[Top 10] SF6 Guile Combos Showcase And Best Combo List

sf6 guile combos
21 May 2023

What are the best Street Fighter 6 Guile combos?

Guile is one of the most popular characters in the Street Fighter franchise, and he has been so ever since his debut in the 1991 Street Fighter II: The World Warrior.

He was made playable in the Street Fighter 6 Beta and so far is the only confirmed charge character in the roster. Players have made sure to explore just how destructive his combos can be and with his new “perfect charge” mechanic, you have never been more rewarded for excellent execution before.


10. Sonic Cross Setup

Start at: 0:16

Guile’s V-Skill 1 from SFV is back in the shape of a brand new special move.

Given the move’s properties, Guile can shoot the slow-moving projectile to a cornered opponent and walk behind it from a great 50/50 setup.

If spaced correctly and successfully baited, Guile can convert the hit into an easy combo for pressure.

When to use this combo: Corner pressure setups.


9. Anti-Air

Start at: 0:02

This combo is very similar to the previous one, but it perfectly showcases how straightforward a conversion can be from a simple anti-air.

Guile’s anti-aires have always been superb, but Drive Rush will grant conversions never before seen for the character, not to mention the heightened potential with meter usage.

When to use this combo: Off of an anti-air.


8. Wall Splat

Start at: 1:04

Most of Guile’s massive combos require a lot of meter and high execution, but not all of them.

This combo shows just how effective a Drive Impact wall splat in the corner can be if converted correctly, even with low resources.

When to use this combo: Off of a blocked Drive Impact while the enemy is in the corner.


7. Counter Hit Sobat

Start at: 0:34

Guile has always had great normals and his neutral game has always been top-tier, due to the effectiveness and variety of his buttons.

One of his most feared unique attacks is the infamous Rolling Sobat kick which allows him to move forward or backward while low-profiling attacks.

In counter hit on neutral, it can be converted into a full combo, evidencing just how scary it is to trade blows with Guile.

When to use this combo: In neutral during footsies.


6. Overhead Conversion

Start at: 0:35

This is another example of Guile’s corner pressure and its effectiveness.

He can Drive Rush into a cornered opponent to make them guess and cancel the Drive Rush into his overhead, which can then be turned into a combo thanks to the altered Drive Rush frame data.

Guile can then initiate one of his Sonic Boom loops and the damage he can lay out has virtually no limits, being only held back by execution and resources.

When to use this combo: Corner pressure mixup.


5. Sonic Hurricane Juggle

Start at: 0:42

Guile’s Sonic Hurricane is arguably one the coolest Supers in fighting games, which sees Guile shoot a massive, stationary, multi-hitting Sonic ring that decimates his opponents.

Usually, the move is shot horizontally, but in SF6, Guile can shoot it upwards in a diagonal angle, being able to use it as an anti-air of sorts.

In this video, we can see a really dope punish combo which ends in Air Sonic Hurricane being juggled into OD Flash Kick.

When to use this combo: Level 1 Super Punish.


4. Coast-To-Coast Loop

Start at: 0:00

Drive Rush is the most complex new mechanics of Street Fighter with a vast utility range.

While Guile is with his Level 2 Super active, which works similarly to his V-Trigger I from SFV, he can literally take the opponent from one side of the screen to the other, at the expense of multiple Drive Parries cancelled into Drive Rush.

When to use this combo: For corner carry.


3. Mid-Screen Devastation

Start at: 0:03

Now this one you really need to see to believe.

Out of a Level 2 Super Punish, Guile can carry the opponent from mid-screen into the corner and then begin his perfect Sonic Boom loops to keep him there.

The craziest thing is the amount of meter he can build, as just for the duration of the combo he can build 2 extra Super bars to finish off with a Critical Art.
When to use this combo: For a full-resource comeback.


2. Dem Loops

Start at: 1:22

After delivering a Drive Impact to a burned-out opponent, Guile, like every other character in the game, gets a free combo to a stunned opponent.

This combo requires a minacious microwalk back off the neutral jump fierce to initiate it off the correct spacing and then Guile can begin his crazy Sonic Boom loop.

The combo requires 10 Perfect Sonic Booms, so the execution is high with this one before finishing it off with a Critical Art.

When to use this combo: As a post-stun combo.


1. Touch Of Death

Start at: 0:00

This is the most optimal Guile combo seen so far, and it is incredibly expensive and highly technical, and it requires a Perfect Sonic Croos to be fired from full screen to a cornered opponent in a Punish Counter state to trigger it.

It includes a baffling 24 Perfect Sonic Booms, 10 Drive Bars, and 84 Hits, and it does over 9000 damage, throughout a dazzling 49-second duration.

This just opens to door to a realm of infinite possibilities for looping Guile combos in Street Fighter 6, and regardless of this ability being removed in later patches, you should definitely get ready to deal with it once the game releases.

When to use this combo: The combo is so huge and with such precise and unforgiving timing that you most likely will never see it land in a real match, but it has so many different parts that you can use it as a blueprint for your own loop combos.


Guile is already considered the most powerful character in Street Fighter 6, and it seems to be the case even if we still haven’t had the chance to see a big part of the roster in action, as most characters were not in the Beta.

Guile combos are probably the hardest and the most rewarding to learn at the same time, and all Guile players will need to learn some of these combos and loops if they wish to master the character. Sonic Boom!


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