Rainbow 6 Siege Best Loadouts For Each Operator (Updated 2019)

Rainbow 6 Siege Best Loadouts For Each Operator
05 Jun 2019

For our readers that have been keeping up with the recent articles there is no doubt that you have seen Rainbow Six Siege peeking its head into the Esport community. This is for good reason as Rainbow Six Siege offers intense, heart pounding gameplay for our tactical FPS fans out there. Siege is a 5v5 style shooter with 2 teams; defenders and the attackers. Siege comes with a few different game modes to keep you entertained. You can play hostage, secure area, or bomb. Each game mode will have the 2 teams taking turns defending or attacking the objectives (the hostage, area, or bomb sites). If you have not checked out this title yet stop what you are doing, play it and be prepared to fall in love with Rainbow Six Siege. However, before you do let us break down each operator’s loadout and give you what we think are the best options to dominate the competition.


Rainbow 6 Siege Best Attacker Loadouts


Maverick Best Loadout

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Maverick – Ranked in the top 2% in intelligence. He enlisted with the U.S. Army after High School and was promoted to high ranking officer in a short amount of time. 

Primary: M4 assault rifle

It is a difficult choice, but the M4 rifle takes the cake. The AR- 15.50 has higher damage but takes a hit in the low rate of fire. The  M4 has less damage but not by much, with AR 15 has 62 compared to M4’s 44 damage output. If you include the M4 rate of fire of 750 RPM you can’t help but pick it. It only gets better with an ACOG scope, flash hider, and vertical grip attachment.

Secondary: 1911 TACOPS

The only choice here is the 1911 handgun. Luckily it isn’t bad, but with a muzzle break, it could get better.

Gadget: Claymore

Personally, if the claymore is available I would get it. Maverick is more efficient when he sneaks up to the walls and makes holes for him to get some kills from. A claymore when be a good idea to place around a corner just in case of an unexpected attack from the enemy.


Nomad Best Loadout 

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Nomad – Joined the military at age 19 and specializes in Counterterrorism.

Primary: ARX200 assault rifle

With the damage of 47 and 750 RPM, it is clearly the best choice. Plus, add an ACOG scope to it and sprinkle in a muzzle break and you got yourself a good loadout.

Secondary: .44 Mag Semi-Auto handgun

Same as Kaid it is the only choice of secondary guns. Same gun, same attachment. Add a laser if you really desire it, but I prefer no laser.

Gadget: AirJab launcher

Knock down enemies who get too close and flush out those who are hunkering down.


Gridlock Best Loadout 

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Gridlock – After university, Fairous joined the Army branch of the Australian Defense Force, where she honed her mechanical prowess. 

Fairous also has expertise in a range of weapons, intelligence gathering and close protection duties, and has the ability to adapt to unexpected situations and remain calm in dangerous situations

Primary: F90

The rate of fire is what makes this gun better of the two. While this has slightly lower damage, it overall is a better gun with the moderate recoil and nice rate of fire.  I believe currently in this state of the gun, a flash hider is a better option. Also, slap on that vertical grip and you got yourself a decent gun!

Secondary: Super Shorty

You have a choice between a handgun or a shotgun. It’s best to go with the shotgun in most cases as it would give you the to blow open walls and get some sweet kill holes.

Gadget: Breach Charge

You usually can never go wrong with a breach charge. Unless you feel like a smoke grenade will go nicely with your strategy then I say go for it.


Sledge Best Loadout

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Sledge – A Physical Powerhouse That Holds The All-Time Speed And Strength Record For The S.A.S. Entry Exam.

Primary Weapon: L85A2 Assault Rifle

The L85A2 is really your only option here. Not to say that you could not run with the M590A1 Shotgun, but the L85A2 gives you the ability to win medium to long range fights with 47 damage, 670 rounds per minute (RPM), and a 30 round magazine. Plus shotguns do not come with a 4x ACOG sight to allow for peaking angles enabling you to pick off defenders while maintaining your distance. Add a vertical grip and compensator to create a tight shot grouping.

Secondary: SMG-11 (Submachine Gun)

This submachine gun is one of the best secondary in the game, I think the SMG-12 is better, but we will get to that. The SMG-11 will give you 33 damage, which is pretty good for an SMG. The best part about this weapon is the 1270 RPM rate of fire that will have you shredding opponents into pieces. The 16 round clip is a slight downfall, but if you land your shots it should not matter for you anyway. For this SMG I like to add a compensator since there is only 16 rounds and the rate of fire is pretty quick, you won’t burst fire this one too much.

Gadet: Frag Grenade

I like frag grenades with Sledge since he can decimate soft walls and barricades in an instant.You can follow that up with a cooked frag grenade for a devastating effect.


Thatcher Best Loadout

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Thatcher – Was The Oldest Operator In The S.A.S. Until Being Recruited By Rainbow.

Primary: L85A2 Assault Rifle

Yes, this is the same weapon as used by Sledge, however, it is still the best choice for Thatcher as well. The other assault rifle is the AR33, which only gives you 41 damage compared to the 47 of the L85A2 and only 25 rounds per clip. The AR33 has a slightly higher RPM at 749 (compared to L85A2’s 670), however, the recoil on the L85A2 I feel is a little bit more manageable. I would go with the compensator to be able to lay down accurate rapid fire and a vertical grip to ensure a tight shot group. Don’t worry about the shotgun in this loadout, unless you are feeling really crazy.

Secondary: P226 MK 25

This is a really easy choice, because it is the only one. That said this pistol is a fine choice to be stuck with. It will dish out 50 damage and has a modest 15 rounds per clip, where you will have to make sure you land shots, but you have enough to adjust fire. With the higher damage put a muzzle break on this beast to keep those single shots on target.

Gadget: Claymore

If you are running Thatcher then chances are you also have a breacher that you are supporting (i.e. Hibana or Thermite). With that said I would run claymore to protect your flank or rear as you and your breacher are focused on the reinforced barricade.


Ash Best Loadout

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Ash – Although She is an FBI Operator, Ash was born in Israel And Spent Time In Israel’s IDF

Primary: R4-C Assault Rifle

The R4-C is a great assault rifle for medium range engagements, it has a 41 damage and a 30 round clip that comes out at 860 RPM. Manage the recoil with a compensator and vertical grip for nailing those headshots. For Ash use a Holo sight instead of an ACOG. Ash is a breach and clear type of operator. She does not typically hold down long angles that an ACOG is needed for.

