[Top 3] SilkRoad Best Bow Builds That Are Excellent

Scary Halloween Bow!
31 Oct 2021

Silkroad is a truly fun game and you can enjoy having more than one character with various builds! But the Bow character is surely among the best of them.
You can do everything starting from farming to winning PvP matches against strong players and it can be really fun which is why we all play the game!
Choosing Bow means you want to be fast, hit hard, and don’t like to get close to your enemy while in combat. It will be a great experience if you already enjoy how a Bow looks in action!
This article will be showing you the best builds that work perfectly as a Bow character!


Here are the top three Bow Builds in SilkRoad:





3. Bow Fire/Cold:

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Building Fire/Cold is the safe choice.

This is a very common build as a bow character, it can give you the sweet spot of every bow character while also granting you some good physical defenses.
As a Bow, you need to always go full STR as it can help you build up some defenses and make it harder for your enemies to kill you.
All Bow characters might look the same but as a Cold builder, you would feel a bit stronger as your Cold skills can help you withstand strong hits!

What Bow Fire/Cold excels in:

  • All around bow as you can farm easily and still do everything else.
  • Great physical defenses while also being good at PvP against Warlocks thanks to the Ice Wall.
  • Jobbing is easier when you have Cold Imbue especially on those Jobbers who aren’t buffed yet.

Bow Fire/Cold Full details:

  • Full STR is a must as you can’t afford to lose any defenses.
  • You should go for Pacheon, Fire, and Cold. Nothing else is feasible here.
  • You definitely should choose Garment as it makes your magic defenses better and grants you bonus movement speed.
  • For better chances against Warlocks, you should put points in the Ice Wall as it can be very beneficial.




2. Bow Fire/Light:

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Building light? You'll feel as fast as the Flash!

This is not a very common build but it’s one of the preferred builds if you want to have good speed and like to participate in events like searching and clues.
The Light choice is great but its main advantage is movement speed.
Full STR as usual but you should think about your wearables as you can go for protector if needed because you would already be having some good movement speed.
Most who play this build say they go for it because of how fast you would be and that’s the main advantage in any PvP match you get into.

What Bow Fire/Light excels in:

  • Same good critical as every Bow.
  • Attacking from a distance but with the ability to get even further away from your enemy with your speed.
  • Being faster than your enemy can save your life and turn around fights.
  • Movement speed can make it easier for you to go around the map which can get you to win events like searching for GMs and hunting uniques.

Bow Fire/Cold Full details:

  • Definitely full STR.
  • Put all your points equally into Pacheon, Fire, and Light.
  • Garment can be a great option but if you don’t want the extra speed you can go for Protector as it is the middle solution between Garment and Armor.




1. Bow Fire/Force:

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Stun and PvP king is in the house!

This is by far my absolute favorite build as Bow! You get nearly everything, you can deal a lot of damage as a Bow with your critical strikes, you get the tankiness of a normal Bow character, and can be a killer in PvP.
If you want to have the most fun, then you should try this build as it can guarantee a lot of wins in PvP if played right!

What Bow Fire/Force excels in:

  • Being great in PvP. Fire can deal a lot of damage while Force can help you shred through your enemies with Debuffs.
  • Team player as you would be needed in all parties as you can Res other dead members especially if it was a Chinese-only server.
  • Great in fights especially FTW.

Bow Fire/Force Full details:

  • Full STR as this is mainly for PvP so you won’t lose any defenses.
  • All points should go in Pacheon, Fire, and Force.
  • Use Garment to make sure you have enough movement speed and magic defense.
  • Using Force might be tricky so make sure you knock back the enemy then debuff them.




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