle, not to worry, as this faction has the ability to reproduce units at a fast rate, so it evens it out. 

What you'll never get bored of is seeing the little nurglings charge at the enemy like a tsunami of death. It never gets boring, and it’s always fun to watch. Also, this faction comes with the cauldron that allows you to make plagues. Those plagues can either debuff the enemy or buff your units, making them stronger, and being an alchemist has never been more fun.

Choose Poxmakers of Nurgle If You Like:

  • Creating your diseases.
  • Watching your plagues spread across other factions.
  • Playing on the defensive.
  • Having tanky units that absorb all damage.
  • A high growth and replenishment rate for Nurgle units.
  • Low recruitment cost for Nurgle units.

9. Disciples of the Maw

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I need more meat!

Next up are the ogres, specifically the Disciples of the Maw, who are led by Skrag the Slaughterer. This faction has a fun mechanic where you need gold and food to keep your army happy. Their armies are not only large in size, but they also hit hard. Additionally, they are a mix of tanky and damage dealing units, and they are fun to use on the battlefield. Another fun part about this faction is that you can set up camps in enemy territories. Those camps have a function of mini settlement. 

The primary goal of the camps is to generate food, but if you pick the right buildings, it can also buff your armies, increase growth, and create a chokepoint on the map. Another fun part is that you'll get contracts from other factions, which you can choose to accept and earn yourself some extra gold. Also, if you complete a contract, it will earn you favor with that faction. If you want to play as a mercenary you can and it's fun as hell.

Choose Disciples of the Maw If You Like:

  • Doing contracts for other factions.
  • Not being on anyone's side in the chaos war.
  • Building camps in enemy territories that act as mini settlements that allow for easy ambushes.
  • Having a tanky and damage dealing army rooster.
  • Managing food and gold to keep your armies satisfied.
  • Being a mercenary and just doing jobs for other factions.
  • Creating chokepoints and blocking the enemy army from directly attacking your regions.

8. Oracles of Tzeentch

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Two heads, one brain cell…

The cheese you can do with this faction is potentially limitless. The units are strong, the campaign mechanics are fun, the faction buffs are nice, and the diplomacy rocks but man, are they hard to play. The reason for that is that you have to micromanage all of your units because of the rechargeable shield. Otherwise, your units will die quickly. This can be fun for veterans of the franchise, but for newcomers, it can feel overwhelming.

Also, you have to play the long game with this faction and you need to have patience. Additionally, you can influence other factions to break alliances, go to war, or get free settlements through diplomacy, which is fun in its own right seeing as you make the calls for everything. Additionally, the lore of magic for Tzeentch is powerful and fun to use just to make sure that your legendary lord lives so he can cast spells.

Choose Oracles of Tzeentch If You Like:

  • Powerful magic abilities.
  • Micromanaging your units in and out of combat.
  • Influencing other factions to go to war or breaking alliances through diplomacy.
  • Gaining free settlements through diplomacy.
  • Having a rechargeable shield for your units.

7. Northern Provinces

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The enemy shall know the power of the dragon!

It’s time to take a stroll and look at the Grand Cathay factions, and of course we gotta go with our girl Miao Ying, who is the legendary lord of the “Northern Provinces.” In my opinion, this faction has the most unique and fun campaign yet. You have to defend “The Great Bastion” to stop the demons from seeping into the country and attacking your people. 

Alongside that, you also have to manage a rebellion and stop it from happening. Oh yeah, while playing this faction you’ll be on the defensive side and defending in the siege battles, which is a hell of a lot of fun. Another fun part of the faction is that you can form convoys and caravans to trade. 

Alongside all of that, if you want to use spells, you can, as they have two lores of magic and you can mix and match the spells. Oh, and can’t forget the main part that your legendary lord Miao Ying can turn into a huge storm dragon, which is just way too fun to control and watching her destroy the daemons of chaos is satisfying as hell.

Choose Northern Provinces If You Like:

  • Playing on the defensive and playing siege battles.
  • Having a  fun and interesting campaign where you have to defend “The Great Bastion" from invading chaos forces.
  • Having to deal with the rebels.
  • Controlling and forming convoys for trading so you can increase your gold income.
  • Destroying the enemy with ranged units.
  • Having your legendary lord turn into a dragon that can decimate a whole army.

6. The Ice Court

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I will unify my people under one banner!

When it comes to Kislev as a race, there are 4 factions, but the most fun one has to be “The Ice Court,” which is led by a legendary lord “Tzarina Katarin.” She has a passive effect which reduces the recruitment cost of ice guards by 50%. The point of her campaign is to remain in power and to rescue the God Ursun. Her start isn't too easy, and isn't too hard. It's right in the middle, as it should be, which is fun. 

A unique mechanic in her campaign is that you have to earn the support of your people to stay in power, and you are going up against Kostalytn, who wants to overthrow you. Another fun mechanic is that you can build your heroes, picking and choosing their abilities and you get to pick from two lores of magic which allow you to mix and match spells as you wish.. 

Choose The Ice Court If You Like:

  • Almost all units are hybrids and they are excellent in melee and ranged combat.
  • Playing a campaign where you have to rescue Ursun.
  • Trying to unify all of Kislev under one banner.
  • Building your ice heroes and choosing their abilities.
  • Gaining favor from Kislev Gods that give you buffs.
  • Trying to win supporters and defeat Kostaltyn.
  • Conquering regions and being able to assign atamans, which focus on diplomacy.
  • Having the option to pick between two lores of magic.
  • Being able to mix and match both lores of magic in battle.
  • Having 12 spells available to cast.