Secondary: 5.7 USG Pistol

I prefer this sidearm over the M45 MEUSOC pistol. Yes, the M45 hits harder, at 58 damage, but it only has 7 rounds with a vicious recoil. The 5.7 USG will still give you 42 damage and allows you to shoot 20 rounds before reload. Put a muzzle break on for a tighter shot group just in case you have to pull this guy out.

Gadgets: Stun Grenade

Since Ash already has the ability to breach soft walls and wood barricades there is no reason to really run her with breach charges, but hey it’s your loadout and at the end of the day I am just here for moral support. Roll with stun grenades, they compliment Ash’s quick breach and clear capability nicely and can also be used to support the team’s push.


Thermite Best Loadout

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Thermite – Is A Former Marine That Earned A Degree In Chemistry After His Military Service. After His Schooling He Decided To Join The FBI.

Primary Weapon: 556XI Assault Rifle

Thermite only comes with 2 choices for your primary option and one of them is a shotgun. The 556XI is the choice we recommend since it offers 47 damage at a 690 RPM pace and 30 rounds per clip. For attachments run with an ACOG, vertical grip, and a flash hider. Without the vertical grip this weapon has a pretty nasty kick, more than most assault rifles, and you want to be able to hold long angles after your charge detonates. The flash hider will compliment your peaking after you open up that nice shooting lane. It will keep your shots tight while firing in those short bursts.

Secondary: 5.7 USG

Thermite’s secondary loadout is the same 2 pistol choices as Ash, so nothing changes here. Attach a muzzle break for good measure as well.

Gadgets: Claymore

As Thermite you will be approaching barricades in order to use your charge. When you do this it makes you a nice target for defenders to try and flank you while you are vulnerable. Equip a claymore to cover those flank routes and rely on your teammates to supply the stun grenades.


Twitch Best Loadout

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Twitch – She Competed In Many Computer Programming Competitions, Which Led Her To Join the Army Cadets At Sixteen.

Primary Weapon: F2 Assault Rifle

Not that this is a popularity contest, but we would get some complaints if we did not recommend this weapon, this is for good reason though. The F2 assault rifle is one of the best assault rifles in the game. It does not have the most damage, but clocks in at a modest 40 damage. You will have 30 round clips like most other assault rifles, but the game changer is the rate of fire. With the F2 you are getting 960 RPM and if you attach a vertical grip you are still getting a low recoil (a win, win). With a higher rate of fire go with a Holo sight (ACOG is too bulky on the top rail), and a flash hider since you should be using this one in short bursts.

Secondary: P9 Pistol

This is really your only choice, the Magnum is just too big of a beast to handle and not worth the slot. The P9 comes with a very low recoil compared to the hand cannon and comes with 16 rounds per clip, plenty of chances to finish off that kill. Adding a Muzzle break will make this your trusty sidearm.

Gadgets: Claymore

Protect those flanks and equip a claymore. They will get you more kills than you think.


Rainbow 6 Siege Best Attacker Loadouts (Continue On Next Page)

Montagne Best Loadout

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Montagne – Monty Is The Oldest Operator In The French GIGN Unit. He Is Also Very Protective Of His Teammates (Hence The Shield) 

Primary: Extendable Shield, this is your only option. However, with this shield you can cover your entire body so it is great for peeking in windows or doors because your shield will eat all the bullets.

Secondary: P9 Pistol

Montagne, or “Monty”, has the same secondary options as Twitch. You can go for the Clint Eastwood style kill if you want, but you should probably go with the P9 again.

Gadget: Smoke Grenades

Monty is obviously a support operator and that’s why I like to use smoke grenades. You can help out a Glaz, or lay down some smoke and help protect the defuser in bomb.


Blitz Best Loadout

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Blitz – Apparently Likes To Use Humor To Help In Stressful Situations And Also His Shield….With Flash Included.

Primary: Flash Shield

Just like Monty this is the only choice you are going to get for a primary. This shield has a special ability though. It has a flash built into the front of it so you don’t need flash grenades!

Secondary: P12 Pistol

Again, this is going to be your only sidearm, but it is not all bad. The P12 puts out 44 damage and has 15 rounds to spare. Put on a muzzle break for accuracy and also attach a laser to this as well to increase your hip fire behind your shield.

Gadget: Breach Charges

I like to roll with breach charges on Blitz since he will then be able to open other angles and safely peek with his shield and then flash unsuspecting opponents for easy kills.


IQ Best Loadout

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IQ – She Has An Ivy League Education In Electrical Engineering And Also Works In GSG9’s Technical Testing Branch.

Primary: 552 Commando Assault Rifle

The 552 Commando is a little bit better option than the AUG A2 assault rifle. The Commando gives you slightly better damage at 48, instead of 42, but it will come with a slightly lower rate of fire at 690 RPM. The tradeoff is negligible and you might have to try both to see what will work for you. However, stay away from the G8A1 light machine gun, just stay away. Back to the Commando. Run it with a vertical grip (the AUG A2 has a built in one, but does not reduce the recoil as well), a flash hider, and finally a Holo sight. IQ is more of a medium range operator with her Primary weapons, so the Holo sight and flash hider will allow you to peek tighter angles without getting tunnel vision and also will help for those short bursts.

Secondary: P12

This is the same pistol as Blitz and it is also IQ’s only secondary option. However, instead of a muzzle break and laser for Blitz, equip IQ’s with a silencer and lose the laser. The silencer will help when you are shooting enemy gadgets with IQ’s ability. If you have to take a couple of shots to destroy something, the silencer will not give away your position.

Gadget: Frag Grenade

I prefer frag grenades over the breach charges, but it really depends on who your teammates are playing as and if they have a breach capability. Using frags with IQ is great since she can see enemy active defense systems and not waste them like other operators.


Glaz Best Loadout

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Glaz – This Expert Marksman Also Has Years Of Service In VIP Protection Duty.

