[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Caveira Loadouts That Are Excellent

Top 5 Best Caveira Loadouts in R6 Siege
08 Aug 2024

Caveira is among the few operators in the game who has access to more than one special ability, and that’s what makes her such a dreaded roamer. She has the Silent Step ability which, as its name says, silences her footsteps. This ability works even when she’s sprinting, and this allows her to go from one place to another with both speed and stealth. 

Her other ability is the Interrogation which allows her to interrogate an opponent who is in a down-but-not-out state. Once successful, it will reveal the real-time position of the remaining enemies for several seconds. These abilities, along with the excellent weapon and utility choices that she has, make her one of the most popular operators in Rainbow Six Siege.


5. M12 with Red Dot A and Compensator + Luison + Impact Grenade

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The M12 submachine gun’s biggest drawback is its slow rate of fire, but in many circumstances, that drawback actually becomes its strength. That’s because that slow rate of fire makes the weapon’s recoil a lot easier to control, and that’s why even though on paper the M12 has a pretty strong weapon kick, it doesn’t feel like that when it comes to real time use. Because of the M12’s very manageable weapon kick, Caveira mostly only has to worry about its horizontal or random recoil from all directions, which becomes quite strong from its fifth shot.

That’s because the M12’s recoil diamond becomes quite big after the fourth shot, and the bigger the recoil diamond is, the higher the chances are for horizontal or random recoil from all directions. That’s why the compensator is a very viable barrel attachment for the M12. With it, shots from the M12 will feel a lot tighter because it reduces the recoil diamond size of weapons. And for weapons like the M12 which doesn’t have a very strong vertical recoil in the first place, this setup would provide the user with pinpoint accuracy and stability.

Excels in:

  • Reducing the M12’s recoil diamond size through the use of the compensator barrel attachment which reduces its tendency for horizontal and random recoil from all directions
  • Having great precision when aiming with the M12 submachine gun due to the simple center dot reticle from the Red Dot A 1.0x sight
  • Experiencing very manageable recoil when firing the M12 submachine gun due to its low rate of fire
  • Having a high damage gun for close range shooting in the Luison which can down an opponent with only a couple of shots at its optimal range
  • Having the ability to quickly make an escape hole when being hunted while roaming through the use of the impact grenades

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - M12 with Red Dot A and Compensator
  • Secondary weapon - Luison
  • Generic gadget - Impact Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the M12 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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4. M12 with Red Dot A and Flash Hider + Luison + Impact Grenade

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As mentioned in the previous entry, due to the slow rate of fire of the M12 submachine gun, its vertical weapon kick is really not that strong compared to how it looks like on its recoil pattern image. And if you further lower that vertical recoil with a flash hider, it would be effortless to control the recoil of this weapon even while you empty a whole clip from it. This convenience when it comes to controlling the recoil of the M12 makes this loadout setup a very viable option for many Caveira players who want to make sure that they’ll be hitting their targets with great accuracy and stability.

The great thing about the flash hider is that it doesn’t just lower the vertical recoil of the weapon. It also removes their muzzle flash and that could make it harder for enemies to see exactly where Caveira is shooting them from. It also removes the chance of the M12’s muzzle flash blurring Caveira’s view of her target while she’s shooting. This is great for the M12’s Red Dot A because its simple center dot reticle will provide Caveira with good precision while the flash hider will provide stability when firing.

Excels in:

  • Having the best recoil control possible on the M12 submachine gun due to the flash hider greatly reducing its vertical recoil
  • Making it harder for enemies to see exactly where Caveira is shooting them from with the flash hider removing the M12’s muzzle flash
  • The simple center dot reticle from the Red Dot A 1.0x will provide the Caveira player with great precision while shooting
  • Having the ability to take down enemies quietly and with just a few shots through the use of the Luison handgun
  • Creating rotation holes for setting up the objective spot or escape holes for running away when you’re roaming and enemies begin hunting you

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - M12 with Red Dot A and Flash Hider
  • Secondary weapon - Luison
  • Generic gadget - Impact Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the M12 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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3. M12 with Red Dot A and Suppressor + Luison + Impact Grenade

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Suppressors would always be great for stealth operators like Caveira because it augments their stealth capabilities. This loadout setup is great for a roamer like Caveira because it would allow her to shoot enemies with her M12 submachine gun silently and without providing them a directional threat indicator of where her shots came from. That means they wouldn’t be able to immediately retaliate since they won’t immediately know where she’s from. This will allow Caveira to perform hit and run tactics while roaming more effectively.

