Resident Evil HD Remaster Best Ending - All Endings Reviewed

Resident Evil Remake, Resident Evil Remake ending, Resident Evil Remake bad ending, Resident Evil Remake best ending, Resident Evil worst Ending, resident Evil remake worst ending, Resident Evil HD remaster best ending, Resident evil HD remaster worst ending
22 Mar 2022

Despite being a 20-year-old game,  the survival horror classic, Resident Evil Remake, still manages to lure gamers in, both newcomers and hardcore fans alike, terrifying them on each of their visits to the dark and claustrophobic hallways of the spencer mansion and uncovering its many secrets through two distinct scenarios. 

And with twelve endings to unlock, it can prove to be quite difficult and even daunting for some to achieve, but luckily, we’re here to guide you on your way to this undead-infested mansion to see the light of day.



#1.  Best Ending

The best possible ending for Jill Valentine’s scenario sees you escaping the spencer mansion, with two other survivors, Chris and the powerful against all living things, Barry. The mansion explodes as they fly away into the sunset.

How to Get this Ending:

  • Start the playthrough as usual, following the game’s bread crumbs to know which puzzle to solve and ensure that you stay alive at each encounter with the mansion’s undead inhabitants until you finally reach the altar, one of the mansion’s many underground secrets.
  • Make sure you save at the nearby typewriter before making your way to the altar. It’s located right next to the door which you came in, (this will be needed if you want to obtain the other endings without replaying through the entire scenario multiple times). Make your way to the damp claustrophobic path that leads to the altar, where you’ll come across Barry, who then reveals himself to be a traitor of the group.
  • Once the terrifying Lisa Trevor enters the scene, you will be given the option to return his gun, but since we want to achieve the best possible ending for Jill, make sure you give it back to him so he could assist you with the encounter. However , you’ve still got to make sure that he manages to make it out alive this fight, as he could still die if Lisa attacks him 
  • Now that Barry has been saved from the harrowing encounter, it’s now Chris Redflied’s turn, who, after disappearing at the start of the game, finds himself locked behind a cell. To get to him, you must gather three MO Disks (you can also save the game right before you visit Chris to use it as a shortcut for unlocking the other endings). 
  • With the duo finally reunited, make your way back above ground, pass the save room, dispatching or avoiding the enemies who stand in your way. Then enter the helipad, where you’ll face off the big bad itself, the tyrant.
  • Chris will be knocked out but don’t worry as he will still be alive by the end of the fight, however, like with Lisa's boss fight, you must make sure that your scenario partner, Barry, is not attacked by the tyrant. You can do this by grabbing its attention whenever it approaches him. After the tyrant sustains enough damage, a rocket launcher will fall from the sky, provided by Brad Vickers; pick it up and use it against the tyrant, putting an end to both its life and the game. 

#2. Two Survivors Ending (Without Barry)

With the Tyrant defeated and the mansion destroyed, the remaining survivors escape via a helicopter. Jill leans against Chris’ arm as he gazes off into the distance.

How to Get this Ending:

  • Start the scenario from the start, (or reload the save file you made right before you saved Chris) and proceed as usual, however, if you did start with a new save, you must still save Barry from the hands of Lisa at the altar, as this may lead to a different ending route.
  • Before facing the final boss, make sure to save Chris using the three MO Disks.
  • Continue on with the game, until you reach the final boss encounter with the tyrant. However, instead of saving Barry by distracting it, let it approach and kill him.

#3. Barry's Backstory

Out of all Jill’s endings, this one is probably the most unique. This ending delves deeper into Barry’s backstory, with the two survivors talking before riding off into the sunset, while Chris’ fate is left ambiguous. 

How to Get this Ending:

  • Start the scenario from the start (or reload the save file where you were about to save Chris), then once you’ve come across Barry at the altar, choose the option to return his gun, so he could aid you in the fight, while still making sure that he manages to survive the encounter.
  • (If you started a new scenario with a new save file) Once you’ve arrived in the underground labs, to save time and inventory space, do not attempt to pick up the three MO Disks placed around the area; instead, continue on with the intended path until you reach the helipad, without saving Chris. There, with Barry by your side, you’ll face off the tyrant one last time. Defeating it will grant you this unique ending.

#4. Lone Survivor

The helicopter arrives, just in time before the mansion explodes, saving the lone survivor, Jill, who looks into the distance and takes off her beret.

How to Get this Ending:

  • Start the scenario (or reload a save file, right before saving Chris) but make sure Barry survives the encounter with Lisa Trevor.
  • Do not attempt to pick up any of the three MO Disks and make your way to the boss fight. Avoid trying to save Barry from being attacked by the tyrant, and you must end the game with him dying on the helipad to secure the ending.

#5. Bad Ending (With Chris)

The mansion explodes from afar, and the two remaining survivors, Chris and Jill flee via helicopter The spencer mansion still stands, with an eye watching them fly off, implying that the Tyrant is still alive.

