All Armello DLCs Ranked (Best Armello DLC)

Armello DLC Ranked
20 Dec 2022

All Armello DLCs Ranked (Best Armello DLC)

1#. The Bandit Clan ($9.99 USD)

Summary of The Bandit Clan DLC

Composed of different animals, the Bandit Clan has a gang of Heroes with unique skills that’ll make your game more interesting. From permanent Evade to swapping places with King’s Guards, the Bandit clan adds new gameplay and challenges to Armello. 

The Bandit Clan Review

This is my favorite DLC as some of my favorite Heroes are in here. Sylas and Horace in particular are very fun to play as. Also, the idea of a clan being a band of misfits brought together is a fun concept as well. 

Along with the new Heroes, the change to gameplay is unique. You take on a more anti-hero status with these guys. That makes it interesting to play. 

Only one Ring, the Serendibite Ring, is uniquely a Bandit Clan Ring, the rest are pilfered from other Clans. This adds variation to gameplay that is odd, but not unwelcome.

Personally, I recommend picking this DLC up first and as soon as you can afford to get it! You won’t be disappointed in it.

What you'll get with the Bandit Clan DLC

  • You get 4 new Heroes and their shady abilities. These include:
    • Sylas, the Fisher of Souls, is an otter on a revenge quest against the King. His Butcher ability gives him +1 Sword in battle for every Bounty stack he has. These swords gain Pierce against King’s Guards
    • Horace, the Iron Poet, is a badger knight once in the King’s good graces. His 9th Knight ability allows him to trade places with King’s Guards instead of attacking them. That is, as long as he doesn’t have a Bounty stack. 
    • Twiss, the Little Lightpaw, is a master squirrel thief. Her Pickpocket ability gives her Evade everywhere and allows her to steal a card from the attacking player if she successfully escapes.
    • Scarlet, the Bandit King, is a fox who leads the Bandit Clan (if you couldn’t tell by her name). Her ability gives her a free Companion card when she captures a Terrorized Settlement.
  • You get 1 New Ring from the Bandit Clan and use the Rings of other Clans to bolster you. The Serendibite Ring gives Bandit Heroes +1 gold and +1 Prestige for every King’s Guard killed. Fun, right?
  • You get the Bandit Clan Dice. That’s fun shade of gold and black you got there. Real fancy like. 
  • The Listen Amulet which, previously only was for showing off. Now, you get a bonus Star after multiplayer matches. 
  • You get over 50 new Bandit Quests which tell their side of the story as well as introduce us to the shadier elements of Armello. 
  • You get a new skin for the Squire Companion card. Now instead of an unfortunate mammal, you get an unfortunate toad who’s going to die in your place. 

Bandit Clan rating: 9/10

2#. The Dragon Clan ($9.99 USD)

Summary of The Dragon Clan DLC

Made up of many reptilian creatures, the Dragon Clan are the acolytes of the Rot. Now, they have returned with 4 new Heroes in the Dragon Clan, new Quests for these draconian Heroes, 6 new Rings, a new Amulet, and a free Novella to introduce us to their homecoming. 

The Dragon Clan Review

Really, these are on par with the Bandit Clan in terms of what they offer. The Dragon Clan Heroes offer new gameplay that makes Rot victories easier to achieve than ever.

This is not just because of the new Ruin Amulet. It’s allso because the Dragon Heroes are immune to Rot dawn damage. That alone is a plus for the Corrupted path!

They’re also cool in terms of model and backstory. They truly resemble dragons in their appearance and have an intimidating gameplay. 

Additionally,, like the Bandit Clan, I play most of the Dragon Clan Heroes and pretty frequently. Nazar’s Illusions and Volodar’s Enthrall abilities add an edge to the game that shakes things up.

I recommend you get this right after the Bandit Clan. Yet, if you’re more partial to Rot victories, get this DLC before the Bandit Clan. Bring the Rot back in its totality!

