[Top 15] Wargame Red Dragon Best Units

top 15 wargame red dragon best units
23 Jul 2020

Rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper, paper beats rock, and the T-80UM beats everything.

There are almost 2000 different units in Wargame: Red Dragon and sifting through all of them just to see what's good and what is not exactly the most engaging of tasks. Here we've sifted out the best units from across all nations and types. We've tuned our list to account for firepower, versatility, and how well the unit fills its role.

15.  Mi-26

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You only get two, so do try not to get them blown up… but maybe that's just wishful thinking.

The Mi-26 is an absolute hulk of a supply chopper, but with 6000 liters in tow, it's little surprise. It's still quite quick despite its size, although the giant frame and slow landing speed make it an easy, high-value target.

What's awesome about the Mi-26

  • It has the highest carrying capacity of any logistics vehicle in the entire game, meaning fewer trips back to the FOB.
  • It excels as a mobile 'mini-FOB' that can quickly traverse long distances between teammates.
  • The max speed of 300 km/h is quite impressive, especially considering the massive size, thankfully it doesn't have to spend too much time in the air.

Mi-26 details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Mi-26


14.  VPM 120

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VPM is French for Very-Popular-Mortar, I hear.

Introduced in the 2nd Korean War DLC, the French VPM 120 is one of if not the best mortar carriers available to NATO forces. It's quick off-road, it's long-sustaining, and it's got decent firepower and range for light-artillery. This is the standard I compare all other mortar carriers to. 

What's awesome about the VPM 120

  • It's an incredibly fast platform making the 'shoot-and-scoot' technique quite easy.
  • The fuel autonomy is excellent at 1000 km, allowing it to stay close to the front and maneuver without needing to refuel.
  • The VPM 120 is amphibious, players can capitalize on otherwise unreachable mortar positions.

VPM 120 details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/VPM_120


13.  BTR-90

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"If anything happens, try to shield the BTR with your body… it's worth more than you." 

Hands-down the best wheeled transport available to players, the BTR-90 is fast and packs a deadly punch thanks to its excellent weapon loadout. Not just a battle taxi, a BTR-90 is a force multiplier capable of making even the humble Motostrelki squad a formidable force. Many players buy Motostrelki exclusively just to get access to the BTR-90 - the troops are just extra-weight.

What's awesome about the BTR-90

  • The AGS-17 grenade launcher combined with the 2A72 autocannon turn infantry into swiss cheese and then fine mist.
  • A 100 km/h off-road speed makes it a perfect insertion-vehicle for behind-enemy-lines operations.
  • One of the fastest amphibious vehicles, the BTR-90, can avoid detection by choosing to ford rivers and lakes instead of exposed roads. 

BTR-90 details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/BTR-90


12.  Merkava IIA

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The Merkava IIA is an IFV in the same way an F1 car is a go-kart. 

The Merkava IIA is the best infantry-transport period, wheeled or tracked. It's basically a tank, although it's still classified as an "Infantry Fighting Vehicle" (IFV). And like a tank, the Merkava IIA is a difficult nut to crack. Being highly armored is bad enough, but imagine having a whole ten-man squad pop-out just as you're lining up an RPG.

What's awesome about the Merkava IIA

  • A 100mm gun and a grenade launcher give it severely more firepower than a standard IFV.
  • Infantry is most vulnerable in transports usually - you're lucky to have a fraction of the original strength if destroyed if you get anything at all. The Merkava IIA's impressive 18 frontal-armor mostly negates that.
  • Merkava IIAs are incredibly useful as fire-support-vehicles even against medium armor, most IFVs come with autocannons that can only pierce armor from what is basically arm's reach. 

Merkava IIA details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Merkava_IIA


11.  Komandosi

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I don't think they'd be as popular if it weren't for the extra five men and maroon berets.  

Komandosi are the best non-recon infantry unit of any country, not just Poland (or even Redfor). Borderline overpowered, they hardly falter and wield their weapons with deadly accuracy. The only real downside is their lackluster RPG that, while accurate and far-reaching, is underwhelming in terms of tank-killing potential - suggesting that Komandosi are better suited to high-value-target assassination rather than anti-armor duties.

What's awesome about Komandosi

  • 15 men per squad - that extra edge ensures that Komandosi should win any one-on-one fight, more if the enemy happens to be poorly trained.
  • Their high veterancy makes them less susceptible to panicking and ensures they can still fight with relative effectiveness.
  • Fast, light transport options marry well with their clandestine, behind-enemy-lines work. 

Komandosi details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Komandosi


10.  M113 ADATS

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No one is safe. Not tanks, not helicopters, not planes. No one… except for maybe infantry. 

So expensive but so worth it. The M113 ADATS is among the rare ranks that can engage vehicles, helicopters, and planes. Its high accuracy makes it a stellar defensive unit, that and the lack of a stabilizer. You can use it to knock out tanks if need be, but it's better to use other units for that if you can.

