The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall

The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall
The Elder Scrolls Daggerfall user rating and reviews
About The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall

Daggerfall is the second game in the Elder Scrolls series. You have been sent to the town of Daggerfall by the Emperor himself to investigate what happened to a letter sent to one of his spies. There is a second task for you to do however, a ghostly king has been roaming the town, you are also sent to ensure that he leaves the mortal realm. From this mission and the many mishaps the follow it, you discover a sinister plot that spans over the entirely of Tamriel.

There are six paths to follow each of which lead to a unique ending that potentially could change the entire world as you know it. Choose wisely however as not every path will lead to a good ending and not every ending has you surviving it.


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