10 Things That Make Total War: Warhammer 3 Good

10 Things That Make Total War: Warhammer 3 Good
01 Dec 2023

I’m guessing you're either a fan of Total War, strategy, or Warhammer games, so you might be looking to pick something up for the huge Winter Sale that’s coming to Steam! But you’re just not sure if the game is for you. 

Well, my frens gather around and let me show you 10 reasons why Total War: Warhammer 3 is good. I’ll be doing a review of the game and showing you the good reasons why you should pick it up when it goes on sale. So enough of my blabbering, let’s get into it!


10. Story and Lore

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There is so much lore!

Did you know that this game has a lot of lore and a decent story, even though it’s a strategy game? I mean, it’s a Warhammer game after all, and of course there’s going to be a huge amount of lore. Each unique item has its lore as well as why it exists. 

Each location is uniquely designed, as it is in the official Warhammer setting. When it comes to the story, it all depends on which race you’re playing. If you’re playing Kislev, then your story will be to rescue their God Ursun. If you’re playing as a Chaos Dwarf, your story will be to build a great drill and obtain powers unimaginable, and so on. 


9. Frequent Updates and Road Maps

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Dayum the updates are amazing.

It’s safe to say that this game has a bright future in front of it. As you can see in the roadmap in the picture, the game will be receiving updates way into 2024 and longer. The devs aren’t slowing down with the updates to this game. 

Those are some major patches, the devs will also roll out updates that fix minor bugs in their game. The game is receiving love both from the devs and from the community. There isn’t a lack of content for the game, and the future is bright for it.


8. Quests and Exploration

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The map is diverse and colorful.

Total War: Warhammer 3 has some stunning l visuals, and the map is diverse. On the north, there will be snow, on the east, lush green forests, on the south a desert, and so on. That alone will spark the interest of the player in exploring the map. The theme of the map corresponds to the faction you’re playing. 

If you’re playing Kislev, you can expect to see a lot of snow, but if you’re playing Khorne, you can expect to see a lot of lava, burned lands, and so on. Once you start the game alongside the main objective, you’ll also be given quests that you can complete if you want to. Doing these quests will improve your relations with other factions and give you unique items and rewards. 


7. Graphics

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This is pweety, I like it.

Since I already mentioned visuals up there, let's talk about them more. The game is pretty, and it will require a decent PC for it to run smoothly. Look, if you’re getting 30 FPS while playing on ultra or high, it’s worth it. It’s a strategy game after all, and you don’t need all the 60 FPS. The visuals, textures, shadows, models, and everything looks crisp and detailed. Especially during a huge battle, you can expect to see picturesque visuals. 

Night and weather battles have never looked better before, the vegetation and trees look amazing, and the new lighting and shadows add so much depth to the game. No Total War game has looked this beautiful except Total War: Three Kingdoms, as a close runner up. Also, I have to mention the Realms of Chaos, where the Chaos Gods live, as they are simply stunning and beautifully crafted. 


6. Music and Audio

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Ohhh this music makes me feel alive.

Using words to describe the audio and music of the game will be hard because it’s downright amazing. Let me just say right now that the music in this game will get your blood pumping during a 3D battle. While exploring the map, the music might be something chill and relaxing, but once you enter a 3D battle, oh boy, that’s when it starts to ramp up. 

The sounds of weapons, swords, screaming, cannons, and artillery, when paired up with battle music, are all just perfect in this game. Additionally, your generals will give speeches as well, but you have to be close enough to hear them. Nonetheless that speech will just get you in the mood to conquer the whole world. 


5. Races

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Why is that demon red and that one purple?

Total War: Warhammer 3 has an extensive list when it comes to factions and races. There are a total of 9 races in the game so far, and each one of them has its own story and faction. Each race has at least 1-3 factions, and each of those factions is led by a legendary lord. These races also have unique, suitable climates only for themselves, and moving them to a climate that doesn’t suit them will result in you getting debuffs. 

And depending on the race that you play, you can be in lands that have nothing except darkness and hatred to something lush in greenery and forestry. Each faction has its units that are specific to that race and themed that way as well. Not only that but if you have the previous two games you can access the Immortal Empires which allows you to play any race from all three games in a huge map.


4. Unit Models

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Holy smokes, how long did that take to make?

Do you ever look at a model in a game and think to yourself, how long did that take to make? Well, let me tell you that I do, and I’ve done that a lot of times while playing this game. You can just look at some of the models from the demons, and wonder how the hell did someone create that? 

The animations, the textures of the units, the shadows, the tiny little details it’s all there. If you look at an official unit from the fantasy Warhammer, you’ll see that they are practically the same. All units in this game have hit the mark, and they set a high standard for what a strategy game’s models should look like and be.


3. Diplomacy Management

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Why the hell does he want to go to war now?

When you’re not in a 3D battle, the majority of your time will be spent on the world map, managing your diplomacy with other factions. Trying to improve your economy, make alliances, create vassals, form pacts, and even go to war with other factions. 

Diplomacy is an integral part of the game, and not focusing on it can heavily impact your performance. The diplomacy in Total War: Warhammer 3 is fleshed out, has depth to it, and isn’t complicated to understand. It will take you some time to get used to it, as they have pretty much upgraded the diplomacy system from the previous game.


2. Good Modding Scene

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You will feel like a kid in a candy store.

If you don’t like something about the game or maybe you want to add more to it, you can do so with mods. It has a great modding scene that ranges from simple quality of life changes to some huge mods that overhaul factions or even add a brand new faction with new mechanics. 

There is something for everyone, you just have to find it. By having this modding support, the game is sure to have a long life ahead of itself. Even if the devs stop supporting this game, the community surely won’t, and there will be something new every few months that can spice up your game.


1. Combat/Strategy Gameplay

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We will not spare anyone!

What is most important for strategy games is the actual strategy and combat. Total War: Warhammer 3 is the best fantasy Warhammer strategy game out there. If you own all three games, you can even access the Immortal Empires part of the game which includes every single faction and race that you can think of. 

The combat is fun, and it’s fun to micromanage your units and watch them battle it out. There is no better feeling than watching two huge armies clash against each other in battle. The world map is also packed with content to do and strategies and tactics to form. There is a lot of strategy going on in the game, and you have to command it all and outsmart the enemy.


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