Primary: OTs-03 Marksman Rifle

Glaz only has 1 primary option in his marksman rifle and that is because the flip sight it has is his ability. This special sight highlights enemy operators in yellow and is able to see through smoke. You can still choose the normal sight though and for that I would recommend the reflex sight. The reflex allows you to see more through it and sits up on the rifle nicely, unlike the Holo sight. Muzzle break is a must since your weapon is semi-automatic.

Secondary: GSH-18 Pistol

I recommend this pistol because I will sacrifice damage for a bigger clip and lower recoil. The GSH-18 still puts out 44 damage with an 18 round clip. The PMM is more of your high damage, high recoil sidearm and only has 8 rounds. No need to be sneaky and put a silencer with Glaz, go with the muzzle break for a tight shot group.

Gadget: Smoke Grenades

Did I mention that Glaz’s ability allows you to see through smoke? So therefore equip smoke, simple as that.


Fuze Best Loadout

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Fuze – Is A Master Tinkerer That was Born In Uzbekistan And Emigrated To Russia Just Before The Fall Of The Soviet Union.

Primary: AK-12

The AK-12 has 45 damage, 850 RPM rate of fire, and 30 rounds per magazine. This weapon, and really the other options as well, has a pretty high recoil. So, a vertical grip is a must to try and tame the kick. I like to use the compensator because I can usually time the Cluster Charge with an entry so I will need a lot of volume to clear the room.

Secondary: GSH-18 Pistol

Same 2 choices as with Glaz and I still recommend the GSH-18 with a muzzle break.

Gadget: Breach Charge

I really like the breach charge with Fuze because you can set your Cluster Charge on one entry point, move to another and use a breach charge on that one. The effect that you get is a simultaneous Cluster Charge and breach entry to really throw the defenders into chaos.

Rainbow 6 Siege Best Attacker Loadouts (Continue On Next Page)

Buck Best Loadout

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Buck – Is A Pragmatic Operator Who Enjoys The Simple Mechanical Devices Over Sophisticated Tech Solutions.

Primary: C8-SFW Assault Rifle

I know a lot of players really enjoy the CAMRS Marksman rifle, but with only 20 rounds and a lot of kick, I think you can do better. The C8-SFW offers more rounds per clip and the ability to engage at closer ranges. I find this more useful with Buck than Blackbeard because of the under barrel shotgun ability that Buck brings with him. If you are going to open holes or try to “wall bang” an opponent you are going to have to get pretty close, so more bullets at a faster rate of fire will do you good. I still like the ACOG for Buck because he can be versatile and play the longer angles as well. For the C8-SFW run with a flash hider for quick peeking bursts and a laser. The laser is for your under barrel shotgun since most of the time you will be firing it from the hip.

Secondary: MK1 9mm

You only get one choice here. The MK1 will still give you 48 damage and 13 round per clip, which is not bad there just nothing really special about it. Run this pistol with a muzzle break and you should be all set.

Gadgets: Frag Grenades

Buck can open up walls which means he can throw grenades through them (pretty simple). However, go with the frags since you can surprise enemies and get come good kills.


Blackbeard Best Loadout

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Blackbeard – Raised In The Pacific Northwest, This Operator Had Wanted To Be A SEAL Since A Very Young Age And Had His Whole Life To Achieve That Goal.

Primary: SR-25 Marksman Rifle

The marksman rifle is a beast and it is oh so satisfying to land headshots with. The SR-25 has a very high 72 damage output, but still has a 20 round magazine. For attachments the ACOG is a must to hold those long angles and peek through barricades. The vertical grip will help with recoil and it is the only under barrel option anyway. Finally, the muzzle will close this primary loadout to help with the semi-automatic fire. If you do go with the MK17 CQB assault rifle equip an ACOG, flash hider, and vertical grip.

Secondary: D-50 Pistol

The D-50, also referred to as the “Deagle”, is your only option here and packs a good punch at 71 damage, but of course the tradeoff is a ridiculous recoil and only 7 rounds per clip. No muzzle break allowed on this sidearm, the only thing you can equip is a laser, which seems pretty useless.

Gadget: Stun Grenades

I really like the stun grenades with Blackbeard. It will allow you to open a window, throw a flash in, and peek through to take out any blinded opponents. You can do this in multiple windows to throw off the defenders and then circle back to another window for a flank. Your other option is breach charges (meh).


Capitão  Best Loadout

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Capitão – Souza Was Actually Captured While Clearing A House And Tortured For 2 Months. But He Endured With Stoicism Even After Receiving Irreversible Damage To His Body (Hence The Eye Patch)

Primary: PARA-303 Assault Rifle

At 48 damage and 30 rounds per clip this assault rifle is pretty standard across the board, nothing really special. However, it is better than the M249 light machine gun that has low damage (33) and higher recoil. One bright side to the M249, if you choose that path, is that it has a 100 round drum if you need to kill…a lot. For the assault rifle equip an ACOG, since it has a slower rate of fire than most so the shot group is pretty good. I like the compensator here and the vertical grip to give me more control over the rapid fire.

Secondary: PRB92 Pistol

Only one sidearm here…again, and that is the PRB92 pistol. It has 42 damage and 15 rounds to play with. Put a muzzle break to cap off this pistol before you leave the lobby.

Gadget: Claymore

If you haven’t gotten the theme here by now, it is that if an operator can run claymores you should take them (situation dependent of course)..


Hibana Best Loadout

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Hibana – Means “Spark” In English, She Received This Nickname Due To Her Explosive Leadership.

Primary: Type-89 Assault Rifle

Although I do not think that the Type-89 is as good of a weapon as when it first came out, it is better than the supernova. That is not to say that the supernova is a bad shotgun, it just should not be your primary choice. The Type-89 however should be paired with an ACOG, so when you open up a barricade you can already be peeking for stragglers. Equip the flash hider, for the type-89 the flash hider will do more than the vertical grip will, just fire in smaller bursts.

Secondary: Bearing 9 Machine Pistol

This weapon is an awesome secondary. It has 33 damage, which is not bad for a machine pistol, plus it has an 1100 RPM fire rate which will take an opponent’s face right off. You will have 25 rounds to kill your target before reload, which should be more than enough. Equip a red dot sight and compensator to get the most out of that 1100 RPM rate of fire.

