Shadowverse Best Leader- Who Is The Best?

Shadowverse Best Leader
14 Jul 2020

This is a review of all Shadowverse craft leaders. The review will be split into two sections: Storyline leaders and Store Bought leaders. Card Exclusive leaders will not be covered on this list.

Storyline Leaders

1. Arisa

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Arisa is the main protagonist of Shadowverse and has been trying to prove herself as a true guardian of the forest. She was deeply attached to her best friend Losaria, until Nexus, the all-knowing world goddess, took her away in the very first arc. Arisa is a very optimistic elf, having true hope in every person she meets. She always believes that there is good in others, even if they are a villain, a trait that has proved to be both useful and detrimental. Arisa can even be considered a mascot for the franchise, as she has more card sleeves than any other character and is used in the majority of the promotional artwork. Arisa represents Forestcraft as its leader and can be used with any Forestcraft deck. *Arisa’s new form is available for purchase from the Shadowverse shop today!*

Arisa Review

  • She is a determined individual who’s kind heart and determination has proved trouble for her in the past. While she can be disheartened, she always has the strength and resolve to move on
  • Arisa is the most friendly out of any of the leaders, forging bonds easily with any potentially difficult characters that might put the plot at stake. This makes her essential in raising morale and forming alliances
  • While she tends to be naive, Arisa acknowledges and accepts her shortcomings such as jealousy and gullibility when they are visible to her. Arisa understands that there is more to life than losing hope and only focusing on the things you can’t accomplish rather than the things you can
  • Arisa is very kind-hearted, warm, and determined. Throughout the entire storyline, she absolutely refused to give up on her missing friend, Losaria, or anyone who happens to be her ally. She proves to very powerful in the end because of her emotional capabilities and manages to convince other allies to rally together in the Verdant Conflict arc

Pick Class Leader if…

  • If you want a powerful leader for Forestcraft with a strong, supportive attitude, Arisa is definitely for you. Arisa can guide you through the storylines with cheerfulness and determination, never failing to make you smile while you battle
  • If you want to complete the storylines up through Worldwreaver, Arisa is the leader for you. With her sociability and skills at negotiating, Arisa gets the job done quicker than any of the others around her 
  • Love elves with a cheerful personality and bright smile? Arisa is definitely the leader for you. She’ll cheer you up and put a grin on your face even in the most perilous of match situations
  • Looking for an elf as quick as Forestcraft herself? Look no further than Arisa. Her sweet disposition and sunny attitude is the personification of all wonderful elf cards 

2. Erika

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Erika is the princesses sworn protector in the main Morning Star storyline. She is the most skilled when it comes to swordsmanship and incredibly reliable when it comes to the people who need her help. In the end, Erika will let nothing stop her from protecting the princess. She’s very straightforward and does whatever she’s ordered, being a woman with a strong will and a dark past. Erika also tends to act on only her beliefs and her beliefs alone, making her aloof and unfriendly. While she had acted cold to her companions in the past, in the heat of battle, she tends to become more understanding and loyal. Erika represents Swordcraft as its leader and can be used with any Swordcraft deck. *Erika’s new form is available for purchase from the Shadowverse shop today!*

Erika Review

  • Erika is shown as having a soft spot in her heart for people who have been manipulated in the past or killed with no valid reason. This was especially apparent in the Isunia storyline with the Countersolari Guild
  • If she has found her enemy, she goes to extreme lengths to destroy them. When she chooses to fight Urias of Bloodcraft, she uses a forbidden art to defeat him. This makes her a perfect candidate for the strength and speed of Swordcraft. Perhaps she’s not perfect for the story, but for battle, she’s one of the strongest Swordcraft leaders there is
  • Erika is very reserved and doesn’t talk about her past to others, meaning she revels in her independence and refuses to believe that any other character could understand her pain. Once again, this makes her a difficult character for the story, but a solid and strong fighter
  • One of her primary weaknesses is that she’s prone to high levels of anger and frustration when things don’t go according to the group plan. This can make her very emotional and her anger can tend to get the best of her

Pick Class Leader if…

  • If you want an unrelenting samurai on your side that never gives up when it comes to a battle, Erika is perfect for you. She’ll never leave you behind, and even shares a special Natura card with Bayleon, The Forest King and Mistolina, Forest Princess 
  • If you also want a good, in-depth Swordcraft story, follow Erika’s path from the Morning Star storyline to Worldwreaver. It’s packed with all of her listed emotions and experiences above
  • If you simply like classic Swordcraft instead of a store-bought leader or card exclusive leader, then Erika is the perfect leader for you. Erika is perfect for classic Shadowverse, and I definitely recommend her leader for Swordcraft use

3. Isabelle 

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Isabelle is a talented alchemist who before used her knowledge to assist in the aid of humanity. However, when her fiancé, Kyle, was killed by Rowen in his dragon form she became completely obsessed with resurrecting the dead. She was the most powerful mage in her former home, and very willing to help those in need of her help. This is especially apparent in the Aiolon storyline and her interactions with Tetra. Isabelle represents Runecraft as it’s leader and can be used with any Runecraft deck. *Isabelle’s new form is available for purchase from the Shadowverse shop today!*

Isabelle Review

  • Isabelle can be a very determined leader when it comes down to it, and can even be very motivational towards others in negative situations when she isn’t focusing on the untimely loss of her fiancé 
  • That is one of her easy flaws, however. Isabelle has the tendency to get stuck in the past, thinking of only what she has lost. This is one of the reasons she tends to get distracted from the most important goals at hand. However, as the story progresses, she lets go of this mentality and accepts that Kyle is gone forever
  • Isabelle has always had a kind disposition and intelligent attitude, especially towards Luna, the Shadowcraft leader. This reflects well on her personality in battle, making her more successful when it comes to winning battles and moving through the storyline overall. It makes her a perfect leader for intense and stressful situations 

Pick Isabelle if…

  • If you want an incredibly determined mage on your side with equal talent, Isabelle is the perfect leader choice for you when it comes to Runecraft. She’s strong, loyal, and won’t ever let you down during a difficult battle
  • If you want an emotional Runecraft leader as well as a battle strong one, Isabelle is definitely for you. She is the perfect balance of both when it comes to battle, and her storyline reflects the exact same sentiments with it’s emotional connections to the other characters
  • And if you’re more fond of classic Runecraft versus store-bought leaders or card pack exclusive leaders, then Isabelle is the perfect leader for you. Isabelle is absolutely perfect for classic Shadowverse, and I definitely recommend her 

4. Rowen Dragespear 

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Rowen Dragespear was an army commander with a heightened sense of devotion to his comrades, his family, and the royal crown. His entire world was turned upside down when a ferocious dragon attacked his squadron and branded him with a curse. It is because of this curse that Isabelle’s fiancé, Kyle, was killed. Rowen is now facing the dire consequences of his actions against others due to his curse. However, Rowen is still very loyal and would do absolutely anything for one of his allies in a fight. Rowen represents Dragoncraft as it’s leader and can be used with any Dragoncraft deck. *Rowen’s new form is available for purchase from the Shadowverse store today!*

Rowen Review

  • Rowen himself is very kind and warm, automatically rushing to protect and help those he meets that might potentially be in need of his assistance. At first, his main desire was to push people away as far as he possibly could, yet after his experiences in the Verdant Conflict storyline, he learned that in order to help others he had to embrace his curse for what it was
  • Rowen has the tendency to put himself in danger in order to protect the people around him, out of duty as well as guilt and remorse. Despite this negative way of viewing his abilities and mistakes, it makes Rowen incredibly powerful in battle and a worthy leader to have on one’s side 
  • His overwhelming strength in battle is especially demonstrated when he turns into a dragon due to his unfortunate curse. While Rowen hates that he often has trouble controlling it, as well as having it in the first place, it makes him one of the most powerful Dragoncraft leaders there is 

Pick Rowen if…

  • If you’re interested in a leader with a never give up attitude and overall protective streak inside him, then Rowen is the leader for you. His mere presence is enough to convince you to keep going in a fight, even if things look incredibly bleak
  • Looking for the main storyline with emotional intensity and dragons? Look no further than Rowen Dragespear. His curse and inner desire to search for redemption make for an emotional tale like no other. This story can only be found in his main routes with his leader, so check it out today!
  • Don’t want to waste your hard-earned currency just yet? Desire a more classic Shadowverse experience? Then Rowen is the perfect Dragoncraft leader for you. Strong, brave, heroic, Rowen is perfect for the job. He’s definitely a recommended choice!

