Survival Game Dead Matter triples its KickStarter Goal

11 Aug 2017

Quantum Integrity Software Incorporated, located in Calgary Canada is the start up behind a new sandbox survival horror game. Dead Matter is a post apocalyptic zombie game that was originally released as a mod for Crysis 2 in 2013. It was greenlighted by steam in December of 2016, and as of July 2017 the game started up its kickstarter.

The goal for fundraising was set at almost $50k initially. In less than 50 hours Dead Matter managed to raise 50% of its funding goal. By July 20th the game was fully funded and by the 24th Dead Matter doubled over into 200% funding. Today the game stands with 300% funding ($150k) and almost a week to go! The final stretch goal is a total of $258,000.

The game, like the studio, takes place in Alberta, near the city of Calgary, Canada. Reportedly, Dead Matter is “Lush with variety and life, from the wild forests and lakes of the rockies to the once bustling city of Calgary.” The setting is the creators depiction of Alberta - after zombies have overrun it, of course.

Why is it so popular?

According to a reddit feed on the game, several users are looking forward to “a game that makes slow zombies a real threat because of the number of them. In an article by Gamers Greed, the “...massive list of customization options, features, stunning landscapes [and] versatile gameplay…” make Dead Matter a highly appetizing game. It’s also listed that the game developers “actually listen to the players,” which is a huge plus to the gaming community.

That and the fact that the gaming community is continually looking for a zombie game worthy of playing make it no big surprise that Dead Matter managed to raise it’s goal, much less slam through the first half of its stretch goals before ending the funding period.

Dead Matter Kickstarter Video


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