Gadget: Stun Grenades

I like the stun grenades here over the claymores, simply because of Hibana’s ability to open barricades and toss in a flash to peek or help a teammate push the advantage. Though claymores are never a bad option.


Jackal Best Loadout

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Jackal – After Attending Several Courses In Survival, Tactical Desert Navigation, And Specialized Combat Diving Practice, Jackal Is The Best Asset Of The G.E.O. to Track HVTs and Drug Shipments.

Primary: PDW9 Submachine Gun

This submachine gun was made into an assault rifle platform and gets you 28 damage, which is not a lot sure. However, it does have a drum magazine with 50 rounds and has an 800 RPM rate of fire. I like the Holo sight on this weapon since it is a submachine gun at heart and the ACOG is just a little too much. Instead of the vertical grip, go with the angle grip to get the Holo sight up faster. Finish this weapon off with a laser sight just in case a roamer surprises you, you can start engaging from the hip and not have to worry about accuracy too much.

Secondary: ITA12S

I really enjoy this side arm pick. It is a shotgun that does not take up a primary slot which is a bonus and it can take out soft walls and barricades. All this is great for “wall banging” potential roamer spots or opening up avenues of approach to catch defenders off guard. I would not recommend a sight, because I think they just get in the way. However, I would say put a laser on this weapon just to help keep the spray tighter.

Gadget: Breach Charges

Unless you are playing with a Glaz or on Bomb, I would go with breach charges. Jackal is a roam killer, which typically means he is off by himself and I like to have my own breach charges for that reason. But, like I said depending on the situation, you can roll smokes to be a good team support.

Rainbow 6 Siege Best Attacker Loadouts (Continue On Next Page)

Ying Best Loadout

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Ying – “Firefly” Was In The Close Protection Unit before Joining The Special Duties Unit. However, She Realized How limited Her Means Were After A High Stakes Money Exchange During A Kidnapping Situation, Which Drove Her To Be An All-Purpose Operative.

Primary: T-95 LSW Light Machine Gun

Although Ying has 2 primaries, one is a shotgun that only does 35 damage and still kicks like a shotgun. I am not a big fan of running attackers with shotguns to begin with, but I have seen it done before. The T-95 is still not a bad weapon, it deals 34 damage and comes out at 800 RPM (not too bad for a machine gun and better than Zofia’s). The other perk is that it does have an 80 drum magazine so you should have plenty of shots. Due to the machine gun nature add a vertical grip for recoil control and a compensator when laying down large volumes of fire. Ying is also a room clearer, since her ability is flash grenades on steroids. You are going to be clearing rooms a lot, so I would roll with a Holo sight, this way you do not get sucked into your ACOG.

Secondary: Q-929 Pistol

Easy choice here as there is only one, the Q-929. This pistol deals an impressive 60 damage and has 10 rounds in the clip. Add a muzzle break, because with great damage, comes great kick.

Gadget: Breach Charges

Again if you are with a Glaz or playing Bomb you can go with Smokes, but for regular play I would go breach charges. With these you can play the same setup as Fuze, set your breach charge up on one entry point and use the flash grenades on the other to confuse the defenders.


Zofia Best Loadout

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Zofia – Is The Sister Of Ela, But Zofia Always Thought Ela Was The Favorite, Which Drove A Wedge Between The Two Sisters. After Ela Made It Into Rainbow, Zofia Didn’t Want To Get Left In Her Shadow.

Primary: LMG-E (Light Machine Gun)

I really enjoy Zofias light machine gun for a couple of reasons. One it has a rate of fire at 720 RPM and two it has 150 rounds per box magazine. That is a lot of ammunition and is almost too good to pass up. If you really want to go with an assault rifle the M762 is still not a bad choice, but the recoil is rather high so make sure to equip a vertical grip and compensator. As for the LMG-E, stick with the vertical grip and compensator for longer trigger pulls. For the sight go with the Holo or reflex sight as you won’t be holding long angles, at least not very accurately.

Secondary: RG15 Pistol

This is the only choice, but it does come with a stock reflex sight to help out with the aim. 38 damage and 15 rounds per clip makes this your run of the mill pistol and as with most be sure to equip a muzzle break.

Gadget: Claymore

Again claymores can give you that kill on a flank attempt by the defenders and help win the round or even the match if you know where to place it. Plus, since Zofia’s ability is a grenade launcher that can destroy soft walls and barricades the breach charges seem like a waste.


Dokkaebi Best Loadout

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Dokkaebi – This South Korean Operator Got Noticed By The Korean Army For Her Excellent Tech Skills And After A Joint Exercise With American Special Forces She Decided To Join The Special Mission Battalion.

Primary: Mk 14 EBR Marksman Rifle

The Mk 14 is a great weapon to hold down those long angles and get quick kills with headshots. This weapon deals 60 damage, not as good as Blackbeard, but the recoil is a little better and 20 rounds per magazine. ACOG and a muzzle break are a must for the semi-automatic fire. I also prefer the vertical grip on this set up as well.

Secondary: SMG-12 submachine gun

The SMG-12 is one of the best sidearms in the game. The 28 damage is not very impressive, however, it is the 1270 RPM rate of fire and 32 rounds per clip that make this weapon so good. To make it even better equip a reflex and vertical grip so the recoil does not take you up and away from your intended target.

Gadget: Claymores

Since you are holding down those long angles and not moving as much as some operators you will want to protect your flank with a claymore.


Lion Best Loadout

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Lion – After Being Homeless At The Age Of 18 Lion Joined The Army And Eventually Was GIGN’s CBRN Specialist. While Protecting A Field Team From A Mob In Sudan, His Loud Voice Earned Him The Nickname You See Today.

Primary: V308 Assault Rifle

The V308 is the best option for Lion, since he can use his drone to stop defender movement. He is certainly a more of a run and gun operator. The other option is the 417 marksman rifle, it is the same one as Twitch, and it is…well just go with the V308. With this assault rifle you will have 44 damage, 700 RPM rate of fire, and 50 rounds in a drum magazine. The V308 has a high vertical recoil, so I like the reflex sight and vertical grip, followed by a flash hider. This combination should give you good mobility and reduce your vertical recoil to make you most effective.

Secondary: P9

Remember that Lion is a GIGN operator, the same as Twitch and Monty, so his sidearm options are the same as those operators. Stick with the P9 pistol and equip it with a muzzle break.

