The Evil Within

The Evil Within
The Evil Within
About The Evil Within

When detective Sebastian Castellanos and his two partners investigate the scene of a mass murder, they discover bodies of numerous slain police officers before being knocked out by an evil force. Waking up, he finds himself in an altered reality of Krimson City, surrounded by horrifying creatures called "The Haunted" who now wander the city.

Sebastian finds out that the creature who slaughtered the police officers is called Ruvik, who has the ability to alter reality and change the terrain as he wishes. As Sebastian, your objective is to defeat Ruvik and fight the horrendous creatures scattered all over the place, each with their own abilities and weaknesses, and make it out alive.

You have a vast weapon arsenal to choose from. Pistols, shotguns, knives and snipers are a few options. You also have access to the Agony Crossbow, a powerful weapon that shoots special bolts capable of inflicting freezing, paralyzing or exploding effects on enemies. Even with many offensive options, learning when to run from a powerful enemy is just as important as trying to defeat them. Embark on this immersive journey of fear and try to understand what happened to the world around you, while experiencing the true meaning of horror.


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