5. Luna

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Luna is a small girl who lives tucked away in an old mansion in a distant village. Every villager is too frightened to even step close to her, as she interacts with necromantic powers by communicating with her dead parents and believing that they are alive. However, Luna is ready to explore and play games anyhow. Luna is a very young girl, therefore she can seem very childish when she asks random strangers that she happens to meet if they want to play with her. But by the time we reach the end of the Worldwreaver storyline, she seems to have matured greatly and isn’t such a little girl anymore. *Luna's new form is available for purchase in the Shadowverse shop today!*

Luna Review

  • As a child, Luna often behaves in a rather self-centered way and has dreams of playing games like going on an adventure, as well as making friends. Of course, her definition of friendship is adding anyone she meets to her undead army, overall making Luna a very powerful leader indeed
  • When Luna is finally forced to face the truth, that her parents truly are dead and that she was merely performing necromancy, she breaks down in pain and nearly causes mass destruction. Her powers are connected to her very emotions, making her an unsuspecting yet very intimidating leader overall
  • While Luna ends up blaming herself for her parents' overall suffering once she discovers it was she who was keeping them here, she eventually learns to move on and chooses to use her powers to protect her friends instead. Here, Luna experiences powerful character growth, making her one of the strongest Shadowcraft leaders there is 

Pick Luna if…

  • If you’re interested in Shadowcraft period, Luna would always be a good pick for you. She has very friendly voices and is surprisingly powerful for a young child. Luna is definitely not to be underestimated here
  • If you appreciate the sweetness that comes with her original story, definitely check out her leader in the Aiolon storyline, where she becomes close friends with Aenea and her robot friend. As two young girls, they can relate to each other, and Luna becomes an even stronger leader due to her time with Aenea
  • Do you desire a more classic Shadowcraft experience compared to the newer leaders of today? Then check out Luna today! Tiny, powerful, and totally worth it, Luna does not disappoint.

6. Urias Foremonde

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Urias is a centuries-old vampire who was banished long ago before some mysterious power recently woke him from his slumber. He awoke to find that he was the only vampire left in the world, and now feels as if there is no opponent on earth that could possibly beat him in a fight. With this mindset, he has decided that he will scour the land until he finds someone worthy of his prowess. Anyone he deems unworthy of his time he refuses to fight whatsoever. Urias has slightly less character growth than the others and mostly remains this way throughout each storyline despite deciding to help. *Urias’ new form is available for purchase in the Shadowverse store today!*

Urias Review

  • As Urias had told Eris Anthule in the very first Morning Star storyline, he views humans as nothing but potential opponents who might be one day strong enough to battle him. This is primarily why he refuses to eat them as a meal; he claims he never knows who could potentially beat him next. This makes him a powerful, yet quite unpredictable leader in that you never quite know what he believes his next meal to be
  • According to Urias, the strong and the weak have their personal privileges, his explanation for why he only attacks the strong in life. Urias isn’t fond of assassination attack attempts either, claiming that it is an act of a coward. This means that Urias is rather determined and often barges straight on into any type of danger
  • Being the oldest of all leaders, Urias is often seen giving advice to other characters such as Rowen, Isabelle, and Eris. While sometimes it is hard to discern whether or not he’s genuinely being helpful, the fact that he offers is a mystery in itself

Pick Urias if…

  • If you’re interested in battling with a vampire on your side in the world of Bloodcraft, Urias will definitely be right beside you. He’s the most powerful vampire leader there is, and you won’t be disappointed with him on your team
  • If you’re interested in sticking with classic Bloodcraft or not as interested in spending currency on a brand new leader, then Urias is absolutely perfect for you. Nothing wrong with sticking with the traditional
  • If you decide you want to keep sticking with Urias’ storyline in the near future, then keep him on your side as your Bloodcraft leader! You’ll need him for it.

7. Eris Anthule

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Eris is a high priestess who works tirelessly to ease the suffering of humanity. Eris herself is plagued by doubts after waking up with no memory of her past. In an attempt to rid her world of suffering so that others may live in peace, she summoned the dimension goddess Nexus. While controlled by Nexus, Eris displayed cold emotion and little care towards others. Her only focus was on bringing the world to “salvation.” Now she works with the other craft leaders towards defeating Nexus and bringing peace to the other worlds they have traveled to. Eris represents Havencraft as it’s leader and can be used with any Havencraft deck. *Eris’s new form is available for purchase from the Shadowverse shop today!*

Eris Review

  • Eris is a very peaceful and civil individual and hates resorting to violence. However she is not above doing so, yet she fights to injure others rather than kill them as a sign of mercy. Due to her past actions, she can’t stand to kill another living being
  • Due to having to see the people of her world suffering so terribly, she believes in “Salvation.” This means that no matter what, the world will find happiness, regardless of the methods that are used. This was her reasoning behind summoning Nexus
  • Eris is much more civil than the others of the main group, and she often asks for the motives of other characters. She is also often puzzled by their resolution, not understanding as to why someone would give up “salvation” the way they did 

Pick Eris if…

  • If you want to go with a more traditional Havencraft route with a classic look, choose Eris today! She’s ready and waiting for you!
  • Don’t exactly feel like spending any amount of currency on a brand new Havencraft leader? No problem! That’s what Eris is here for. She’ll always be available as a default leader
  • And if you want to continue on and finish Eris’ main storyline, you’ll need to have her present as your Havencraft leader for that experience. She’s perfect for you!

8. Yuwan Gilfrei 

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Yuwan is a vengeful warrior who has the power to travel across dimensions, choosing to come fight alongside Arisa and the others to save the world from eternal ruin. Yuwan once sought power as a king so that he may rule the world. However, he took things much too far when he called upon the dimension goddess Nerva for help. Now, his entire world is gone, and he has been traversing world after to world to find her and destroy her. Yuwan represents Portalcraft as it’s leader and can be used with any Portalcraft deck. *Yuwan’s new form is available for purchase from the Shadowverse shop today!*

Yuwan Review

  • Yuwan is a very mysterious man who seems to have little to no emotion on a good day. If he does happen to show any type of feeling, he does everything he can in his power to suppress it. This is mainly because he was manipulated one too many times by Nerva
  • Despite this, he is not above showing compassion towards others, especially towards Erika and Eris. This compassion comes in handy many times during his route when things might not have otherwise worked out for him
  • Yuwan is an extremely analyzing individual, as he assesses his enemies to see what type of potential they have. And while he is extremely powerful, he is not above retreating to rethink his strategy against an opponent who could be stronger than him

Pick Yuwan if…

  • If you want a calculating and quick thinking Portalcraft leader on your side, choose Yuwan today! He may be surly and slightly grumpy, but he can guarantee you a strong victory!
  • If you want to stick with the classics and not be forced to pay for a new Portalcraft leader, Yuwan will always be there for you! There’s nothing wrong with keeping it simple!
  • And finally, if you want to keep up with Yuwan’s story, you have to play with Yuwan in order to complete it! Pick Yuwan as your most powerful Portalcraft leader, and finish his storyline today!

