[Top 10] Portal 2 Best Community Maps That Are Fun (Ranked Fun to Most Fun)

Best Portal 2 Community Maps
21 Dec 2022

“When life gives you lemons don’t make lemonade, make life take those lemons back!” That quote alone summarises why we all love Portal 2. The perfect blend of humour, darkness and challenging puzzles is why Valve’s Portal 2 is regarded as one of the best games ever made.

But since Valve seems to be allergic to making third games in their smash-hit franchises, we have to supplement our dimension-hopping cravings in others ways. Fortunately, there’s no better way than by playing through the best community maps that the game has to offer.

So, grab your cake, don your long fall boots and avoid listening to any robots as we count down ‘The Best Portal 2 Community Maps’.

10. Quantum Entanglement 1&2

Two Companion Cubes Intwined 

Two cubes in love, forever destined to be apart, but will they ever be able to touch? No that isn’t a Minecraft version of Romeo & Juliet, it’s this awesome community maps premise.

The objective is simple, you have to progress two cubes through the various creatively structured chambers. The twist? When you move one cube, the other moves too. In my expert opinion, this is a fantastic use of the mechanics gifted to us by the chamber-creating tools, it’s imaginative, unique and simply fun to play with.

Why Quantum Entanglement is Great:

  • It’s unique – There are plenty of fun yet frankly basic community chambers that just rinse and repeat the main game, but Quantum Entanglement is inventive enough to be its own game.
  • It’s simple – The challenges may stump you but the premise is so wonderfully simple and easy to follow.
  • The varied chambers – Within Quantum Entanglement 1&2 you traverse through multiple rooms and what’s great about them is that they are all so different!

9. Gelocity Track 1

Speed is key!

Gelocity is an intense, competitive and downright incredible display of what can happen when someone creative is given the incredible tools in chamber builder.

In this community map, the aim is to essentially win the race, there are different varieties of the map, where you can play in a time trial or against a friend, but either way, you really want to win.

This map is so intense that people even compete for the world record of the shortest time to complete a lap. If you love racing games, games like mirrors edge and Portal 2 than you will adore gelocity. Just try not to get too competitive…

Why Gelocity is great:

  • It’s infuriating – Now that may seem negative but when you remember that games like dark souls are universally loved then it makes sense. You find yourself desperately wanting to play again to beat your time.
  • It feels like a different game – Where other chambers are fantastic renditions of Portals puzzle-solving challenges, Gelocity is a racing game where it shouldn’t exist. Yet it’s still fantastically amusing.
  • Time consumingly replayable – You need to play at least a dozen re runs until you learn all of the tips, tricks and shortcuts that will help you shave off those precious milliseconds.

8. Simplified

It's simple really...

This map is simple. I mean it has to be right it says it in the name? That’s what you would think before loading this challenging puzzle up or even after a few minutes, however, once you start questioning if the game is even possible then that’s when you realise the true beauty of this map.

Trust me you wouldn’t be alone in that thinking; this chamber is so simple yet frustrating that many of the comments were arguing that the creator made it as a joke and that its not possible. Trust me, it is.

Simplified can only be compared to a video game version of completing a Rubik’s cube, give it a go yourself…

Why Simplified is great:

  • The trickery – The simple fact that name completely juxtaposes the chamber makes for one awesome trick.
  • The satisfaction – Once you move a slight bit further in the right direction you get such a rush of pride that the whole game feels worth it.
  • The size – The map may be confusing but its not overwhelming. Where some maps can be so big that by the time you reach one end you’ve forgotten what was on the other, Simplified isn’t that. It’s condensed, challenging and a fun time killer.

7. Diverse Remastered

It says it in the name...

Portal 2 with vacuums.

Ok, ok, it’s not that quite simple, but it’s definitely the best part of it.

Diverse consists of three tests, all of which utilise the mechanism of a Pneumatic Diversity Vent. Simply getting over the amusement of watching turrets being sucked away out of nowhere is enough of a challenge.

The map is simple and not one for the sadist gamers who love to restart levels over and over again but it is a hell of a lot of easy and different fun. Furthermore, you can make a lot of sucking jokes!

Why Diverse is great:

  • It sucks – And not in a bad way, the map is full of high-powered vacuums that add a little spice to the already varied game.
  • Easy Fun – Unlike some community chambers that make you want to rip your hair out, Diverse is a quick snack-sized chamber that just gives you a little boost of joy.
  • It’s rare – The mechanics used in Diverse are seen in very few community maps, making this one quirky and fresh map.

6. Actinium

A brief adventure outside the labs

The environment and atmosphere are everything in Actinium. Have you ever played Portal 2 and thought, I wish there was more shrubbery? Well now there is, in Actinium!

Personally, my favourite section of the main game was when you break free and have to journey through the ‘Behind the scenes’ areas, through the ominous and eery back rooms and flooded rooms.

In Actinium, you start of going through a test chamber before moving on to the main section of scary studios.

Plus, there is a great yet tricky bit of bounce gel manipulation where some control and skill is required.

Why Actinium is Great:

  • It’s tense – There is something indescribably creepy about Portal 2. It’s the dark atmosphere that spawned secrets like Ratman and his crazy rooms and that’s the exact material that Actinium utilises.
  • The difficulty – Actinium is for the most part, medium difficulty. This makes it awesome as it allows for a large range of skilled players to join in. Fun for experts and fun for amateurs, who could ask for more?
  • The sequels – Due to Actinium’s success, multiple more chapters were created for it, making it a great little franchise.

