[Top 5] Baldur's Gate 3 Best Gale Builds To Play

Baldur's Gate 3 Gale Builds
11 Sep 2024

Ah, Gale, the human wizard who romanced a Goddess, then tried to get more power, and it blew up in his face. Now he has a mysterious illness that he needs to get rid of, and you will help him with that. That’s pretty much his whole story arc. 

It should be noted that Gale is very compassionate and will help anyone in need. He also owns a cat, but you'll only meet her later on in the game. Gale is a powerful spellcaster with a wide range of spells for almost any situation. 

He also has uses outside of combat, like giving the player the ability to fly, become invisible, and so on. Gale as a companion is great for AoE damage or area of effect damage, amazing at crowd control, and has a huge range of spells for in and out of combat. 


5. Support Gale

Body Image

Seems like your weapon turned into a wet noodle, how funny.

Well, if you were looking for a support build for Gale, you're in luck, as there is a subclass specifically for supporting, and it’s “Abjuration” from the wizard class. Abjuration spells protect the caster or their allies from harm. 

These spells range from creating magical barriers, deflecting attacks, or even banishing harmful creatures. A good support build for the wizard class can help out the party immensely, especially when going against strong bosses. The build will offer some offensive spells, so you can deal damage in the early stages of the game. 

The most important thing in this build is using mage armor every long rest, making sure that enemies are at a disadvantage at all times, and having spells ready that debuff enemies and buff your party members.

Why Support Gale Is Great:

  • Gale can support his party members with spells.
  • This build will increase the armor protection of Gale and his party members.
  • Gale can reduce the damage his party members take.
  • He is still able to deal a bit of damage.

All Build Details:


  • Human

Stat Distribution:

  • Strength: 8
  • Dexterity: 16
  • Constitution: 14
  • Intelligence: 16
  • Wisdom: 10
  • Charisma: 10

Level Up Order:

  • Level 1 - Wizard Class
  • Level 2 - Wizard, Abjuration Subclass, Spells: Shield. 
  • Level 3 - Wizard, Arcane Recovery, Spells: Misty Step, Cloud of Daggers.
  • Level 4 - Wizard, Spells: Mirror Image, Cantrip: Blade Ward.
  • Level 5 - Wizard, Subclass Feature: Projected Ward, Spells: Counterspell, Protection From Energy.
  • Level 6 - Wizard, Spells: Remove Curse, Glyph of Warding.
  • Level 7 - Wizard, Spells: Stoneskin, Freedom of Movement.
  • Level 8 - Wizard, Spells: Banishment, Remove Curse, Ability Improvement: +2 Intelligence.
  • Level 9 - Wizard, Spells: Beacon of Hope, Cone of Cold. 
  • Level 10 - Wizard, Cantrip: Light, Spells: Greater Invisibility, Planar Binding.
  • Level 11 - Wizard, Spells: Globe of Invulnerability, Greater Restoration.
  • Level 12 - Wizard, Spells: Cloudkill, Blight, Ability Improvement: +2 Intelligence.


  • Weapon Melee: Incandescent Staff
  • Shield/Off Hand: Shield of Devotion
  • Weapon Ranged: /
  • Armor: Robe of Supreme Defenses
  • Helmet: Hood of the Weave
  • Cape: Cloak of Protection
  • Gloves: Quickspell Gloves
  • Boots: Helldusk Boots
  • Amulet: Spellcrux Amulet
  • Ring 1: Risky Ring
  • Ring 2: Ring of Free Action
  • Instrument: /


4. The Conjurer

Body Image

You can’t get past my minions.

Since the wizard class focuses heavily on the arcane arts and has a huge variety of spells, it's only reasonable to build upon that strength. This build focuses on the wizard’s subclass “Conjuration,” which gives Gale more mobility and allows him to summon allies to battle. This build heavily relies on summoning allies in battle to help out in combat. 

It also focuses on crowd control and defensive spells for survival. The creatures that are summoned into battle can help out by scouting, distracting enemies, and fighting. Additionally, conjuration wizards can use their spells to teleport the whole party around the map to give advantages against enemies or even surprise attack them. 

The build also gives Gale the option to summon objects and effects. These objects and effects can change the battlefield and even sometimes block whole paths for enemies. Such as summoning a wall of fire to block enemies from pushing or charging your party. 

Why The Conjurer Is Great:

  • Gale can summon allies to aid him in battle or distract enemies.
  • The allies that are summoned by Gale can be used to scout the map or the battlefield.
  • Gale can summon objects and effects that change the battlefield. Such as a wall of fire that can be used to block enemies.
  • Gale can enhance his weapons and armor, making him stronger.
  • With this build, he can teleport himself and his allies around the battlefield to gain an advantage.

