[Top 10] SF6 JP Combos Showcase And Best Combo List

sf6 jp combos
21 May 2023

What are the best Street Fighter 6 JP combos?

JP is the latest main villain in the Street Fighter franchise and his presentation is not short of impressive.

Carrying a cane and fighting with a hand behind his back while using Psycho Power, this man is shrouded in mystery and his true identity and background are still to be unveiled.

JP is making his debut in Street Fighter 6, but even though he is a brand new character he draws eerie similarities with the characters of G and Q. He wasn’t in the Beta version so people could not test how far his combos can go, but albeit limited, here’s the list for the best SF6 JP combos so far.


10. Floating Mines

Start at: 1:20

It seems there is an execution error in this one but we learn that JP can release two floating mines with an Overdrive special move.

On hit, it seems to launch the opponent into the air, and a follow-up should be possible since the player operating JP even tries to jump to follow up in reminiscence of Bison’s air combo after the V-Trigger II explosion.

When to use this combo: On wake up in a pinch, as it is a great reversal.


9. Target Combo

Start at: 1:20

JP lunges his cane swiftly in two quick motions, the second of which seems to be some sort of an overhead.

Assuming you can cancel into the second hit even on block, this is without a doubt a powerful mixup in the corner, as well as a nice conversion mid-screen.

When to use this combo: Easy conversion in neutral.


8. Psycho Trap

Start at: 1:30

Even though we do not see it combo it is clear that the standing jab is being cancelled into JP’s Level 2 Super.

Blanka wakes up with Drive Impact and is still caught in the trap laid by the Level 2 Super Art.

When to use this combo: In okizeme to counter armored moves with your Psycho powered trap.


7. Cross-Up

Start at: 1:58

The string is blocked by the Blanka player but it’s easy to spot what seems to be a light cross-up into a light string.

JP probably won’t have the best cross-up game but conversions like this can save one’s life when backed against the corner.

When to use this combo: To reverse the situation when in the corner


6. Timer is Set

Start at: 2:14

The Overdrive version of Departure sets 2 voids in front of the opponent, which trigger spikes from the skies within a certain amount of time.

This setup can without a doubt lead to combos within the hit stun, but unfortunately, we are yet to see all the possible variations of OD Departure conversions as of now.

When to use this combo: As a setup after a knockdown.


5. Easy Confirm

Start at: 2:02

This is as simple of a combo as a combo can get, but truly this is probably JP’s best confirm that we’ve seen so far.

He cancels what seems to be the crouch strong, which has ridiculous range into the special combo ender, while the enemy is in the corner, allowing with to follow up with okizeme pressure.

When to use this combo: As a means to keep applying corner pressure.


4. Caught Jumping

Start at: 0:25

This conversion is insane and it shows just how well JP controls the match even from full screen.

He catches Blanka jumping from far away with the OD fireball and juggles it into the psycho spike to end the combo.

When to use this combo: To punish movement jumps.


3. Punish Time

Start at: 0:10

After a Perfect Parry, JP uses the Punish Counter properties of what seems to be the crouch strong, followed by a target combo finished with the combo ender special move.

This move seems to launch the opponent far away, so he doesn’t get any oki, but it gives JP plenty of time and space to go back to this zoning strategy.

When to use this combo: As a meterless bread-and-butter punish.


2. Anti-Air

Start at: 0:43

Jumping will be an important resource against JP since he has all kinds of fireballs, including overhead fireballs and command grab fireballs.

JP here catches Blanka jumping in with a roundhouse converted into Drive Rush special launcher which causes a wall bounce, and then he juggles from full screen into Torbalan and then spike.

When to use this combo: As a mighty anti-air.


1. Psycho Destruction

Start at: 1:44

This combo completely shows the potential of JP’s combos, even without the final cancellation to a Super Art.

Upon setting up the OD Departure, he shoots his clone low, converts from the Departure trigger, and even teleports into one of the voids for a follow-up to close the combo.

When to use this combo: After a successful and resourceful setup.


JP is the new and powerful Street Fighter main villain, taking after Sagat, M. Bison, Gill, and Seth, and he will likely be connected to G and Q in some way or another.

We can’t wait to decipher all the mysteries associated with the character and to go out in training mode to lab just how limitless the extent of his power is.


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