[Top 15] Total War: Warhammer 3 Best Units That Are Powerful

[Top 15] Total War: Warhammer 3 Best Units That Are Powerful
01 Dec 2023

Each faction in the game has great and beautifully designed units, but some are stronger than others. There are also different types of units, such as cavalry, infantry, ranged, artillery, war machines, and beasts. They also range from heavy to light such as light infantry and heavy infantry. 

Coincidentally, each faction in the game has either one or two really strong units. This is what we’ll be talking about today. In today’s article, I’ll go over some of the best and most powerful units in the whole game. I’ll be going into detail and explaining how those units work as well, so without wasting any more time let’s get into it!


15. Nurglings

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There are so many of them, they are like ants!

These units might seem weak to you, but think of them as huge meatshields in front of your more important units. These little buggers have a ton of HP, which is 8,400, and that is 140 per model. That's just insane considering they are an early-game unit. They have no armor, but they do have a 20% physical resistance. 

They also have a passive ability called “Cloud of Flies,” which gives them 9 melee defenses when they’re in combat. The upkeep of this unit is 88 gold per turn, and it only costs 350 gold to recruit. Their damage seems low, but they deal poison and magical damage, which can decimate other early-game units.

What Nurglings Excels In:

  • They are incredible human shields for your more important units.
  • They have a lot of HP for early-game units.
  • Their melee attacks deal poison and magical damage.
  • The upkeep and recruitment are low.
  • They have 20% physical resistance.

Nurglings Details: 



14. Leadbelchers

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Time to decimate.

At first glance, these just might be ogres with big ass cannons for weapons. Well, that’s exactly what they are. These units are great against infantry and single huge targets. They have decent movement speed and are good at repositioning if they are in a bad situation. 

They don’t cost a lot of gold to upkeep, have decent damage, and deal anti-armor damage. Additionally, they have a lot of HP, 200 range, but their reload speed isn’t that great. If they are against fast cavalry or flying units, you will have a problem.

What Leadbelchers Excels In:

  • Killing infantry units.
  • They don’t cost a lot of gold to upkeep.
  • They deal anti-armor damage.
  • Great against single huge targets or beasts.

Leadbelchers Details:



13. Dragon Ogres

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A wall made out of centaurs.

These units are only melee, but they are good at flanking enemies, charging at the infantry, being on the frontlines, tanking damage, or hunting down cavalry. Any job that you can think of for a melee unit, these bad boys can do it. They have a lot of health, a decent amount of movement speed, enough defense, 60 armor, and 25 missile resistance. 

They are also able to deal armor-piercing damage with their attacks. The only downside to them is that their upkeep costs 412 gold, and if you have two or three of them, they can be quite costly to hold. Additionally, if you charge at the enemies, they also get some charge bonus damage, which is quite nice.

What Dragon Ogres Excel In:

  • Great at tanking damage and being in the front lines.
  • They can charge at enemies.
  • They can hunt down cavalry units.

Dragon Ogres Details:



12. War Bear Riders

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It’s the bear boys.

Here’s a great cavalry unit with decent damage, armor, and movement speed. They are great for flanking enemies, charging at the infantry to destroy their formation, and have a ton of health and armor. Specifically, this unit has 8,256 health, which is 516 per model, and 100 armor per model. 

Their movement speed is 75, the melee attack damage is 46, and they deal bonus damage against large enemies. If you know how to micromanage units and don’t have an issue with that, you can easily decimate the enemy's army formation with ease with these units.

What War Bear Riders Excels In:

  • They are great at charging into the frontline to decimate the enemy's formation.
  • They have a lot of health which is 516 per model.
  • They have 100 armor.
  • Their damage is decent.
  • They are great against large enemies.

War Bear Riders Details:



11. Skullcannon

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Time to roast some enemies.

Here’s a unit that’s great in melee, ranged, and is a war machine. First things first, this unit can be used as an artillery unit due to its huge cannon on its back. It has massive range and damage. It also has decent speed, so moving around the map should not be an issue for you. 

You can easily escape flanks and enemy chariots if they are charging at this unit. If you run out of ammo, you can recharge it by charging into enemies and ramming into them. You also regenerate health and ammo that way. It can also burn people when you get in range.

What Skullcannon Excels In:

  • Dealing damage from afar.
  • Being able to move around the map quickly
  • You can charge into enemies to regenerate HP and ammo.
  • Being able to burn enemies when you get close to them.

Skullcannon Details:



10. Akshina Ambushers

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Ursun fights with us!