5. Seducers of Slaanesh

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No pain, no pleasure.

These are the Seducers of Slaanesh, and as the name of the faction implies, you can seduce other units and add them to your armies. The faction is led by quite a strong legendary lord, N'Kari and she can handle her own on the battlefield. To play this faction correctly, you'll need to master when to go into battle and when to back out and wait for an opportunity to flank. 

The diplomacy part is also fun, as you can use your seduction points to influence other factions and gain their favor. Once you reach max seduction with a faction, you can vassalize them under your banner. Oh and when you do that your economy will skyrocket so you won't have to worry about gold. 

Choose Seducers of Slaanesh If You Like:

  • Flanking and surprising the enemy.
  • Vassalizing other factions under your rule.
  • Dominating the diplomacy on the campaign map.
  • Going through the four chaos realms and securing them for yourself.
  • Seducing enemy units to your side.
  • Dominating the game once you enter the mid to late game parts.

4. Legion of Chaos

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This is just like build a bear.

This is pretty much build a bear, but instead of a bear it’s a daemon. In this faction, you can create your daemon prince by selecting your skills, buffs, abilities, spells, and daemonic gifts. Along with this you can also recruit your units from different chaos factions. 

The point of the campaign is to earn favor with the four different chaos gods, and it's done through random events, buildings, war effects, and so on. Additionally, when you conquer a settlement or region, you can dedicate it to one of the chaos gods. Another fun part of this faction is mixing and matching your army rooster, as you have a wide range of units to choose from.

Choose Legion of Chaos If You Like:

  • Being able to choose units from four different chaos gods.
  • Building your daemon legendary lord. 
  • Building your army rooster from four different chaos gods.
  • Conquering settlements and devoting them to one of the four chaos gods.
  • Unlocking your abilities through demonic glory.

3. Exiles of Khorne

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Do you enjoy bloodshed? Killing a ton of enemies? Charging into battle without thinking? Well, if you do, then this is going to be a fun faction for you. They are a melee focused infantry faction and have little to no magic in their arsenal. The whole faction revolves around razing settlements, killing, and dominating the enemy. Even their legendary lord Skarbrand can solo defeat a single army. 

Additionally, the faction has some decent buffs, like gaining +15 campaign movement range when razing a settlement and your armies being able to replenish in enemy territories. Your best  bet is to run into a region and raze it to the ground. You won't have to deal with diplomacy or anything like that all you have to worry and think about is murder. This faction is fun for mindless murder. 

Choose Exiles of Khorne If You Like:

  • Having one of the strongest melee armies in the game.
  • Razing down settlements.
  • Not worrying about diplomacy.
  • Dominating the campaign map and 3D battles.
  • Having a legendary lord that can single handedly take out an army.
  • Being able to replenish armies in enemy territories.


2. Legion of the Gorequeen

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Honestly, this faction isn't that different from the Exiles of Khorne, and they are equally strong when it comes to the army units. The reason why Valkia is more fun to play than Skarbrand is that she can fly. Which allows for more flanks and better movement on the map. 

Alongside that, she also has a faction ability called “Bloodletting,” which makes her armies stronger the more battles she wins in quick succession. She can also vassalize tribes after capturing a “Dark Fortress.” Another fun part about Valkia is that after defeating enemies in battle, she will gain souls, which she can use to make either her lords, herself, or her heroes stronger. 

Choose Legions of the Gorequeen If You Like:

  • Having a really strong lord that can fly.
  • Getting extra campaign movement range after winning a battle.
  • Your units get stronger with each battle they win.
  • Capturing “Dark Fortresses” to vassalize tribes.
  • Killing everyone who stands in your way.
  • Razing and destroying the campaign map.
  • Not using diplomacy.
  • Using souls to make herself, her lords, or her heroes stronger.


1. The Legion of Azgorh

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Technology is the future.

Are you even surprised the Chaos Dwarfs are here? First off the artillery “Dreadquake Mortar” is so deadly and strong it's scary. Once it hits somewhere, it will shake the core of the earth itself, and that’s why it’s so much fun to use. This faction also has one of the more fun campaigns in the game, as it revolves around collecting ancient artifacts to power a drill. There is so much fun to be had with this faction. 

Another fun part about it is that you can upgrade your units into stronger ones with the “Hellforge” mechanic. Also, a fun part of this faction is conquering settlements, turning them into factories, and making your laborers construct for you. Oh, and if you are a magic user, this faction comes with a strong lore of magic. Their spells are all about damage and have no spells to support their units in battles.

Choose The Legion of Azgorh If You Like:

  • Using artillery units to kill the enemy, as they have one of the strongest artillery units in the game.
  • Being strong in melee and ranged combat. 
  • Having one of the strongest hybrid units.
  • Being able to upgrade your units from the hell forge.
  • Sending military convoys to trade so you can boost your economy and gain raw materials.
  • Conquering settlements and turning them into factories.
  • Being on the offensive constantly.
  • Having a lore of magic that's all about dealing damage with no spells to support your units in battle.
  • An interesting campaign and quests to do while playing.
  • A last final epic battle which if you achieve victory you win the campaign map.


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