5. Pinball Portal 2

Arcade classic anyone?

I’m hesitant to even call this entry Portal at this point. This genius use of the physics provided combines retro arcade fun with modern video games and futuristic technology.

Pinball 2 is wonderful for a quick injection of high-speed fun. To be overly critical, I would say that it does grow old fairly quickly, but it’s perfect as a quick burst of energy between two larger more simplistic maps.

In Pinball you literally spawn in and position yourself in front of a gigantic Portal-based pinball machine and you jump to flick the toggles.

Your goal, destroy Glados. That will teach her for lying about that cake…

Why Pinball is great:

  • Incredibly different – I’ve said it before for other entries, but no other map is as creatively unique as Pinball Portal 2. With a few more maps it could be a standalone game.
  • Fun for everyone – One button fun. As you really only need to press the jump button, pinball is easily accessible for any player regardless of skill. Easy to play; difficult to master.
  • Revenge – You, Glados, an epic pinball match to the death. Need I say more?

4. Chainbuilder

"You must never break the chain"

Cave Johnson; The man, the myth, the legend.

This level is difficult and intuitive but none of that really matters.

The map is so highly rated for one thing and one thing only – the hilarious feature by Portal 2’s Cave Johnson.

The humour is enough to lift this entry all the way to spot 4 and that’s about it. The level is really cleverly designed though and is a good minimalistic level.

Why Chainbuilder is great:

  • Cave Johnson – That’s all I really need to say
  • The minimalist design – The whole puzzle takes place in one open area, meaning you spawn in surrounded by different sections of the puzzle and you have to decide where to start.
  • Intricate – Chainbuilder is so intricately designed that you need to hit everything at just the right time, for it to work. You can’t just spray and pray here; you need to time every movement with precision.

3. And the Abyss Gazes Back

Sounds creepy right?

Location, location, location. A commonly used phrase for real estate but it conveniently applies to video games too.

And the Abyss Gazes Back is a masterpiece at setting the mood. It utilises atmosphere, environment and limited functionality to make Portal 2 feel as close to being a horror game as possible. The game definitely has a half-life 2 vibe.

Walking around the hellish backrooms with only a half working portal gun really makes the puzzles feel like they’re taking the backseat.

Why And the Abyss Gazes Back is great:

  • The Atmosphere – I said it above and I’ll say it again, this chamber is essentially all based around the creepy feeling that someone is watching you, Ratman, Wheatley, the abyss, who knows?
  • The Hidden Challenges – The puzzles themselves aren’t difficult, however, finding the puzzles can be. Though the solution is often obvious, plenty of times you don’t even realise that puzzle is right in front of you.
  • The underlying story – Many of the comments to this game, theorise that you are playing as another test subject that wakes up during the events of the main storyline in the original game. Theory Fodder and secrets are truly one of the best features of Portal 2 as a whole.

2. Unreal Chamber

But is it real?

Nothing is as it seems.

No, I haven’t turned into a mad scientist with extreme paranoia, it’s true.

Make sure you watch the video or play this one as it’s the only real way of this making sense.

Unreal Chamber forces you through a multitude of different perspectives, where you’ll think you’re crossing over universes.

The game tricks you at every corner, one minute you’re looking at a laser and the next it has transformed into a cube.

Most comparable to a funhouse or house of mirrors, Unreal chamber can only be solved by thinking outside of the box and even then it requires plenty of patience.

Why Unreal Chamber is great:

  • Surprises – Nothing will equally confuse and shock you more than realising that you’ve been walking around an endless maze for the last 5 minutes. That is the core DNA of the unreal chamber and it is full of crazy surprises.
  • Playfulness – To put it simply this chamber is just playful. There’s no eery Portal dystopian future themes it’s just pure mischievous tricks. The whole community map feels like you’re Alice peering through the looking glass.
  • Longevity – With all of the bonus rooms and tricks combined with the multiple creations of ‘Unreal Chambers’ you get so much more enjoyable time with this one. So why not kill the hours by facing a unique ever twisting Portal experience?

1. Enigma Protocol

If you only play one, make it this one.

Probably the biggest in terms of size, content and ratings this titan of community chambers was always going to be in first place.

Set shortly after the events of the Cooperative Testing Initiative, a test subject wakes to Glados' newest testing track. Make your way through 22 brand-new test chambers in this map pack.

You heard that right, 22 test chambers. That is nearly another full game, excluding Portal stories-Mel, Enigma Protocol is probably the nearest thing we will get to a Portal 3 and I for one love it.

22 unique chambers with an overarching story, humour and atmosphere; The Enigma Protocol encompasses a brilliant section of every entry before on this list and combines them for one epic thrill of a community map.

Why Enigma Protocol is great:

  • The story – Perhaps one of the best things about Valves games are the mysterious and fully developed storylines and Enigma Protocol is no exception. It continues from where Cooperative Testing Initiative ends, meaning we get just a little more Portal goodness.
  • The difficulty – The comments seem to be unanimous with this one. It requires deep thinking but it isn’t too difficult as to make it frustrating. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.
  • A creative use of original mechanics – Unlike some others on this list, Enigma Protocol mostly uses tools that the original game gave us. This may sound negative but its quite the contrary, it makes the game feel authentic and legitimate. A fantastic map that all Portal 2 lovers should definitely give a go.

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