[Top 10] Nier Automata Best Chips (Ranked)

2B and 9S stand in the Resistance Camp
03 May 2024

Considering that the main characters in Nier Automata are Androids, Yoko Taro took the measure of making your skill tree an operating system. The androids have a limited amount of data to be utilized by plugging in chips to its operating system. These will include your basic operations skills made available to you at the start of the game. This list will go over the best chips to use in your build. These will be ranked from good, to great, to best.


[10] Auto-Use Item (Good) -

Watch here: https://youtu.be/AKzEK45NNwI?si=mxVRy2FnDPTWqR88&t=1078

Auto-Use Item is a chip that will cause the system to automatically use items in times of need without the player accessing the menu. Akin to having the game on EASY mode, this automates crucial components to make the player's life simpler. This is a chip that can be used in tandem with other automated chips; Auto-Use item gives other chips a priority by delaying execution by 1 second. The maximum use of this chip increases the healing effects of an item by 200%, which is a pretty sweet deal. While this chip is a catch all in good measure, it does have its limitations. This will not trigger in Berserk mode for A2, only after this mode is finished.

This chip is excellent for newer players or players new to this style of JRPG. The genre has a large variety that has different appeals, so it’s possible that a player has not experienced this type of battle system. As they get acclimated, it’s helpful to take one item off the player's plate in order to learn the game. In fact, 2B starts the intro chapter with this chip equipped. Easy Mode utilizes this chip as well.

What it’s good for:

  • Automatically heals if the player's HP is 30% or lower.
  • Waits 1 second in order for other automated chips to take effect first.
  • Maximum effect has an incredible heal rate.

How to get Auto-Use:

  • Auto-Use is equipped in the introductory chapter.


[9] Anti-Chain Damage (Good)- 

Watch here: https://youtu.be/AKzEK45NNwI?si=oXrmGjNojvMIjHMj&t=541

This chip throws a wrench in the enemies chain comboing the player. Creating a period of invulnerability, this halts the player from receiving damage even though the enemy is still attacking. As the chip levels up, the invulnerability duration increases in length. This does not work for hacked lifeforms or Flight Units and doesn’t stop A2 from losing health in Berserk Mode. The maximum amount of time this chip can operate is 6 seconds, and Counter cannot function during the invulnerability periods.

This is a great chip for certain enemies that use aggressive physical attacks or can cheese you into a corner. Sometimes, a second is all it takes to lose the upper hand in battle, or gain it. While this chip can be helpful, it’s not a deal breaker to not have it equipped, in fact my entire playthrough I went without it. It is, however, helpful to play with your set ups to find your optimal play style. 


What it’s good for:

  • Invulnerability frames.
  • Interrupts cheesing.
  • Duration increases as the chip levels up.

How to get Anti-Chain Damage:

  • In the Flooded City, there is a locked chest before the second lift in the Soul Box recovery unit during the quest Obtain Keys.
  • 3rd Playthrough


[8] Moving Speed Up (Good)- 

Watch here: https://youtu.be/AKzEK45NNwI?si=QKjpJ0HPDO4gItGl&t=59

This increases the player’s run and sprint speeds, with the maximum effect being increased by 20%.

When playing a Yoko Taro game, having multiple endings is a given. This also means repeating key story beats. An increase in speed will help the player achieve their goals quicker, every bit helps. Especially since we are no longer exploring new areas, but revisiting them. No need to go the same pace we started with!

What it’s good for:

  • Increased player speed.
  • Speed tops out at an increase of 20%.
  • Replaying the story is quicker.

Where to find Moving Speed Up:

  • This item DROPS from enemies in the Desert Zone.
  • Farm by revisiting where you first encountered Adam, these enemies spawn infinitely.

[7] EXP Gain Up(Great)-  

Watch here: https://youtu.be/AKzEK45NNwI?si=VL47z4_JjNQvfdNd&t=922

Simply put, this chip increases the amount of experience gained from defeating enemies. The experience gain reaches its maximum at double EXP.

Grinding can be a slog, but not with EXP Gain Up. Using it will help you get the levels you need, whether it be beating the game with ease, or hunting down side missions. Every JRPG requires a bit of level grinding. As the game progresses, the player is expected to meet a certain level threshold to be able to hold their own. This lets the player blow those limits out of the water, or grind to where the game is a walk in the park.

What it’s good for:

  • Quickly leveling up.
  • Achieving goals quicker.
  • Increases the odds of 100% the game.

Where to get EXP Gain Up:

  • Buy from Emil on the Resistance Camp Route.
  • Buy from the Tool Shop Machine; Pascal’s Village.
  • Reward for the sidequest Sartre’s Melancholy.
  • Dropped by the confetti throwing Short Stubby machines in the Amusement Park.

[6] Fast Cooldown (Great)- 

Watch here: https://youtu.be/AKzEK45NNwI?si=5bRqsPXnP-Wo81JQ&t=159

Decreases cooldown time after using a special attack. Maximum cooldown is 50%, and reduces cooldown time of a Flight Unit’s missile barrage. 

Pod is an integral part of the gaming experience. While not only serving as a communication medium, Pod can offer some excellent attacks, defenses, and healing capabilities. While Pod Programs cooldown times decrease as they level up, it cannot hurt to supplement them with a Fast Cooldown Chip. This cooldown is catered to the Pod’s Special attack. The stacked combination is a great asset to your setup. 