Gadget: Claymore

Cover your flanks and save your team, equip a claymore. You could go with the stun grenades but it is really personal preference driven by certain team builds.


Finka Best Loadout

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Finka – Diagnosed With Neuropathy From The Fallout Of The Chernobyl Disaster, Finka Got a Ph.D. In Microbiology and Immunology, Uncovering treatments and Her Nanobot Ability.

Primary: Spear .308 Assault Rifle

Finka is a Spetsnaz operator and has the same light machine gun and shotgun options as Fuze. These options are ok, but I really like her assault rifle. It has 38 damage, which is on the low end for assault rifles, however it does have a rate of fire of 780 RPM. The best thing is that the recoil is very low and coupled with her nanobot ability it is almost nonexistent. The vertical grip is the only option for an under barrel attachment and with her ability I like the reflex sight and compensator since you can hold the trigger longer.

Secondary: GSH-18 Pistol

With the same sidearm options as Fuze and Glaz I stand behind the GSH-18 for the best mobility. Equip and muzzle break of course.

Gadget: Stun Grenades

You can go with breach charges if you want, but the best practice is to hit Finka’s ability and toss a flash bang before you enter a room. This will give you faster movement speed, less recoil, and a boost in health. Plus now your opponent is blind, what else do you need?


Rainbow 6 Siege Best Defender Loadouts (Continue on Next Page)

Best Rainbow 6 Siege Defender Loadouts


Alibi Best Loadout

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Alibi – De Luca served with the Italy's elite Special Ops Group in fighting organized crime before earning a spot in the prestigious Gruppo Intervento Speciale (G.I.S.)

Primary: Mx4 Storm submachine gun

This submachine gun has a rather high rate of fire with a low damage count but has low recoil. Picking sight attachments is usually a personal taste, though the holographic is, in my opinion, the best choice most of the time. The barrel attachments really come down to two choices, so you either pick a compensator or flash hider, pick one that will work with your play style. The rest of the barrel attachments are pretty useless for this submachine gun. The grip attachments are vertical grip and angled grip. Since the gun has a low recoil as it is best to pick angled grip.

Secondary: Keratos .357 handgun

This handgun is known to be pretty good damage-wise with a relatively low recoil kick. The attachments I would use is the muzzle break and that’s it. I believe the laser attachment does more harm than good in most situations.

Gadget: Impact Grenades

You can use the impact grenades to open up walls and use the area for your hologram, which could fool a player who thinks you are peeking. Or to surprise an enemy that was marked by your hologram! Get creative with it.


Maestro Best Loadout

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Maestro – Adriano "Maestro" Martello attended the Military Academy of Modena at 18 and served the Italian army where he earned Silver and Bronze Medals of Military Valor, and qualified for Gruppo di Intervento Special.

Primary: ALDA 5.56 light machine gun

A high rate of fire with low damage out for its type. The ACOG sight is the one you would want if you can control the recoil of the gun, but if you can’t use the holographic. The barrel attachment should be a flash hider and top that off with a vertical grip. The laser attachment is usually not a good choice as it can reveal your location but you can use it if you really want it.

Secondary: Keratos .357 handgun

Same as Alibi’s choice of loadout, this handgun is the best pick for a secondary weapon. Which means you should use the same attachments. Slap that muzzle break on and get to playing!

Gadget: Barbed wire

Honestly, barbed wires are just so useful. I wouldn’t suggest picking a deployable shield unless you are a heavy anchor but it still usually not recommended.



Clash Best Loadout

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Clash – Police Constable Evans commanded the front line in various UK Riots to stop the violence from spreading, and devised crowd-control strategies based on her years as riot leader. PC Evans made 274 arrests throughout her service and was later made Detective Constable. She earned the Queen’s Police Medal for exceptional bravery and earned a spot in Rainbow due to her experience, service record, and tenacity.

Primary: Ballistic Shield

The only choice you have!

Secondary: SPSMG9

If you can handle recoil then definitely the best choice. The Muzzle break attachment should help with the recoil so go ahead and pick that.

Gadget: Impact Grenades

Use the impacts grenades to your advantage and surprise unsuspected enemies.


Kaid Best Loadout

Body Image

Kaid – Jalal El Fassi joined the GIGR (Royal Moroccan Gendarmerie) at 18, demonstrating natural prowess under fire. His ability to effectively command specialized squadrons in joint Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism Initiative (TSCTP) operations led to his promotion as Captain.  

Primary: TCSG12 shotgun.

I don’t usually go for shotguns, but the TCSG12 is so much better than the AUG A3 submachine gun. This shotgun has a longer range than other shotguns and has way more damage output. It also has an ACOG scope attachment! It can have a huge recoil if you are rapid shooting, so just get in the habit of one taping. I would say you slap a vertical grip on it and call it a day!

Secondary: .44 Mag Semi-Auto handgun.

A fantastic handgun that comes with an ACOG-like scope to it. Remember to one tap it as the recoil can be pretty insane. You could add a laser to it if you like lasers, but personally, I would ignore it.

Gadget: Barbed wires.

The barbed wires are the best choice as it complements his unique gadget. Trust me it’s worth it.


Mozzie Best Loadout

Body Image

Mozzie – At age 15, Max Goose signed up with the Australian Defence Force Academy, later working in Combat & Security. He joined an infantry regiment that incorporated dirt bikes and all-terrain vehicles in their reconnaissance operations. Goose excelled in land navigation and became the two-wheeler expert in raids, scouting, and convoy operations. 

Primary: Commando 9

It has a solid damage output with 750 RPM. Go with the holographic, throw in a flash hider, and equip vertical grip and then BAM, you got yourself a loadout!

Secondary: Super Shorty

Same with Gridlock, it is just an overall better pick. Trust me, you got this.

Gadget: Barbed wire

I feel like a nitro cell isn’t as useful as you have a shotgun for the blowing up walls, and barbed wires are just way more useful in a lot of situations.


Smoke Best Loadout

Body Image

Smoke – Is A Typical Operator That Has Zero Regard For His Own Safety And Is Fearless In Battle.

