[Top 15] Best Police Comics of All Time

Best Police Comic
24 Mar 2021

Comic cops don't often get to show their stuff because of superheros.

If you're tired of superpowered beings swooping in to save the day and are hoping for something a little more realistic, then these police comics should do the trick. There are a number of different takes on police in this collection, from realistic ones to utterly fantastical ones. Either way, these law enforcers know how to get their job done.

15. The Fuse

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The futuristic setting of this story provides a fresh take on the common police procedural.

Homicide detective Klem Ristovych works on The Fuse, an orbiting space station. She finds herself partnered with Ralph Dietrich, a young cop who volunteered to work on The Fuse, a fact that makes him a target of suspicion. This series follows the two as they spend their time together investigating murders and struggling to get along. The standouts of this comic are its diverse, interesting characters and it’s take on humanity’s possible future.

You'll like The Fuse if…

  • You like police procedural comics
  • You like sci-fic comics
  • You like mysteries

14. Copperhead

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One way to make a typical plot interesting is by setting it in a unique location, which this comic does.

This comic series takes place in the town of Copperhead on the backwater planet Jasper. Clara Bronson is a single mom and the town’s new sheriff, though how she ended up in this town of all towns is anybody’s guess. Unfortunately, Copperhead has its conflicts and Clara will have to deal with a bitter deputy, a suspicious mining tycoon, and alien species who aren’t exactly peacefully coexisting. If you’ve always wanted to try out a comic that’s a mix of Western and sci-fi, Copperhead is a great place to start!

You’ll like Copperhead if…

  • You like hard female characters
  • You like Western and Sci-fi stories
  • You like stories with familiar, but well-done plots

13. Dream Police

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The series starts with Joe confused about his partner, and from there the mystery only grows.

Joe Thursday and Frank Stanford are Dream Police partners who have been working together for a while now. In their field of work they patrol an alternate universe of dreams and nightmares where changelings, echoes, wisps, and more are real. Yet, questions begin to arise when Frank disappears and a woman enters the scene claiming that she’s always been Joe’s partner. This series delves into the Dreamscape, a fragile world of mystery, and a confused Joe who vaguely remembers a person that no one else does.

You’ll like Dream Police if…

  • You like interesting character designs
  • You like solid world building in a unique setting
  • You like mixes of fantasy and noir

12. Bedlam

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Fillmore Press is supposedly a serial killer turned police, but what's unsure is if the serial killer in him ever left.

Fillmore Press, when he worked under the name Madder Red, was an unspeakably cruel serial killer. After a surgery that supposedly rid him of his evil tendencies, he partners up with the police to do good for a change. However, Press’ past can only stay a secret for so long, and there’s no guarantee that he’s actually been completley cureda. If you’re good with gore and disturbing content, this comic is definitely one worth checking out.

You’ll like Bedlam if…

  • You like thrillers
  • You like main characters with dark pasts
  • You like violent stories

11. C.O.P.S.

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"C.O.P.S." is a light take on an otherwise heavy genre.

Special Agent Baldwin P. Vess, aka Bulletproof, heads a team of futuristic police officers, and their goal is to restore law to Empire City by taking down criminal leader Brandon "Big Boss" Babel. The cops in this comic are like a blend of police and superheros, and the series overall is a fun and lighthearted one. Though not the most complex of works out there, this series is still worth a read for the easygoing entertainment it provides.

You’ll like C.O.P.S. if…

  • You like 80’s comics set in the future
  • You like large and loveable casts
  • You like comics packed with comedy and action

10. Gotham Central

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The regular people of Gotham are not totally forgotten, as shown in this series.

This series focuses on the Gotham City Police Department rather than Gotham City’s Batman. The 40 issues span 15 story arcs that alternate between the characters with day shifts and night shifts. Fans of the Batman comics are sure to see familiar faces in this series for in these comics, many side characters finally get  their time to shine.

You’ll like Gotham Central if…

  • You want to see how “regular” Gothamcops deal with the villains
  • You like seeing the contrast between “normal” people and superheroes
  • You like crime/detective dramas

9. RoboCop

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If you enjoyed the movies, be sure to check out the (good) comics.

There have been a number of RoboCop comics, and while some were misses, there were definitely solid ones in the mix. RoboCop vs. Terminator, RoboCop: Prime Suspect, and RoboCop: Dead or Alive are all quality comics with action and even some mystery. Though they may not be as good as the movies, these series are still worth giving a read.