Who would have known that a DLC unit would be on this list? Am I right? Enough jokes; these guys are pretty damn strong. They can deal damage in melee and range, but they excel in ranged combat. They are cheap as hell to upkeep, costing only 213 gold per unit. They have some decent health, range, and damage. 

They aren’t tanky and can easily be overpowered in battle if the enemies surround them from all sides. The best part about this unit is that you can get them fairly early in the game, and the best advice on using them is to keep your distance and shoot at the enemy from afar to get the most out of this unit.

What Akshina Ambushers Excels In:

  • They are cheap to upkeep.
  • You can get them early in the game.
  • They deal armor-piercing damage in both ranged and melee.

Akshina Ambushers Details:



9. Soul Grinder (Slaanesh)

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Nobody can stop us!

There are four different Soul Grinders, and each of them belongs to a different Chaos God. I’ll only be mentioning two of them, as they are the best. The first one is from Slaanesh, which is specifically better in melee combat than it is in ranged combat.

It has 8,180 health and 90 armor. Along with that, it has a 20% physical resistance. What you should do with this unit is charge into battle with the infantry. Moreover, it has a base damage of 155 and an armor-piercing damage of 365. Additionally, it gains bonus damage against large units and buildings. 

What Soul Grinder (Slaanesh) Excels In:

  • It’s great in melee combat, and it’s one of the best Soul Grinders in melee.
  • Deals bonus damage against large units and buildings.
  • It has 8,180 health and 90 armor.
  • It has 20% physical resistance.

Soul Grinder (Slaanesh) Details: 



8. Light War Sled

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Let’s go sledding with bears!

These units are war sleds that are being carried by bears. It can reach a movement speed of 75, which is quite fast and great for flanking. They also deal melee damage from the bears and ranged damage from the humans that are in the sleds. 

You can easily drive by other enemy infantry and shoot them before they can even get close to you, or you can charge right through them. The only issue is against large units that have greater range. It also causes fear in enemies, which lowers their leadership and it can fire while moving. 

What Light War Sled Excels In:

  • Charging at infantry units and destroying their formation.
  • They deal melee damage from bears, which is buffed if you’re charging at the enemy.
  • It also deals ranged damage and can shoot while moving.

Light War Sled Details: 



7. Gorges

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Mom said it’s my turn on the Xbox!

The first vanguard unit on our list, and it’s these terrifying creatures that belong to the Ogre Kingdoms. The vanguard units can be placed anywhere on the map, and they aren’t restricted by the normal unit spawn zones. Additionally, they are unbreakable, which means that they won’t run from battle at all. 

They can cause fear, attack walls in siege battles, and stalk which means they can hide in any terrain. These units are great against any infantry and deal bonus damage against them. The biggest downside to them is that they can easily get overpowered by missile units, they have no armor, and are quite squishy.

What Gorges Excels In:

  • They deal bonus damage against infantry units.
  • They can charge, and due to that, they gain 42 bonus damage.
  • They have a lot of health.
  • They can attack walls during siege battles.

Gorges Details:



6. Soul Grinder (Nurgle)

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Crab people, crab people, crab people!

Soul Grinders are demons whose physical bodies have been slain, and then they can choose to surrender their true name to the Forge of Souls, which in turn turns them into the Soul Grinders. Each chaos god has a type of Soul Grinder, but the Nurgle one is the best one out of them all. It has high armor, HP, and damage. In short, it's a walking tank. 

When it comes to the ranged side of things, these bad boys can shoot rockets from a huge distance, which completely decimate enemies when they get hit by them. The missiles deal damage in an area that can hit multiple targets at once. The damage they deal is magical, poisonous, and anti-armor. 

What Soul Grinder (Nurgle) Excels In:

  • They are good in melee combat.
  • They have a lot of HP and armor and can be quite a tank in battle.
  • They can attack from afar.
  • They deal magic, anti-penetration, and poisonous damage.

Soul Grinder Details:



5. Exalted Daemonettes of Slaanesh

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The more we attack the weaker you are!

This unit has a passive ability to weaken other enemies' attack damage by simply attacking them. Additionally, they can also cause fear, hide in forests, and be devastating flankers. This means that they double their charge bonus when they are attacking an enemy from the side or the back. Moreover, they also have a 20% physical resistance in combat. 

Their movement speed is 54, and their health is 7,700, which equals 77 per model. They have a charge bonus of 35, which doubles if attacking from the side or from behind. The one downside is that their upkeep cost is 313 gold, which is a lot if you have more than 3 of these units in your army.

