Top 15 Thanos Powers and Abilities

Thanos powers and abilities, thanos abilities. thanos powers
27 Aug 2024
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"When I'm done, half of humanity will still exist. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. I hope they remember you." -Thanos

“The Mad Titan” comes to you full force with buffing up to 985 pounds and 6’7” in height at his peak existence. Thanos was born with purple, rugged looking skin and a massive body on Saturn’s moon, Titan. He was among the group called Eternals and born to A’lars (also known as Mentor) and Sui-San. 

This race of humanoids can obtain a condition known as Deviants gene at birth that can have the outcome of a terrifying outer appearance. Thanos, with purple skin and all, was hard to look at and even his own mother was shocked with what her eyes laid upon. Sui-San had an overwhelming thought that her baby would eventually destroy the whole universe with evil intentions. She tried to kill him, but his father stopped the action from being made. Let’s take a look at this baby’s soon to be overall powers and abilities, while talking about where he came from and who he truly is. After all, Nova Corps once said that he is a “Category 1 Life Ender”. 

15. Living Without Essentials

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"Destiny waits for no man. Not even one who shall bring the universe to its knees." -Thanos

Growing up was tough for this big guy. In school, he was a complete pacifist, meaning he was opposed to war and violence. He didn’t want to do harm to anybody, but something in his mind would tell him differently. Thanos was extremely self conscious of his appearance and that didn’t help with the anger he had boiled within. As a young adult, he became literally obsessed with death, eventually leading to his twisted love story with “Mistress Death”. Since he was born as an Eternal, his enormous body has some advantages that a normal human could not possess. 

Ability Details

  • Can survive without food
  • Can survive without water
  • Can survive without air

14. Healing

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"I am... inevitable." -Thanos

When Thanos was an infant and survived his near death experience that his mother wanted to perform, Cosmic Ghost Rider paid him a visit. The rider came from an alternate future to be rid of baby Thanos for good, but the Penance Stare that the rider tried on the baby did not affect him at all. He then decided to take the “special” being and raise the baby to hopefully change the future that he was seeing. Mistress Death has already said that this baby has been blood thirsty since birth. With abilities that he contains, it would make it easy for him to defeat who he wants to in the future. 

Ability Details

  • Regenerate damaged body tissue
  • Speed abilities while repairing body
  • Efficiency in making new tissue

13. Psychic

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"I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive, but you have shown me... that's impossible. As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those, that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist." -Thanos

This powerful and ambitious being was first introduced in Marvel Comics during the issue #55 “The Invincible Iron Man.” He was introduced and seems like he’s going nowhere soon. Even though he is a villain, he was well respected by his peers. He has always been well-mannered

and extremely intelligent, wanting to follow in his father's footsteps to become a scientist. Unfortunately, this was not the path nature wanted to take him on. Even though he wanted to think positive thoughts, he would be found in the background drawing dead animals. Yet, he would get sick to his stomach during school dissection experiments. His powers tend to grow and grow with abilities that are far beyond a typical human being.

Ability Details

  • Knows his mind well
  • Can sense situations from many star systems away

12. Weapons

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"I will shred this universe down to its last atom and then, with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one. It is not what is lost but only what it is been given... a grateful universe." -Thanos

Being an introvert, he had his circle of friends, but kept to himself as well. He still couldn't quite understand who he was because his heart would tell him one thing, and his mind another. During his school years, an unknown woman approached Thanos and convinced him to explore a cave, with the idea of having him overcome his fear of killing. She advised him to bring friends along and while in the cave he was separated from his friends by falling rocks.

He spent three days stuck in a dark cave while still resisting to kill the creatures that dwell within it. After those days, he found his friends dead by the animals that live in the darkness. That same girl convinced Thanos to seek revenge for his friend's sake and slaughter the creatures that did harm in the first place. Flash forward to his powerful existence, this scientist created weapons to add to his already fire fueled personality.

Ability Details

  • Stasis rifle, which blasts a cube of force to opponents
  • Infinity gauntlet, which holds Infinity Gems that possess god-like powers
    • Space Gem
    • Soul Gem
    • Reality Gem
    • Power Gem
    • Time Gem
    • Mind Gem

11. Curse Casting

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"I did not ask for your trust. I demand only your obedience." -Thanos

Thanos was always searching for an answer to his abnormal genetics and the way his mind thinks. The unknown girl became a partner for him during this time. While he was on the search to find out who he was and meant to be, he ended up killing his own Titanians. Those murders became the first murders in Titan history. He felt like he didn’t want to be that way, but he could not control his actions. He actually said he would stop the violence, to later discover that he genuinely liked the feeling of pulling off these actions. He ended up putting a curse on Deadpool!