All Build Details:


  • Human

Stat Distribution:

  • Strength: 8
  • Dexterity: 16
  • Constitution: 14
  • Intelligence: 16
  • Wisdom: 10 
  • Charisma: 10 

Level Up Order:

  • Level 1 - Wizard Class
  • Level 2 - Wizard, Conjuration Subclass, Spells: Shield, Grease.
  • Level 3 - Wizard, Spells: Flaming Sphere, Misty Step.
  • Level 4 - Wizard, Ability Improvement: +2 Intelligence, Cantrip: Friends, Spells: Scorching Ray, Mirror Image.
  • Level 5 - Wizard, Spells: Animate Dead, Fireball.
  • Level 6 - Wizard, Spells: Counterspell, Hold Person, Benign Transportation: Teleportation.
  • Level 7 - Wizard, Spells: Sleet Storm, Conjure Minor Elemental.
  • Level 8 - Wizard, Spells: Ice Storm, Dimension Door, Minor Illusion.
  • Level 9 - Wizard, Spells: Conjure Elemental, Blight.
  • Level 10 - Wizard, Spells: Cloudkill, Cone of Cold.
  • Level 11 - Wizard, Spells: Create Undead, Disintegrate.
  • Level 12 - Wizard, Spells: Stoneskin, Arcane Gate, Ability Improvement: +2 Intelligence


  • Weapon Melee: Incandescent Staff
  • Shield/Off Hand: Shield of Devotion
  • Weapon Ranged: /
  • Armor: Robe of the Weave
  • Helmet: Mask of Soul Perception 
  • Cape: Cloak of the Weave
  • Gloves: Quickspell Gloves
  • Boots: Helldusk Boots
  • Amulet: Spellcrux Amulet
  • Ring 1: Risky Ring
  • Ring 2: Shifting Corpus ring
  • Instrument: /


3. Necromancer

Body Image

God damn these guys stink, literally.

Gale, with this build, will be able to have his undead army that follows him around and does his bidding. Gale will control the lives of everyone on the battlefield and will even be able to sap the lives of enemies with ease. 

Since Gale lacks the option to attack multiple times per turn, this build will change that by raising the undead and summoning otherworldly creatures on the battlefield. The build will inherently increase the survivability of not only Gale but everyone in his party. 

This is a very fun and unique build for our wizard, as you can summon up to 4 undead or elementals onto the battlefield. This build will also offer some utility spells in battle, such as stuns, single target damage, buffs, and debuffs. Additionally, with this build, Gale will gain immunity to necrotic damage, which is pretty damn amazing.

Why Necromancy Is Great:

  • Gale, with the build, can summon up to 4 undead to aid him in battle.
  • In the later stages of the game, Gale gains immunity to all necrotic type damage.
  • The build will increase the overall damage output of Gale.
  • The undead that are summoned with this build can be placed in the frontline to tank damage for allies.

All Build Details:


  • Human

Stat Distribution:

  • Strength: 8
  • Dexterity: 16
  • Constitution: 14
  • Intelligence: 16
  • Wisdom: 10
  • Charisma: 10

Level Up Order:

  • Level 1 - Wizard Class.
  • Level 2 - Wizard, Necromancy Subclass, Spells: Ice Knife, Find Familiar.
  • Level 3 - Wizard, Spells: Misty Step, Flaming Sphere.
  • Level 4 - Wizard, Cantrip: Mage Hand, Feat: Spell Sniper, Spells: Scorching Ray, Mirror Image.
  • Level 5 - Wizard, Spell: Animate Dead.
  • Level 6 - Wizard, Spells: Glyph of Warding, Haste.
  • Level 7 - Wizard, Spells: Conjure Minor Elemental, Blight.
  • Level 8 - Wizard, Spells: Confusion, Banishment. 
  • Level 9 - Wizard, Spells: Conjure Elemental, Cloudkill.
  • Level 10 - Wizard, Spells: Stoneskin, Grand Flight, Cantrip: Poison Spray.
  • Level 11 - Wizard Spells: Circle of Death, Create Undead. 
  • Level 12 - Wizard, Spells: Arcane Gate, Globe of Insurability, Ability Improvement: +2 Intelligence.


  • Weapon Melee: Staff of Cherished Necromancy
  • Shield/Off Hand: Shield of Devotion
  • Weapon Ranged: /
  • Armor: Potent Robe
  • Helmet: Hood of the Weave
  • Cape: Cloak of the Weave
  • Gloves: Quickspell Gloves
  • Boots: Disintegrating Night Walkers
  • Amulet: Spell Crux Amulet
  • Ring 1: Ring of Free Action
  • Ring 2: Crypt Lord Ring
  • Instrument: /


2. Ultimate Mage

Body Image

There are way too many spells for me to remember…

When you multiclass the wizard and sorcerer classes, Gale will have the ability to cast two spells per turn. You'll also want to go with the “Evocation” subclass for the wizard, as that offers the best AoE spells and doesn’t hurt allies. As for the sorcerer subclass, choose “Draconic Bloodline,” as it offers resistance against damage.