What Exalted Daemonettes of Slaanesh Excels In:

  • They are amazing flankers, as their charge bonus doubles from 35 to 70 when charging at enemies from the side or from behind.
  • They have a decent movement speed of 54.
  • Their passive ability lowers the enemy's attack damage when they’re attacking them.

Exalted Daemonettes of Slaanesh Details:



4. The Green Guardian (Terracotta Sentinel)

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One of the best units for Grand Cathay.

You might be thinking that these units can’t be that good as they are large and can easily be targeted by missiles and anti-large units. Well, that is true, but they can also deal a lot of damage and decimate the enemy's army completely. Along with that, they have a whopping 12,620 HP with 100 armor. 

Yeah, taking this thing down will be a chore and a half, even with anti-large units. Also, they have 25% missile resistance. Their weapon strength is 600, and the base damage is 150, along with armor piercing damage of 425. Additionally, it causes fear and terror in enemy units, and it’s also unbreakable, which means it won’t suffer any leadership losses.

What The Green Guardian (Terracotta Sentinel) Excels In:

  • They have a whopping 12,620 HP, which is one of the highest in the game.
  • Have 25% missile resistance.
  • They deal a lot of base and armor-penetrating damage.
  • It’s able to deal with magical attacks.
  • It has 100 armor.

The Green Guardian (Terracotta Sentinel) Details:



3. Minotaurs of Khorne (Great Weapons)

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Blood for the Blood God!

Khorne is the faction that has some of the best infantry units in the whole game. But I have to single out the minotaurs, specifically the ones with great weapons. As the ones with great weapons deal bonus damage against large units, you should always recruit these instead of the normal minotaurs. 

These units have 8,704 HP, 70 armor, and 15 magical resistance. They deal a total of 33 base damage, 77 armor-piercing damage, and 28 bonus damage against large units. They are also able to deal damage to walls when in a siege battle. These units are especially good if you’re going up against someone who has a ton of large units in their rooster.

What Minotaurs of Khorne (Great Weapons) Excels In:

  • Against large units as they deal bonus damage to them.
  • They have a total of 8,705 HP and 70 armor, which makes them quite tanky.
  • They are amazing in battle and are also able to attack walls during siege battles.

Minotaurs of Khorne Details:



2. Infernal Guard (Fireglaives)

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The dwarf god is on our side!

Are you even surprised that units from the newest faction are on this list? But seriously, if you make an entire army out of these guys, you can easily win any battle. They are mainly considered ranged units, but if the enemies come to you up close, they can easily win those too due to them dealing a ton of damage in melee form. 

They are also able to tank a lot of damage due to having a lot of armor stats, specifically 100 armor. As well, they have 42 melee defenses. They also deal armor-piercing damage and can easily take down some of the tankiest units in the game before they even get close to you. Their upkeep is 313 gold, and if you have a full army, a stack of them will cost you a pretty penny.

What Infernal Guard Excels In:

  • You can have a whole army out of these guys and win battles with ease.
  • They are wearing heavy armor, which protects them against damage.
  • They have 100 armor and 42 melee defense.
  • The range on their guns is 145.
  • They can deal armor-piercing damage, which will take down even some of the most elite units in the game before they have a chance to get close to you.

Infernal Guard Stats:



1. Doom Knights of Tzeentch

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We are the flying boys!

These units are weird in their own way. They are cavalry, but they can fly and are melee. When it comes to this unit, they deal some decent damage. Their base damage is 54, armor piercing damage is 24, and they have a little bonus against buildings and a charge bonus of 52 damage. 

Additionally, they are really fast, as their movement speed is a whopping 105. The specialty of this unit, and what makes it so great and powerful, is the fact that they have a shield. Which can recharge if they are out of battle. Since they are flying units, they can easily get in and out of battle. 

So if you know how to micromanage units and see that their shield has gone down, you can take them out of battle, recharge their shield, and put them back into battle. If you’re really good, these units won’t lose any HP whatsoever. They are amazing at flanking and going after the backline of the enemy. 

What Doom Knights of Tzeentch Excels In:

  • They have a secondary shield that can recharge if they are out of battle.
  • They are flying cavalry units.
  • They have a ton of HP and armor.
  • If you’re good at micromanaging units, these are some of the best ones due to the rechargeable shields.
  • They have a charge bonus of 52 damage as well.

Doom Knights of Tzeentch Details:



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