Nier: Automaton

10.  2B Set

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Designation: YoRHa No. 2 Type B is an all-purpose battle android deployed as a member of the automated infantry squad, YoRHa. Though regulations forbid from expressing human emotion, each model has its own unique personality, and 2B is often calm, cool, and collected in battle. 2B is a Swordcraft leader 

2B Review 

  • As mentioned above, 2B is calm and overall collected in battle. She manages to keep a tight leash on her emotions, despite having the ability to express human ones. 2B is a very serious, no-nonsense leader, meaning that she is one of the strongest and most well put together leaders
  • 2B can sometimes lose touch with what truly makes her human, and while that can prove to be problematic, it makes for a fascinating story on her part. However, she never does forget who she truly is inside, helping her to stay focused when it comes to intense Swordcraft battles
  • 2B is a very loyal and reliable android leader, meaning that she would never leave you or a fellow ally behind. Even in the darkest hours of battle, 2B will always stick with you to the end. With perseverance and dedication, you could never go wrong with 2B

Pick 2B if…

  • If you’re interested in another Swordcraft beyond Erika, you couldn’t possibly go wrong with 2B. Powerful, determined, and hardworking, 2B is the perfect leader for you 
  • Powerful and fast-moving in battle, it can be difficult for your opponent to keep up with such a well-calibrated machine. This means that 2B can help guarantee a sure victory if that’s what you desire
  • If you’re interested in new age Swordcraft versus the classics, 2B is the leader for you. She and her male counterpart are some of the newest released leaders on the list, making them the most recent characters available. Check 2B out today!

11. 9S Set

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Designation: YoRHa No. 9 Type S is the leader pictured above. While he has the ability to attack, this YoRHa android specializes in research missions and excels in collecting information, mainly by hacking. Within YoRHa, 9S is comparatively varied in his emotional expressions and has a very kind and unwavering personality. 9S is a Portalcraft leader.

9S Review

  • As listed above, 9S is incredibly talented with many other computers and machines, making him powerful in a sneaky type of way. Your opponent’s computers will be absolutely doomed after he’s finished with them
  • While 9S is very in tune with his featured emotions, they sometimes prove difficult for him to control, meaning he can get caught in rather unsavory situations he might not want to be in. However, these emotions are his greatest strength, as he can use them to reason with others and even assist himself in his hacking 
  • 9S makes a very powerful team with his droid partner of Swordcraft, 2B. This emphasizes the talent he has when it comes to cooperation and working with others, something very imperative in a serious battle

Pick 9S if…

  • If you’re interested in having a kind, hardworking heart on your Portalcraft team, check out 9S today! He won’t disappoint you, what with his kind auto phrases and determined in battle qualities 
  • Smart and quick on his feet with technology, 9S takes charge of the electronic battlefield and puts you in control. He assists his comrades in any way possible, and you are one of those comrades once you choose to play him
  • If you’re interested in new age Portalcraft versus the classics, 9S is the leader for you. He and his female counterpart are some of the newest released leaders on the list, making them the most recent characters available. Check 9S out today!

Princess Connect Re: Drive

 12. Kokkoro

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A member of the Gourmet Guild of wandering snackers, Kokkoro is descended from the long-lived elves of the North. Kokkoro is calm, polite, and soft-spoken, but her upbringing in the remote mountains can manifest in some odd ways. Despite this, Kokkoro loves helping her lord with his daily tasks. Kokkoro is a Forestcraft leader.

Kokkoro Review

  • Kokkoro is very kind and soft-spoken, therefore not being a very aggressive leader overall. However, she is very kind-hearted and patient with strangers or unfamiliar creatures, making her a comforting leader to have around
  • Her deck itself is not particularly aggressive, which is why Kokkoro can be a great leader for Shadowverse beginners. Her soft, kind voice drives you to practice at your craft and potentially get even better
  • Kokkoro can be surprisingly brave when she needs to be, an important factor in any Forestcraft leader due to the beasts and unfriendly creatures that other opponents may have in their own decks. This often makes her the unexpected hero, meaning that when she succeeds it can be a bit of a pleasant surprise 

Pick Kokkoro if…

  • If you’re looking for a kinder, more gentle leader, than Kokkoro is the leader for you. Her sunny smile and her kind phrases are sure to warm your heart and give you the hope you’ve been searching for in the heat of battle 
  • If you enjoy the simple look of fairies, elves, or perhaps Kokkoro is your favorite character from Princess Connect Re: Drive, then this sweet little elf is the perfect leader for you
  • If you’re interested in a different Forestcraft leader besides the traditionally available ones, then Kokkoro is the perfect leader for you, making your Forestcraft experience all the sweeter and elf-like. Check out Kokkoro today!

13. Pecorine

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Pecorine is the founder of the Gourmet Guild of wandering snackers. Her permanent hunger leaves little room in her mind for other things. Pecorine enjoys all types of foods including monsters, bugs, and virtually anything she can fit in her mouth. She will always have a special place in her heart for the comrade who helped her establish the Gourmet Guild. Pecorine is a Swordcraft leader.

Pecorine Review

  • With a voracious appetite and endless amount of energy, Pecorine seemingly lives a rather carefree life. She’s ever-optimistic and very proactive when it comes to making friends and acquaintances. These characteristics are what make her such a strong and intelligent warrior 
  • Pecorine loves to travel in search of exotic foods, paying respect to all life by not letting any type of food go to waste. This makes her a dedicated and rather passionate leader to battle with
  • While she is a princess, Pecorine prefers her friends to treat her as if she were an ordinary teenage girl. Due to these circumstances, Pecorine tends to take on her surrounding issues alone, avoiding revealing her problems to anyone other than someone she trusts, making her slightly unapproachable at certain moments 

Pick Pecorine if…

  • If you’re interested in a more cheerful and perky leader for Swordcraft, Pecorine is the leader for you. She’ll help you smile while you battle and even serve to remind you of why Shadowverse is such a good time
  • Did you enjoy Pecorine from the original Princess Connect? Then you’ll love Pecorine in Shadowverse as your Swordcraft leader. Cheerful and just like the original, this Pecorine will not disappoint 
  • Looking for something other than classic Swordcraft? Give Pecorine a try. Kind, determined, and completely worth a shot from the Shadowverse shop. Try Pecorine today!

14. Karyl

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Karyl is a member of the Gourmet Guild of wandering snackers. Karyl specializes in attack magic and in concealing her presence. She’s often quite harsh to other people but has a definite soft spot for cats and the one guild member who approached her when she was all alone. Karyl is often described as a “tsundere,” although she tends to go along regardless. Karyl is a Runecraft leader

Karyl Review

  • Karyl has a sharp tongue and tends to get annoyed or flustered when things don’t go her way or according to the group plan. Her attention to detail can easily be crucial during a fight, although her surly attitude can sometimes get in the way of battlefield productivity
  • She is often portrayed as one of the loneliest leaders, as her parents often chose to ignore her, leaving her feeling slightly unwanted. However, this only drives her determination on the battlefield and has proved to be one of the most powerful Runecraft leaders
  • Karyl was originally an assassin hired to murder Pecorine, making her one of the most intelligent and quick-thinking Runecraft leaders. It’d be a sad thing not to have her on your side, so check out Karyl today!

Pick Karyl if…

  • Did you enjoy Karyl from the original Princess Connect? Then you’ll love Karyl in Shadowverse as your Runecraft leader. Powerful, reliable, and hardworking, Karyl won’t let you down 
  • Looking for the perfect mix between girl and cat? Karyl is for you! With her cute kitty ears and sassy cat attitude, there isn’t a single part of Karyl that you won’t absolutely love
  • Want something other than classic Runecraft leaders? Check out Karyl today! Her sassy personality and tsundere attitude leave you pure entertainment with pure strength on your side!

15. Kaya

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Kaya is a member of the dragonfolk guild Dragon’s Nest and is a dragon-race member of Astrum. While searching for others of their kind, she and her fellow guild members operate as a gang on the side. Kaya was first seen working a store in a town called Landsol in the video game Princess Connect. Kaya is a Dragoncraft leader.

