Foxhole Best Rifles (Ranked)

22 May 2023

Rifles are a staple of any good war game. Foxhole is no different. Foxholes rifles are designed like any good infantry rifle for the time period of roughly World War 1.5ish. To be produced in their thousands and thrust into the hands of those about to die. 

Stocks of wood and metal with holes in the end for the lead to come out. A slot for a bayonet when things get really nasty. Without further ado, here are the rifles of Foxhole and how they compare to one another.


5. No.2 Loughcaster

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The No.2 Loughcaster standard issue rifle of the Warden Imperial Infantry.

Coming with a 12 round internal magazine, this bolt action rifle is slower to fire than its colonial counterpart. And heavier at that as well. It makes up for these shortcomings with a longer range and pin point accuracy.

In a competent pair of hands it can be pretty deadly but if a few of your buddies are armed with these bad boys and holding down a trench line. Well, you’ll have yourselves a turkey shoot against an out-ranged enemy early in the war.

Individually it might not seem like much but as a squad, you can certainly get a good fire rate down with this reliable rifle. 

No.2 Loughcaster Strengths

  • Longer range than Colonial counterpart
  • Pin point accuracy even at max range when stable
  • A good defensive weapon when entrenched
  • When utilised by a squad, its slow fire rate can be made up for with an entire line of these laying hate towards the enemy.
  • Comes standard issue to Wardens from the wars beginning to its end making it easy to come across.

No.2 Loughcaster Weaknesses

  • Bolt action making it slower to fire
  • A weaker individual weapon when compared to its Colonial counterpart
  • Heavier
  • Slower to reload
  • A very bad weapon when it comes to close quarters engagements

How do I get one?

If you’re a Warden, they’ll be standard issue from the very beginning of the war. If you’re a Colonial, they will be found on dead Wardens and in captured Warden bases. There will be plenty of them lying around in the early stages for everyone to get their hands on them.

No.2 Loughcaster Stats

  • Faction - Warden
  • Magazine - 12 rounds 7.62mm
  • Effective range - 27m
  • Damage - 45 - 67
  • Encumbrance - 20%
  • Production cost - 100 Bmats (Crate of 20)

No.2 Loughcaster Score: 50/100

From personal experience, I’m not a big fan of bolt action rifles. I like to get in close, grab 'em by the belt and cling on. For that, you need a high rate of fire. That being said, I have had a lot of fun manning trench lines and racking up scores on the shooting gallery of enemies charging at us with the Loughcaster.

I’ve also had the misfortune of being on the receiving end of Warden advances in day 1, hour 1 of a brand new war. Where well organised firing lines, armed only with these had us completely pinned and unable to even push back. Bombastones be damned. A good rifle when used effectively as a team. An okish rifle to take to a front on your own.


4. Argenti r.II

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The standard issue rifle of the Colonial Legion

If you’re looking for an all rounder then the Argenti is the rifle for you. With a 12 round clip and semi automatic fire, it can outclass its Warden counterpart. Provided you get close enough of course.

As an individual weapon, it can be extremely effective if you can close the gap toward your enemy. Fixing it with a bayonet makes it even deadlier when you get really close and this writer's personal favourite way to use this hunk of wood and metal. 

Defensively, it can suppress quite well given its rate of fire. Even better with more of your buddies in the trenches with you. Although it's lacking in range can leave you wanting.

Argenti r.II Strengths

Semi automatic fire

  • A good all rounder for both offensive and defensive manoeuvres
  • Better in close quarters than its Warden counterpart
  • Occasionally misfires due to tip top Colonial quality control and fires a double tap
  • A great weapon for fighting at night with reduced visibility
  • Comes standard issue to Colonials from the beginning of the war to the wars end

Argenti r.II Weaknesses

  • Lower effective range than its Warden counterpart
  • Less accurate
  • Not a guaranteed hit when firing stable

How do I get one?

If you’re a Colonial, you’ll be able to get one from the very beginning of the war. If you’re a Warden, then you’ll find plenty lying around on dead Collies in the early parts of the war. They will also be in Colonial bases and are pretty much a staple throughout the war.

Argenti r.II Stats

  • Faction - Colonial
  • Magazine - 12 rounds 7.62mm
  • Effective range - 25m
  • Damage - 45 - 67
  • Encumbrance - 12.7%
  • Production cost - 100 Bmats (Crate of 20)

Argenti r.II Score: 70/100

As a god tier all rounder and a pleasure to use, it gets a decent score for its versatility as an individual weapon. One that anyone can pick up and rack up kills with it quite quickly.

It's a gun I absolutely love to use and that fact that it's pretty much everywhere, all through the war, makes it even better. Bayonet fixed for extra skewering.


3. Sampo Auto-Rifle 77

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The Sampo Auto-Rifle 77

Ever been trench deep with an Argenti in your hands and thought, "I wish this had a higher fire rate". Well, now your wish can be fulfilled.

The Sampo Auto-Rifle 77 comes with a 12 round mag and not one but two fire modes! You can switch between them by pressing the F key with the rifle equipped.

Hold a steady, stable position for semi automatic, accurate shots. Followed by charging like a mad man into a trench and mag dumping fully automatic hatred into anyone in your path.

