[Top 5] SWBF2 Best Officer Weapons and Tips

SWBF2 Best Officer Weapons and Tips
26 Jul 2024

So you’re a fan of Star Wars Battlefront II, and are wondering how to play with the Officer. Don’t let the small blaster fool you, this trooper is not a character to be dismissed. While the SE-44C is undoubtedly the best blaster for the Officer overall, you may wonder what other blasters can be useful. Read on to find a ranking of the Officer class weapons in Star Wars Battlefront II.


Weapons, stats, and analyses (ranked worst to best)

5) Default Blaster

I found this blaster annoying to use. The recoil is awful, and the rate of fire is not great either. Thankfully, you only need 50 kills with it to unlock the next blaster (the S-5). As such, this blaster sits firmly in last place on the list. 


  • Cooling Power: 5/10
  • Range: 4/10
  • Rate of Fire: 4/10
  • Damage: 5/10

Blaster for each Officer trooper type:

  • DC-17 - Galactic Republic 
  • RG-4D - Separatists
  • DH-17 - Rebel Alliance
  • RK-3 - Galactic Empire
  • Glie-44 - Resistance 
  • SE-44 - First Order


4) Blurrg-1120 - unlocked after 200 kills with Officer class

On its own this blaster is a challenge to use. The range isn’t great, and the recoil is strong. Once you’ve unlocked the Reduced Recoil attachment though, the game changes. The blaster becomes more accurate, and you can usually eliminate a standard troop with 1-2 bursts. Adding the Improved Burst or Exploding Shot attachments will augment the blaster’s already high damage. I find this blaster to be useful in short-medium range combat in smaller game modes (e.g. Blast). 


  • Cooling Power: 6/10
  • Range: 3/10
  • Rate of Fire: 4/10
  • Damage: 5/10


  • Reduced Recoil - unlocked after 25 kills with Blurrg-1120
  • Improved Burst - unlocked after 75 kills with Blurrg-1120
  • Exploding Shot - unlocked after 150 kills with Blurrg-1120

Recommended builds and use:

  • Equip Reduced Recoil + Improved Burst in medium range combat. Can be useful in Blast mode. 
  • Equip Improved Burst + Exploding Shot in short range combat, or in modes with many players (e.g. Supremacy).


3) DL-18 - unlocked after 50 kills with the Officer class in Co-Op

I love this blaster. Even without any attachments, it’s easy to use. With the Repeating Mode attachment, its firing rate becomes even more lethal than the base SE-44C, and it’s easier to control, especially with the Reduced Spread attachment. This blaster is best used in short-medium range combat. It can be very useful across all game modes. 


  • Cooling Power: 4/10
  • Range: 4/10
  • Rate of Fire: 6/10
  • Damage: 4/10


  • Improved Cooling - unlocked after 25 kills with DL-18
  • Reduced Spread - unlocked after 75 kills with DL-18
  • Repeating Mode - unlocked after 150 kills with DL-18 

Recommended builds and use:

  • Improved Cooling + Repeating Mode - useful in short range combat on maps such as Star Killer Base and Death Star II. 
  • Reduced Spread + Repeating Mode - good for medium range combat and holding positions / objectives. 


2) S-5 - unlocked after 50 kills with Officer class

I really like this blaster. It is easily the best over long distance, and can be very useful in holding positions / capturing objectives in modes such as Galactic Assault. I find the last attachment (Ion Shot) to be a little pointless. However, the Reduced Recoil and Dual Zoom attachments are very useful and maximise the potential of this blaster. Even at medium-long range I can usually eliminate a standard trooper with 2-3 shots. Just be careful; this blaster has a slow rate of fire, so don’t  stay in the open, and don’t use in short range combat. 


  • Cooling Power: 3/10
  • Range: 6/10
  • Rate of Fire: 2/10
  • Damage: 8/10


  • Reduced Recoil - unlocked after 25 kills with S-5
  • Dual Zoom - unlocked after 75 kills with S-5
  • Ion Shot - unlocked after 150 kills with S-5

Recommended builds and use:

  • Reduced Recoil + Dual Zoom - medium-long range build. Useful for holding positions (e.g. Galactic Assault) and in Blast mode.


1) SE-44C - unlocked after 400 kills with the Officer class

This is easily the best blaster for the Officer, thanks to its fully automatic firing rate, which can be made even faster with the Rapid Fire attachment. Add the Improved Cooling on top of that, and it is unstoppable. It is best used in short-medium range combat, and is useful across all game modes. 


  • Cooling Power: 4/10
  • Range: 4/10
  • Rate of Fire: 5/10
  • Damage: 4/10


  • Improved Cooling - unlocked after 25 kills with SE-44C
  • Night Vision - unlocked after 75 kills with SE-44C
  • Rapid Fire - unlocked after 150 kills with SE-44C

Recommended builds and use:

  • Improved Cooling + Rapid Fire - meta Officer weapon build. Especially useful in game modes with many players (e.g. Supremacy).


Tips for playing with the Officer 

Boost / Ability Card Tips

  • The best ability is easily the Battle Command ability, which buffs all nearby friendly players with (temporary) additional health. I recommend equipping the ‘Improved Battle Command’ / ‘Recharge Command’ Boost Card to augment this ability. 
  • I always equip the ‘Resourceful’ card as well, which decreases your ability recharge times. This is especially useful in intense game modes with many players such as Supremacy. 
  • The ‘Improved Flash Grenade’ card is another useful card, with the ‘Disruption’ card (which replaces the flash grenade with a device that overheats enemy weapons and diffuses explosives) being another good option. The effects of both are maximised in game modes with many players. 
  • If you’re simply after Battle Points to play with Heroes or other special units, equip the ‘Bounty Hunter’ boost card to gain them at a much faster rate. 
  • The Survivalist card, which reduces your health regeneration cooldown, is another good option, especially if you’re playing for Battle Points or want to rack up high kill streaks. 

Gameplay tips

  • If you’re holding a position / objective, once you find a good spot, place down the Blaster Turret as soon as you can. It is excellent at keeping enemies from advancing without you needing to be in the open as much. 
  • Once placed, stay as close to the turret as you can. It automatically repairs while the Officer who placed it is close by. This makes it much more difficult for your opponents to destroy it. 
  • Use the flash grenade when facing a group of opponents. This leaves them vulnerable to attack. Can even be useful to dodge / take down stronger units and Heroes. 



The SE-44C is certainly the best blaster for the Officer, followed by the S-5 at long-range. If you prefer intense game modes such as Supremacy, these blasters will serve you well. If you’re playing Blast, along with these two, consider the Blurrg-1120 for its damage. 

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