Kaya Review

  • Kaya is usually very cool and collected, but when hired to fight, her killer instincts come out full force. This makes her a very powerful ally and leader to have fighting on your side during dire situations 
  • Kaya sees her knight/business intermediary as more than just a person who serves her, but also as a friend. This very much proves that while she has a ruthless streak, Kaya deeply cares for her comrades, meaning you as well if you chose her
  • Kaya is a leader who is never afraid to throw herself into any type of danger whether it be for a cause she feels worthy, a comrade, or for the sake of her home. This makes Kaya one of the bravest, most daring Dragoncraft leaders there is 

Pick Kaya if…

  • If you want a strong, young, and determined Dragoncraft leader on your side, then Kaya is the perfect fit for you. Not only will she stand by you and fight to the very end, but she will also prove to be the strongest fighter you’ve ever had
  • If you enjoyed Kaya in Princess Connect, why not try her out as your new Dragoncraft leader? Kaya is incredibly loyal and will always be there for you in times of danger or peril. She’s just as well put together as her Princess Connect counterpart
  • Ready to try something other than classic Dragoncraft leaders? Well, you’re in luck! Kaya is a perfect choice for you with her insane dragon-like battle skills and sassy attitude!

16. Shinobu 

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Shinobu is a member of the demonfolk guild Diabolos. She works as a diviner alongside the spirit of her now-deceased father. Despite her quiet demeanor, Shinobu is quick to berate her father when he starts harassing women, and she’s often quite pained by his harsh treatment of a Knight in armor she thinks rather highly of. Shinobu is a Shadowcraft leader.

Shinobu Review

  • Shinobu is very calm and reserved compared to other Shadowcraft leaders and is therefore very in touch with the spirits who have since moved on to the afterlife. However, her shyness can get the best of her, preventing her from doing very powerful things she otherwise might have been able to do 
  • Shinobu cares a lot for others around her that she might come into contact with, and that includes you. A good example of this is when Shinobu became extremely concerned over her father’s disappearance and chooses to stop at nothing until she finds him
  • While often tried to be pushed down into a safer, less active position, Shinobu simply won’t let that happen. While shy and slightly reserved, she is still a very independent girl with a mind of her own, perfect for leading a Shadowcraft army

Pick Shinobu if…

  • If you’re interested in another Shadowcraft leader that is around the same age as Luna, then Shinobu is perfect for you. Especially if you want a leader that is particularly kind and caring
  • If you enjoyed Shinobu in Princess Connect, why not test the waters with her as your new Shadowcraft leader? With someone incredibly sweet, yet powerful, on your side in a Shadowcraft battle, it’s almost impossible to say no!
  • Looking to experiment deeper into the spooky realm of Shadowcraft? Look no further! Shinobu is the perfect choice for all your ghost-like, necromantic needs! She’s just as adorable as Luna, and is available in the Shadowverse store today!

17. Ilya

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Ilya is head of the demonfolk guild Diabolos. Ilya was once a legendary vampire known as the queen of the night, but she was ultimately sealed away, stripped of her power, and trapped in the form of a child. As a result, her plot to take over the world has come to a standstill. However, she’s still quite fond of the knight she uses to regain her previous form. Ilya is a Bloodcraft leader.

Ilya Review

  • Intelligent and cunning, Ilya makes for a perfect Bloodcraft leader. Always on the move for what she wants and only that, her self-centered personality actually makes her the most goal-oriented out of any of the Bloodcraft leaders. You’re sure to get some fights won!
  • Ilya is an extremely powerful fighter desiring nothing other than victory and regaining her old form for world domination. Needless to say, winning wars with Ilya on your side should be nothing but a cinch
  • Ilya isn’t necessarily a people person but will fight to the death for those who choose to fight by her side. This makes her incredibly dangerous, despite being a young girl, as well as a force to be reckoned with 

Pick Ilya if…

  • If you’re looking for a leader similar to Luna but aren’t quite interested in Shadowcraft, Ilya of Bloodcraft is here just for you. Young, powerful, and cunning, Ilya is the perfect Bloodcraft leader to have on your side
  • If you enjoyed Ilya in Princess Connect, look no further. Her Shadowverse leader counterpart is here for you to enjoy and fight with! If you were looking for that connection to the other game but weren’t sure where to start, now you have your starting point. Ilya!
  • And if you’ve been looking to spice up your Bloodcraft matches a bit with something other than Urias, Ilya will be there for you waiting in the Shadowverse shop! She’s just as bloodthirsty and cunning as Urias himself, and she’s available in the store today!

18. Saren

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Saren is the head of Sarendia Orphanage, a guild that runs a children’s shelter on the outskirts of Landosol. Saren previously served as vice-captain of the guild Nightmare, but she resigned to help the children. Saren has always had a good head for money, finding ways to economize in order to keep the orphanage running. There’s a particular knight that she finds oddly familiar, but can never exactly determine who he is. Saren is a Havencraft leader.

Saren Review

  • Saren is known for her leadership skills and kind way with children, making her the perfect candidate for a Havencraft leader. She is kind and caring, although it can translate to naivety on occasion
  • Saren is a very loyal leader, and would never leave you at the first sign of danger. This translates to her physical attacks, making her even stronger than she normally would be 
  • Saren would do anything to protect the orphan children she takes care of. This translates to her physical strength, making her even stronger in turn

Pick Saren if…

  • If you enjoyed Princess Connect as a game and would like to have one of the game's characters as a Shadowverse leader, check out Saren today! You won’t be disappointed!
  • If you want a Havencraft leader other than Eris on your side, Saren is a perfect choice for you. She’s just as kind, caring, and involved with others as Eris is. Choose Saren today!
  • Looking to experiment in the world of Havencraft? Then choose Saren today! Working with brand new Havencraft leaders is a great way to try out new techniques and styles in Havencraft, and Saren is perfect for that experimentation

19. Omniscient Kaiser

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A mysterious individual who calls herself Justiana, Princess of Landosol. Karyl addresses her as “Your Highness.” According to Pecorine, this woman stole everything from her. She views Pecorine as an enemy and seeks to eliminate her using the royal family’s power. As one of the Seven Crowns, her words and actions are shrouded in mystery. She seems to have a particularly deep connection with one specific knight. Justiana is a Portalcraft leader

Omniscient Kaiser/Justiana Review

  • As was mentioned above, Justiana is very reclusive and borderline antisocial. Her lack of emotional presence can sometimes be very hindering to the task at hand, but underneath her surliness is a hardened warrior that is not afraid to fight
  • Justiana is the only Portalcraft leader that is not fully human, making her particularly unique compared to the other leaders of her craft. It also makes her more desirable as a leader to other players, so she has been popular in the store in the past
  • As was also mentioned above, her relationship with Pecorine is less than savory and makes her more surly and unfriendly on a good day. While she is very powerful, her attitude can often get in the way of said power

Pick Omniscient Kaiser/Justiana if…

  • If you’re interested in a less than human Portalcraft leader, check out Justiana today! Her wolf-like ears and tail give off the feel of taking Portalcraft to the wild side of Shadowverse 
  • If you liked Justiana in Princess Connect, check her out in the shop section of Shadowverse! Her design is exactly the same, and her personality is indicated by her programmed phrases. Justiana is waiting for you!
  • If you want to spice up your Portalcraft life with a less than classic leader, check out Justiana in the Shadowverse supplies shop! She’s waiting for you!

Granblue Fantasy 

20. Korwa

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Korwa is a fashion designer who is good at weaving stories as she is elegant dresses. Seeing her first wedding dress is her most treasured memory. She sometimes plays pranks, as is in her Forestcraft nature, but she always ensures that the story ends happily ever after. Korwa is a Forestcraft leader.

Korwa Review

  • Korwa is very cheerful and always in the mood for a nice smile, nearly rivaling Arisa in her level of happiness. However, that does not mean she should be underestimated when it comes to how powerful she is. Korwa will always be a force to be reckoned with
  • As a fashion designer, all of her clothes are absolutely exquisite, giving her an extra level of talent outside simply fighting at your side
  • Korwa’s own card designed after her leader, Korwa, Ravishing Designer, is one of the most powerful Forestcraft cards there is. It’s a result of her leader’s presence, another example of how Korwa helps you out

Pick Korwa if…

  • If you want a less than human Forestcraft leader, Korwa is the leader for you with her friendly animal ears and a bright smile. She’s very powerful and completely worth the purchase
  • Loved Korwa from Granblue Fantasy? You’re in luck today! Korwa herself is waiting for you in the Shadowverse shop right now!
  • Looking to collect every Forestcraft leader there is? Then Korwa must be on your list! If you’re looking to complete your collection, go to the Shadowverse shop and purchase Korwa today!