What you'll get with The Dragon Clan DLC: 

  • 4 New Heroes from the Dragon Clan.
    • Volodar the Wormchanter, a Komodo Dragon with a bell capable of controlling Banes. His Enthrall ability turns Banes into sentinels that attack anything that moves to an adjacent spot to them , except Volodar. 
    • Oxana the Sentinel is an iguana who hunts Druids and kills them. Her Flagellant ability destroys a random Spell Card in her opponent’s hand when she attacks them. That locks the destroyed Spell Card as a burned attack and adds the Card’s Magic cost to her explode pool.
    • Agniya the Revenant is a huge turtle whose lived for centuries in service to the Rot. Her Consecrate ability gives her +1 health regen for 2 turns for every enemy she kills. 
    • Nazar the Maniac is a gecko with many carvings on his skin and a mind somewhat in pieces. His Illusion ability can deceive enemies and even take out Perils. 
  • New Dragon Clan Quests told in stone and carving. Not the clearest in what happens, yet still great to play. 
  • One Free Novella on Armello. This novella tells the tale of a mouse that finds the Dragon Clan…and how it returned to Armello.
  • One Dragon Dice. It hints at their ancient history and servitude to the Rot. 
  • 6 New Dragon Clan Rings exclusively for them. 
    • Sulfur: Grants immunity to Swamp damage. 
    • Basalt: You gain Stealth and Poison on your first rolled sword while on Dungeons.
    • Axinite: You get +1 Die in battles and Perils until the end of your next turn on any creature kill.
    • Cinnabar: You get a random 1 Magic Cot spell card to your hand any time you lose any Prestige. 
    • Tremolite: You start with +1 Rot, and you give +1 Rot to any creature you end your turn next to until the end of their next turn. 
    • Serpentine: When you complete Quests, you lose 1 Rot and gain +3 magic if you lose Rot that way. 
  • The new Ruin Amulet. This allows you to terrorize any Settlement you enter and gain +1 Rot and gold in return.

The Dragon Clan rating: 9/10

3#. Usurpers Hero Pack ($9.99 USD)

Summary of The Usurpers Hero Pack

The Usurpers Hero Pack adds a new Hero to each of the base Clans and 4 New Rings, one for each Clan. These new Heroes are unique in their own ways and bring their skills to bear against the King. 

Usurpers DLC Review

While it doesn’t add as much for its price tag as the Bandit or Dragon Clans, the Usurper Heroes are still great additions to the lineup. Particularly, Elyssia and Magna are favorites of mine to use in-game. 

The Rings are another added benefit. The Rubellite Ring for the Wolf Clan is crucial to my success when playing them after I bought Usurpers.

While it adds less than the first two DLC, Usurpers is still a great DLC to get. Would highly recommend getting it. 

What you'll get with Usurpers DLC

  • 4 New Heroes, one each to the Wolf, Rat, Rabbit, and Bear Clans. 
    • Ghor the Wyldkin is a Bear who can transform into an Ent-like creature. Ending his turn on a forest makes him immune to the next time he takes damage, except for morning Rot damage. 
    • Magna the Unbroken, a Wolf with a huge shield and even larger ability to not die. Shield cards she burns in battle gain Reflect. Basically, her ability is the inverse of Thane’s.
    • Sargon the Death Teller, a creepy Rat with more knowledge and sight than other Heroes. At the start of his turn, the top Cards of all the Decks are revealed allowing Sargon to know what he’s picking.
    • Elyssia the Wardess of Warrens is a famed architect of Armello and one of the more ingenious Heroes. When she stops on Settlements, she permanently Fortifies them. She also only needs 1 move to enter Fortified Settlements.
  • Four new Rings to give power to the 4 Starting Clans. 
    • Rubellite – If Hero is at 3 health of lower, they gain +3 Fight (Wolf Clan)
    • Aquamarine – Gains +1 Moon for Battles and Perils at night (Bear Clan)
    • Tanzanite - +2 Gold when you escape a Peril (Rat Clan)
    • Rainbow Quartz - +1 Magic and +1 Gold every Dawn (Rabbit Clan)

Usurpers rating: 7/10

4#. Seasons Board Skins Pack ($4.99 USD)

Summary of The Seasons Board Skins Pack

The Seasons Board Skins Pack gives the world of Armello two new looks: The Fall and Spring Versions. In the Autumn, you’ll see the orange and golden leaves in the game. In the Spring, you’ll see the beautiful multicolored flowers dotting the place as butterflies flutter by.