And like the flash hider, the suppressor will also hide the M12’s muzzle flash, making it even harder for enemies to see exactly where Caveira’s shots are coming from. This is really effective for medium to long-range shooting because the gunshot sounds from weapons with a suppressor would be inaudible beyond thirty meters. The suppressed M12 will also be a great utility for Caveira when it comes to shooting attacker drones or claymores with much less risk of alerting the enemies and without needing to use the Luison handgun.

Excels in:

  • Shooting enemies with the M12 submachine gun without providing them a directional threat indicator of where your shots are coming from
  • Making it hard for enemies to determine your location through sound cues with the suppressor greatly dampening the M12’s gunshot sounds
  • Reducing the visual cues that enemies could react to with the suppressor removing the M12 submachine gun’s muzzle flash
  • Being able to shoot enemy gadgets such as drones and claymores with less risk of alerting the enemies through the use of the suppressed M12 submachine gun
  • Creating rotation holes or escape holes for setting up the objective spot or for escaping when being hunted by enemies through the use of the impact grenades

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - M12 with Red Dot A and Suppressor
  • Secondary weapon - Luison
  • Generic gadget - Impact Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the M12 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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2. SPAS-15 with Reflex B and Laser + Luison + Proximity Alarm

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Depending on the player, map, and the situation, this loadout setup could be on the number one spot as well. That’s because the SPAS-15 shotgun will make Caveira a lot more versatile. With the SPAS-15 shotgun, she’ll be able to rework the map to the defending team’s advantage. She’ll be able to help in setting up the objective spot by creating rotation holes and more lines of sight, and she’ll be able to quickly make escape holes when she needs to run away from attackers who are hunting her or destroy unreinforced hatches so she could quickly descend to a lower floor.

When playing Caveira, you’ll have the Luison handgun at the ready most of the time, therefore, it would be great to attach a laser onto your SPAS-15 shotgun so that when you switch to it for engaging enemies, it would have a much tighter hip fire spread and it’ll be easier to take down enemies with it even without having to go into aim-down-sights stance. And since Caveira can already make rotation holes with the SPAS-15 shotgun, it would be better to run with the proximity alarms as her generic gadget. That way, she’ll have early warning devices on flanking spots and she’ll have an excellent way of gathering intel on enemy positions.

Excels in:

  • Reworking the map to your advantage with the SPAS-15 shotgun giving you the ability to create rotation holes or more lines of sight
  • Heavy damage per pellet from the SPAS-15 shotgun will give Caveira the close-range superiority
  • The laser attachment on the SPAS-15 shotgun will make its hip fire spread much tighter, therefore, making it more effective at close range
  • The Reflex B 1.0x sight will provide the Caveira player with a clear view of the surroundings due to its small main frame
  • Having early warning devices on flanking spots through the two proximity alarms in Caveira’s generic gadget slot

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - SPAS-15 with Reflex B and Laser
  • Secondary weapon - Luison
  • Generic gadget - Proximity Alarm

Pellet spread test on the SPAS-15 in this setup at 5m range:

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Pellet spread test on the SPAS-15 in this setup at 10m range:

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1. M12 with Red Dot A and Extended Barrel + Luison + Impact Grenade

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Normally I would put the loadout setup with a suppressor on the primary weapon on a higher ranking than the one with the extended barrel even with the recent buff that adds 15% damage from using the latter. However, the extended barrel is just an objectively better barrel attachment for Caveira’s M12 submachine gun because the stealth benefits that Caveira could have from equipping a suppressor on it could already be achieved with her Luison handgun. So instead of stealth benefits on her M12, it’s better for the player to take advantage of the heavier damage that the extended barrel brings.

With the extended barrel, Caveira would be inflicting 15% more damage on her M12 submachine gun. Plus, it maximizes the weapon’s damage output and potential by greatly reducing its range damage drop-off. With this loadout setup, Caveira would excel at any range, especially since the M12’s recoil is very easy to manage. The only thing that Caveira needs to be careful about when using this loadout setup is that the long barrel on her M12 could be seen by enemies first when she’s peeking around corners. However, the player could easily mitigate this slight drawback by performing quick peeks instead.

Excels in:

  • Inflicting heavier damage from Caveira’s M12 submachine gun with the extended barrel adding 15% damage to the weapon
  • Maximizing the damage potential and output of the M12 submachine gun through the use of the extended barrel which will greatly reduce its range damage drop-off
  • Having great precision when shooting with the M12 submachine gun because of the simple center dot reticle on the Red Dot A 1.0x sight
  • Being able to shoot attacker drones, claymores, and other gadgets with less chances of alerting enemies through the use of the suppressed Luison handgun
  • Creating rotation holes or escape holes easily with the use of the two impact grenades in Caveira’s generic gadget slot

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - M12 with Red Dot A and Extended Barrel
  • Secondary weapon - Luison
  • Generic gadget - Impact Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the M12 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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