21. Percival 

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This young emperor of flame burns with quiet intensity as he pursues the utopia he has always dreamed of; a land without war, where the weak can find succor. He crosses the skies in search of allies who share his noble dream. Percival is a Swordcraft leader

Percival Review

  • Percival’s bravery and desire for peace are easily two of his best qualities, although they also have the tendency to get him in trouble since he would rather not fight, but peacefully work things out. Unfortunately, that’s the exact opposite of Swordcraft
  • Percival is a very talented general, in that he knows exactly how to rally the troops and get everyone in his army determined to fight for the cause they were made for. This is an especially useful skill in Shadowverse as well as his home game
  • His determination helps him get through the roughs of war and proves to be very useful during military emergencies. This makes him one of the game’s best Shadowverse leaders

Pick Percival if…

  • If you want a strong, never-give-up commander in your side in a Swordcraft battle, Percival is right up your leader alley. He’ll stick with you to the end of any fight
  • If you wanted a less than classic Swordcraft experience, choose Percival as your new leader. More positive than Erika with similar ideals, Percival is the leader for you who’s just waiting in the Shadowverse store for you 
  • And if you enjoyed Percival’s character in Granblue Fantasy, you’ll love him even more once you purchase him from the Shadowverse store and use him as your victorious Swordcraft leader

22. Cagliostro

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This superior genius and pioneer of alchemy transcended time by making herself into an immaterial being. Awakened from her age-old seal, she is now re-enlightening the world according to her own personal truths. Cagliostro is a Runecraft leader

Cagliostro Review

  • This young mage is a very powerful one but is often accused of having too big a head on her shoulders, only focusing on herself and her own accomplishments. While said accomplishments are very important and worth studying, her attitude can sometimes eclipse that
  • Her determination when it comes to her research is very apparent, and it is a very powerful quality of hers that not many possess. It’s a valid thing to keep in mind when choosing her as your leader
  • Cagliostro has also been somewhat of a teacher, as she has extensive knowledge of the alchemy and spellcraft world, emphasizing her overall intelligence when it comes to moving throughout life

Pick Cagliostro if…

  • If you wanted a leader similar to Luna but for Runecraft, Cagliostro is perfect for you. She has similar mannerisms and often can act in childlike manners, despite being very intelligent 
  • If you enjoyed playing with Cagliostro in her home game, purchase her leader in the Shadowverse shop today! They are exactly alike in manner and phrasing
  • If you’d rather play with a different Runecraft leader versus default Isabelle, then Cagliostro is also for you. She will introduce you to an entirely different world of Runecraft! 

23. Zooey

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The fragments of consciousness all hoping to protect this world enveloped in stars and skies gathered together to give birth to this young girl as the arbitrator of the skies. With a legion of dragons by her side, she brandishes an azure blade ready to destroy any foe who dares to disrupt the balance of the world. Zooey is a Dragoncraft leader.

Zooey Review

  • Zooey’s own personal card is just as powerful as her personality, possessing the ability to take out the enemy leader in less than three strikes. Her bravery and determination was known well throughout her homeland and is now known throughout the game
  • Sometimes she possesses a bit of an overconfident attitude that can be questionable in serious situations, but not to worry. Zooey is incredibly loyal and refuses to give up on a fellow ally
  • Zooey is fiercely protective of her comrades, especially in battle, and that means you. Zooey is very brave and quite passionate when it fighting in general, so get ready for an intense battle

Pick Zooey if…

  • If you enjoyed Zooey and her personality from her home game, Granblue Fantasy, then go ahead and purchase her from the Shadowverse shop! She’s waiting for you!
  • If you wanted a younger Dragoncraft leader besides Rowen, Zooey is the right pick for you! Her young heart will definitely keep you going!
  • Zooey is definitely for you if you don’t mind a leader who doesn’t mind rushing into battle to take victory right from your opponent’s hands! Purchase her from the shop today!

24. Ferry 

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Nearly hidden by the swirling mists of her tiny island, Ferry offers up a lonely prayer: Please grant the lost souls of this place eternal rest. Please grant your blessings to the courageous yet weak life that departs this island for an uncertain future. Ferry is a Shadowcraft leader.

Ferry Review

  • Ferry is considered the protector of lost souls from her homeland, yet has little to no patience for anyone that might disturb her homeland. Her whip is used as a form of punishment to those who should interfere with the innocent spirits 
  • Ferry has an odd sense of style, dressing as if she belongs in an older time period. However, she is very well aware of her surroundings and still manages to pray for the spirits each day
  • She is considered to have a very sassy personality with little to no patience for others, although she is friendly on occasion 

Pick Ferry if…

  • If you want a less human-like Shadowcraft leader, Ferry is right up your alley. Just get ready to deal with a sassy personality and stinging whip
  • If you wanted to collect all of the Granblue Fantasy leaders, purchasing Ferry brings you one step closer to your goal
  • And finally, if you want to go for a more unconventional leader approach to Shadowcraft, purchase Ferry from the Shadowverse store today! You’ll be happy to have her on your side

25. Vira 

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This self-centered Knight journeyed to Knights Island. There her devotion to one woman turned into a dark obsession, driving her insane and leading to her earning her infamous moniker, Knight Fanatic. Vira is a Bloodcraft leader.

Vira Review

  • While very powerful and a useful ally in a fight, Vira’s knight obsession can become quite the hindrance when it comes to battling. Her emotions can sometimes get in the way of the important task at hand
  • However, her Bloodcraft card Blood Knight is one of the most powerful cards in the game, making purchasing her leader a better decision versus how productive it would have been had the card not existed. But they play very well together and the purchase is worth it
  • Vira is a merciless killer, unafraid of fighting to the death when necessary. Not much stops her from wreaking havoc in Granblue and Shadowverse 

Pick Vira if…

  • If you would rather have had a knight on your side versus a vampire or a child, then Vira is perfect for you. While damaging and slightly maniac, Vira’s strength knows no bounds
  • If you appreciated Vira in her home game, Granblue, then check out her leader in the Shadowverse store today!
  • If you’re interested in emotionally charged leaders, Vira is the leader for you. She makes for an interesting storyline and her emotions translate into her programmed phrases. Purchase Vira today!

26. De La Fille

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Daughter of a noble, De La Fille prides herself on her near-flawless gem collection. She set out on the sky in search of the one shimmering gem that slipped through her grasp. De La Fille is a Havencraft leader.

De La Fille Review

  • De La Fille’s own Havencraft card is key to overall success in the Havencraft Elana deck, meaning that her leader is just as useful. While she can be a bit dainty and not always interested in fighting, she is truly powerful 
  • De La Fille is a very kind leader who will never hesitate to help someone in need, although, in her home game Granblue, she can come across as a bit of a spoiled brat. That would have to be one of her main weaknesses 
  • De La Fille is a caring and healing soul, making her absolutely perfect for Havencraft’s nurturing general nature. She is a very gentle, kind, leader, and one of the most popular Havencraft leaders

Pick De La Fille if…

  • If you liked her character in Granblue Fantasy then you will definitely enjoy her as a leader in Shadowverse. She’s still the kind, gentle soul she always was
  • Want to experiment with different Havencraft leaders in general? Pick De La Fille today! She’ll give you a taste of what’s new with Havencraft and add a pinch of kindness to your day
  • Interested in a princess's success? Then De La Fille is the perfect Havencraft leader for you. Her kind disposition and friendly face make tough battles easier to bear. Check out De La Fille in the Shadowverse shop today!