Sampo Auto-Rifle 77 Strengths

  • Two fire modes in one solid gun
  • Very little range difference between the two fire modes
  • Pretty even on damage with a slight drop in full auto mode
  • Versatility 
  • Won't lose stability in auto mode

Sampo Auto-Rifle 77 Weaknesses

  • A high amount of recoil
  • Can't fit a bayonet… boo!
  • The same size magazine as the standard issue rifles

How do I get one?

Wardens will tech these rifles during the war and their Logi will start shipping them to front lines. Once there, they're yours for the taking.

Unless you're a Colonial. In that case, you'll have to kill some Wardens and hope they don't make you too religious in the process. Holey Colonials are dead Colonials.

Sampo Auto-Rifle 77 Stats.

  • Faction - Warden
  • Magazine - 12 rounds 7.62mm
  • Effective range - 24m auto, 25m semi
  • Damage - 36 - 54 auto, 45 - 67 semi
  • Encumbrance - 20%
  • Production cost - 125 Bmats (Crate of 20)

Sampo Auto-Rifle 77 Score: 80/100

I'm not going to lie, I have a lot of fun using the Sampo. It really is satisfying to mag dump one of these into a trench. Even if I almost always get killed immediately when I have to reload. 

It's why it bothers me that it doesn't fit a bayonet but still, you can't beat Warden tech when it comes to something this versatile. Highly recommended for those looking for an all-rounder with some umph and spice.


2. Blakerow 871

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The carbine Blakerow 871

Don't let the faint whipping crack fool you. The Blakerow is a lot more deadlier than it sounds. The Blakerow carbine rifle for assaulting infantry is formidable.

It's a 15 round, mag fed, lightweight rifle for those who wanna be fast on their feet. Putting a good rate of fire down range with a rapid reload to boot.

Though it lacks in range and damage when compared to standard rifles, its higher mag capacity and faster rate of fire more than make up for it.

Blakerow 871 Strengths

  • 15 Round mag capacity
  • Rapid reload
  • Lightweight
  • Rapid fire rate to get those rounds down
  • Can fit a bayonet… Yay!

Blakerow 871 Weaknesses

  • Slightly lower range than standard rifles
  • A little less damage as well
  • Accuracy deteriorates when firing rapid
  • Expensive compared to the other rifles

How do I get one?

Wardens will tech these beauties and get them shipped to the front during the war. Collies will have to pick them from the Wardens crashing against Cerberus Wake. Among other fronts.

Blakerow 871 Stats

  • Faction - Warden
  • Magazine - 15 rounds 7.62mm
  • Effective range - 25m
  • Damage - 39 - 58
  • Encumbrance - 12.7%
  • Production cost - 140 Bmats (Crate of 20)

Blakerow 871 Score: 90/100

This is my go to weapon when playing Warden once the rifle is teched. If I’m spawning into a front when these bad boys are in play, I’ll be grabbing one of these, two clips, and a bayonet to skewer me some of the goblin horde. Hell, even when playing Collie, I’m like a kid at Christmas when I find one of these.

It’s a practically perfect PvP weapon in the right hands. For fast paced, rapid assault manoeuvres its ideal. Especially when you need to reload in a pinch. 

If you want to get up close and into the thick of the fighting, you’re not going to be bothered too much by its lack of range. You’ll be too busy spamming rounds left and right. Getting those stable, accurate shots in when you need to.


1.Fuscina pi.1

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The Fuscina pi.1 in all its glory

THE rifle for front line assaulting infantry. This very capable weapon verges on being a fully fledged assault rifle. But it’s not. It fits a bayonet!

With its loud, meaty three round burst, you’ll know when this bad boy is on the field. An 18 round magazine can keep heads suppressed in the absence of machine guns. While also being an unmatched contender in close quarters PvP.

Even though it burns through ammo quickly, it is able to suppress enemy AI defensive structures giving it a huge PvE advantage when assaulting with infantry. This weapon packs a lot of bang for its buck.

Fuscin pi.1 Strengths

  • Rapid, 3 round burst fire
  • Can provide accurate suppressing fire when stable
  • Shreds at close range and will practically instakill if all three rounds land
  • Large magazine capacity (although its offset by being limited to 3 round burst fire only)
  • Useful for PvE suppression of AI Structures

Fuscina pi.1 Weaknesses

  • Lower range than standard rifles
  • You will only get 6 pulls of the trigger between reloads
  • Heavier than other rifles
  • Very inaccurate if moving and shooting. Get close!

How do I get one?

Colonials will tech these during the war and it won’t take very long for them to be shipped to the fronts. Wardens, make sure you keep your heads down when you hear that three round roar. Get out of range and drop them when they reload for your very own Fuscina.

Fuscina pi.1 Stats

  • Faction - Colonial
  • Magazine - 18 rounds 7.62mm
  • Effective range - 23m
  • Damage - 39 - 58
  • Encumbrance - 18.2%
  • Production cost - 140 Bmats (Crate of 20)

Fuscina pi.1 Score 100/100

Ok, cards on the table. This is my favourite weapon. Period. The Fuscina, some clips, and a good ol’ bayonet is my standard loadout when playing Colonial. Even more so if I can get my hands on one playing Warden.

There is nothing I love more than charging trenches, shredding all in my path and scalping the left overs with my stabby stick when it runs out of ammo. For me, it is just simply satisfying gameplay.

In urban combat, there’s just nothing that I love more. Fighting from building to building in Saltbrook or Jade Cove to defending Terminus with Thea Maro’s honour guard. I have lost hours of my life doing nothing but maining front line infantry with my Fuscina. The three pronged trident!


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