What it’s good for:

  • Decreasing Pod special attack cooldown.
  • Maximum cooldown decrease is 50%.
  • Reduced cooldown time on Flight Unit’s missile barrage.

Where to get Fast Cooldown:

  • Complete Routes C/D. This is a reward.

[5] Last Stand (Great)- 

Watch here: https://youtu.be/AKzEK45NNwI?si=5bRqsPXnP-Wo81JQ&t=159

Last Stand increases the attack power of the player if their health drops below 25%. The maximum attack damage is +100%.

We’ve all been in a pinch with a tough boss or enemy. We’re close to defeat, and at risk of exhausting our consumables. This chip allows the player to get that extra boost in battle when the situation is looking dire. While being below 25% is risky business, when you have no other option it’s great to have this in your back pocket.

What it’s good for:

  • Boosts attack power when in a pinch.
  • Can be used strategically in battle with measured risk.
  • Maximum attack damage is 100%, which is a great addition when a high attack stat weapon is equipped.

Where to get Last Stand:

  • Complete route C/D, chapter 9.2.2.
  • Reward for Lord of the Valley sidequest.
  • Dropped by Small Biped (Abandoned Factory Underground).

[4] Ranged Defense (Great) - 

Watch here: https://youtu.be/AKzEK45NNwI?si=q6FDSwWqXzNUETLn&t=420

This decreases the amount of damage done by projectile attacks, maxing out at -80%. 

There are many ranged attackers in Nier Automata, and decreasing their damage can be invaluable. Reduce the inconvenience of these attacks by mitigating their damage while handling closer enemies. Or vice versa. This chip gives you the opportunity to strategize and modify your playstyle.

What it’s good for:

  • Decreasing projectile attack damage.
  • Maximum effect is -80%.
  • Prepares for projectile heavy battles.

Where to get Ranged Defense:

  • Reward from 16D for completing Robo Dojo (Red and White Belt).
  • Dropped from a Small Flyer in the first half of the Forest Castle.


[3] Damage Absorb (Great) -

Watch here: https://youtu.be/AKzEK45NNwI?si=zQpMTHb22KgaspI9&t=621

Creates a chance that a percentage of the damage received from an enemy attack will be automatically healed. This effect increases with level, maximum effect is 50% chance of healing 200% of the damage received.

This is a phenomenal chip to use when dealing with heavy hitters. Taking the time to level up this chip will put the player in a great position to reduce the use of consumables and reduce the worry of being unable to redeem a situation. Being able to heal 200% of the damage dealt is “sitting pretty,” you can’t beat it outside of Auto-Heal in my opinion. At least if you do not want the game to be that “easy.”

What it’s good for:

  • Receiving a percentage of heal back from damage taken.
  •  Maximum: 50% chance of healing 200% of damage received. Example, damage is -50, there is a chance of healing +100.
  • Reduces consumable healing items.

Where to get Damage Absorb:

  • Reward for sidequest The Permanent Recluse.

[2] Weapon Attack Up (Best) -

Watch here: https://youtu.be/AKzEK45NNwI?si=QxEQFBqnNgBRphVn&t=16

Increases the damage of physical attacks, including shockwaves. This chip reaches the maximum effect of +100%.

There are some heavy hitting weapons in Nier Automata, as well as excellent and complementary combinations. Adding an Attack Up stat will give the player a smooth sail through the game. Like this one, most of the chips are designed to make the player’s life easier as they proceed through the game. While defense and healing are imperative, we have to remember our attack capabilities. Particularly if we are up against a “sponge,” or an enemy that doesn’t receive proportional damage for attacks.

What it’s good for:

  • Improving the attacks stats on weapons.
  • Stacking with complementary weapons.
  • Maximum effect is +100% damage.

Where to get Weapon Attack Up:

  • Dropped from Medium Biped
  • 9S Hacking Mission in the Tower.
  • Chapter 17-01, Medium Biped in the City Ruins.
  • Dropped by Multi-Leg Medium Model in the Abandoned Factory.
  • Failing Jackass’s Research by letting time pass (letting 1 or 2 robots survive).


[1] Auto Heal (Best) -

Watch here: https://youtu.be/STjIBvDSr98?si=eTU51DAQwbbPQCrH&t=80

Automatically begins to heal the players health after 6 seconds of not taking further damage. Heals the Flight Unit with no effect if controlling a machine lifeform. Does not trigger for A2 in Berserk Mode due to the health loss. Reaches the maximum effect of 18% healed per second.

This, of course, is an easy “yes” to our additions in our playthrough. Typically after the battle, the player will begin healing in preparation of what could be next. Reducing the use of consumables or wait time getting to a save point is the name of the game, especially as things get more hectic later on in the game. 

What it’s good for:

  • Great intermediary between saves.
  • Reduces consumable healing items.
  • Healing begins just 6 seconds after the last damage received.

Where to get it:

  • Reward for completing the sidequest “Turf War.”
  • Dropped by Small Sphere and Linked-sphere Type enemies.

This list serves as suggestions to create a quality build for your playthrough. Depending on how you would like your playstyle to be, these additions can be helpful at optimizing your journey for greater gains. These are by no means suggested to be used all together if you do not want them, nor to be used to remove any challenge to the game. Whatever you choose for yourself will fit you, but please…do NOT remove your Operating System chip. Happy gaming.

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