[Top 10] Wargame Red Dragon Best Infantry

top 10 wargame red dragon best infantry
23 Jul 2020

"It always comes down to the infantryman and his rifle!" - NATO proverb

Infantry is the backbone of any armed force on the planet. Humble but numerous, the infantry takes and hold objectives too delicate or too claustrophobic for vehicles or planes to manage. Wargame: Red Dragon has dozens of different types, and it can be overwhelming to filter through the options. Here we've taken into account cost, armament, versatility, purpose, and raw stats to rank our top ten picks for the best infantry available.

*Note: We've chosen not to include units from the Recon tab to increase the variety among units in our list as well as to create a better picture of what roles infantry can perform.


10. Fusiliers '90

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Fortunately, British Redcoats have come to realize that green is perhaps a more practical uniform color.

Fusiliers are standard infantry units of the United Kingdom that serve that role exceptionally well, especially considering their low cost. Considered to be the best "standard" infantry among many players, theyere are a common sight amongst Blufor decks for low-cost, efficient, and straight-forward application.

What's awesome about Fusiliers '90

  • They come equipped with the deadly LAW 80 – the second-best RPG available to any Blufor nation .
  • They come equipped with the L86 LMG, which is capable of firing on the move as well as in contested buildings, uncommon for basic line-infantry.
  • Just as pictured, Fusiliers get access to the Warrior line of infantry-fighting-vehicles. While not the greatest IFVs offensively, they are decently armored, and the 30mm cannon provides serviceable fire-support against infantry and light- vehicles.

Fusiliers '90: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Fusiliers_%2790


9.  Commandos '90
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Isn't it odd that Ozzies and Kiwi's seem to only get along when there's global conflict?

The premiere assault-troops of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, Commandos '90, are incredibly flexible and efficient. They can do everything line infantry can but better and have a high enough morale for prolonged engagements. While not having the best of the best weaponry, their cost cost-effectiveness makes them an attractive choice for assaulting fortified positions.

What's awesome about Commandos '90

  • At a the cost of only 20 points, Commandos '90 provide a high value for their performance – allowing you to field a few extra units and not be too devastated by the inevitable casualties.
  • They come with both a Carl Gustav M2 and the dreaded Minimi – the former is a solid RPG that can deal with most armored threats while the latter chews through enemy-infantry.
  • Their transport options lack firepower but make up for it with incredible speed, making Commandos perfect for taking early ground and guerilla warfare.

Commandos '90 details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Commandos_%2790


8. Panzergrenadier '90

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Hopefully, their invasion won't get stranded in the middle of Russian Winter… unlike last time.

Roughly translated as 'armored-infantryman',,' they are West Germany's mechanized infantry force. Not to be used defensively like regular line-infantry, Panzergrenadiers work best when assaulting fortified positions while their deadly Marder IFVs provide fire-support. That being said, one drawback is that most of their transport options are slow, expensive, or both, which hinders their speed quite a bit.

What's awesome about Panzergrenadier '90

  • They have access to the Marder 2, a top-level IFV that rivals anything Redfor has to offer. It's 50mm cannon decimates infantry and is surprisingly effective against light to medium tanks.
  • Their RPG is the PzF 3, which surpasses even the LAW 80 in both accuracy and armor killing potential.
  • For 25 points, they are a fairly reasonably priced shock-unit, and come equipped with decent anti-infantry capabilities. 

Panzergrenadier ‘90 details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Panzergrenadier_'90


7. Wachregiment

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Brutal secret police or not, they have excellent taste in hats.

Modeled after East Germany's Felix Dzerzhinsky Guards Regiment, the Wachregiment or "guard regiment" is the honor guard for the now now-defunct StaSiStasi. Comprised of hand-picked elite soldiers, the Wachregiment was a constant reminder the of the East Germany's intelligence service's long and deadly reach. Try only to use them against infantry, their meager RPG is usually their downfall despite its long-range.

What's awesome about Wachregiment 

  • They're a 15-man squad of shock-trained troops, making them much more survivable than most assault troops.
  • Their RPK LMG is quite decent, but it's their Skorpion SMG that does the most harm up close, especially in towns thanks to their damage buff when used inside contested buildings.
  • They're Their transport options are alright enough, all of them being quite quick to get to the frontline, although only their helicopters have any weaponry worth mentioning.

Wachregiment details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Wachregiment


6. Fallschirmjäger '90

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Unlike their World War II counterparts, these paras are a lot less… Hitler-y.

West Germany's commando force, these paratroopers are an elite special forces unit that represents the pinnacle of Cold War Germany's infantry. Far too overqualified for standard grunt-work, these soldiers are perfect for typical commando duties but are more than capable of filing a myriad of niches. Judging by their light transport options, they are best used for sneaky, quick insertions – NOT contested landings.

What's awesome about Fallschirmjäger '90

  • They come with elite elite-level training, meaning that their morale will only break under the most extreme combat situations.
  • They are incredibly flexible and can fulfill assaulting roles just as well as behind-enemy-lines operations.
  • They have great weaponry, including the PzF 3, which is the best RPG any Blufor nation can have access to.

