[Top 10] The Forest Best Craftable Weapons And How To Get Them

The Forest Best Craftable Weapon
11 Jun 2021

Roaming the dangerous peninsula in The Forest, and venturing into its caves is no easy feat. You will need to have some wit, cojones, and a lot of weapons. And The Forest is no different from any similar survival game when it comes to weapons since most of those in your inventory will have to be crafted. However, The Forest does respect the players’ need for variety and practicality. You get to craft and use many weapons in the game. And for the reason that variety could add to the players’ cluelessness as to what to craft and how to craft it, we wanted to give you a list of the best craftable weapons in The Forest and how to get them.

10) Slingshot

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The Slingshot is the best weapon for hunting smaller animals.

Don’t mind the Slingshot being the weapon that we begin with here. It’ll be a very valuable weapon in your inventory, especially in your early days in a playthrough. It’s easy to use, requires very basic resources, and could be what saves your life in case you need to hunt for food.

  • The Slingshot is a ranged weapon that will deal 5 damage when used.
  • The Slingshot uses throwable rocks, this makes it easy to find ammo for it and to reload it. 
  • You don’t get crosshairs when your aim the Slingshot, but it’s still easier to use than most bows. You just need to make sure that you focus and imagine your rock’s trajectory.
  • This is a very appropriate weapon to use for hunting small animals like birds, rabbits, and lizards, etc.
  • The Slingshot isn’t recommended to use against cannibals and mutants. However, it can help you make a distraction if you use it against trees near enemies. You can also provoke cannibals into traps. Make sure that the trap would be between you and the cannibal.
  • Even though the ammo for the Slingshot is easy to find, your inventory does tend to fill up quickly with throwable rocks. That’s why you’ll need a small rock bag. You’ll get to hold 25 throwable rocks total. That’s 15 more than you used to. 

The slingshot is not a very difficult weapon to get, as the resources that you will need to craft it are very easy to get. Combine a Stick with Cloth, and Electrical Tape to craft the Slingshot.

The Slingshot: https://theforest.fandom.com/wiki/Slingshot

9) Sticky Bomb

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Chasing cannibals and trying to stick this one on them is one of the best experiences you'll have in The Forest.

The Sticky Bomb an upgrade of the Bomb. The only reason that it ended up at number 9 is that it’s tough as hell to get it to stick on cannibals. Now, with that said, let me tell you why this little baby will make your day.

  • It goes like this: equip, aim, throw, and enjoy the show.
  • You really need to get the Sticky Bomb on a cannibal. You’ll explode out of laughter at the results (yeah, I said it. So, what?).
  • Place the Sticky Bomb on trees for a fast way of getting logs.
  • It’s also a fast way of killing mutants.

The Sticky Bomb is not a very costly weapon to craft. You just need to craft the Bomb first. You’ll need to combine Booze, Circuit Board, Coins, Wrist Watch, and Electrical Tape. Then add Sap and you’ve got yourself a Sticky Bomb.

The Sticky Bomb: https://theforest.fandom.com/wiki/Sticky_Bomb

8) Flintlock Pistol

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The Flintlock Pistol is worth all the time and effort put into crafting it.

How satisfying is it to actually get to shoot something in The Forest? The cool thing about the Flintlock Pistol is that it’s not an automatic weapon, and it doesn’t make things too easy for you in The Forest, and it takes effort and time to actually craft it.

  • Getting the Flintlock Pistol parts is a journey on its own. It makes you feel like you’re treasure hunting.
  • All of the Flintlock Pistol parts respawn after you finish assembling it. You can get those parts again to craft one and use it for decoration.
  • It’s recommended that you use it in case you stumbled upon a cannibal who dodges everything you throw at him.
  • The Flintlock Pistol does 75 damage. It allows you to instantly kill any cannibal in your way.
  • You can add a Flashlight to the Flintlock Pistol if you combine it with Electrical Tape and a Flashlight.

The Flintlock Pistol has 8 parts that you need to collect before you can craft it. You can find those parts in caches under light grey-colored rock mounds all over the peninsula. You can get past them using explosives.

Gun Part 1 is the barrel. It’s found between the main cannibal village and the cliffs that overlook the ocean.

Gun Part 2 is the base. You can find it behind the Sacred Tree near the Yacht.

Gun Part 3 is the rod. You can find it inside a hut in the Lakeside Village south of the sinkhole.

Gun Part 4 is the cock.