Ability Details

  • He is partially knowledgeable in magic abilities
  • Cursed Deadpool to be unable to die

10. Matter Manipulation and Control

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"In my heart, I knew you still cared. But one ever knows for sure. Reality is often disappointing." -Thanos

This mysterious girl that convinced him to face his fears became an obsession of his. Thanos was angry. Angry about his appearance, angry about his mind's motive, and angry at the world for his existence. 

He killed his mom in the hopes to find the answer to who he was since he believed it was held within her body. He later fell in love with the mysterious girl. She motivated him, but she would never give in to his advances of love.

While swearing he wouldn't kill again, he searched for a new start to life and actually became a pirate exploring the never-ending Cosmos. He would travel to different planets and find mates to try to fulfill what he was missing on the inside. It never did make an impact on him. Being an External, he had so many advantages, but why can’t he be fulfilled?

Ability Details

  • Manipulate matter on an atomic level
  • Once, he transformed Skragg into stone

9. Telepathy

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"The work is done. I won. What I'm about to do, I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much!" -Thanos

When he found his mates, while trying to find happiness, he would eventually abandon them and found his offspring to be annoying babies. During his pirate years and searching for mates, with the mysterious girl in the back of his mind, he became detached and emotionless. By instinct, he ended up killing the pirate captain by a confrontation and traveled back to Titan to continue on his killing mission, since that is all that fulfills him at the moment. 

He ran into the mysterious girl once again. Wanting to impress her, he decided to prove his love and traveled back to the planets to destroy his offspring, with devotion of love on his mind. Always wanting to create his own powers, he becomes more advanced as time goes on.

Ability Details

  • Resist psychic attacks from enemies
  • He actually made Hulk attack his family of The Avengers, with only his mind
  • Forced Ant-Man to destroy his surrounding by thought alone

8. Hand to Hand Combat

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"Fine I'll do it myself." -Thanos

Thanos was always the one who wanted to experiment with his already horrid looking body. Searching for an extra power to do evil really was the only thing that mattered to him, besides finding true love. This unknown girl, who seems to be involved with Thanos, ended up becoming his companion and she told him that she can only love him if he becomes a god and a supreme destroyer. 

Well, she is all he had. He craved her affection and wanted to prove that he can be just as powerful as she wished. He then realized that his pirate crew could not see her as if she wasn't truly there. This is the time where she revealed her real identity, being the physical embodiment of death itself, also known as “Mistress Death”. More intrigued than ever, he wanted to carry on missions for her approval.  It is a good thing that he is skilled in combat. 

Ability Details

  • Skillful physical combat 
  • Trained by the Arts Of War on Titan
  • Contains a combination of physical and energy abilities
  • Skilled swordsman

7. Equipment

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"I could simply snap my fingers and they would all cease to exist." -Thanos

Wanting to prove his love to Death, he ended up destroying his own home, Titan. He demolished the area with his pirate crew and decided to spare his father and let him live. After all, he wanted his father to see all that he can and will do in the future. It’s almost as if he wanted some kind of acknowledgement of his existence and the power that he can provide. 

A little time later, Advanced Idea Mechanics created the Cosmic Cube which is a reality altering device. Thanos got a hold of this cube and commanded it to give him control of the entire universe. After he thought he drained all of the power from it, he discarded it like it was nothing. 

Mar-Vell ended up finding the cube and restored the universe to its full potential. At this point, Mistress Death left Thanos because she was not thrilled with failure. With his journey of pleasing her and destroying everything, he needed some well equipped equipment to help.

Ability Details

  • Robotic drones to use for maintenance, manual labor, keeping records, and sense of security
  • Used a time machine that he called the “Time Probe”
  • Self-propelled flight
  • Ways of transportation - Starships
    • Space Throne
    • Sanctuary
    • Dreadnaught-666
    • Demeter

6. Strength

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"Reality can be whatever I want." -Thanos

Thanos holds a huge personality. He is prideful, violent, deceptive, malevolent, ruthless, and will literally sacrifice anything for the liking of Mistress Death. She was right from the beginning, he was born being a blood thirsty and hungry power individual. 