How to Get this Ending:

  • Start the scenario again, following the same path as before until you reach the altar where you’ll face off against Lisa Trevor, (if you saved right before the boss fight, simply reload it to return to the point where you were given a choice to save Barry but this time, instead of returning Barry’sgun to help you and defend himself, choose to keep it. While attempting to pick up his gun, Barry will be knocked out and fall into the abyss. 
  • Continue your run and save Chris in his cell using the three  MO Disks. The most significant changes in this ending are that there will be no final encounter with the tyrant, the self-destruct will not be triggered, and the two remaining survivors will be able to escape freely. 

#6. Bad Ending (Alone)

This ending plays out exactly the same as the Lone Survivor ending, with the only difference being the mansion not exploding and the tyrant remains alive, watching the helicopter fly away.

How to Get this Ending:

  • Start a new playthrough (or load the save file where you were about to face off Lisa Trevor, or the save file before the tyrant encounter, as long as Barry was not saved in the altar), then when you’re given the option to save Barry at the altar, make sure you don’t return it to him; this results in you either getting the Bad Ending with Chris or the Alone Bad Ending, but we’ll try to unlock the latter for this run. 
  • To save time, do not pick up any of the MO Disks once you’ve arrived at the underground labs; instead, make your way to the helipad, where the game will end.           


#1. Best Ending

Chris’ ending plays out similarly to Jill’s best ending, with you surviving the mansion with Jill Valentine and another survivor, Rebecca Chambers, your exclusive scenario partner, in place of Barry. 

How to Get this Ending:

  • Start a new playthrough in Chris’ scenario and proceed with the game as usual until you return to the mansion after visiting the residence house. When you hear a scream, rush back to the room where you obtained the dog whistle as quickly as possible There you’ll find Rebecca being terrorized by a single hunter and you have to kill it to save her.
  • Continue your run, then once you arrive at the laboratories, collect the three MO Disks placed around the area  to save Jill inside a cell (also save the game right before saving her to avoid replaying large sections of the game later to achieve other endings). 
  • Once we finally face off the final boss, the tyrant, Jill will be knocked out right before the fight begins although she will still be alive after it, Rebecca, however, still remains to be saved. By firing at the tyrant, you can divert its attention away from her.  Once the tyrant sustains enough damage, pick up the rocket launcher thatBrad Vickers provided and attack the tyrant with it.

#2. Two Survivors Ending (Without Rebecca)

Essentially the same cutscene as Jill’s Two Survivor Ending (without Barry), with the two remaining survivors soaring off into the sunset.

How to Get this Ending:

  • Start the scenario from the start and make sure to save Rebecca from the hunter that’s attacking her (or reload a save file the one before you face off the final boss), letting her die at the hands of the hunter could lead you to a different ending route.
  • Before facing the tyrant, use the three MO Disks to free Jill from her cell. Then, when you get to the helipad, do not attempt to save Rebecca if it tries to kill her.

#3. Rebecca

Chris’ most unique ending provides a hopeful tone, with him assuring Rebecca that she did well considering the circumstances, as the two rides off into the sunset.

How to Get this Ending:

  • Start the scenario, (or reload the save file where you’re about to rescue Jill) make sure Rebecca survives the encounter with the Hunter in the mansion.
  • (If you started a new save file) When you reach the laboratories, do not pick up any of the three  MO Disks; instead, go to the helipad and fight off the tyrant, one last time. Make sure that Rebecca survives the encounter as well to achieve this unique ending.

#4. Lone Survivor

The helicopter arrives just as the mansion is about to explode, saving the lone survivor, Chris, who is exhausted from his ordeal.

How to Get this Ending:

  • Start the playthrough, (or reload the save file, before saving Jill) make sure that Rebecca survives the hunter’s onslaught for her to be present in the final boss fight.
  • Do not attempt to collect the three MO Disks and make your way to the boss encounter. Make sure Rebecca dies at the helipad while trying to fight the Tyrant. 

#5. Bad Ending (With Jill)

Another repeat ending, this time copying Jill’s bad ending with Chris. The tyrant can still be seen watching them from the distance, where the mansion still stands.

How to Get this Ending:

  • Start the scenario from the start while playing the game normally, (or reload the save file where you are given the option of saving Rebecca) until you hear a scream, but you must ignore it and just continue on with the intended path.  
  • Pick up the three MO Disks once you arrive at the laboratory, then save Jill from her imprisonment before taking on the final battle.
  • Make your way to the helipad, where the game will end without a last encounter with the tyrant. 

#6. Bad Ending (Alone)

The final ending to unlock sees you surviving the mansion by yourself, while the mansion remains standing as the tyrant watch from afar.

How to Get this Ending:

  • Start another run (or reload the save file where you are given the option to save Rebecca), when you return to the mansion area and hear a scream, ignore it and continue on solving puzzles.
  • After reaching the laboratories, skip the three MO Disks items and head directly to the instead go straight to the helipad.


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