Primary: M5901 Shotgun

With Smoke the M5901 is very effective. It has good range for a shotgun and 7 shells before reload, makes it a great weapon for an operator who is defending against the rush. The FMG-9, which is the other option, is ok but it is a short range submachine gun that gives lower damage. So why not equip a hard hitting shotgun instead. Equip a laser on the M5901 for quick hip fire accuracy. The sight is really up to you, but I actually prefer the reflex if I put one on.

Secondary: SMG-11 Submachine Gun

Just as with Sledge this sidearm is a great addition to your build. If you did equip the M5901 Shotgun then this a great sidearm to get you more bullets at 1270 PRM. Attach a vertical grip for control as well as a compensator and reflex sight to give yourself a great SMG-11 build,

Gadget: Impact Grenades

Smoke is not a roamer. However, if you need to open up another hole to maybe throw your smoke grenades through, then you are going to want to run impacts. Barbed wire is your other option here, but you can do more with the impacts


Mute Best Loadout

Body Image

Mute – After Exceptional Work As a Signal Intelligence Specialist Mute Was Sought After By Rainbow As Their Own Signals Specialist.

Primary: MP5K Submachine Gun

Mute has the same shotgun option as Smoke, but Mute is an easy roamer after he sets down his jammers. Because he can move off the objective and do some harassing attacks I like running the MP5K. This submachine gun puts out 30 damage and 800 RPM. You get 30 rounds per clip with this gun so you can win gun fights without reloading. I like using the flash hider here since the MP5K is better in shorter bursts. It already has a vertical grip built in so no option there. I also like the reflex sight to aim in on opponents.

Secondary: SMG-11

Previously Mute only had the P226 Mk 25 as a secondary choice. But, that changed and now he has the SMG-11 and it became a better choice. It has a high rate of fire of 1270 RPM, so it can be pretty hard to control especially on consoles. Use the hologram, Flash Hider, and the vertical grip to get the most control.

Gadget: Nitro Cell

I like running nitro cell when you can, it is essentially the best counter for attacking shield operators (i.e. Blitz or Monty). The deployable shield will limit your position unless you use it to block doorways, but that won’t matter if the other team has a shield.


Castle Best Loadout

Body Image

Castle – Has a BA In Criminal Justice And Was On The LAPD SWAT Who Transferred To The FBI SWAT.

Primary: UMP45 Submachine Gun

The UMP45 is an underrated weapon. It has 38 damage, which is pretty high for a submachine gun and 25 rounds per clip that comes out at 600 RPM. The recoil is inherently low, but I still like to equip the vertical grip here for steady fire. The reflex sight is my favorite on this weapon and a flash hider to really rein in that recoil when you’re using short bursts.

Secondary: 5.7 USG Pistol

These choices are the same for Ash and Thermite, so I stick with the 5.7 USG for a bigger clip and low recoil.

Gadget: Impact Grenades

The versatility that impact grenades give you are almost irreplaceable. They allow you to change the map layout in a second and throw off the attack route of the other team allowing quick kills. The deployable shield is the other choice here.


Pulse  Best Loadout

Body Image

Pulse – With A Background In Biochemistry And Communications Pulse Blended These Disciplines To Be A Powerful FBI SWAT Officer.

Primary: UMP45 Submachine Gun

The same as Castle’s, but it is just as effective with Pulse. With Pulses ability to find attackers, the UMP45s high mobility and low recoil makes him a good roaming option. I would add the angle grip to aim down the sights faster and win engagements with attackers. Complete this weapon with a compensator and reflex sight and you should have no problem hitting your mark.

Secondary: 5.7 USG Pistol

If you haven’t guessed by now I pick this pistol with every other FBI operator. It is just better than the MEUSOC’s smaller clip and higher recoil. Equip this pistol with a muzzle break to complete this secondary slot.

Gadget: Nitro Cell

With Pulses ability to see through walls and ceilings you can spot an attacker on the floor above you, throw the nitro cell on the ceiling and get the kill above you. Besides for that extra ability the nitro cell is still a good counter for shields.


Doc Best Loadout

Body Image

Doc – Having Come From An Affluent Family Did Not Matter To Doc. He Left His Life Of A Prominent Private Medical Practice For A Career In The French Defense Health Service and Eventually The GIGN As A Field Medic.

Primary MP5 Submachine Gun

Doc has a few primary weapon options however, the P90 has too much recoil and only 22 damage. The SG-CQB Shotgun is an ok shotgun, but the MP5 is a better option. The MP5 has 30 damage and 30 rounds per clip at 800 RPM. The recoil is more manageable than the P90, especially with a vertical grip attached. Doc is also one of the only defenders that can equip an ACOG on his weapon. So you can anchor him on the objective, or close to, and hold long angles as well. With holding the longer angles I like to equip a flash hider for burst fire on the peeks.

Secondary: P9

For about the hundredth time, Doc has the same setup has the other GIGN operators. So, stay away from the magnum and run with the P9 pistol with a muzzle break.

Gadget: Deployable shield

I like the deployable shield with Doc since you can set him up in the objective and he can anchor behind the shield. Or, you can go with barbed wire to slow opponents, this one is up to you.


Rook Best Loadout

Body Image

Rook – Runs The GIGN’s Trust Exercise For New Recruits, Letting Your Peer Shoot You In The Armor Plate. Rook Carries These Same Armor Plates In Battle For his Teammates.

Primary: MP5

Rook has the same primary option as Doc so the same weapons and attachments apply here.

Secondary: P9 Pistol

Yep…..Another GIGN operator you know what to do.

Gadget: Impact Grenades

Rook may not be a roamer, and just like Smoke, he can still benefit from impact grenades. Opening up other shot angles for yourself or helping out a teammate that might know some intel and needs something opened. You can’t go wrong with impacts, but if you want something else you can use the deployable shield.


Rainbow 6 Siege Best Defender Loadouts (Continue on Next Page)

Rainbow 6 Siege Best Defender Loadouts 


Kapkan Best Loadout

Body Image

Kapkan – Escaping The Family Routine Of Working In A Factory, Kapkan Enlisted In The Ministry of Internal Affairs And Was Sent To The Arctic Circle Where He Became An Expert Trapper.