What's awesome about the M113 ADATS

  • They carry a good bit of missiles compared to most Surface-to-air-missile (SAM) platforms, which is less micro you'll have to do when resupplying.
  • All areas are covered, so it's usually only infantry that will sneak up on you - be aware.
  • No radar-guidance means the ADATS cannot be targeted by SEAD aircraft, leaving it on and forgetting is a safe strategy and makes AA defense all that much easier.

M113 ADATS details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/M113_ADATS


9.  M-84AN

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The only things cheesier are a block of cheddar and the Merkava IIA. 

Unfortunately locked behind paid DLC, the M-84AN is a god of an armored-recon. Most tanks need dedicated recon to make use of their impressive range and will be handicapped to a fraction of it without vision. Due to the M-94AN's ability to spot for itself, it can do quite well as an independent unit if kept hidden.

What's awesome about the M-84AN

  • Very good optics coupled with decent weaponry makes the M-84AN good for finding and eliminating other recon units.
  • 65/60% accuracy/stabilizer values mean the M-84AN can sustain fire support on the move, which is perfect for escaping dangerous situations or chasing down fleeing prey.
  • Medium stealth is rare for a tank, not many can take advantage of dense forests as well as this one.
  • A 19 AP 125mm gun can take out most vehicles save for the heavier tanks. 

M-84AN details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/M-84AN


8.  TOS-1 Buratino

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Like burritos, the Buratino has a habit of turning insides into steaming goo. 

A leading cause of rage-quits all across Wargame, the TOS-1 Buratino rides a fine line between being an absolute necessity and a coward's sledgehammer. Requiring next to zero skill to use, the Buratino blankets areas in napalm and reduces it (and everyone in it) to ash. Many a troll just suck supplies from the FOB and spam salvos on friend and foe alike.

What's awesome about the TOS-1 Buratino

  • Point and shoot. There's little need for accuracy.
  • You're basically guaranteed to kill somethings, so long as it's not heavily armored.
  • The wall of smoke after the initial burst can be used to mask movements.
  • Even if there are no enemies present, you can use the napalm anyway as area denial should they try to get to a better position.
  • Enemies who aren't killed are usually panicked, allowing your frontline units to mop up pretty quickly. 

TOS-1 Buratino details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/TOS-1_Buratino


7.  Patriot

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There's nothing more American and patriotic than sitting in a truck, lobbing missiles at stuff miles away. 

The Patriot is the pinnacle of anti-plane defense and American engineering. It has the longest range out of any anti-air unit, although it can only be used against planes and not against helicopters. Keep these away from the frontline and turn off the weapons unless firing in case of sneaky SEAD raids. 

What's awesome about the Patriot

  • It has an insane 5600-meter range, longer than any SEAD plane in-game.
  • You can keep it a safer distance from the fighting, creating a buffer should your line collapse.
  • The 850km autonomy allows the Patriot to sustain movement for long periods, maybe an entire game if you only move it when needed.
  • The Patriot has excellent air detection so it can spot planes almost as soon as they enter its effective range. 

Patriot details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Patriot


6.  2K22 Tunguska-M

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What did the dead NATO pilot have for breakfast? SPAAG-etti and meatballs. 

The best Self Propelled Anti Air Gun (SPAAG) in-game, the Tunguska-M is almost a one-unit-AA-net. It has decent speed for a tracked AA platform and can keep up with pushes for a good bit without needing to refuel. Pilots would be wise to avoid flying over these at all costs. 

What's awesome about the 2K22 Tunguska-M

  • They come equipped with 9M311M SACLOS surface-to-air missiles (SAMs)  that have an insane 3325-meter range against helicopters and 2625 meters against planes.
  • The SAMs can out-range most helicopters thanks to its 3325-meter range. Most choppers usually cap out at 2800 meters.
  • Twin 2A38M autocannons reliably stun most planes, making them easy pickings.
  • The autocannons also come with a 35% stabilizer for okay accuracy on the move.
  • Not including veterancy, the autocannons and SACLOS missiles have 50% and 65% accuracy, respectively. Only planes with suitable electronic counter-measures (ECM) have good odds of surviving an encounter. 

2K22 Tunguska-M details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/2K22M_Tunguska


5.  Navy SEAL

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"The only easy day was yesterday" - US Navy SEALs motto 

Navy SEALs are hands-down, the best Special Forces team in the recon section. Their weaponry is absolutely devastating against infantry, although they are almost helpless against even the lightest vehicles due to a lack of RPG. Don't waste them as static recon units, use them as a raiding force: get in, kill everyone, get out. 

