Top 3 Best Hearthstone Dragon Decks That Wreck Hard!

Best Hearthstone Dragon Decks
02 Apr 2020

What are the best Hearthstone dragon decks?

Dragons are the coolest mythical creatures. They have been some of the strongest cards in Hearthstone. Many cards have really powerful effects if you are holding a dragon. To make these cards most consistent, you need to have as many dragons as possible in your deck. Here are 3 of the best dragon deck in the standard metagame.

1. Dragon Hunter

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Dragon Hunter is the strongest deck on this list. It is also one of the top deck in the game at the moment. After receiving additional support in the Galakrond’s Awakening solo adventure, this aggressive deck became a force to be reckoned with.

What is good about this deck:

  • Its fast nature allows you to play many games in a short period of time. This makes it great for climbing
  • It is very cheap to craft as it only involves 2 legendary cards. If you want to make it even cheaper, you can substitute Leeroy
  • It is easy to play and new players can easily find lots of success with i
  •  Jenkins for Reckless Rocketeer, however, it won’t be as effective

How to play this deck effectively:

  • Be careful with having no dragons in hand, as this won’t allow you to use the effects of strong cards such as Rotnest Drake’s
  • Go for an aggressive mulligan. Try getting your 1-drops and Frenzied Felwing
  • Try to avoid drawing your secrets. You should play them with the effect of Phase Stalker
  • Use your mana and resources efficiently, especially against control decks, because you can easily run out of gas
  • If you are facing lots of aggressive or token decks, swap Freezing Trap for Explosive Trap

Cards used in this deck:

  • # 2x (1) Blazing Battlemage
  • # 2x (1) Dwarven Sharpshooter
  • # 2x (1) Tracking
  • # 2x (2) Corrosive Breath
  • # 2x (2) Faerie Dragon
  • # 1x (2) Freezing Trap
  • # 2x (2) Phase Stalker
  • # 1x (2) Snake Trap
  • # 2x (3) Primordial Explorer
  • # 2x (3) Scalerider
  • # 2x (3) Stormhammer
  • # 1x (4) Dragonbane
  • # 2x (4) Evasive Feywing
  • # 2x (4) Frenzied Felwing
  • # 2x (5) Big Ol' Whelp
  • # 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
  • # 2x (5) Rotnest Drake

Here is the deck code:


2. Dragon Paladin

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Dragon Paladin is a mid-range deck. It tries to control the board with strong minions and weapons. It can stack many dragons in the hand and buff all of them before playing them. This way it can generate a lot of tempo.

What is good about this deck:

  •  It can generate a lot of tempo through Frizz Kindleroost and Dragon Speaker
  •  It is hardly ever played, so playing with it can take people by surprise and win you lots of games
  •  It can generate lots of value with Barista Lynchen and Bronze Explorer, which can help you against control decks

How to play this deck effectively:

  •  Try to have at least 1 dragon in hand at all times so you can use all your dragon synergies
  •  Against aggressive decks, go for value trades and board control
  •  Against control decks, try to generate a lot of value through Barista Lynchen. This might take some set-up
  •  In most cases, you should try to get some dragons in hand and then buff them with Dragon Speaker and Dragonrider Talritha
  • + Mulligan for Frizz Kindleroost, Firetree Witchdoctor, Dragonrider Talritha and Scalerider

Cards used in this deck:

  • Cathedral Gargoyle x 2
  • Bronze Explorer x 2
  • Bronze Herald x 2
  • Dragonrider Talritha x 1
  • Truesilver Champion X 2
  • Amber Watcher X 2
  • Dragon Speaker X 2
  • Firetree Witchdoctor X 2
  • Scalerider X 2
  • Evasive Feywing X 2
  • Frizz Kindleroost X 1
  • Scaleworm X 2
  • Barista Lynchen X 1
  • Big Ol’ Whelp X 2
  • Evasive Wyrm X 2
  • Crowd Roaster X 1
  • Evasive Drakonid X 1

Here is the deck code:


3. Dragon Warrior

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Dragon Warrior is a control deck. A Galakrond package is included in the deck, which serves as another win condition. This deck’s game plan is to, like most control decks, outvalue its opponent.

What is good about this deck:

  •  It is very adaptive and can play well against both control and aggressive decks
  •  It can generate lots of value through Dragon Road and War Master Voone
  •  It can play some big threats with the help of Galakrond, the Unbreakable’s battlecry

How to play this deck effectively:

  •  Against Aggressive decks, try to control the board as much as possible. Mulligan for Town Crier, Ritual Chopper and Awaken
  •  Against Control deck you can try to either rush them down with Galakrond’s invoked hero power or lay big threats with Galakrond’s battlecry
  •  Scion of Ruin is one of the strongest cards in the deck. Try to copy it and use it effectively. You can even add Barista Lynchen to the deck, which will help you get additional copies of Scion of Ruin
  •  Some decks like Quest Druid have powerful end-game combos that deal lots of damage. Try gaining enough armor so that you can survive such combos. In such cases, you can try to copy Emberscale Drake to gain even more armor
  •  Try to invoke Galakrond twice as fast as possible to be able to activate Scion of Ruin’s powerful effect

Cards used in this deck:

  •  Shield Slam x 2
  •  Town Crier x 2
  •  Dragon Roar x 2
  •  Ritual Chopper x 2
  •  Awaken! x 2
  •  Shield Block x 2
  •  Smolderthorn Lancer x 2
  •  Molten Breath x 2
  •  Restless Mummy x 2
  •  Scion Of Ruin x 2
  •  War Master Voone x 1
  •  Emberscale Drake x 2
  •  Galakrond, The Unbreakable x 1
  •  Akali, The Rhino x 1
  •  Deathwing, Mad Aspect x 1
  •  Devoted Maniac x 2
  •  Zilliax x 1
  •  Kronx Dragonhoof x 1

Here is the deck code:


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