Primary: 9x19VSN Submachine Gun

Kapkan’s submachine has 34 damage and 30 rounds per magazine with a rate of fire of 750 RPM. The recoil is pretty standard so I would put on a vertical grip and compensator. The shotgun gun option and a ridiculous recoil are just not worth your time in my opinion. With no ACOG option I would go with the red dot option, though you can go with the reflex or Holo sight it really just depends on what reticle you like.

Secondary: GSH-18

Same secondary loadout as the other Spetsnaz operators. GSH-18 with a muzzle break.

Gadget: Nitro cell

Now Kapkan can use either impact grenades or a nitro cell. I am still partial to the nitro cell here because you can counter shields or open hatches or walls if you need to. My rule is that if the other team is running a shield I will use a nitro cell. If they are not using a shield, then I can impact grenades instead.


Tachanka Best Loadout

Body Image

Our Lord Tachanka – Coming From The Age In A Pre-Glasnost Red Army Has Made Him Keep His Interest In Soviet Machinery And Weaponry.

Primary: 9x19VSN Submachine Gun

If you like to run with Tachanka (and you are not throwing a round) then you might be the only one. He might be the butt of a lot of Rainbow Six Siege jokes, but his loadout is the same as Kapkan so just stick with the submachine gun and do not touch that shotgun.

Secondary: GSH-18

Still not change here.

Gadget: Deployable Shield

There is nothing more satisfying than embarrassing the other team by killing them with Tachanka’s mounted light machine gun. With that said the deployable shield can help protect you while you are laying down lead in the attacker’s direction.


Jäger Best Loadout

Body Image

Jäger – Has Seen Action As A Helicopter Operator and Technology Advisor. He Is Also A Veteran Of Anti-Piracy Operations In The Indian Ocean.

Primary: 416-C Carbine

This assault rifle will give you a pretty decent 43 damage and 30 rounds coming at 740 RPM. The 416-C is a great all around weapon with good stats and mobility. Attach a vertical grip, suppressor, and holo sight. This weapon was even better when you could equip an ACOG, but those days are over. The suppressor will help you roam. Jäger’s ADSs are a drop and forget ability, and his 3 speed stat makes him a great roaming option. Since you will be trying to pick off the other team, stay silent and equip that silencer.

Secondary: P12 Pistol

This is the same pistol as Blitz and IQ, plus it is the only option for Jäger as well. Equip the muzzle to ensure recoil control.

Gadget: Barbed Wire

Since chances are you will be roaming, lay down some barbed wire at key points to give you, or your teammates, a heads up on enemy movement.


Bandit Best Loadout

Body Image

Bandit – Is A Former Undercover Agent That Can Take Obsolete Items And Repurpose Them. He Spent His Undercover Time With Hannover Hells Angels.

Primary: MP7 Submachine Gun

Bandit and Jäger both have the option for the M870 Shotgun, but you will not use it more than likely. Especially with Bandit, since he has the MP7 which is one of the best defender weapons. The MP7 has 32 damage, but has a stunning 900 RPM rate of fire with 30 rounds to play with. This weapon has a built in vertical grip and does not allow for another option. I like the red dot sight on this weapon and a compensator to win those gun fights.

Secondary: P12 Pistol

Yep the same as the other German operators.

Gadget: Nitro cell

Bandit also has 3 speed, which makes him a viable roaming option. The nitro cell will come in handy if you can pick out a shield to counter. Also useful for opening up walls or floors as you roam.


Frost Best Loadout

Body Image

Frost – This Combat Systems Officer Is a Focused And Meticulous Planner.

Primary: 9mm C1 Submachine Gun

Now Frost’s primary options are both really good. On one hand you have the 9mm C1 which has 43 damage and 34 rounds per clip. On the other hand, the down fall is a slower rate of fire at 575 RPM. The recoil is better than some and you can only equip an angle grip so that decision is already made. As for the barrel, you can either go with an extended barrel or a suppressor. I do not like to sacrifice damage with the frost so I will go with the extended barrel and a reflex. One point I have not made yet is I also like the reflex sight because you can put the tip of the triangle on the head of you target for a quick kill.

Secondary: MK1 9mm Pistol

This is the same sidearm as Buck and it is the only option, so…that was easy. Muzzle break for insurance on recoil. 

Gadget: Deployable Shield

The best part of using Frost with deployable shields is that you can put your frost trap on the opposite side of the attackers (put the shield in a doorway). Doing this will make the attackers jump over the shield and into your waiting trap, easy kill.


Rainbow 6 Siege Best Defender Loadouts (Continue on Next Page)

Rainbow 6 Siege Best Defender Loadouts


Valkyrie Best Loadout

Body Image

Valkyrie – She Was One Of the First Women To Be Hand Picked To Join The SEALs. Before That She Was Serving As a Naval Intelligence Officer.

Primary: SPAS-12 Shotgun

The SPAS-12 is my option for Valkyries because her submachine gun has the 3rd lowest damage in the game (26) and the SPAS will help you emplace your cameras as well. Equip a laser for a tighter spread and a reflex sight just to have an aim point, but I do not think it is absolutely necessary.

Secondary: D-50

This beast is the same as Blackbeard and is the only for Valkyrie as well.

Gadget: Nitro Cell

Beside for countering shields, which you all know is a perk of nitro cells by now. With your cameras in position you can get a bead on the attackers and determine the best way to flank and surprise them with a nitro cell.


Caveira Best Loadout

Body Image

Caveira – After Being Arrested At The Age Of 16 For Robbery, Caveira Was Given A choice Between Jail and Military Service.

Primary: M12 Submachine Gun

Caveira’s best primary is going to be the M12 it has 32 damage with a 30 round clip. It does have a slower rate of fire like Frost at 550 RPM, but the recoil is manageable and it is a better option than the SPAS-15 shotgun. The SPAS-15 only have 30 damage and 6 shells per clip. Mix that with a recoil that is off the charts even for a shotgun and the choice is pretty clear. Reflex sight and compensator are my attachments of choice for this primary option.

Secondary: LUISON Silenced Pistol

Caveira is no kidding the roamer of all of the defenders. She was made for it with her silent footstep ability and special silenced pistol as her secondary (which is your only option). However, the damage is an impressive 99 and 15 rounds in the clip. The recoil is not extreme either, about the same as an assault rifle. The only attachment you can add is a laser, but I would leave that off.

