[Top 5] Disney Villainous Best Villain

Disney Villainous Best Villain
24 Feb 2020

Find the Best Villain in Disney Villainous

Disney Villainous is a mass-market game but is superior to many games you might find in your local store. The stunning artwork and unique gameplay make it a must-have for anyone from casual to serious gamers. Currently, there are twelve villains available with more on the way. But which villains are the best? Here are the top five villains in Disney Villainous.

5. Queen of Hearts

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Get ready to take a shot with The Queen of Hearts. She rose to the top of the villains because of her slightly more complex objective of turning cards to wickets and then taking a shot to win.

Ready to fall down the rabbit hole into another realm? The Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland is waiting to win the game. Step into her world and take your best shot!

One of six characters released in Disney Villainous, the Queen of Hearts isn’t as popular and well known as some villains. But in this game, she’s one of the best.

Her objective is to get a wicket at each location and successfully take a shot. Throughout the game, you will be playing card guards to the various locations in her realm. Once a card guard is played it can be used as an ally to defeat heroes or activated to become a wicket.

Once each location has a wicket, you can play a card from the queen’s deck called “Take the Shot”. To be successful the cost of the next five cards in your villain deck must be less than the strength of the wickets combined.

But, of course, the heroes and effects in your fate deck can complicate this process. There are powerful cards that can turn wickets back into card guards. Some prevent card guards from being turned to wickets until they are defeated.

Straightforward play makes Queen of Hearts easy to learn. Between converting cards to wickets, heroes slowing you down, and having to take a successful shot, she brings just the right amount of complexity. She’s a must-play if you want to take the winning shot.

What’s great about the Queen of Hearts:

  • Converting to Wickets
  • Easy to learn but has some complexity
  • Taking the shot to win, you’re not a shoo-in for victory
  • Fate actions that shrink or enlarge cards
  • Heroes that reverse your actions 

4. Scar

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Become the new king of the pride after defeating Mufasa and many of his followers as you play as Scar.

Have dreams of becoming king? With Scar, you can do just that. Take over the pride. 

Scar was in the expansion pack released the summer of July 2019 along with Yzma and Ratigan. Based on the hit movie The Lion King, he was a much-anticipated villain. Between the nostalgia Scar creates and his objective, he made the top five best villains in Disney Villainous.

Scar’s objective is to have at least 15 strength in his succession pile.  After defeating Mufasa, Scar begins a pile of defeated heroes which is his succession pile. He is the only villain to use one and it fits The Lion King theme well.

You will have some cards to help you find Mufasa in your fate deck. And plenty of Hyenas to help defeat him and the other heroes. The difficult part comes if Mufasa is towards the bottom of the deck.

If your opponents understand how you win, they will likely avoid playing fate actions on you. This prevents Mufasa and the other heroes from coming out. However, a win is still completely possible. 

If Mufasa remains in the deck for a while, you can start by playing hyenas to get ready for him and the other heroes. Be careful not to defeat heroes unless you have to before Mufasa is played or they won’t count toward your succession pile. 

If you love Villainous, The Lion King, or both get the expansion with Scar. You won’t regret it.

What’s Great about Mufasa:

  • The succession pile
  • He’s easy to learn to play
  • Greatly themed according to the movie
  • Ability to search for Mufasa even if no players play fate actions against you
  • Hyena’s ability to gain strength in numbers

3. Prince John

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Become the greediest in the game as you play as Prince John.

Ever watch Disney’s Robin Hood? The greedy Prince John out to get all the gold he can while Robin spent his time stealing it. Marked by action and greed, see if you can become the richest in Nottingham.

Disney Villainous released Prince John in the original set of six. His objective requires you to start your turn with 20 power. Sounds simple right?

But, it’s not so easy. The obtain power actions are at the top of most rooms in his realm. So if someone plays a fate against you it’s hard to get the power needed to win.

