10 Best My Hero Academia Characters

Class 1A students are some of the best characters.
16 Jan 2021

Who are 10 of the best My Hero character?

My Hero Academia produces easily loved characters. Picking a favorite character is a challenge.  

1) Izuku Midoriya (Deku)

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Izuku was a quirkless child, which was heartbreaking because his one goal was to become a pro hero like All Might and save people with a smile. All Might later chooses Izuku to be the one to inherit All For One, the power All Might currently had. The Symbol of Peace chose him to become the next Symbol of Peace, that’s awesome! What's great about Midoriya?  

  • Izuku will never stop fighting even if he breaks his entire body. 
  • He can punch and kick someone miles into the air or into the ground. 
  • He builds up the moral of those around him.
  • Deku continues his friendship with Bakugo even though Bakugo told him to go kill himself in the opening episode. 



2) Shoto Todoroki (Shoto)

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Todoroki’s quirk is half ice half fire and his appearance reflects it. He is the son of a pro hero and got into U.A. on recommendation. Even though he is the strongest one in the class he is the least egotistical. What's great about Todoroki? 

  • His appearance is really cool. The left side of his body produces fire and has red hair. The left half produces ice and has white hair. 
  • He can stomp his foot and entrap hundreds of people in his ice. 
  • Todoroki comes off as a character who can’t lose, but he does. He loses to Bakugo in the Sports Festival and he fails the Provisional License exam. 
  • He genuinely cares about his classmates. 



3) Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead)

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Eraserheads quirk, erasure, is effective but has it’s limitations. When he makes eye contact with an enemy he can strip their quirk from them for a short time. However, when he blinks or if his field of vision with the user is blocked the quirk returns. Shota Aizawa is stern and has high expectations for his students. What's great about Eraserhead?

  • He manipulates binding cloth made out of steel wire alloy woven into carbon nanofibers to restrain his opponents or strike them. 
  • Despite coming off as hard hearted he cares for his students and has gone to great lengths to protect them and give them the best education.
  • He sleeps all the time but is not a lazy hero. 
  • Aizawa doesn’t believe in a clean kept look. 



4) Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)

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Present Mic’s quirk, voice, suits his personality well. He has the ability to amplify the volume of his voice making him go supersonic and he can use it to reinforce his punch. Yamada is a very energetic and eccentric man. What's great about Present Mic?

  • He announces for the Sports Festival 
  • When he talks he poses! 
  • He speaks two languages..
  • Present Mic is intelligent and energetic



5) Tomura Shigaraki (Tenko Shimura)

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Shigaraki’s main quirk is decay, when he puts all five fingers on someone they break down and decay. He wears hands all over his body with a black skin suit underneath. When he isn’t wearing the hand over his face, which is rare, he is scared and his lips are dry and cracked. His physical appearance breeds terror. What's great about Shigaraki? 

  • Shigaraki is the most dangerous criminal in Japan. 
  • He is arrogant and short tempered and that is pretty scary without the ability to decay someone with your touch. 
  • He used decay to break down Aizawa’s elbow at U.S.J., he cut off Overhaul’s hands, and he sneaks up behind Midoriya at the mall and grabs him by the throat! 
  • He inherits One For All’s power. 



6) Mirio Togata (Lemillion) 

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Mirio is one of the most inspirational characters. He wants to save everyone and he will do it with a smile. His quirk permeation allows him to walk through solid objects. Even though he lost his quirk saving Eri, he will never stop fighting to be a pro hero.  What's great about Mirio?

  • Loses his quirk and keeps fighting. 
  • He smiles all the time.
  • Mirio was meant to inherit All For One before Izuku was chosen. 
  • He was Nighteyes protege. 



7) Mezo Shoji (Tentacole)

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Shoji’s quirk is Dupli-arms. He can grow other parts of his body off his 6 webbed appendages. He wears a blue mask all the time, even when he eats. He just replicates a mouth at the end of one appendage. He is a great team player and strengthens everyone around him. What's awsome about Shoji? 

  • He has 6 arms that can grow into other parts of his body (Ears, eyes etc.) . 
  • Shoji protects Midoriya during the fight in the forest, and the other students as well. 
  • He is a minimalis
  • He is really strong. 



8) Mei Hotsume

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Mei is intelligent and assertive. Her quirk zoom allows her to see up to 5 kilometers clearly. Hotsume is an inventor who loves creating gadgets, her “super cute babies.” She invents equipment heroes can use to amplify their quirks. What's great about Hatsume? 

  • Her loud eccentric personality makes her entertaining. 
  • She continuously blows things up, 
  • She isn’t afraid of failure “Failure is the mother of invention” 
  • She has pink hair! 


9) Tsuyu Asui (Froppy)

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Tsu is an adorable character. Her quirk frog gives her some of the physical features and abilities of a frog, on water and on land. She is more powerful in water, but she can pack a good punch on land as well. What's great about Tsu?

  • She is kind and level headed. 
  • Her hair style is unique. 
  • Tsu can stick to walls and hop long distances. 
  • Froppy can camouflage her appearance to match the temperature and color of her surroundings. 



10) Fumikage Tokoyami (Jet Black Hero)

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Tokoyami doesn’t appear as often as other 1A students, but he is a really cool character when he appears.His quirk dark shadow is a shadow monster he can manifest from his body at will. The strength of dark shadow depends on the amount of light. In the dark Tokoyami can easily lose control of dark shadow. What's great about Tokoyami? 

  • Dark shadow’s appearance and the way he attaches to Tokoyami is intense. 
  • Tokoyami’s head is a bird. 
  • He is serious and focused most of the time,he is very dependable. 
  • He is really strong, especially when he combines his physical strength with a full sized dark shadow.


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