27. Silva

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This distinguished sniper possesses a rare talent, but she never forgets to polish her technique. She hopes that one day her name will echo through the skies like a gunshot so that even the people in her sealed off hometown might hear. Very determined and quiet, Silva remains one of the most talented archers alive. Silva is a Portalcraft leader

Silva Review

  • Silva is a very solemn, hardworking individual, and can sometimes be mistaken as someone who has an inability to relax or make friends with her other comrades. However, this is not true, as Silva can be quite friendly when she chooses to be
  • Since Silva is such a talented sniper, her services were always requested across her land. While highly sought after, she always remained extremely humble and appreciative of those who paid for her work 
  • Silva’s own card, Silva, Ardent Sniper, is even a powerful Portalcraft card that allows you to do damage throughout the match instead of just in one turn if played at the correct moment. 

Pick Silva if…

  • If you want a powerful woman behind your Portalcraft helm, pick Silva, as she is the best in the business 
  • If you want to experiment with a Portalcraft leader other than Yuwan, or simply want to try something new for your Portalcraft, choose Silva! She’s waiting in the shop for you!
  • Did you enjoy Silva’s presence in Granblue? Then you’ll love her as your next Portalcraft leader! Visit the Shadowverse shop today!

Friends Of Mysteria

28. Anne

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A brilliant princess attending Mysteria Academy as a student. With her unparalleled magical talent, she wields an extraordinary amount of magic capable of powerful sorceries and summoning spells. She excels not only in her studies but also as a beloved student at the academy who puts her best foot forward for all people regardless of their background. Anne is a Runecraft leader.

Anne Review

  • Anne is a very cheerful young girl with a heart of gold and a spirit brave enough to face any foe thrown at her. And she has the talent to back it up, as well. Any Runecraft player would be grateful to have her on their side
  • Sometimes Anne’s naive streak can get the better of her, getting her into all sorts of trouble. It doesn’t discount her bravery or her power by any means, but it does mean that she should be careful 
  • Anne’s power is immense and should never be underestimated, making her a very powerful Runecraft leader to have on your side. Having someone as loyal as Anne on your side is asking for a victory 

Pick Anne if…

  • If you want a powerful and kind friend on your side during a Runecraft fight, Anne will always be there for you, never giving up. Her voice-overs are full of love and care, helping you genuinely enjoy your time 
  • If you want to experiment with a different Runecraft leader besides Isabelle, check out Anne! She has the knowledge, power, and skill to help you win any fight
  • Want a Mysterian leader to go with the Mysteria cards you can draw from card packs? Then pick Anne! After all, she comes in the Friends Of Mysteria pack. Check her out in the Shadowverse store today!

NetEase Shadowverse Leaders

29. Dietrich

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Dietrich is an elf bearing a unique, demonic lineage. Despite his coiffed appearance, he acts with a cold and calculating nature, stopping at nothing to eliminate his foes. While very powerful indeed, he possesses an extreme distaste towards humans and those he views as commoners. Dietrich is a Forestcraft leader

Dietrich Review

  • While very powerful, Dietrich is very disdainful towards others, having little to no patience with those he chooses to interact with. It will take a strong and determined heart to wrangle this one into submission 
  • Dietrich’s lack of care for others is very apparent in his killing style, as he can almost appear as a thoughtless assassin. However, his performances in battle suggest otherwise, and that Redemption can be very possible for him
  • Dietrich at least is strong-willed and refuses to give up in any type of dangerous situation. He prefers to be the one to make his enemies kneel to the ground in pain, not the other way around

Pick Dietrich if…

  • If you want one of the few male leaders for Forestcraft, the other being Selwyn, then Dietrich is the perfect leader for you. Especially if you want another leader that resembles an elf
  • Interested in more ruthless forms of Forestcraft victory? Well, look no further than Dietrich. His no-nonsense, set straight to kill attitude is what you are looking for here
  • And if you’re simply looking to collect every Forestcraft leader there is, of course, Dietrich would be on your list to purchase. He’s waiting in the Shadowverse store today! Go check him out!

30. Farin 

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A young girl who wields magic through paper talismans. Normally as gentle as spring, Farin is as cold as winter on the battlefield, dispatching her foes with rather impressive power. She is one of the most powerful mages of her world and is not to be underestimated in any way. Farin is a Runecraft leader.

Farin Review

  • While shy and slightly soft-spoken, Farin’s power is not to be underestimated in any way whatsoever. If so, she has been known to become quick to anger, bringing out the more dangerous side of her enemies prefer to avoid
  • Farin is still just a child, so she has been known to get rather emotional in what some would consider a serious situation, and sometimes this holds others back. Regardless, Farin is growing to be a stronger leader than she was before
  • Despite all of this, Farin makes up for her emotional shortcomings with her intense magical prowess. Her control over her talismans is second to none, making her a true force to be reckoned with 

Pick Farin if…

  • If you’re interested in a Luna-like counterpart for your Runecraft decks, then Farin is the perfect leader for you. Her mannerisms are very similar to Luna’s in her tone of voice, actions, and phrases 
  • Interested in collecting every Runecraft leader there is? Then Farin is definitely on your to-buy list! Check her out in the Shadowverse store today!
  • Like the idea of being tiny but mighty? Purchase Farin from the shop today! She can be underestimated in the beginning but pulls no punches in reality. She’ll help you surf your way to Runecraft victory!

Rage Of Bahamut 

31. Selwyn

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Selwyn is a battle-hardened hunter who protects the forest in which the elf king dwells. He became known for his evil-slaying prowess. There’s no prey that can escape from his eagle eyes. He will forever be one of the most powerful archers of his time. Selwyn is a Forestcraft leader

Selwyn Review

  • Selwyn is an extremely powerful archer, perhaps only paralleled by Arisa herself. His no-nonsense attitude means that hunts get done in a timely manner and that each shot is cleaner than the last. Although sometimes he can be accused of being too uptight by his comrades
  • Selwyn can be accused of being rather antisocial, choosing to spend the majority of his free time with his falcon. While surly and seemingly emotionless, Selwyn will always be there for a fellow soldier or partner in need. You’ll always be safe with him around
  • Selwyn’s own card is often used in the game today, one that serves as a powerful ward that does damage on its incoming turn. He himself strikes in the same way; first, fast and hard. 

Purchase Selwyn if…

  • If you’re looking to collect each Forestcraft leader in general, Selwyn would be on your to-buy list. You couldn’t possibly have a Forestcraft leader collection without one of the forest’s most powerful archers
  • Interested in one of the few male Forestcraft leaders? Choose Selwyn today! His tough attitude and master control over his falcon help put the masculine back in Forestcraft!
  • And if you want a skilled bowman on your side for your next fight, Selwyn is perfect for you! Put him at the helm of your latest Forestcraft deck and let his arrows fly you to victory!

32. Latham

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Latham fights relentlessly for the sake of his homeland. He’s a warrior who meets crises head-on with no hesitation, cutting down anything that gets in his path. Victory is assured when his war cries ring throughout the battlefield. A knight he is, Latham has always sworn to fight to the death for the name of justice. Latham is a Swordcraft leader.

Latham Review

  • As a very loyal and determined warrior, Latham will never leave another man behind on the battlefield. This is one of his greatest strengths as well as his weaknesses, meaning that he can sometimes lose sight of the bigger picture in the face of one person
  • Latham is very powerful physically, and could easily take down an entire squadron of enemies. However, he can sometimes act rather emotionally stunted, meaning that he has trouble understanding the more emotional aspects of dire situations 
  • Latham is a knight who is incredibly bound to his code, meaning just a step outside those personal rules means danger for anyone who dares to get on the bad side of those

Buy Latham if…

  • If you want a more male taste to your Swordcraft world, pick Latham today! He’s one of the only few in the whole game and the perfect knight for the job!
  • Have you been trying to collect each Swordcraft leader for quite some time now? If so, Latham is available in the Shadowverse store today!
  • Interested in a knight with a heart of gold leading your charge? Then Latham is right for your team!