Speaking of fate actions, some heroes and effects cause power to be played on the hero until he’s defeated. This power doesn’t count as part of John’s stash. So it’s important to play allies to be able to defeat heroes. 

All hope is not lost though. Prince John has some powerful allies and items in his deck like the Sheriff of Nottingham and Sir Hiss. He also has Warrants that give him two power if a hero is played at that location. 

Despite the straightforward nature of play, Prince John is one of the top five villains because he provides a challenge. Yes, you can win playing with him, but it takes strategy to figure out how to work around the fate actions and obtain enough power to win. 

What’s Great about Prince John:

  • Fate cards provide just the right amount of challenge when played
  • Sheriff of Nottingham’s ability to move about the realm and profit from heroes
  • Sir Hiss allows you to do an action covered by a hero
  • Straightforward to play
  • Heroes at the jail don’t cover actions

2. Maleficent

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Maleficent is one truly evil character. Casting curses and reigning supreme took her to new levels. Step into the world and send curses into her realm to win.

One of the evilest villains Disney created. Remember the valiant effort of the prince to get to sleeping beauty? Battling through the thorny bush and slaying the fire breathing dragon. Step into the role of Maleficent.

Maleficent comes to life in Villainous and is crazy fun to play. Her objective is to start her turn with a curse at each location in her realm. The trick is playing them at the right time. 

Playing curses becomes strategically important because they can limit your movement and even be discarded. There are three different curses in the deck: Dreamless Sleep, Green Fire, and Forest of Thorns.

Forest of Thorns can be discarded if a hero with enough strength is played to its location. Green Fire gets discarded if you move to its location, so plan carefully when playing it. And Dreamless Sleep gets discarded when an ally is played to its location, so you’ll want to get Ally’s down before playing it.

Not only do you have to plan carefully about when and where to play curses so they don’t get easily discarded, but you need to watch out for fate actions. Some heroes and effects will cause curses to be discarded or even your hand to be revealed until that hero is defeated.

Now you will have your own effect cards to help play curses and several goons for allies. They will come in handy. If you like thinking and strategic play, try Maleficent. 

What’s Great About Maleficent:

  • Curses can be discarded
  • A little more complex for those that like to have think a little more
  • Strategy and careful planning become important
  • Heroes can slow progress toward the objective
  • The balance between difficulty and ease of play, keeping her challenging yet winnable

1. Yzma

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Yzma is a truly eccentric character and she's no different in Disney Villainous. Send out Kronk to defeat Kuzco, but don't turn your back or he may switch sides. Can you keep your ally long enough to win?

Want to take out the Emperor so you can rule the empire? That was Yzma’s goal in the movie The Emperor's New Groove and it can be yours too.

In 2019 Ravensburger released Evil Comes Prepared, the second expansion to Disney Villainous. Evil Comes Prepared contained three new villains: Ratigan, Scar, and Yzma.

Yzma’s objective is to defeat Kuzco. Simple. Yes. But there’s always a twist. 

Instead of one fate deck to go through, Yzma’s deck is divided into four equal piles and each is placed above one location. When a fate action targets you, the other person picks one of the four locations and looks through it. Then they pick one card to play at that location. 

There are fate cards that cause Kuzco to be discarded and reshuffled into the fate decks, then redealt into the four piles. Then you’re back to square one in knowing where Kuzco is.

Kronk is your most powerful ally and must be used to defeat Kuzco. But, Kronk has a flaw. If you move him around too much, he can turn on you and become a hero. Then you must regain his trust so he can be your ally again.

Yzma became a new favorite quickly. She takes strategy to win with like the others in Villainous. But with Kronk on the cusp of deserting you and never knowing if Kuzco is going to slip from your grasp, she can win but brings a challenge.

What’s Great about Yzma:

  • Her four fate decks.
  • Kronk being powerful yet unstable
  • Cards in her villain deck that help find Kuzco but could also discard him (play wisely)
  • Very different than the other villains
  • Strategy fluctuates making it slightly more challenging

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