Seasons Board Skins Pack Review

While it seems surprising to have a Board Skins Pack over a Hero Pack, I actually find these skins more enjoyable than the Rivals (even Fang, sorry!).

There’s just something relaxing about seeing the bright orange colors of Fall or the butterflies in the Spring that makes the game more enjoyable. I become more immersed in it when it’s one of those two seasons. 

Yet, it is a purely aesthetic change to the game, which is I rank it lower than the 3 Hero and Clan packs above. Nonetheless, it’s an aesthetic change that’s well worth the price tag. 

I very much recommend you get this Pack when you can. It is a welcome and beautiful change to the world of Armello.

What you'll get with the Seasons Board Skins Pack DLC

  • The Autumn Board Skin. This changes Armello’s looks to a Fall appearance with fallen leaves on the ground and the trees changing from green to orange, red, and gold.
  • The Spring Board Skin. This adds a Springtime look to Armello with butterflies flying about and flowers dotting every part of the landscape. 
  • Both Board Skins come with ambient audio and sound effects to fit the seasons. 

Seasons Board Skins Pack Rating: 6/10

5#. Rivals Hero Pack ($9.99 USD)

Summary of The Rivals Hero Pack

The Rivals Hero Pack adds 4 New Heroes to challenge the other Heroes. This pack also includes Four new Rings, one each for the Rabbit, Rat, Bear, and Wolf Clans, and the Intimidate Amulet. 

The Rivals are designed for causing chaos and trouble in the game. Trickery cards, loose cannons (literally) and bloodthirsty howls are just the start with this pack.

Rivals Hero Pack Review 

Fang and the Spinel Ring are personally the best things to come out of this pack for me and that’s not saying that much. One great Hero and a Ring that boosts all Rabbit Clan Heroes isn’t that good of a trade for $9.99.

Don’t get me wrong. It is fun to play as Hargrave and Griotte sometimes. However, they’re also very difficult to play and not as much fun as the Heroes in the packs I’ve mentioned previously. 

Still Fang and the Spinel Ring satisfy my itch and make the cost ultimately worth it. Fang in particular is awesome to play as when I want a Rot and/or Battle Victory. 

Personally, I found this DLC a good trade for the benefits. Still, I would buy this last in the list of Armello DLC. 

What you'll get with Rivals Hero Pack DLC

  • Four new Heroes for each of the starting Armello Clans. 
    • Yordanna the Devourer is a witch that wields unique Curse spells against her enemies. Anytime she plays a Spell Card to herself, she Devours it for 1 Magic, and gets a unique Curse Spell Card at the end of her turn.
    • Griotte the Butcher Baroness is a vile murdering Rat Clan leader who becomes more dangerous at night. Her Street Queen ability means that she has Affinity Clan Dice equal to the number of Trickery Cards she plays during the previous day.
    • Fang the Exiled is a savage beast with the ability to decimate any enemy in his path. His Berzerker ability gives him +1 starting Rot and destroys all rolls his opponent rolled if he Slaughters (+3 attack on killing blow) them. 
    • Hargrave the Thunder Earl is a disgraced Rabbit Earl who has a cannon to use against his foes. His Cannoneer ability gives him the ability to fire at all creatures that move adjacent to him if he ends his turn on Plains or Mountain.
  • Four new Rings, one for each of the starting Armello Clans. 
    • Cat’s Eye – You get -1 Gold discount on your first Trickery Card played that turn (Rat Clan)
    • Spinel – You get +20% chance on all Quests you take (Rabbit Clan) 
    • Chrysocolla – You get Scout on Heroes with 2 or less health (Wolf Clan)
    • Taaffeite – +1 Shield and +1 Spirit in Forests (Bear Clan) 
  • The new Intimidate Amulet. When you end your turn, creatures adjacent to you gain -2 Fight until the end of their next turn 

Rivals Rating: 5/10

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