Gadget: Impact Grenades

As stated above Caveira is the ultimate roamer, so impact grenades are the clear choice here.


Echo Best Loadout

Body Image

Echo – Has A Knack For Robotics And Grew Up In Japan’s Central Hub Of Animation Studios And Technology Companies. Echo Joined the National Police Academy Specializing In Recon Operations.

Primary: MP5SD Submachine Gun

Echo, like Frost, has 2 good options for the primary. The supernova shotgun is a good choice with 48 damage and very low recoil for a shotgun. Equip a laser and reflex on it and you can wreck some havoc. However, all that said the MP5SD still has the edge. This submachine gun only has 30 damage, but it has a built in silencer, and has a high recoil compared to other submachine guns. However, the beauty of the MP5SD is that you can equip an ACOG on it to hold long angles after you get the attackers position from your drone. Attach the vertical grip to help tame that recoil a little bit.

Secondary: Bearing 9 Machine Pistol

If you did want to roll with the Supernova you have one of the best sidearms in the game in the Bearing 9. It should sound familiar because it is the same as Hibana. It has 33 damage and an 1100 RPM rate of fire which makes it the perfect back up to a shotgun. Even if you are going with the MP5SD this is still the sidearm of choice because it can melt defender’s faces right off. I like the reflex sight and a compensator on this one for ease of a longer trigger pull.

Gadget: Deployable Shield

It can be a toss-up between the shield or the barbed wire, but you can use the shields for cover as you employ your drone.


Mira Best Loadout

Body Image

Mira – With A Great Ability To Spot And Fix Mechanical Defects On Automobile Engines, Mira Uses That Expertise To Develop Bulletproof Materials For the G.E.O.

Primary: Vector .45 ACP Submachine Gun

While the “ok” shotgun (ITA12L) option is the same as Jackal, the Vector .45 is totally different, plus it’s a good weapon. That is not to say that Jackal’s weapon was bad, Mira just need to be played in a different style there for she needs a different weapon. The Vector might be the lowest damage in the game at 21, but it makes up for it in its rate for fire (1200 RPM) and a very low recoil. Mira should be peeking in her windows to detect and engage unsuspecting attackers. The Vector’s fast rate of fire allows for just that. I use the reflex sight for peeking purposes and I tend to hold the trigger so I equip the compensator as well. You do have an under barrel option, but it is limited to the vertical grip, which is what I would want anyway.

Secondary: ITA12S Shotgun

Mira has the same shotgun sidearm as Jackal and it is even more effective in her hands. When you emplace a Mira window you can then shoot out the wall next to it, or around it (if you put it on a soft wall). This shotgun blows huge holes in soft walls and will make quick work of any remodeling that you might need to do.

Gadget: Nitro Cell

Use the holes around the windows to lob a nitro cell unto an attackers lap and detonate it behind the safety of your window.


Lesion Best Loadout

Body Image

Lesion – After Working In A Shipyard And Seeing His Father Injured Lesion Went To Work For Various Hazardous Jobs In Demolition Until Joined The Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bureau.

Primary: T-5 SMG

When I first used this weapon I did not know what to think about it. It has a pretty fast rate of fire at 900 RPM and 30 damage. I felt like the recoil would be pretty bad every time I pulled the trigger. But, in reality the recoil is very manageable and goes straight up and down. The red dot sight is great for getting on target, though it is personnel preference on the reticle style that you like. There is no under barrel option and I would recommend a compensator to help with the faster rate of fire. There is the SIX12 SD shotgun option, but just stay away from that.

Secondary: Q-929

Same as Ying, great damage and 10 rounds per clip. Slight kick so equip a muzzle break.

Gadget: Impact Grenades

The toxic mines Lesion can lay down will have an icon appear over them that he can see. Use this to your advantage and you can know where the enemy is. Open up a hole with your impact grenades next to the infected attacker and you have an easy kill that no one saw coming.


Ela Best Loadout

Body Image

Ela – Is The Sister Of Zofia, And Their Father Was The Commander Of Poland’s Counter-Terrorism Unit. After Being Bullied Most Of Her Childhood, Ela Rose To Be An Elite Operator In Poland’s Special Forces Before Being Recruited Into Rainbow.

Primary: Scorpion EVO 3 A1 Submachine Gun

Even though this submachine gun has seen nerfs since its release, it is still a good weapon (definitely better than the FO-12 Shotgun). It was nerfed down to 23 damage, but still puts out 1080 RPM and holds 40 rounds per magazine. Not too much recoil on here, but I still like the vertical to give more stability in my shots and round it off with a reflex sight and flash hider for firing in short bursts.

Secondary: RG15 Pistol

Same as Zofia, this pistol comes with a built in reflex sight and 38 damage with 15 rounds per clip. Again the recoil is pretty high so add a muzzle break.

Gadget: Barbed Wire

I like the barbed wire with Ela, since chances are you are going to go off site with her. The barbed wired will allow for enemies to be detected without having to see them, since you will hear them first.


Vigil Best Loadout

Body Image

Vigil – Was A Child On The Run In Asia And Lost His Family Before Finding Refuge In South Korea. He Later Joined The Navy And Earned A Spot In The Korean UDT/SEALs Before Joining Rainbow.

Primary: K1A Submachine Gun

The K1A might be one of my favorite defender weapons, personally. It might not have the highest damage (30) or the fastest rate of fire (720). But, it does have 30 rounds per magazine and it just feels smooth. Maybe it’s the lower recoil, but I just really like this weapons a lot. Since Vigil is a roamer I like to run with a silencer and vertical grip. The sight is again up to personal preference, but I like the reflex because I think the aiming is easier with the triangle. The BOSG.12.2 Shotgun is a high risk, high reward weapon. It has the highest damage in the game at 125 and decent range, but you only have 2 shots before reload.

Secondary: SMG-12

As I said before with Dokkaebi, this is a really good sidearm and might be one of the best for defenders. The 28 damage is compensated for the 1270 RPM rate of fire and still holds 32 rounds per clip. Vertical grip and reflex sight should finish this one off.

Gadget: Impact Grenades

Equip Impacts to open those avenues or approach and surprise enemy attackers, nothing better.


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