[Top 10] D&D Best Druid Cantrips That Are Excellent

Best druid cantrips
15 Mar 2022


rom calling down rains of fire to manipulating the fabric of reality, spells are what we call the discrete shaping of magical energies into a precise, limited expression.

Tools, weapons, or shields, spells can create as much as they can destroy, however, even the most powerful spell-casters need a power nap to recover after they conjure enough demons, having to rely on cantrips.

Unlimited Power!

In 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons, cantrips are spells that can be cast at will, without using a spell slot, and without being prepared in advance.

Repeated practice has fixed the spell in the caster's mind and infused the caster with the magic needed to reproduce as many times as needed.

Like all powerful spell-casters, druids have a vast selection of cantrips to choose from, so it’s understandable if you, my tree-loving friend, find it overbearing to pick only a handful of these useful tricks.

Worry not, for tonight we consult the wind and the earth for its blessings and discuss our recommended cantrips for druids!

1. Druidcraft.

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Rustling leaves distract a pursuer, the campfire lights up without issue, and a field of seeds bloom. Druidcraft takes care of all the tiny effects you will need to be creative.

From predicting the weather to distracting enemies, this often underappreciated cantrip is as useful as your imagination is wide!

What Druidcraft Is Useful For.

  • Safer Journeys: Thanks to its ability to predict what the weather will be and the ability to light campfires, relying on druidcraft can help you plan before setting out in the wilds.
  • The power of imagination: Since you can create a plethora of harmless effects, you can put it to use in any form you can think of as long as it doesn’t step on the toes of another spell.

Druidcraft details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:druidcraft

2. Shillelagh.

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The power of nature with a bit of bunk. Shillelagh lets you imbue a quarterstaff or club you’re holding with druidic magic, letting you use your Wisdom for attack and damage rolls!

This is amazing if you are ever forced to fight in melee, and, with a d8 damage die that is magical, you can compete with martial classes in melee.

What Shillelagh Is Useful For.

  • Close quarters combat: Simple, Shillelagh is an alternative for druids without a combat Wild Shape to be effective in melee.
  • No Concentration: While it lasts for 1 minute, it does not take up your single concentration, so you can have it up, as a bonus action, throughout combat.

Shillelagh details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:shillelagh

3. Produce Flame.

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Fire is a powerful tool, from providing illumination to melting down foes, it is many a spell-casters designated weapon.

Produce Flame lets druids wreathe their hands in flames that can be used to attack at melee and range!

What Produce Flame Is Useful For.

  • A fiery touch: Burning down foes in the melee, striking down archers, and providing visibility, fire is a versatile element that you can now wield with finesse.
  • No concentration: Like Shillelagh, producing flame does not take up your concentration, so you can use it while concentrating on another spell.

Produce Flame details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:produce-flame

4. Guidance.

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With Guidance, you can increase an ally’s chances at passing an ability check.

Since it takes an action, you can use it several times to bolster the party’s chances at going through an obstacle, granting an average of +2 to the check.

What Guidance Is Useful For.

  • Getting things done: Thanks to 5th edition’s bound accuracy, a +2 bonus can spell the difference between success and failure, you can turn any task into a possible one with guidance.

Guidance details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:guidance

 5. Shape Water.

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Channel your inner Water bender as you can now control the flow of water, animate it in simple shapes, and much more!

Shape water is another of those cantrips that become more useful to the more creative you get, but its practical uses can’t be denied in a campaign where water is a common terrain.

You could create a path by freezing its surface, communicating images without making a sound, and carrying objects lost at sea!

What Shape Water Is Useful For.

  • Nautical Practicality: Especially useful in nautical adventures, Shape Water is a creativity gun with a large barrel, essentially putting the sea at your disposal.

Shape Water details:  http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:shape-water

6. Resistance.

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Unlike Guidance, the Resistance cantrip is a defensive choice.

Once before the spell ends, an affected creature can add a d4 to a save they make, possibly saving them from a harmful effect and denying the save or suck spells!

What Resistance Is Useful For.

  • Pushing through: Adventuring is fraught with peril, harmful spells, poisons, and hazards waiting at every turn. With Resistance, you can grant someone an average of +2 to beat them!

Resistance details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:resistance

7. Mending.

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As long as a break in an object is shorter than a foot long and you have the time, you can repair virtually anything.

Mending is one of those things that can completely circumvent an object-centric crisis: Repair a broken lock, fix a split key, remake a small container, the possibilities are endless.

What Mending Is Useful For.

  • Averting split-second disasters: With mending, you can save up a lot of time when dealing with objects, and even do more. After all, who will know you broke into their home if nothing stays broken after you leave…

Mending details:  http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:mending

8. Create Bonfire.

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With an often belittled name, Crate Bonfire is an excellent choice for dealing with heavily armored foes.

You conjure flames that occupy a 5-foot square, forcing creatures standing on it (or that pass through) to make a Dexterity saving throw or feel the burn.

What Crate Bonfire Is Useful For.

  • Flame Control: With Create Bonfire, you could punish foes that try to approach through a narrow hallway, pain those with low dexterity and make a great BBQ.

Create Bonfire details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:create-bonfire

9. Thunderclap.

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With this thunderous applause that can be heard up to 100 feet away, you can harm enemies surrounding you with the power of sound!

While it only deals 1d6 thunder damage, it can hit as many foes as 5-foot squares are around you, and even work as distractions, alarms, and signals when you need to make some noise.

What Thunderclap Is Useful For.

  • Creative damage: While it’s true that some might consider Thunderclap to be a disadvantage because of its loudness, it can be a powerful asset when used right, turning into a tool instead of just another means of dealing damage.

Thunderclap details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:thunderclap

10. Thornwhip.

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Need to make sure someone doesn’t get too far ahead? Thornwhip is the cantrip for you.

With a spell attack, you can not only deal damage but also pull it 10 feet towards you if it's large or smaller!

In some situations, you might even use it to save allies from dangerous positioning, dragging them out of a predicament at the expense of a little bit of HP.

What Thornwhip Is Useful For.

  • Crowd Control: Unlike most damaging cantrips, Thorn Whip lets you control where someone is in the field of battle.

Thornwhip details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:thorn-whip

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