[Top 5] Best Rome: Total War Factions That Are Powerful

Early game campaign map of Macedon.
16 Feb 2022

Released in 2004 during the golden age of PC gaming, Rome: Total War transformed the strategy genre by combining real time combat tactics with a turn-based campaign. This particular title in the Total War series excels in making each faction feel truly unique. 

From specialized military units to distinct national histories and political aims, the factions in Rome: Total War, much like their real life counterparts, have varying degrees of power throughout the game. 

The following five factions are the very best that players at any level can choose from.

5. Germania

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Boasting some of the fiercest warriors in the ancient world, Germania is one of the only playable barbarian factions that is able to recruit from a diverse pool of military units in Rome: Total War.

Unlike Gaul, which depends on sheer numbers to achieve victory, or Britannia, which must shuttle their fearsome woaded warriors and chariots across the English Channel, the armies of Germania can muster soldiers and dive right into the action of mainland Europe.

Key information:

  • Most favorable location for barbarian factions
  • Elite units like Gothic Cavalry and Berserkers
  • No siege weaponry

Choose Germania if you have an appetite for domination that tends to snowball: conquer your barbarian neighbors, pillage their villages, replenish your army, and continue south to battle against Carthage or Rome before they become too powerful.

4. Greek Cities

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Ancient Greece, the cradle of Western Civilization–including Rome. They did not rise to power without good reason. The Greek hoplite phalanx revolutionized ancient warfare across the Hellenistic world.

In Rome: Total War, the primary focus for the Greek Cities is to unite disparate city-states around the Aegean Sea while fending off expansionist adversaries to the west (the Brutii of Rome), north (the Macedonians), and east (the Seleucids). Overcome this precarious position, however, and the world is yours for the taking.

Key information:

  • Starting territory is sprawled out
  • Spartan Hoplites; the strongest phalanx unit in the game
  • Phalanxes need to take advantage of positioning and flanking to win battles

Choose Greek Cities if you’d like a decent challenge that heavily rewards players later on for discipline in the beginning of the game. Once you re-establish Ancient Greece’s stronghold, other factions will find defeating your veteran hoplites nearly impossible.

From there you can take the Greeks further than Alexander the Great ever dreamed.

3. Egypt

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Unless something goes terribly, terribly wrong, the Egyptian faction is almost always a formidable power house from start to finish in Rome: Total War. 

They have natural protection from the Mediterranean Sea to the north, and the Sahara Desert to the south. And the enemy factions that they need to face early in the game are only Carthage and the Seleucid Empire, both of which have their own troubles to worry about.

Key information:

  • Great variety of units that can fit any play style
  • Powerful shock troops, archers, and chariots
  • Large navy, but limited upgrades

Choose Egypt if you are still new to the game or want to flex your military might without significant resistance. From the rich Nile Delta, venture northeast to encounter a Seleucid Empire that is still recovering from the fall of Alexander the Great, and the subsequent power grab amongst his generals. 

Where the Seleucids stumble, the Egyptians thrive. Carthage to the northwest is Egypt’s only real rival for power across all of North Africa and the Middle East. 

2. Carthage

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Speaking of Carthage, they are also one of the strongest factions in the game. With no enemies to their immediate south, and natural protection to the north and west from the Strait of Gibraltar and Mediterranean Sea, the Carthaginians are poised for supremacy.

Spain is still underdeveloped, and it’s tribes can be quickly dispatched while simultaneously checking Rome’s imperial aspirations in Sicily. The Carthaginians also hold the most powerful navy early on in the game thanks to their Phoenician heritage.

Key information:

  • Superb mix of infantry, missile, and cavalry
  • Terrifyingly destructive war elephants
  • Technologically advanced navy

Choose Carthage if you want to rewrite the pages of history without too much difficulty while still having enough of a challenge from Rome to keep things interesting.

From the sea, use your fleets to cripple your foes economically. Then send in your Sacred Band units to obliterate any who still dare oppose you.

1. Rome: Julii, Brutii, Scipii

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Rome, the faction that this classic strategy game was named after–how could they not be ranked number one? 

Similar to the revolution in ancient warfare that came from the advent of the hoplite phalanx in Greece, the military advancements from the Romans catapulted them onto the world stage, and kept them in power for more than a thousand years.

Rome is divided into three competing subfactions, or families, who live across Italy: the Julii in the north, the Brutii in the east (pictured), and the Scipii in the southwest. 

Depending on which Roman family you choose, you could combat Greek shields, Gallic swords, or African elephants as soon as your first or second turn.

Rome has the most robust military at any stage in the game, with Egypt coming in a close second. In the beginning, combining infantry such as Hastati, Principes, and Triarii with skilled cavalry like the Equites has a devastating effect on your enemies on the battlefield. 

The flexibility of the Roman army makes it very forgiving of tactical errors as well.

Key information:

  • Strong army and navy throughout the entire campaign
  • Best starting location with protection from the Adriatic, Tyrrhenian, and Ionian Seas
  • Legionnaires, Gladiators, and legendary Praetorians

The politics of Rome are a big component of campaign success, but victory on the battlefield is almost always guaranteed unless your men are outnumbered or you have fresh recruits battling veteran soldiers from the likes of Gaul, Carthage, or Macedon.

Choose Rome if you want the perfect playing experience. 

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