33. Erasmus

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Blessed with magical skill, Erasmus is a sagacious summoner who can even command nature spirits. It may be hard to imagine, but his wit is as sharp as his magic. Erasmus sometimes bestows power on those who withstand his magical assaults. Erasmus is a Runecraft leader.

Erasmus Review

  • While seemingly frail, Erasmus is one of the strongest wizards from his world, his power nearly unparalleled. He’s been known for withholding tricks up his sleeve until the last moment, making strong, unavoidable attacks
  • Sometimes, however, Erasmus has the tendency to not take certain situations as serious as he potentially could. This is easily one of the reasons why some have a hard time viewing him seriously as a leader
  • However, when it comes down to it, Erasmus will always be the loyal friend and powerful wizard you need him to be in a tight match. His wizarding prowess is immense, meaning that you should definitely check him out in the shop!

Buy Erasmus if…

  • As the only currently available (there are new leaders yet to be released) male Runecraft leader, Erasmus is for those of you are looking for a male Runecraft leader or are interested in making your Runecraft deck more masculine. He’s in the shop right now!
  • If you enjoyed Erasmus as a character in Rage Of Bahamut, then you’ll surely enjoy him in Shadowverse! He hasn’t changed a bit!
  • If you’re looking to collect each and every Runecraft leader so that you have options available, purchase Erasmus from the store under the Rage Of Bahamut section today!

34. Forte

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Forte is the self-titled champion of the skies. She holds great pride in her spear techniques, piercing through enemies with a single thrust. Although she is born of the demon realm, surprise attacks and underhanded tactics are anathemas to her. She is proud, mighty, and surrenders to no foe. Forte is a Dragoncraft leader.

Forte Review

  • Forte is very brave and bold with not a bone of cowardice inside her. No monster or enemy has ever stood against her and lived to tell the tale. However, this has made her rather frightening to others, making her almost unapproachable 
  • Forte is also a very loyal warrior. Despite having demonic origins, Forte would never dream of leaving an ally behind. She firmly believes in sticking close with those you fight alongside with
  • When it comes to killing, Forte would prefer her killings to be quick, clean, and to the point. While from the demon realm, she still prefers her victims to be finished cleanly instead of in a brutal way 

Buy Forte if….

  • If you’re interested in a more feminine touch for your Dragoncraft decks, or simply want a different leader other than Rowen on your side, check out Forte in the shop today!
  • If you enjoyed Forte’s character presence in Rage Of Bahamut, check her out in the Shadowverse store today! You won’t regret it!
  • And if you’re looking to collect each Dragoncraft leader one by one, Forte is a stepping stone on the path to completion. If you’re interested in purchasing Forte, visit the shop today!

35. Mordecai 

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Mordecai is a duelist who desires to be locked in eternal battle. Having already lost his heart long ago, his form is the only proof that he was once human. His body is as cold as the dead of night, only warming when the blood of a rival washes over him. Known for his cruelty across the world of Rage Of Bahamut, Mordecai is nothing more than a stone-cold killer. Mordecai is a Shadowcraft leader.

Mordecai Review

  • While he may be powerful, Mordecai’s heart is as dark as the very pits of hell, making him a rather unfriendly foe. It’s always better to have him on your side versus against you. 
  • Mordecai shows little to no mercy concerning any of his foes, making short work of anyone who opposes him. He is an incredibly powerful Shadowcraft leader that commands armies similar to Swordcraft
  • Mordecai isn’t the most popular Shadowcraft leader there is, what with Shadowcraft being so feminine. But that doesn’t make him any less powerful than he is, as his own game cards can become incredibly overpowered 

Buy Mordecai if…

  • If you want one of the rare male Shadowcraft leaders, go to the Rage Of Bahamut section in the Shadowverse store today! You won’t regret it!
  • If you enjoyed Mordecai as a character in Rage Of Bahamut and would like to have him as your leader today, go to the store today!
  • Mordecai is a leader for those who believe in showing zero mercy when it comes to a fight, and if that’s you, don’t hesitate to add him to your Shadowcraft team today!

36. Vania 

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Vania is a young vampire who’s tiny but tremendous. One day she may reign over the night as queen vampire, but right now she only wants to have fun. Yes, Vania is young, but not inexperienced in the art of killing. Vampire style. Her control over the bats of the night is supreme and should never be underestimated. Vania is a Bloodcraft leader.

Vania Review

  • While not to be underestimated, it can sometimes be difficult to take her seriously because of her carefree attitude. This has gotten her into many an unwanted situation, however nothing that she couldn’t get out of 
  • Vania’s own card can be successfully used to make a powerful Forest Bat deck, making her leader equally as useful overall. 
  • While not as powerful or impactful as some of the others, Vania maintains a cheerful personality no matter the situation, something not a lot of other leaders can claim. If things are looking rough, Vania will always be there to make you smile 

Buy Vania if…

  • If you’re looking to complete a perfect Forest Bat deck, choose Vania today! Her cards drawn from the Bahamut card packs pair perfectly with Vania herself!
  • Did you enjoy Vania in the Rage Of Bahamut game? Perfect! Purchase her in the Shadowverse store today, she’s ready and waiting for you!
  • And if you’re looking to collect each and every Bloodcraft leader, then Vania is definitely on your to-purchase list! She’s in the shop for only five hundred rupies or five hundred crystals!

37. Garuda

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Garuda, with its wings of gold, acts as a sentinel of the heavens. Utilizing the power of the wind, it sometimes brings winds of fortune, and sometimes harsh gales of judgment. It protects all winged beings, watching over the world from high above. Garuda is a proud and noble leader, always doing what is just and right for the world. Garuda is a Havencraft leader.

Garuda Review

  • Garuda is a very noble and stoic creature, focusing only on the tasks at hand. This makes it a rather useful leader, yet it also makes it more than a bit of a stick in the mud. 
  • Garuda is loyal and would never leave another behind, making him a wonderful comrade to have by your side in battle. Not only that, but his in-game cards are some of the most powerful around
  • As one of the more uncommon Havencraft male leaders, he is also quite desirable in terms of unique strength and ability. This means that he is valued highly among many Havencraft players in general, including myself. While there might be other leaders slightly more popular than him, Garuda will forever be one of the best

Buy Garuda if…

  • If you desire a rare male Havencraft leader, then Garuda is the perfect leader for you! He’s waiting in the shop right now!
  • If you liked Garuda’s presence in his home game Rage Of Bahamut, you’ll love him as your new Havencraft leader in Shadowverse! Pay five hundred rupies or five hundred crystals today!
  • Finally, if you want to make it your goal to have every Havencraft leader on your side, Garuda should obviously be on your list today. Go visit the Shadowverse shop today!

Street Fighter V Leaders

38. Cammy

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​Cammy White is not only the next Forestcraft leader but a video game character from the game Street Fighter V as well. She was the second female fighter character in the series and was once a deadly clone assassin working for a criminal organization before breaking free and becoming an MI6 operative for the British government. But here, she’s just our next Forestcraft leader 

Cammy Review

  • Cammy is strong, forceful, determined, and has a firm sense of justice about her. She is also extremely outgoing, respectful, and enthusiastic towards those who have good hearts. She’s much like Arisa, the original Forestcraft leader 
  • She doesn’t believe in doing any more harm than necessary to an enemy, but will not hesitate to implement a few deadly techniques when they are needed. And if things happen to go wrong during a fight, she continually beats herself up about it 
  • Cammy, like Arisa, doesn’t believe that people who have loved ones by their side should fight. She is of the firm belief that if you have someone to look after, you should stay by their side and never leave

Buy Cammy if…

  • If you want a strong-hearted Forestcraft leader really similar to Arisa, then check Cammy out in the store today! They’re very much alike in that aspect!
  • If you really enjoyed Cammy’s presence in Street Fighter V you’ll surely love her in Shadowverse! She hasn’t changed one bit!
  • And finally, if you’re looking to collect every Forestcraft leader there is, Cammy will most definitely be on your list. She’s available in the Shadowverse store today!