While the sorcerer class has metamagic, allowing you to manipulate magic and use the bonus action to cast an additional spell. This build will give you the versatility of the wizard mixed in with the powerful metamagic of the sorcerer class. The main way to multiclass with this build is by putting 9 levels into the wizard class and 3 levels into the sorcerer class. 

So that way, you acquire level 5 spells from the wizard class. After you do acquire them, switch to the sorcerer for metamagic options. The build is fun as it enhances the spells of the wizard, making them stronger and better while retaining the crowd control spells and area of effect damage type spells. 

Why Ultimate Mage Is Great:

  • Gale, with this build, enhances his spells through metamagic options from the sorcerer class.
  • He gains resistance against damage while not wearing armor because of the “Draconic Bloodline” subclass from the sorcerer.
  • The build allows Gale to cast two spells in one turn with this build.
  • There is a huge variety when it comes to spells in this build.

All Build Details:


  • Human

Stat Distribution:

  • Strength: 8
  • Dexterity: 16
  • Constitution: 10
  • Intelligence: 16
  • Wisdom: 10
  • Charisma: 10

Level Up Order:

  • Level 1 - Wizard Class
  • Level 2 - Wizard, Evocation Subclass, Spells: Shield, Find Familiar.
  • Level 3 - Wizard, Spells: Scorching Ray, Misty Step.
  • Level 4 - Wizard, Ability Improvement: +2 Intelligence, Cantrip: Blade Ward, Spells: Flaming Sphere.
  • Level 5 - Wizard, Spells: Counterspell.
  • Level 6 - Sorcerer, Draconic Bloodline Subclass.
  • Level 7 - Sorcerer, Metamagic: Distance and Twined.
  • Level 8 - Sorcerer, Spells: Hold Person, Metamagic: Quickened Spell.
  • Level 9 - Wizard, Cantrip: Potent, Spells: Haste, Slow.
  • Level 10 - Wizard, Spells: Banishment, Ice Storm.
  • Level 11 - Wizard, Ability Improvement: Intelligence +2, Spells: Blight.
  • Level 12 - Wizard, Spells: Cone of Cold, Cloudkill.


  • Weapon Melee: Staff of Spellpower
  • Shield/Off Hand: Shield of Devotion
  • Weapon Ranged: /
  • Armor: Robe of Supreme Defenses
  • Helmet: Hood of the Weave
  • Cape: Cloak of the Weave
  • Gloves: Quickspell Gloves
  • Boots: Helldusk Boots
  • Amulet: Amulet of Greater Health
  • Ring 1: Killer's Sweetheart
  • Ring 2: Shifting Corpus Ring
  • Instrument: /


1. Evocator

Body Image

I feel so much power coursing through me!

For the best build for Gale, it's going to be the “Evocation” subclass from the wizard class. This build focuses on area damage and spell versatility. The subclass allows Gale to cast huge AoE spells and deal massive damage without harming allies. It's amazing since you don't have to worry about friendly fire, and you don't have to move your tanks and frontlines out of the way. 

You can also increase the armor rating by using the spell “Mage Armor,” which surrounds a creature with a protective magical force, and yes, he can cast it on himself. You can also use this spell on allies. Gale with this build can use a shield to increase his protection and a quarterstaff as his main weapon. 

Another great and fun thing about this build is combining nature elements with spells to increase their proficiency or using two spells together to make them powerful. Such as casting grease or throwing a bottle of grease at enemies, then using a fire spell to ignite it and make a huge explosion. Or casting rain and using an electrical spell, and so on. 

Why Evocator Is Great:

  • This build will allow Gale to deal a lot of area of effect damage. 
  • Gale can wear light armor with this build and use a shield, which will give him decent protection.
  • The build offers a huge variety of spells to use.
  • The area of effect spells don’t deal any damage to party members.