What's awesome about Navy SEALs

  • The Hawk MM1 grenade launcher splatters infantry like there's no tomorrow. It's a good alternative to Redfor napalm launchers, and it fires much, much faster.
  • The Stoner 63 and AKM are excellent as well, allowing you to put down a decent base of fire while you move into the grenade launchers range.
  • Their optics are great, meaning they can spot targets for themselves without additional reconnaissance.
  • Being seasoned veterans, Navy SEALs will seldom panic first, and nine times out of ten will win any one-on-one infantry skirmish.

Navy SEALs details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Navy_SEAL


4.  Ka-52

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All it needs is a set of nice subs, then it finally WILL have it all. 

A hunter of hunters and prey alike, the Ka-52 is yet one of the few units that can take targets effectively on land and in the air. This chopper is perfect for hit-and-run operations since it doesn't lose accuracy on the move, not much anyway. Since it can spot for itself, you can use it as a one-man anti AA taskforce - very useful if you can't use a regular SEAD plane due to enemy fighters.

What's awesome about Ka-52

  • The exceptional optics make it an invaluable recon unit that also happens to have some of the best weapons available to helicopters in-game.
  • Speaking of, the Ka-52 comes equipped with Suppression of Enemy Air Defences (SEAD) missiles capable of locking on to radar-guided AA platforms.
  • All weapons have at least a 50% stabilizer, making the Ka-52 very effective on the move - critical to avoiding missiles.
  • Against other helicopters, the Ka-52 is deadly. Four Igla-Vs at 60% accuracy make short work of errant recon choppers or annoying gunships. 

Ka-52 details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Ka-52


3.  Leopard 2A5

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Float like a butterfly, sting like 120 millimeters of steel flying 1750 meters per second. 

Probably the best tank that Blufor can field (depending on who you ask), the West-German Leopard 2A5 is an excellent super-heavy that is mobile as it is deadly. It's fast for a tank yet doesn't sacrifice any armor for the sake of speed. The Leopard has an easy time catching up to the frontline, and its excellent mobility can make it a tremendous flanking unit. 

What's awesome about the Leopard 2A5

  • It has a secret weapon not listed in the stat sheets: an autoloader. This means that the loading of the main gun is handled by a computer that does not possess the cognitive faculties to feel panic. This means the L44 120mm gun will fire at its listed 9 rounds per minute, even if the rest of the crew is panicked.
  • 70 km/h off-road speed is crucial to the tank's ability to outmaneuver opponents, being tracked instead of wheeled the Leopard 2A5 has an easier time traversing through forests.
  • With a front armor value of 22 and 9 on the sides, this tank is very durable and well-suited to intense firefights.0
  • A base accuracy of 70%, stabilized to 65%, is perfect for firing on the move and avoiding ATGMs.
  • The 23 armor-piercing main guns can puncture anything on the ground and is a worthy contender against Soviet super-heavies. 

Leopard 2A5 details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Leopard_2A5


2.  Su-27 PU

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Despite being identical to the French Rafale, the Su-27 PU makes the cut due to its sick paint job. 

The premiere air-superiority fighter for Redfor, no USSR deck is complete without one of these to control the skies. NATO pilots (except for those in the Rafale) shake in their boots upon encountering one of these. It's fast, hard-hitting, and hard to hit—approach with extreme caution or absolute swarms of fighters.

What's awesome about the Su-27 PU

  • R-77 Vympel air-to-air missiles (AAMs) with 7700-meter range and 60% accuracy against planes, invaluable since the winner is usually who fires first.
  • A 50% ECM is basically unheard of, combined with the 1000 km/h speed, which makes this an incredibly difficult target.
  • A 30mm cannon and decent short-range AAMs make short work of helicopters.
  • It has a full three minutes of time-over-target (TOT), which allows commanders to have a strong air presence for much longer. 

Su-27 PU details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Su-27PU


1.   T-80UM

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"If the tanks succeed, then victory follows" - Heinz Guderian, Generaloberst, 2nd Panzer Army 

The T-80UM takes the top rank due to its amazing arms and armor, range, and overall useability. Its main gun can obliterate infantry and vehicles with ease, while the 24 AP ATGM can kill tanks at almost 3 kilometers. NATO players dread this tank for good reason, even just the chance of one lurking around can paralyze an advance. Keep them well-protected at all costs.

What's awesome about the T-80UM

  • The weapon complement is insane in terms of both raw damage and ease-of-use. The 125mm cannon and Invar ATGM can reliably pierce any armor, at any range.
  • It's extremely survivable, and facing it head-on without overwhelming fire is a futile effort.
  • Due to its notoriety as a deadly unit, it is an effective force deterrent. Players will often reorganize entire pushes to avoid confrontation. 

T-80 details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/T-80UM

So now you know the best of the best. Be careful, however - just because a unit has high stats doesn't mean it'll automatically dominate the battlefield. Each unit has a counter in some way, and it takes a present commander to use them effectively.


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