Fallschirmjäger '90  details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Fallschirmj%C3%A4ger_%2790


5. Gurkhas '90

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Sergeant Dipprasad Pun of the 1st Battalion, Royal Gurkha Rifles, won the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross when he single-handedly killed over 30 enemy combatants… one of which was with a tripod.

The British Gurkhas Nepal (BGN) is the Nepalese military branch of the United Kingdom. Accepting only the best and brightest local recruits, the BGN has long, honored tradition and high-reverence in the hearts and minds of civilians and military personnel alike. In Wargame, they are a deadly and resilient shock force. 

What's awesome about Gurkhas '90 

  • Another 15-man shock unit, the Gurkhas '90, can take a ton of punishment compared to 10-man squads.
  • They surpass even Redfor's Wachregiment thanks to their LAW 80 – meaning that all but the hardiest of tanks have little chance.
  • Their Sterling SMG has the same damage buff as the Wachregiemnt's Skorpion, and their LMG is just as deadly – making them just as effective against other infantry.

Gurkhas '90 details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Gurkhas_'90


4.  LStR-40

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Despite being an elite air assault force of the best, most loyal recruits, the LStR-40 never saw any real combat or deployments.

East Germany's elite commando unit, the Luftsturmregiment 40 ambushes, harasses, and terrorizes NATO forces deep behind enemy lines. While not necessarily the best choice against most infantry due to their lack of an LMG, these troops are best used to find hidden high-value-targets such as command vehicles or armor waiting in ambush.

What's awesome about LStR-40 

  • They carry an RPG and and anti-air rocket, making them one of the few infantry units that can take on soldiers, armor, helicopters, and even planes.
  • They carry the RPG-29 Vampyr, which is the best RPG Redfor can access and rivals Blufor's PzF 3. That and their Igla has a decent range against range against helicopters with good reasonable accuracy.
  • While not a totally replacement for their lack of an LMG, their skill with the STG 943 assault rifle can make short work of most line-infantry units provided, you have the element of surprise.

LStR-40 details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/LStR-40


3.  VDV '90

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Никто, кроме нас! (Nobody, but us!) - VDV motto

The USSR's airborne infantry force is a fast-moving, hard-hitting shock unit capable of steamrolling Blufor infantry and armor alike. They are incredibly quick and are usually seen making daring opening pushes and spearheading town sieges.

What's awesome about VDV '90 

  • They're well equipped with the RPG-29 Vampyr, and so are usually avoided by smart NATO forces.
  • At 25 points they're quite cost cost-efficient provided the transport isn't terribly expensive.
  • Unlike a lot of airborne infantry, they have access to okay IFVs in addition to helicopters.

VDV '90 details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/VDV_%2790


2. Spetsnaz

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More of an umbrella term than an actual unit designation, most real-life information about the mysterious units is highly classified guarded, and most information that isn't is highly speculative.

The USSR's premier special operations force, Spetsnaz units are comprised of the toughest, hardest, most loyal operatives Mother Russia has to offer. They were the sword and shield of the USSR's intelligence arm during the height of the Cold War are still regarded with fear and respect to this day. However, in Wargame, they are quite susceptible to vehicles due to their lack of RPG.

What's awesome about Spetsnaz 

  • They carry the RPO Rys napalm launcher instead of a traditional RPG. This has extreme killing-power against infantry as well as being psychologically taxing, making enemies more prone to panic.
  • They have excellent transport options like the BTR-90 pictured above, which has a 30mm cannon, grenade launcher, and amphibious capabilities.
  • Spetsnaz are the kings of town-fighting since the RPO Rys can also be used within contested buildings.

Spetsnaz details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Spetsnaz


1. Komandosi

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Maroon berets and periwinkle jumpsuits are the perfect camouflage for the dense jungles and rice paddies of Wargame: Red Dragon's maps.

The crème de la crème of Eastern Bloc infantry, the Komandosi, are Poland's elite commandos. While being a tad on the expensive side, they are worth easily double their value. Blufor players dread the sight of them because they know that any infantry in their vicinity is as good as dead. That being said, they do have a lackluster RPG that has a surprising reach but disappointing limited anti-armor capability.

What's awesome about Komandosi 

  • They are a 15-man, elite-trained squad which in and of itself borders on ridiculous. Elite-trained squads are hard enough to deal with, but the extra five men make them almost impossible to take on without shrewd planning or overwhelming force.
  • They make an excellent deterrent against unwanted infantry pushes as no commander worth his salt would ever waste entire platoons just to dislodge this unit.
  • Their anti-infantry loadout is great excellent thanks to their elite training, making them excel at all ranges under 800 meters.

Komandosi details: https://wargame-series.fandom.com/wiki/Komandosi


Tanks and planes can't garrison buildings and are wasted when not out maneuvering the enemy. It doesn't matter who you are and how many tanks you have; at the end of the day, armies need a guy, on the scene, with a gun. Like many infantry units will tell you once clicked on: "It always comes to down to infantryman and his rifle.."

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