[Top 5] RimWorld Best Melee Weapons and How To Get Them

RimWorld Best Melee Weapon
28 Oct 2020

Close quarters combat is always pretty intimidating in Rimworld unless you’ve got some beefy armor in your colony. Some people don’t even bother learning what you can do to optimize your melee fighters. It can be easier to focus on gunning down any threat before it even gets close. But this leaves you vulnerable in the event something manages to close that gap. Having at least one melee fighter will at least slow the charging sythers. 

5. Gladius-

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Slaying the foul llama, like a Roman gladiator.

The gladius is a very basic melee weapon. It’s cheap, but it’s sharp and against unarmored savages, it’ll manage. Its swing speed makes up for its slightly lower damage and armor penetration. 

What makes the gladius worth it?:

  • The cooldown on a swing of only 2 seconds.
  • An average DPS of 7.5.
  • Only costs 50 building material, and the best is Plasteel.

Gladius Stats: https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Gladius 

How do I get one?:

  • The gladius can always be purchased. They’re fairly common too.
  • Some raiders carry these and can always be looted. 
  • You can craft one at the Smithy. Use plasteel if you can.

4. Spear-

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A true primitive warrior,  spear hunting his lunch.

A more primitive weapon than the gladius. The spear fairs about equally in most respects, except against armored targets. The spear has a very high base armor penetration with moderate damage.

Spear over Gladius?

  • Higher base damage.
  • And armor penetration.

Spear Info: https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Spear 

How you get a spear.

  • They can be crafted at the Smithy.
  • Some primitive raiders will carry them.
  • They can be purchased from many traders.

3. Uranium Mace-

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Facing off with the fearsome panther, with nothing more than a dense mace.

The mace has roughly the same stats as the gladius. The difference is that when a mace is made of uranium its armor penetration is incredible. It’s the perfect melee weapon for tearing through armored raiders.

Uranium Mace=Best Mace:

  • 2-second swing cooldown.
  • Most effective against the heavier armors. 
  • Only 50 materials to make one. 

Mace wiki: https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Mace 

How to get a Mace:

  • They can be made at the Smithy. Use uranium if you can spare it.
  • Some melee raiders carry them.
  • Caravans regularly carry them.

2. Thrumbo Horn!-

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Razor-sharp horn of the mighty Thrumbo.

Thrumbo horn is an exotic treasure and an incredible melee weapon. The majestic wild thrumbo is an enormous beast sporting a rock hard and razor-sharp horn on the top of its head. You are welcome to try and take the creature down for its horn but you’ll have a hard time. Best you wait until later in the game when you get some high-end guns.

Close to the very best weapon!:

  • High armor penetration.
  • High damage.
  • 2.6-second swing cooldown.
  • Better than even the Steel longsword.

Thrumbo Horn Stats: https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Thrumbo_horn 

How do I get my hands on the Thrumbo Horn?:

  • Kill and butcher an adult thrumbo.
  • Good luck.
  • Maybe a trader? It’ll be crazy expensive. 

1. Plasteel Longsword-

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A hi-tech material used to make a medieval melee weapon for the poshest feudal lords.

While the thrumbo horn is better than the steel longsword, the plasteel longsword has much higher swing speed and DPS. Just another example of how the material of the weapon has a great effect on its performance. With the help of some great armor, an expert melee pawn would be a menace with one of these.

The very best melee weapon:

  • Being made of plasteel it swings faster than the spear.
  • The plasteel longsword has the highest DPS.
  • Second highest base damage for a melee weapon.

Longsword info: https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Longsword 

How do I make a plasteel longsword:

  • It costs 100 materials to make at the smithy.
  • They can always be purchased, although it’ll be expensive. 
  • Hopefully, you won’t encounter raiders with these but it’s possible. 

Melee can be scary when you’re starting a game, but you shouldn’t ignore it. A skilled melee fighter with a good weapon and armor can dominate a battlefield. Just remember that some weapons are better than others, and if you can you should support melee with ranged. 

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