All Build Details:


  • Human

Stat Distribution:

  • Strength: 8
  • Dexterity: 16
  • Constitution: 14
  • Intelligence: 16
  • Wisdom: 10
  • Charisma: 10

Level Up Order:

  • Level 1 - Wizard Class
  • Level 2 - Wizard, Evocation Subclass, Spells: Find Familiar, Feather Fall.
  • Level 3 - Wizard, Spells: Scorching Ray, Misty Step.
  • Level 4 - Wizard, Spells: Flaming Sphere, Mirror Image, Ability Improvement: +2 Intelligence, Cantrip: Blade Ward.
  • Level 5 - Wizard, Spells: Fireball, Haste.
  • Level 6 - Wizard, Spells: Counter Spell, Glyph of Warding.
  • Level 7 - Wizard, Spells: Ice Storm, Banishment.
  • Level 8 - Wizard, Spells: Greater Invisibility, Blight, Feat: Spell Sniper, Cantrip: Eldritch Blast.
  • Level 9 - Wizard, Spells: Cloud Kill, Conjure Elemental.
  • Level 10 - Wizard, Spells: Telekinesis, Cone of Cold, Cantrip: True Strike.
  • Level 11 - Wizard, Spells: Desintigrads, Globe of Vulnerability. 
  • Level 12 - Wizard, Spells: Create Undead, Chain Lighting, Ability Improvement: +2 Intelligence.


  • Weapon Melee: Markoheshkir
  • Shield/Off Hand: Viconia's Walking Fortress
  • Weapon Ranged: /
  • Armor: Robe of the Weave
  • Helmet: Hood of the Weave
  • Cape: Cloak of the Weave
  • Gloves: Quickspell Gloves
  • Boots: Helldusk Boots
  • Amulet: Amulet of Greater Health
  • Ring 1: Killer's Sweetheart
  • Ring 2: Crypt Lord Ring
  • Instrument: /


BONUS. Holy Wizard

Body Image

I am a one man army.

This build will focus on single target damage or being able to rain down spells for area of effect damage. Additionally, with this build, Gale will be able to dual wield weapons. The primary ability for single target damage will be “Magic Missile,” which shoots out 3 or more magical darts at your target. 

The subclasses for the wizard will be “Divination” for levels 1 to 4, cleric for levels 5 to 6, “Divination” again from 7 to 11, and finally “Evocation” for level 12. You’ll go “Divination” for the portent die passive, which lowers the chances of enemies resisting attacks, and “Evocation” for the passive “Empowered Evocation,” which adds the intelligence modifier to damage rolls with any evocation spells. 

As for the cleric class, go for the “Tempest Domain” subclass. This allows Gale to wear heavy armor for extra protection and gain support spells to help out his companions. But the most important one for this build is gaining “Destructive Wrath,” which deals maximum damage each time the damage roll deals lighting or thunder damage. 

You can combine this with the spell to summon water to increase the damage output. The build is fun to use there’s no doubt about that, and Gale will be able to kill huge groups of enemies alone, I urge you to try it out! Additionally, the build will allow Gale to summon water to increase the damage of his lighting spells even more.

Why The Holy Wizard Is Great:

  • This build is great for single target damage and area of effect damages.
  • The build combines two wizard subclasses to increase the damage of “Magic Missile” to the max.
  • Gale will deal maximum damage with his lighting or thunder spells because of the passive ability from the cleric “Destructive Wrath.”
  • Gale can wear heavy armor and dual wield weapons with the build making him a formidable foe even in melee combat.

All Build Details:


  • Human

Stat Distribution:

  • Strength: 8
  • Dexterity: 16
  • Constitution: 14
  • Intelligence: 16
  • Wisdom: 12
  • Charisma: 8

Level Up Order:

  • Level 1 - Wizard Class
  • Level 2 - Wizard, Divination Subclass, Spells: Expeditious Retreat, Chromatic Orb.
  • Level 3 - Wizard, Spells: Cloud of Daggers, Misty Step.
  • Level 4 - Wizard, Cantrip: Mage Hand, Spells: Hold Person, Mirror Image, Ability Improvement: +2 Intelligence.
  • Level 5 - Cleric, Tempest Subclass
  • Level 6 - Cleric, Spells: Create Water, Healing Word.
  • Level 7 - Wizard, Spells: Counter Spell, Slow.
  • Level 8 - Wizard, Spells: Glyph of Warding, Fear.
  • Level 9 - Wizard, Spells: Greater Invisibility, Fire Shield. 
  • Level 10 - Wizard, Spells: Blight, Confusion, Feat: Dual Wielder.
  • Level 11 -  Wizard, Spells: Conjure Elemental, Hold Monster.
  • Level 12 - Wizard, Evocation Subclass, Spells: Cone of Cold, Cloudkill. 


  • Weapon Melee: Markoheshkir
  • Shield/Off Hand: Rhapsody Dagger
  • Weapon Ranged: Ne’er Misser 
  • Armor: Robe of the Weave
  • Helmet: Hat of the Sharp Caster
  • Cape: Cloak of the Weave
  • Gloves: Spellmight Gloves
  • Boots: Boots of Arcane Blessing
  • Amulet: Psychic Spark
  • Ring 1: Callous Glow Ring
  • Ring 2: Ring of Absolute Force
  • Instrument: /

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