Gun Part 5 is the trigger. It can be found a short distance west of Geese Lake.

Gun Part 6 is the trigger. Swim to the small island near the shipping containers at the beach. You’ll find it there. But be careful of sharks. You might want to use a small raft.

Gun Part 7 is the flint. You can find it near Snow Lake to the southeast.

And finally, Gun Part 8 is the hammer. You’ll find it at the cliffs over the Beach Hut Village at the far northwest of the peninsula.

The Flintlock Pistol: https://theforest.fandom.com/wiki/Flintlock_Pistol

7) Upgraded Spear

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The Upgraded Spear is the best weapon for hunting at close range.

This is an upgrade of the Weak Spear. The Upgraded Spear is a great weapon for those who like switching between combat styles.

  • You can’t block using the Upgraded Spear. However, since this is one of the few weapons in The Forest that you can use while running, you can use it in a hit-and-run manner against enemies that tend to frequently move and dodge everything that you throw at them.
  • If you’re trapped in a cave, use the Upgraded Spear to stab through multiple enemies that are close in front of each other.
  • The Upgraded Spear has the longest melee weapon range in The Forest.
  • It’s the best melee hunting weapon in The Forest. You can use it to hunt animals and fish.
  • The Upgraded Spear does 29 damage which is three times more than the Weak Spear. 

The Upgraded Spear is one of the few craftable weapons in The Forest that you can also find. It’ll either be inside huts or leaning against them. And if you prefer to simply craft it, combine a Weak Spear (two sticks) with 1 Cloth and 1 Bone. 

Upgraded Spear: https://theforest.fandom.com/wiki/Upgraded_Spear

6) Molotov

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It will weaken, or take down multiple enemies at once.

The Molotov is one of the most popular weapons that you can craft in many survival games. However, due to the dynamics of The Forest, it feels so much more special than it is in other games.

  • The Forest gives so much value to the Molotov in the way that it lets you manually ignite it using a lighter, and keep holding it. Not many games let you do this. It feels so satisfying.
  • If you throw it near bushes, small trees, small trees, and other flora, they will catch fire. It adds to the realism of The Forest. It might seem like a very simple thing, but it’s noteworthy because not many games have this feature.
  • Throw unlit Molotovs at enemies. It’ll cover them with alcohol, which adds to the damage done when using any flammable weapon on them.
  • You can store Molotovs in an Explosives Holder in your base.
  • Molotovs can be loaded in Catapults and launched at enemies.
  • The Molotov does 32 burning damage on enemies.
  • You can make the Molotov Trap if you combine a Molotov with 1 Stick and 3 Cloth.

The Molotov is one of the most basic weapons to craft. You’ll only need to combine 1 Cloth with 1 Booze.

Molotov: https://theforest.fandom.com/wiki/Molotov

5) Incendiary Spear

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The Incendiary Spear can be upgraded again after throwing it at enemies.

The Incendiary Spear is an extension of the Upgraded Spear. This might be an unpopular analogy, but I feel like this is the closest thing to a rocket launcher that we could craft in The Forest. 

  • The burning damage for the Incendiary Spear is for one-time use, but you can recollect the Upgraded Spear after throwing it to craft the Incendiary Spear again.
  • You can still use it for melee damage, as it functions just like the Upgraded Spear in melee mode.
  • You can store it in a Wall Weapon Rack, a Ground Weapon Holder, and a Weapon Rack.
  • The Incendiary Spear does at least 92 damage when thrown at an enemy.

To craft the Incendiary Spear, you need to have an Upgraded Spear in your inventory and combine it with 1 Cloth and a Molotov.

Incendiary Spear: https://theforest.fandom.com/wiki/Incendiary_Spear

4) Crafted Axe

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The Crafted Axe is one of the best there is for chopping down trees, and killing cannibals quickly in close combat.

The Crafted Axe is one of the most reliable weapons that you can keep equipped in The Forest. The fact that it’s a bit slower than most of the weapons on this list doesn’t make it less effective both in combat and getting resources.

  • The Crafted Axe can cut trees in 13 hits. It makes it better to use for cutting trees than the Plane Axe early in The Forest.
  • You can upgrade the Crafted Axe for speed, damage, and poison damage. You can also add Cloth to ignite it and add fire damage or use it as a torch.
  • The Crafted Axe has more knockdown power than all of the axes. It also has the second farthest reach.
  • It has the same block rate as the Modern Axe and the Crafted Club, which makes it very efficient for blocking.
  • The Crafted Axe deals 27 damage to enemies.

