[Top 3] BF5 Best Anti Tank

BF5 Best Anti Tank
25 May 2021

Don’t wait for a tank's permission. Go scatter his goods with some AT combustibles. 

The best AT is circumstantial. For example, if you manage to get behind a tank then I recommend placing 3 TNT on the tank - detonating them and promptly switching to a rocket launcher to finish it off. Sounds easy in practice but in reality, there's infantry, the tank driver has a 360-degree view in 3rd person, and there's an incalculable amount of carnage because you’re playing Battlefield 5. It’s difficult to get that close. So where does that leave us? 

It leaves us with many choices all of which teeter on certain death AKA: fun. So let’s go over 3 weapons that habitually turn tanks into sparking death boxes.

Disclaimer: #3.1: We’re going to start by saying the P-70 Night Fighter is the best tank-killer in the game capable of 6-rocketing tigers from 2 km away! But let’s focus on the floor. You can’t always rain death from above and sometimes it’s more fun on the dance floor. 

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P70 decimating a helpless tiger, “if you can fly a p70, many tanks will die.” everyone

#3: Dynamite (TNT)

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Blasting a half-track with something that rarely lets me down, Twisted Steel, BFV 2021

Mines have to be activated, sticks leave you crippled but TNT will pop the chonkiest of foes. You can feel confident it’s applying the most damage. I’ve flipped 54-ton tigers on their turrets with the proper application of these sticky explosives. 

Don’t just run straight at tanks and apply the TNT, push cautiously, perhaps with an STG or anything that can hip-fire in a pinch. You don’t want to expose yourself to long-range engagements or be spotted by a majority. Once, or if you arrive, approach the tank from the rear and do it quickly because he may already see you. Throw as many TNT as you can before he brings his turret to bear. Keep in mind: the engine block is a weak point on most tanks. You’ll probably die here but if you’re are like me and want all tanks to die fiery deaths then it’s #worthit. If you do escape into cover, quickly reposition and fire with your shape charge launcher of choice(Piat, Bazooka, Faust). 

Unlocking Dynamite (TNT)

Dynamite can be equipped the second you start the game (Assault Rank 0). Your other choices like mines and a pistol flamethrower can be useful but cant destroy the majority like TNT.

Major Exploits

  • Custom Fuze: you can choose with this wonderful piece of equipment, blow up walls too! I live around ammo crates when I play assault and I’ll spam explosives all day because that’s generally what my team requires. 
  • Sticky: you can turn a Schwimmwagen into a mobile bomb! Or stick it straight to an armored foe
  • Throw: you can cast this device further than mines or the temperamental lunge stick
  • Damagios: it crunches armor, buildings, and bone alike

Keeping the Jeep Bomb alive decades later 2k 60+fps

#2: Bundle Grenade

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Bundle nade does work on a Japanese tank, Solomon Islands, BFV 2021

This thing has been a thorn in my behind. It always wants to take the place of my anti-personal grenade. Since I run into infantry more than tanks, and dynamite plus the piat gives me sufficient AT, I normally go with an anti-personal grenade, due to its smaller fuze. But we’re talking about the best anti-tank today. So let us discuss how devastating this thing is. It's essential if all you’re worried about is blasting plating. You can throw it further than TNT, and generally, it’s a nice way to start that explosion. Instead of detonating TNT you’ve placed on a tank, throw this instead as a makeshift fuze and that vehicle will scatter in more directions than its factory intended.    

Unlocking Bundle Grenade

You can unlock the bundle grenade at Assault rank 9. It’s worth the grind and don’t worry, you have plenty of AT choices in the meantime. 

Major Exploits

  • Insta-gib: if you hit something metal it will explode on contact, sure, there are no giblets in BFV but you can use your imagination with this thing when you pier through that fiery mess you unraveled. Oh, I should add... I’ve been blown up in a Mosquito by a bundle grenade, so I can confirm it detonates on wood too. I didn’t see it coming. 
  • Huge Boom: you’ll get massive damage numbers with this and you don’t have to wait 10 seconds like the new AT mine nobody is using
  • Splash Anti-Armor: even if you don’t hit a tank directly the timed explosion could fatally injure it

Bundle Grenade 60fps

#1: The Piat

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve died with this weapon in my hand and a grin on my face but that doesn't matter; what matters is the way the sparks erupt from anything it’s lil’ 1.1 kg face comes into contact with. It consistently does more damage than the bazooka or panzerfaust. That’s not to say they’re not useful AT weapons, the bazookas good for long-range combat and the panzerfaust is good for anything in between.   

But the Piat however is better at delivering those critical blows. It’s a noob tube that is anything but. It requires leet skills to master and once you’re a piat practitioner you have become death: destroyer of kubelwagens, tanks, and anything else bullets have a hard time with. 

Unlocking the Piat

The Piat is unlocked when you achieve Assault rank 14. By then you should know how to sneak up on a tank but after you’ve equipped the Piat you shouldn’t have to. Just spring load some shape chargers and start firing!

Major Exploits

  • DESTRUCTOR: this weapon has the potential for aggression, suppression, and all-out destruction
  • Splash Damage: splash damage is really useful on some maps but don’t forget people who take splash explosive damage usually egress cover, you should always switch back to a fast firing gun to finish their panicked ars off
  • AT Potency: it can two-shot many vehicles; to single-handedly kill the heaviest tanks you need to first get dynamite on them and only after you detonate those switch to the piat and place one on the trunk if possible - it’s dangerous but hopefully, your team is creating massive distractions  

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