You’ll like RoboCop if…

  • You like stories with futuristic settings
  • You like stories with cyborgs
  • You like comics focused on action

8. Axe Cop

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This series promises fun, absured action and delivers it 100%.

Axe Cop is a gruff cop dedicated to defeating bad guys with his trusty axe. The conflicts he faces aren’t typical, with some of his foes being zombies and aliens. Fortunately, he has his allies Flute Cop, Ralph Wrinkles, and more by his side to keep things from getting overwhelming. There’s little to no focus on back story or character development in this series, just pure, entertaining action and wacky plots.

You’ll like Axe Cop if…

  • You like comics without a strong driving plot
  • You like out of the box comics
  • You like comics heavy on the humor and action

7. Jughead’s Time Police

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Jughead, a loveable side character, takes a leading role in this series that takes place across different time periods.

The food loving Jughead has been entered into a time-traveling police force for history’s sake. Jughead’s adventures include blasting to the past as well as the future, and he even runs into duplicates of himself. For all fans of the Archie comics, this is another great one that’s held up well through the ages

You’ll like Jughead’s Time Police if…

  • You like colorful and fun comics
  • You like comics about time travel
  • You like situations with paradoxes

6. Rising Stars: Bright

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Not everyone born with powers wants them, Matthew Bright being a prime example.

A spin-off of the Rising Stars series, Rising Stars: Bright tells the story of Matthew Bright, a Special--one of 113 others with supernatural abilities--who was a police officer. At this time in his life, Bright went by the name Brenden Miller, and this series shows his early years in law enforcement while acting as a normal person. Here Bright shows that one doesn’t need to be superpowered in order to be super.

You’ll like Rising Stars: Bright if…

  • You like stories that mix cops and superheroes
  • You like stories that delve into a character’s past
  • You like stories about extraordinary people trying to be ordinary

5. Powers

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Even in a world where having powers isn't out of the norm, some choose not to use them and instead choose to work the old-fashioned way.

In the world of Powers, superheroes are neither the norm nor are they anything especially special. Christian Walker and Deena Pilgrimare are Chicago police officers whose work centers around the powers, those with superpowers. The series kicks off with the murder of a popular superhero and from then on follows the two officers as they investigate death after death.

You’ll like Powers if…

  • You like superhero comics
  • You like crime noir comics
  • You like comics with dynamic duos

4. Cops: The Job

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For a look into what cops, or at least cops of this time, do this comic won't disappoint.

This limited series follows the lives of two New York City police officers, with the real life experiences written by a former cop. Their challenges involve hunting down a serial killer and confronting a rapist among other dangerous duties. Though short, it’s a quite  realistic portrayal of the work of a police officer.

You’ll like Cops: The Job if…

  • You like realistic stories
  • You like older comics
  • You like short but gripping stories

3. Savage Dragon

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Believe it or not this series is ongoing, though it currently focuses on The Dragon's son rather than The Dragon himself.

This long running comic series focuses on the superhero The Dragon, a humanoid with superpowers. Certain circumstances led The Dragon to joining the Chicago Police Department where he fights crime and is sometimes loaned out to help in other areas. This is one of the longest running series written primarily by one author out there, which is a testament to its quality.

You’ll like Savage Dragon if…

  • You like superhero cops
  • You like comics with many superpowered characters
  • You like comics that aren’t afraid to get violent

2. Dick Tracy

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Tracy is one of the original comic cops who has managed to stay relevant.

Dick Tracy is a tough, smart police officer who hails from a comic strip launched in 1931. His story starts with him joining the police force after the murder of his girlfriend, and from there it delves into issues that the America at the time was faced with, for instance organized crime and the rapid advancing of technology. As the times change, so does Tracy’s crime fighting tactics, making his stories relatable to readers of all ages. Tracy’s comic strips have been compiled into hardcover books for easier reading.

You’ll like Dick Tracy if…

  • You like comics that reflect their time period
  • You like classic police detective comics
  • You like stories that change with the times

1. Judge Dredd

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Though it might be confusing to get into, the world of Judge Dredd comes with many great stories.

The world of Judge Dredd is a desolate dystopian one where most live in mega-cities. Judge Dredd himself is a law enforcement officer in Mega-City One with the power to arrest, convict, sentence, and execute criminals. In his line of work Judge Dredd has a lot to deal with, from robot uprisings to delivering a vaccine for a deadly virus to fighting dangerous Judges from a parallel Earth.

You’ll like Judge Dredd if…

  • You like dark, futuristic settings
  • You like fantastical characters
  • You like complex stories with large casts and extensive plots

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