Top 10 Most Fun Characters In Smash Ultimate

Multiple Smash characters chasing a smash ball
10 Nov 2022

10. Hero

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Hero holding his signature sword and shield

Hero might just have to complete this segment briefly because his down B is the only factor keeping him in the top 10. There are countless options with down B, so there isn't much more amusement than to sit in a corner of the map and spam it. Hero would rank among the most monotonous characters if it weren't for down B; it serves as his salvation. I would wholeheartedly advise newbies to use this character, but to only press B while doing so.

See Hero in action:

BeastModePaul (Hero) VS Gswizy (Samus)


9. King Dedede

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King Dedede holding his mallet over his shoulder

King Dedede is the first of several heavy hitters on this list. Although I haven't played this character much, from little I have, I can tell you that he is a great deal of fun. I don't understand what it is about him, but playing as him is a lot of fun. Because of his straightforward playstyle and sluggish pace, I would suggest this character to beginners.

See King Dedede in action:

Atomsk (King Dedede) VS Schmuckley (Wolf)


8. Ness

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Ness ready to attack with his baseball bat

Everyone hates playing against this character. The issue is, Ness is incredibly annoying to fight against, but he's a ton of fun to play as. Of course, given the amount of expertise required to play Ness effectively, no smash player in their right mind would suggest this character to newcomers. We've all played that one guy on quickplay that just keeps spamming pk fire, but after you figure out how to escape it, it's hardly the most successful tactic in the world.

See Ness in action:

Syrup (Ness) VS Bonk! (Meta Knight)


7. Incineroar

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Incineroar in a wrestling-ready position

ncineroar is another character who is annoying to play against. The slowest character in the game, Incineroar is also one of the hardest hitting, which makes him a lot of fun to control. In my opinion, he isn't the most beginner-friendly character because there are some skills you need to have in order to play him successfully, even at the lowest level.

See Incineroar in action:

Sisqui (Dark Samus) VS Skyjay (Incineroar)


6. Bowser

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Bowser slashing his claws at you

You got it—yet another heavy. Despite being the game's biggest character, Bowser's stats are surprisingly rapid. One of the few characters classified in this category, the deceptively quick King Koopa is enjoyable to play both against and as. Bowser has a fairly low degree of difficulty; anyone can learn how to play him and succeed with him.

See Bowser in action:

Maister (Mr. Game and Watch) VS Leon (Bowser)


5. Captain Falcon

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Captain Falcon holding hisfirst back, ready to punch

One of my mains is Captain Falcon, and wow, is he entertaining. His speed makes it simple to run down opponents and begin pummeling them to death. Additionally, he earns extra points for possessing one of the game's most rewarding moves to execute, FALCON... PUNCH! Because Falcon is more challenging than some other characters and requires learning the basics of the game first, I wouldn't recommend him to new players.

See Captain Falcon in action:

Fatality (Captain Falcon) VS Quik (Samus)


4. King K Rool

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King K Rool pointing somewhere unknown

King K Rool, I  won't sugarcoat it: It's not fun to play against Krool because the majority of players spam projectiles. However, he is enjoyable to play as and also simple; I can attest to this because when I first started the game, Krool stuck with me right away, and I gladly flooded the screen with projectiles. Although not the most original strategy, it was enjoyable.

Watch King K Rool in action:

Fatality (Captain Falcon) VS KirbyKid (King K Rool)


3. Little Mac

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Little Mac ready to block and attack coming his way

Little Mac is another one of the characters I play a majority of the time. If I hadn't built this list off of what beginners would enjoy, Little Mac would be at the top of my list. Playing Little Mac is quite satisfying since you can run off, hit your opponent, and then run off again. Being hit off the map is a drawback of playing Little Mac. Due of his trash recovery, it is incredibly tough to return to the stage. For that reason alone, I wouldn't suggest this character to newcomers unless they fully understand how to maximize his recovery

Watch Little Mac in action:

Peanut (Little Mac) VS Ltdan (Bowser)


2. Donkey Kong

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Donkey Kong with a menacing grin on his face

Most gamers believe Donkey Kong to be one of the weakest characters in Smash Bros. I don't play agree with those players. Even though Donkey Kong is viewed as a somewhat bad character, he is unquestionably one of the game's most entertaining characters. Everyone is in agreement that you will have a blast whether you are playing as DK or against him. Additionally, the fact that DK is a beginner-friendly character makes it easier to get into Smash Bros. and start having a good time right away.

See DK in action:

Chunkykong (Donkey Kong) VS Quandale Dingleingleton (Steve)


1. Kirby

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Kirby looking very happy about life, be more like Kirby

Kirby is seen as a bad character in Smash as well! Kirby is undoubtedly one of the most adorable characters in Smash Bros despite the fact that some people believe he isn't competitively viable. You wouldn't think a pink orb could be this cute, I mean, look at this pink boy. Like DK, Kirby isn't particularly challenging to learn; in fact, most Smash players would advise beginners to play him as their starter main.

See Kirby in action:

JeJaJeJa (Kirby) VS Ram (Snake)


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