While he holds all of these strong personality traits, he still manages to speak in a calm manner. Actually, throughout his battles and seeking evil plans, he has joined forces with superheros if the threat against him seems to be too much. With his increased powers through bionic amplification, mystical enhancement, and Mistress Death by his side, he may be more powerful than he even thinks at this point.

Ability Details

  • Mistress Death increased his strength to go beyond his normal abilities being an Eternals
  • He can defeat and hold his own against opponents such as Thor, Hulk, Silver Surfer, and Strong Eternals
  • Contains cosmic energy
  • Strong enough to lift the Galactus engine
  • Can run and move at speeds compared to the best of athletes
  • Does not get tired due to fatigue from battles

5. Nigh Invulnerability

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"Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same." -Thanos

Thanos ended up becoming the god and the ruler of Endless Resurgence Empire and used force combined with fear to control his people. At the beginning of his life, he felt the need to do good, but just couldn’t overcome the urge to toss in some evil. It was his nature after all. Being born among the Eternals, his true meaning should have meant that he is to be the protector of Earth, not the destroyer. 

Ability Details

  • Resistant to physical injury and wounds
  • He can withstand blasts from opponents
  • In planet-destroying situations, he can survive

4. Energy Manipulation and Control

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"You should choose your words wisely." -Thanos

Being the special kind of dangerous being he is, Thanos can produce energy from his body. He really seems like he gave up on life and just wanted to have control over everybody and everything in the whole entire universe. If his past missions couldn’t fulfil him completely, then he has to think bigger and better. Experimenting with his given powers from birth, Mistress Death, and weapons he has either created or stolen, Thanos has added power to his already energy filled body.

Ability Details

  • He can project pure energy to create a magnetic force
  • Infrared heat-beams blaze through his eyes
  • Disruptor beams can take off and hit different targets and one blast
  • He contains the mental link to the techno-mystical chair. While sitting there he can form an energy shield, barrier, and a force field

3. Eternals Immunity

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"In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet... I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much." -Thanos

Eternals on Saturn’s moon, Titan, were all born with special advances that normal human beings could not obtain naturally. They could live without the human essentials, as in air, water, and food. It was almost like they had a sense of immortality within their flowing blood stream. In a different type of immortality, these humanoids can still die, but are resistant to things that affect the actual human species.

Ability Details

  • Immune to all known diseases and infections
  • Immune to the natural effect of the body aging
  • One time, Thanos was banned by Mistress Death from entering her realm, which means Thanos was cursed with truly being immortal

2. Intelligence

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"You're not the only one cursed with knowledge." -Thanos

He grew up obsessing over science and love. He was disappointed with who he was, by his looks and his thoughts. All Thanos ever wanted was to search for why he is the way he is, wanting to find true love, and ultimately where the love is given back to him with open arms. Yet, having these emotions, how can we call him a superhero? He is a supervillain for sure, even though he may have a soft side deep down inside. He is brilliant as well. Motivating his brain to learn more and more about science and his body, he progressed to the ultimate being of 985 pounds and was ready to destroy the universe to find the feeling of fulfillment he has been longing for.

Ability Details

  • Mystical knowledge
  • Mystical lore knowledge
  • Known as having the most dangerous mind
  • He enhances his own powers
  • Advanced in the science skill area and has created technology that is far more advanced than human science on Earth
  • Thinks quickly to adapt to any battle situation

1. Resurrection

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"You should've gone for the head." -Thanos

Thanos and his history are now explained. We know where he came from and how he unfortunately had a mind so powerful that his heart's emotion didn’t matter at all. It was in his nature to be the villain he became. Thanos was born that way.

Purple skin, bulging body, happy emotions cut off completely, what else does he have to do with his time than to plot a universe destruction? Nothing mattered to him, even though he wishes it could be different. He needs to own up to who he is. Perhaps the most powerful ability that Thanos has ever had, was the one where Mistress Death has made it possible for him to rise from the dead.

Ability Details

  • He sacrifices others in order for him to rise again
  • He can recharge his inner strength
  • After being resurrected each time, he comes back even more powerful than he was before

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