39. Chun-Li

Body Image

An Interpol detective who fights using graceful but powerful kicks. She joined the organization at eighteen to investigate the whereabouts of her missing father. She is a resourceful and dedicated officer of the law with a very strong sense of justice. Chun-Li has dedicated her life to protecting the innocent and saving others. Chun-Li is a Swordcraft leader and can be used with any Swordcraft deck

Chun-Li Review

  • Chun-Li is highly disciplined, seasoned, and courageous. She often serves as the voice of reason among the others in stressful or intense situations. She takes her job as an officer very seriously and wears her badge with pride
  • Outside of law enforcement, Chun-Li has a very sweet, elegant, and feminine personality, although she is not without her flaws. She has been known to take fights with criminals a little too far
  • Chun-Li gets offended very easily when someone insults her pride as a cop, leading to more than a few violent face-offs. She can also seem slightly dense, not always seeing the clear picture right in front of her. However, this doesn’t stop her from being a great Shadowverse leader

Buy Chun-Li if…

  • If you’re interested in gathering together all of the Swordcraft leaders as a collection, purchase Chun-Li in the shop today!
  • If you enjoyed Chun-Li’s character in her original game, why not have her as a Swordcraft leader here in Shadowverse? You should!
  • And finally, if you would like another character that imitates Erika’s behavior quite a bit, go purchase Chun-Li today!

40. Juri

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Drawing immense joy from inflicting pain on others, Juri is a sadistic hedonist whose greatest pleasure is utterly laying waste to her opponents. Juri fights purely for the thrill of the battle, loving combat to the point where she gets irritated when it is denied to her. She can be provocative, suggestive, and flirty at the same time. Juri is a Runecraft leader and can be used with any Runecraft deck

Juri Review

  • Juri displays several traits of the “femme fatale,” being sexual, cunning, suggestive, and above all, deadly. She has little to no patience for those who cannot keep up with her mental or battle thought process
  • Sometimes she acts rather brooding and depressed. This has been thought by other characters to be her true personality, meaning that all of her bravado and violence was just a cover-up of the broken woman she is inside
  • However vengeful and ruthless she might be, Juri still possesses some semblance of honor. For example, she seems to despise fighting children and would refuse to kill one

Buy Juri if…

  • If you want a strong, ruthless warrior at the helm of your ship versus a mage, then Juri is the perfect leader for you! She even resembles Urias in a way!
  • Trying to collect each and every Runecraft leader? You can start with Juri today! Just travel to the store and purchase her now!
  • If you enjoyed Juri’s character in her original game, you’ll definitely enjoy her as your Runecraft leader in Shadowverse! If you’re interested in her that way, go to the store and buy her now!

41. Ryu

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Ryu is the main protagonist of Street Fighter V and he wanders the world pursuing the path of a true warrior. He is an experienced martial artist, highly focused on his training, aiming to become the strongest that he can. Ryu is often seen as quiet, meek, humble, and submissive. The exact opposite of Rowen, the original Dragoncraft leader. Ryu is a Dragoncraft leader and can be used with any Dragoncraft deck.

Ryu Review

  • Ryu is a very respectful individual who wanders the world with the desire to completely master his martial arts skills. He takes his traveling and his training very seriously.
  • He declines the more material possessions of a warrior in favor of succeeding and finding his next challenge. Ryu lives for his next fight, always searching for ways he can improve 
  • Though he doesn’t seek the role of a hero, he has a strong sense of justice. He desires to protect the innocent against predators and other tyrants, very similar to Rowen’s attitude towards his family

Buy Ryu if…

  • If you want a leader with the good qualities of a hero and a warrior, then purchase Ryu today! He’s always determined to do exactly what’s right.
  • If you want to play with Ryu just like you did in his home game, purchase him from the store today! You’ll never have a more loyal or brave leader by your side!
  • And if you’re looking to collect every Dragoncraft leader there is, go to the Shadowverse shop today and purchase Ryu! Your collection is just getting started!

42. M. Bison

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Leader of the underground crime syndicate Shadaloo. Despite getting on in years, his powers have only gotten stronger. M. Bison is motivated by his own self-serving interests and lust for absolute power through world domination. He is the main villain of Street Fighter V and is a psychopathic dictator and terrorist. M. Bison is a Shadowcraft leader and can be used with any Shadowcraft deck.

M. Bison Review

  • M. Bison seeks to rule his world with an iron fist, and will readily destroy anyone or anything who dares to stand between him and his nefarious plans. It seems only fitting that he would take control over ghouls and spirits 
  • He seems to be incapable of feeling empathy towards others and even seems to enjoy reveling in his opponents’ pain. He never seems to feel remorse or regret for anything he’s done either. M. Bison could very well be defined as a psychopath 
  • Bison also refers to himself in the third person, if mostly to emphasize his sense of self-importance. Concerning his opinion on other human beings, he views them more as pawns than people with genuine souls, meaning that if an associate of his were to die it wouldn’t matter to him

Buy M. Bison if….

  • If you’ve wanted to battle with a true villain at the helm this entire time, purchasing M. Bison from the Shadowverse shop today is the best bet for you! He certainly won’t disappoint!
  • If you’ve been looking for the last piece to completing your Shadowcraft leader collection, go ahead and purchase M. Bison! He’ll give your collection a rather sinister feel to it!
  • And finally, if you want to play with M. Bison as you would in his original game, he’s waiting right there for you in the store alongside his fellow characters!

43. Vega

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An impressive fighter hailing from Spain, he is a top leader within the crime syndicate, Shadaloo. Beauty, above all else, drives this narcissist. He is also the special bodyguard to M. Bison, and equally as deadly in terms of skill. Vega is a Bloodcraft leader and can be used with any Bloodcraft deck.

Vega Review

  • Vega is vain, overconfident, and nearly believes that he is completely invincible. Not only that, but he revels in the violent deaths of those he believes to be ugly or deformed. Most of these deaths he is responsible for
  • Vega has a stone-cold demeanor, lacking many other emotions in general. Narcissism and utter disdain for others often help him isolate himself from the other members of his own association, making him lonely
  • And finally, Vega does not wear his mask so that he can maintain a proper disguise, but that so his beautiful face will be protected from scratches and injuries. This is the epitome of his narcissism 

Buy Vega if…

  • If you’re interested in what seems to be a human version of Urias and would like to add him to your Bloodcraft leader collection, purchase Vega from the Shadowverse shop today!
  • If you liked Vega as a character in Street Fighters V, you’ll like him even more as a Bloodcraft leader in Shadowverse! He’s available in the shop for five hundred crystals today!
  • And if you’ve made it your goal to collect every single Bloodcraft leader, then Vega is on your way! Check him out in the Shadowverse store today! You won’t regret it!

44. Karin

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A haughty female fighter who is always boasting about her many victories. She combined techniques from various disciplines to create Kanzuki-Ryu martial arts. Karin is the ultimate princess in search of ever stronger opponents. While her personality has varied and changed throughout the game, one thing has remained the same; she has always retained her snobbiness, rich mannerisms, and the fact that she always acts before thinking. Karin is a Havencraft leader and can be used with any Havencraft deck.

Karin Review

  • She is extremely hateful and competitive to the point of obsession, turning her into more of an antagonist than anything. Her trademark laugh has even made its way from the game to Shadowverse itself
  • Karin is the exact opposite of most Havencraft leaders, an interesting juxtaposition that makes her unique from other leaders and desirable to other players 
  • At some point, in her home game, she is defeated in a fight and does end up admitting that perhaps she isn’t the best fighter out of them all. While it is a grudging admittance, it’s still more Havencraft like than the rest of her actions

Buy Karin if…

  • If you’re looking to collect every Havencraft leader, Karin is the next on your list! She’ll help you to absolutely smash the competition in online battles!
  • If you enjoyed Karin’s presence in Street Fighters V, then you’ll surely enjoy her in Shadowverse! Go check her out in the Shadowverse store today!
  • And finally, if you want a Havencraft leader completely different from the rest, Karin is definitely for you! She may not be as friendly or sympathetic, but she has power as well as style for you today!

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