You can either get the Crafted Axe from a cannibal after killing it or craft it by combining 1 Rope with 1 Rock and 1 Stick.

Crafted Axe: https://theforest.fandom.com/wiki/Crafted_Axe

3) Head Bomb

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The Head Bomb is the best explosive inside contained spaces in The Forest.

The Head Bomb is a very convenient weapon to have in The Forest. It goes to show that the developers know what their players want from them.

  • The Head Bomb takes five seconds to detonate, which is a long time. But you can simply drop it near you and keep the surrounding cannibals and mutants busy until it’s time for you to run.
  • It has the most powerful explosion out of all bombs that you can craft in The Forest.
  • If you use it on cannibals and animals, they’ll explode to pieces. But even though you won’t be able to gather their bones and parts, it will be quite a spectacle to see.
  • The Head Bomb is a very convenient weapon to have inside the caves since it rolls so much. Throw it on walls to make it ricochet near enemies.
  • You can load the Head Bomb on a Catapult and launch it for more range.

You can craft the Head Bomb by combining a normal Bomb with a cannibal Head.

Head Bomb: https://theforest.fandom.com/wiki/Head_Bomb

2) Crafted Club

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The Crafted Club is the best craftable weapon for destabilizing cannibals and beating them down.

The Crafted Club is by far one of the most powerful melee weapons that you can craft in The Forest. The cannibals themselves seem to deem it a worthy weapon for the strongest of their warriors.

  • The Crafted Club is very similar to the Modern Axe in terms of stats. The only significant difference between them is that the Modern Axe is a bit faster.
  • It has a very high block rate and is very powerful against enemies, dealing 34 damage to enemies.
  • The Crafted Club is a very convenient weapon to have equipped at all times when roaming the peninsula. You can constantly swing it on multiple enemies at once. Some will get stunned, and others will even get knocked down.
  • You can upgrade the Crafted Club for speed and damage, and you can also combine it with Cloth to add fire damage for a limited amount of hits and use it as a torch.

To get the Crafted Club, you can craft it by combining 1 Stick with 1 Skull. However, you can occasionally find a stronger cannibal equipped with it. You can kill him and collect his Crafted Club after.

Crafted Club: https://theforest.fandom.com/wiki/Crafted_Club

1) Crafted Bow

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The Crafted Bow is the best craftable weapon for hunting, defending yourself and your base.

For some of you who aren’t quite familiar with survival games, having the Crafted Bow as the best weapon on this list might seem a bit silly. But let me explain to you how crucial to your survival this craftable weapon actually is.

  • It’s all about the arrows. Different arrows are efficient for different purposes and provide different results.
  • Normal Arrows are best used for hunting seeing as they cost the least (1 Stick + 5 Feathers = 5 Arrows).
  • Bone Arrows do 40% more damage. But you shouldn’t use them to make Fire Arrows since they will convert into Normal Arrows in the process. (1 Stick + 5 Feathers + 5 Bones = 5 Bone Arrows.) 
  • Fire arrows can pass through right through multiple cannibals if aimed right. It will set several of them on fire. If you shoot a rabbit with a Fire Arrow, it will burn its skin off, cooking it in the process, which is the equivalent of fast food in The Forest. (5 Arrows + 1 Cloth + 1 Booze = 5 Fire Arrows.)
  • Poison Arrows are best used for slowing down faster and dodgy enemies. They are very cheap (5 Arrows + 4 Twin Berries/4 Snow Berries/1 Amanita Mushroom/1 Jack Mushroom = 5 Poison Arrows.)
  • Modern Arrows do the highest damage out of all arrows in The Forest. However, they can not be crafted. They are found in yellow crates similar to the ones that hold Flares.
  • The Crafted Bow adds realism to the game since you don’t get crosshairs when you aim it.
  • To aim accurately with the Crafted Bow, you’ll need to either predict how the arrow will tilt mid-air, or focus on the small piece of wood that sticks out on the right side of the bow. You can use it as a “sight”.
  • You can give it a Flashlight Upgrade by combining it with Electrical Tape and a Flashlight.

The Crafted Bow is very easy to make. It’s also very recommended to craft early in The Forest. You can craft it by combining 1 Stick with 1 Cloth and 1 Rope.

Crafted Bow: https://theforest.fandom.com/wiki/Crafted_Bow


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